#robotics Logs

Aug 23 2017

#robotics Calendar

12:36 AM rue_shop3: ok, lets see, this is the stepp....
12:39 AM rue_shop3: where I put it all back togethor, and find out it still dosn't work
12:39 AM rue_shop3: sweep it all into the trash, and give up
01:21 AM rue_shop3: :| yup
01:22 AM rue_shop3: but, It hink the problem is with the 24V supply not he theroh stuff
01:24 AM rue_shop3: 71 hours into my holiday
01:24 AM rue_shop3: vaccation
01:24 AM rue_shop3: whatever
01:26 AM rue_shop3: I needed to etch more tiny13 baords...
01:26 AM rue_shop3: maybe I should do that
01:43 AM LuminaxWk is now known as Luminax
01:45 AM Atomsk is now known as ace4016
02:57 AM Snert_ is now known as Snert
03:11 AM rue_shop3: ok printer futility
03:12 AM rue_shop3: my next goal is to load this m328 code an an avr and see if its doing what I want
03:12 AM rue_shop3: which is a problem
03:12 AM rue_shop3: I can solve
05:01 AM Jak_o_Shadows: I bought 2 panel mount usb-a female female adaptors
05:02 AM Jak_o_Shadows: I don't know whyy
05:17 AM SpeedEvil: I just got 100g of Molybdenum disulphide powder, and I don't know why.
05:44 AM Jak_o_Shadows: that's a lubricant yeah?
06:20 AM SpeedEvil: It is a component of lubricants more typically
01:12 PM anonnumberanon: ah i guess i could upload my motor pictures right about now
01:29 PM anonnumberanon: https://imgur.com/a/ub2PG
01:30 PM anonnumberanon: That's the motor.
01:31 PM anonnumberanon: Internet says it's from the 60s.
01:44 PM codepython777: I was looking for a decent IMU for a ground robot. Does anyone have experience with MPU 9255 vs 9250?
01:45 PM codepython777: https://www.dfrobot.com/product-818.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIycLG8Prt1QIV3ouzCh3XLg53EAYYASABEgLMWfD_BwE - is there a reason to invest in these compared to MPU9255?
01:47 PM anonnumberanon: codepython777, check the support you get online, the number of forum posts for it and amount of usable code ready, that'll make your task of using it, easier.
01:48 PM codepython777: 9250 seems pretty well supported
01:48 PM anonnumberanon: mpu6050 is 5 bucks, also
01:49 PM anonnumberanon: but i don't know what you need
01:49 PM codepython777: 9250 is 4 bucks
01:50 PM codepython777: anonnumberanon: http://bit.ly/2xtnl22 - seems like $2.6 shipped?
01:52 PM codepython777: nah, they add $2 for shipping
01:57 PM rue_house: ok I'm awake
01:58 PM rue_house: Jak_o_Shadows, what you have are the least expensive way to get a panel mount adapter for a project
01:59 PM rue_house: I use the AB couplers, and 3d print a holder
02:00 PM rue_house: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2108856
02:00 PM rue_house: anonnumberanon, ah, there ya go
02:01 PM rue_house: anonnumberanon, ok, engines need 3 things
02:01 PM rue_house: fuel, compression, spark
02:01 PM rue_house: so, lets start with the easy stuff,
02:02 PM rue_house: does it have compression or does the shaft just spin? (or is it siezed?)
02:24 PM anonnumberanon: rue_house, im at work heh
02:25 PM anonnumberanon: ill feel the shaft to check for compression
02:25 PM anonnumberanon: and by feel the shaft I meant what I meant
02:26 PM anonnumberanon: pretty much a few years ago we had it on the plane and tried to start it with a drill against the propeller but that didn't work
02:26 PM anonnumberanon: online it says you can replace the bearings
02:26 PM anonnumberanon: the spark plug was new and gas was clean and proper mix
02:26 PM anonnumberanon: nitro and whatever it takes
02:27 PM anonnumberanon: if the compression is weak what would be wrong and can I fix it?
02:30 PM Tom_L: 2 stroke?
02:30 PM Tom_L: low compression, won't suck the fuel in like it should. throw it out and get another one
02:37 PM anonnumberanon: Tom_L, rue_house would kill me if I did that.
02:40 PM rue_shop3: it would mean the cylinders shot, which it might be, we have to see
02:40 PM rue_shop3: it could be soemnthing simple
02:41 PM Tom_L: i used to run em on 40% nitro
02:41 PM rue_shop3: I didn't have a prop ont he one I was playing with, so I couldn't run it long
02:41 PM Tom_L: outboard motor?
02:42 PM rue_shop3: had one, but no, that one was a plane engine
02:42 PM Tom_L: model plane?
