#robotics Logs

Aug 22 2017

#robotics Calendar

12:25 AM rue_shop3: ahahahahahahqha
12:28 AM rue_shop3: hahaha
12:28 AM rue_shop3: man, am I glad I didn't make that monitor stand yesterday
12:28 AM rue_shop3: there was a BRAND NEW one I forgot about on the deck
12:28 AM rue_shop3: I spent hours playing with designs
12:28 AM rue_shop3: hahahah
12:28 AM rue_shop3: I wish my mind could still index everything
12:28 AM rue_shop3: :(
12:37 AM rue_shop3: you wanna point me to the page and I'll try to see if your right?
12:37 AM rue_shop3: for the and gate?
12:46 AM rue_shop3: oh yea, I'm liking that
12:50 AM rue_shop3: funny how it didn't come up while I WAS SEARCHING FOR SOMETHING TO MAKE A MONITOR STAND FROM
01:15 AM rue_shop3: ok so, pulled one of the monitors off the deck, let it sit with power for a while and see if it doe the magic reboot
01:37 AM rue_shop3: I like the new monitor setup
01:38 AM rue_shop3: not 100% sold on the monitor itself, but I'm warming up
02:01 AM rue_shop3: ... zhanx .... did you make those pieces YET?!
02:12 AM rue_shop3: hah, I called it a 0410 bus
02:12 AM rue_shop3: 4 bit address, 10 bit words
02:17 AM * rue_shop3 thinks
02:18 AM * rue_shop3 tries to think
02:18 AM rue_shop3: not even midnight
02:19 AM rue_shop3: I need to find my uno's
02:23 AM rue_shop3: I'm confused
02:23 AM rue_shop3: I buy like 8 of soemthing, use 3, and I'm out
02:23 AM rue_shop3: wtf?
02:27 AM rue_shop3: well, suppose I'd better buy more
02:28 AM rue_shop3: this is going to be an expensive vaccation
03:54 AM rue_shop3: ok I bought 5 uno's
03:54 AM rue_shop3: the trick is only buying 1 to avoid extra shipping
03:54 AM rue_shop3: but to identify who's from who, I need to get an extra nicknack with each one
03:55 AM rue_shop3: finding the uno's was easy,
03:55 AM rue_shop3: choosing just _1_ nicknack per was a challange
03:55 AM rue_shop3: I got some cool nicknacks
03:56 AM rue_shop3: now, the REASON I was looking for an uno, is that I need to test this code
03:56 AM rue_shop3: I'm still short an uno to do it
03:56 AM rue_shop3: I think
03:56 AM rue_shop3: I'll test this tommorow, or the next day
03:56 AM rue_shop3: tommorow itself might be getting complex
03:57 AM rue_shop3: all the sleeping lurkers... *sigh*
04:12 AM Jak_o_Shadows: I should get another couple of stm32's
04:13 AM Jak_o_Shadows: All 3 of mine are now in projects. Don't have one for buggering around with
04:13 AM Jak_o_Shadows: I need to find my servo tester
06:38 AM Jak_o_Shadows: Hmm. 4096/(1/55) = steps per second, only have 2ish ms of range => only 450 steps.
06:39 AM Jak_o_Shadows: =>really limiting.
07:01 AM SpeedEvil: Tere are other things you can do
07:01 AM SpeedEvil: two timers.
07:01 AM SpeedEvil: multiple (or indeed one GPIO)
07:02 AM SpeedEvil: low-speed interrupt timer goes off, you connect the appropriate pin to the high speed timer, and start it, and then return.
07:04 AM Jak_o_Shadows: This is with a PCA9685 - So yeah, not so much. Proper is better
08:44 AM Jak_o_Shadows: Hmm. At the end of the day, does having 450 steps over the servos range matter? Like it could do .25 deg resolution anyway.
11:40 AM anonnumberanon: rue_shop3> thats the one you couldn't get to run?
11:40 AM anonnumberanon: yeah
11:40 AM anonnumberanon: the motor
11:43 AM anonnumberanon: maybe i should make a test bench for it
11:43 AM anonnumberanon: by the way the airplane was involved in a catastrophic crash after some cool but totally random flight
11:43 AM anonnumberanon: (looping 30 meters above me, semi-out of control)
12:39 PM rue_shop3: well, its out, take some pics and let me see what were dealing with
12:41 PM rue_shop3: ok 10:00 I'm awake
12:41 PM rue_shop3: and it not just cause of the jackhammering up the street
01:13 PM anonnumberanon: will do when I get home this evening
07:46 PM Tom_itx is now known as Tom_L
08:38 PM LuminaxWk is now known as Luminax
10:45 PM Luminax-Work is now known as Luminax