#robotics Logs

Oct 05 2017

#robotics Calendar

01:03 AM rue_house: ahahahah
01:06 AM rue_house: fail
01:06 AM rue_house: I just rewrote my whole library with C invalid fuctions names
01:06 AM rue_house: hahaha
01:06 AM rue_bed: hmmm
01:06 AM rue_bed: wont be nice to fix
01:06 AM rue_bed: and I'm still torn between using pointers for everything or only using pointers for things that functions modify
01:28 AM Triffid_Hunter: rue_house: that's what regex replace is for ;)
01:29 AM Triffid_Hunter: only use pointers when necessary. compiler can more aggressively optimize stuff when pointers aren't involved
01:32 AM Luminax-Work is now known as LuminaxWk
01:36 AM rue_bed: hmm
01:36 AM rue_bed: the other thing is that if everything is pointers, it makes the code more regular
01:36 AM rue_bed: but, yea, you have to trust funcitons aren't gonna mess up data they aren't supposed to
01:37 AM rue_bed: have to be carefull gonna fall asleep on the keybaord again
01:41 AM Triffid_Hunter: const correctness helps with that
01:41 AM Triffid_Hunter: compiler will scream at you if you try to write to a const
01:42 AM Triffid_Hunter: and doesn't have to re-load stuff from memory after return if a function prototype says pointers are const
02:31 AM Jak_o_Shadows: Hmm. One of http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/White-2x-100mm-Angel-Eyes-33-SMD-LED-1210-Ring-Car-Light-DC-12V-/172778630007?epid=7005273731&hash=item283a68ab77:g:n94AAOSwd3dZZu5D should be bright enough to light up most of my room for the morning alarm clock?
02:31 AM rue_bed: :)
02:32 AM Jak_o_Shadows: Need 12V though... Only have usb at the moment
02:34 AM Jak_o_Shadows: I have a distinct lack of 12V adaptors...
02:35 AM Jak_o_Shadows: I'm considering using http://www.supercheaphardware.com.au/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/800x600/2632466f16d57c9129820e500b2d9c34/d/s/dsc_5108.jpg as the case
02:35 AM Jak_o_Shadows: It's not terribly pretty, but there is far worse things
06:09 AM Jak_o_Shadows: Hmm. I have a torch
06:09 AM Jak_o_Shadows: I wonder how bright you can get a led that fits in the same hole
07:07 AM SpeedEvil: There exist 10W LEDs that fit in a 5mm diameter hole. you will need proper cooling
07:10 AM Jak_o_Shadows: hmmm.
07:13 AM SpeedEvil: (10W which produces the equivalent light of about a 150W filliment)
07:13 AM Jak_o_Shadows: aha
07:14 AM Jak_o_Shadows: That is erm, up there.
07:14 AM Jak_o_Shadows: My original plan was to just switch a mains lamp, but that is of somewhat questionable legality to actually use.
07:15 AM Jak_o_Shadows: For version 1 (before christmas & chinese new year version!) I have bought a LED headlight replacement
07:17 AM Jak_o_Shadows: But golly, it'd be neat to have a bedside light-up alarm clock that doubles as a torch
07:57 AM SpeedEvil: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwMDvPCGeE0 replacing an axis.
07:57 AM SpeedEvil: IN SPAAAAACE!
07:59 AM durrf: nice
07:59 AM SpeedEvil: (they are replacing the end effector on the robot arm)
07:59 AM SpeedEvil: (which will take about 6 hours)
11:53 AM pennywise is now known as davr0s
07:43 PM monkers: hi. I need a microcontroller that is a raspi with the PWM abilities of an arduino. would beaglebone fit the bill?
07:43 PM SpeedEvil: are you aware of https://pythonhosted.org/RPIO/pwm_py.html
07:47 PM monkers: hrm, no, reading up
08:06 PM malcom2073: monkers: In addition, you can also get some plug and play PWM controllers that talk over i2c with the raspberry pi
08:06 PM malcom2073: If you need more channels
08:08 PM SpeedEvil: Plus, I have not seen anyone implementing using one CPU of the Pi as a microcontroller, not under the control of linux.
08:08 PM SpeedEvil: You can completely cut it off and not have it running any normal code at all, and only then face bus contention issues on GPIO access
08:09 PM SpeedEvil: Simply spinning reading from some mailbox ram and outputting PWM could be very, very easy and rapid and jitter-free.
08:21 PM monkers: mailbox ram?
09:42 PM Atomsk is now known as ace4016
10:40 PM rue_house: whats another way of saying "2d" in 2 characters, without starting with a number?
10:40 PM rue_house: DuexDimentionale?
10:40 PM rue_house: dd?
10:42 PM durrf: two dimensional?
10:42 PM durrf: bidimensional!
10:42 PM durrf: oh 2 characters
10:42 PM durrf: nm me
10:42 PM durrf: XY!
10:43 PM Tom_L: ZX
10:43 PM Tom_L: YZ
10:43 PM Tom_L: XY
10:43 PM rue_shop3: its not just euclidian tho
10:43 PM rue_shop3: its polar too
10:43 PM Tom_L: AX
10:43 PM durrf: AB
10:43 PM durrf: LW
10:43 PM Tom_L: AB are both rotary
10:43 PM durrf: DH
10:43 PM Tom_L: u
10:44 PM Tom_L: DuH
10:44 PM durrf: DoH
10:58 PM Luminax-Work is now known as LuminaxWk
11:07 PM rue_house: ok, I have antoher idea
11:07 PM rue_house: I'll start them with what their for, aka 'point' 'line' 'arc'
11:39 PM drekipus: RB
11:39 PM drekipus: range bearign
11:39 PM drekipus: anyone build their shit in python here? I need a hand with "running a main loop while also receiving TCP data as it comes in"
11:43 PM jason__: there are libraries that help you with that, but they're all fairly involved
11:44 PM jason__: asyncio (built in as of python 3.???), twisted
11:55 PM drekipus: ye tried figuring that out but i'll come back to it
11:55 PM drekipus: just thought if you guys had something else in mind