02:42 PM rue_shop3: no, not into that
02:42 PM rue_shop3: I was gonna have it run a small robot
02:42 PM rue_shop3: (genset)
02:43 PM Tom_L: must have been a small plane
02:43 PM rue_shop3: model
02:43 PM Tom_L: or do you mean plain
02:43 PM Tom_L: i'm overdue for an oil change :/
02:45 PM * rue_shop3 gives tom a new bottle of cooking oil and gets rid of the old one
02:51 PM anonnumberanon: I'll open it up later and see.
02:52 PM rue_shop3: no
02:52 PM rue_shop3: there is no oil
02:52 PM rue_shop3: just check for compression
02:53 PM anonnumberanon: what should it be
02:53 PM anonnumberanon: i have a compression gauge but for cars
02:54 PM Tom_L: probably useless for a single cyl 2 stroke
02:55 PM Tom_L: 120psi
02:55 PM Tom_L: 90 min
02:59 PM rue_shop3: just turn the damn thing and see if you get resistance on it
02:59 PM rue_shop3: (when you get home)
03:00 PM rue_shop3: cool I have streams for operating 2 4017 from a m328
03:01 PM rue_shop3: aha, found an irq collision, and it did what I wanted, yay!
03:06 PM Tom_L: just how many vacations do you get a year?
03:45 PM rue_house: 2 paid
03:45 PM rue_house: I wanted them in the summer this tie
03:51 PM anonnumberanon: with the electric motor the plane crashed spectacularly
04:00 PM anonnumberanon: looping 30 meters around me like a bat out of hell before i reduced throttle and it came down pretty hard on its nose
06:53 PM logicmoo is now known as dmiles
08:56 PM rue_house: iirc , you said it did that with the gas one too
08:58 PM rue_house: if your ever on a jet, and someone comes out of the cockpit and asks if anyone can fly a plane, PLEASE dont raise your hand
08:58 PM synja: in a few minutes i'll give a discussion in ##philosophy on consciousness & sense of self, in respect to AGI procedure
08:59 PM rue_house: synja, have you ever been in an old age home around someone who'd 'lost it'?
09:00 PM synja: oh yes
09:00 PM rue_house: at first they seem like they are all there, but then you realize its just reflex and recorded,
09:00 PM synja: i used to work there
09:00 PM rue_house: that spooked me, but has given me valuable insight
09:00 PM synja: there's still merit to a broken record; i miss them terribly
09:01 PM rue_house: they just perform boiler plate reactions to things
09:01 PM rue_house: there is no.... hmm, no ...
09:01 PM synja: not always
09:01 PM rue_house: this was
09:02 PM rue_house: we seem to be made of layer
09:02 PM rue_house: s
09:02 PM synja: join the discourse
09:02 PM synja: :)
09:02 PM rue_house: there are lots of macros
09:02 PM synja: not talking about that
09:04 PM rue_house: its been to my experience that those conversations dont result in much o the grounds the , fundamentally, when asked what the goals are to prove if you have ai or not, nobody knows
09:04 PM rue_house: tho, I could loiter
09:16 PM Tom_L: can't figure out how to get the orient to enable
09:38 PM synja: i was getting on about that rue_house before the trolls turned it into a farce
09:38 PM synja: i should have made a channel
10:46 PM rue_house: didn't work out eh?
10:49 PM Tom_L: i'm missing a signal somewhere
10:49 PM Tom_L: well, it enables and the pid outputs a signal
10:50 PM Tom_L: i just can't get the 'power to the wheels' yet
10:51 PM Tom_L: might have something to do with resetting the index pulse so it re'reads the index channel
10:51 PM Tom_L: net spindle-index-enable motion.spindle-index-enable <=> hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.encoder.01.index-enable
10:52 PM Tom_L: you have to do that for synchronized motion of the spindle and an axis
10:52 PM Tom_L: so i'm thinking i need to do something similar for this
10:52 PM Tom_L: it's the only signal i know of in lcnc that is both input and output at the same time
11:00 PM rue_house: hmm
11:05 PM rue_house: synja,
11:06 PM rue_house: synja, you still there?
11:06 PM synja: yep
11:06 PM rue_house: I'm reverse engineering myself from the inside out
11:06 PM synja: what's up?
11:07 PM rue_house: I have a cartoon for you
11:07 PM synja: heh
11:07 PM rue_house: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/art/wokeup.png
11:08 PM rue_house: every time I discover something remarkable about us, my resultant reaction is "Is that all we are?"
11:09 PM rue_house: some of the things you discover when you dig make our existance really dissapointing
11:09 PM rue_house: 42
11:10 PM synja: heh nice pic
11:10 PM orlock: Keep looking, you might find the midden message buried in pi one day
11:10 PM synja: yes rue_house, it's often disappointing when you realize the true nature, that the fun was in the mystery
11:10 PM synja: but then you tackle something larger and forget about it :P
11:10 PM rue_house: I keep a book
11:11 PM synja: notes?
11:11 PM rue_house: lots of what we are is built around macros
11:11 PM rue_house: lots of our reactions are predefined boiler plate
11:11 PM synja: predefined learning algorithms through our DNA
11:11 PM synja: i might say
11:12 PM rue_house: not even
11:12 PM rue_house: what if I told you I have a password I can only type
11:12 PM rue_house: on a regular keyboard
11:12 PM rue_house: "muscle memory"
11:13 PM rue_house: it was one of those "WTF THAT ___IS___ MY PASWORD
11:13 PM rue_house: "
11:13 PM rue_house: moments
11:13 PM rue_house: I have a quirk in it apparently
11:13 PM synja: if everything about us were macros, we wouldn't be able to process the exponential data we receive into a linear form of representation and understanding
11:13 PM rue_house: not everything
11:13 PM synja: mhm
11:13 PM rue_house: doyou play guitar?
11:14 PM synja: that being said, we're entirely based upon chemical syntax
11:14 PM synja: guitar, piano, violin
11:14 PM Tom_L: i may have found the problem
11:14 PM Tom_L: will test tomorrow
11:14 PM rue_house: so you remember learning a song? took a lot of mental effort?
11:14 PM rue_house: maybe not songs as much as chords?
11:15 PM rue_house: and now you "dont have to think about it"?
11:15 PM synja: i actually play by ear with no formal education in music theory
11:15 PM rue_house: ever just "sat back and listened do yourself play something"?
11:15 PM synja: it was a slope of better interpretation of the notes
11:15 PM synja: the more i practiced on any instrument
11:15 PM synja: yes rue_house
11:16 PM rue_house: well I dont know if your a good example for what I' trying to get to, but that training process is where you DONT have to think about it, your just playing back your macro
11:16 PM rue_house: walking is the process of minor corrections to a running walk macro
11:17 PM rue_house: if you have to think about everything your doing, your brain get exhausted pretty quick
11:17 PM synja: oh the muscle memory?
11:17 PM synja: yeah
11:17 PM rue_house: this is why computers got dma, fpu, and gpu s
11:18 PM rue_house: most of the stuff is automatic
11:19 PM rue_house: tell me your thoughts on this ""Personality is the result of rules that define changes in behaviour"
11:23 PM synja: it sounds a little static, a little too philosophically abstract, but i like it & if you explained upon that it could be adaptable
11:27 PM rue_shop3: thats what we call a state machine
11:27 PM rue_shop3: one that controlls soemthing high level, but a state machine
11:27 PM rue_shop3: how do you get from anger to happyness to sad, etc etc
11:28 PM rue_shop3: there it a well known set of states
11:29 PM rue_shop3: https://pics.me.me/7-stages-of-grief-modified-kubler-ross-model-shock-initial-paralysis-7022241.png
11:29 PM rue_shop3: its a specific example
11:29 PM synja: i have a list of emotions, their constituent emotions, and feelings which are causally activated
11:29 PM synja: a theory of personality that rectifies self-emotions and other, over time
11:30 PM synja: methods setup for text based emotional sentiment, visual based microexpressions, and audio analysis truths
11:30 PM synja: i _love_ emotions
11:30 PM rue_shop3: tis complex too, cause some seemingly conflicting emotions can simotaniously exist
11:31 PM synja: lol yeah 7 stages of grief. about right
11:31 PM synja: oh yes rue_shop3, they very much do
11:31 PM rue_shop3: *I cant fit all these parts on this PCB!*
11:32 PM rue_shop3: *there MUST BE A WAY*
11:32 PM rue_shop3: *but i'v tried everything*
11:32 PM rue_shop3: * I guess I'll have to get a larger board *
11:32 PM rue_shop3: *ah, that works nicely *
11:37 PM rue_shop3: am I helping you think?
11:39 PM synja: oh i'm just winding down. tired and have to work early tomorrow
11:39 PM synja: :/
11:41 PM synja: if you'd like to talk about this stuff later, i'm pretty much always game for it :)
11:42 PM rue_shop3: so far, most people have just been laughing me off, so I'm persuing it on my own
11:44 PM synja: i'm sure a lot of that is based on insecurities
11:45 PM rue_shop3: I been trying to work out how neurons actually operate, I'v been surprised, there are more varried building blocks that I anticipated
11:45 PM synja: check out hawkins and HTM models of hierarchy
11:45 PM synja: good reads
11:45 PM synja: i despise the physiology, but other people like it :)
11:46 PM synja: if you use it conceptually as a reference, it seems that's where it benefits best
11:46 PM synja: but if you knew it all, you wouldn't need that would you
11:47 PM rue_shop3: I'm working from the model that we are a digital state machine, and that THAT state machines operation can be ported to a nonorganic platform
11:48 PM rue_shop3: but its like trying to port a program from a PPC to a xeon without having the source code
11:48 PM synja: well, we're a continuous machine, but with feedback & stochastic adaptations, i can see how a state-machine could be continuous
11:48 PM rue_shop3: it helps when your existance is on the line
11:49 PM rue_shop3: not *one* machine, a mess of them
11:49 PM rue_shop3: didn't mean one literally