#robotics Logs

Aug 04 2017

#robotics Calendar

12:19 AM rue_shop3: uh
12:22 AM rue_shop3: a 3d printer can print a tesla check valve
12:45 AM rue_shop3: and some people already been there, yay
04:50 AM Jak_o_Shadows: Yeah, pot limits are annoying
09:05 AM rue_bed: 10 and 20 turn pots...
10:34 AM tttb: pls tell me items to pruchase to i can construct and program a mechanical typist
10:34 AM tttb: so*
10:34 AM tttb: purchase*
10:34 AM tttb: electromechanical
10:35 AM tttb: i'm guessing arduino would be a start
10:35 AM tttb: and some kind of motor
10:36 AM tttb: damn i'll need to control mouse too
10:37 AM synja: a what?
10:37 AM synja: what exactly are you trying to build?
10:37 AM tttb: a robot i can use to simulate me on my computer
10:38 AM synja: why?
10:38 AM tttb: so i can go out for walks and stuff
10:38 AM tttb: while it does things
10:38 AM synja: 1. you don't need it to be mechanical. there are numerous ways to simulate keyboard presses and mouse movements without doing it physically
10:39 AM synja: 2. what kind of things?
10:39 AM tttb: i don't want to learn those ways synja
10:39 AM tttb: it would mean i have less control
10:39 AM synja: don't reinvent the wheel
10:39 AM synja: no it means you would have MORE control
10:40 AM tttb: not really, i would be stuck with some software rather than choosing it
10:40 AM synja: i never said use someone else's software
10:40 AM synja: write it yourself!
10:40 AM synja: lazy bones
10:40 AM synja: just use what others have written for the calls
10:41 AM synja: what the calls do is up to you
10:41 AM synja: derp
10:41 AM tttb: so rather than help me ur going to tell me what i want to do is stupid
10:41 AM synja: the WAY You want to do it is stupid
10:41 AM synja: and i did help you
10:42 AM tttb: clearly ur a selfish person
10:42 AM synja: if i was i wouldn't bother with your inane question
10:43 AM tttb: ur not bothering, ur insulting
10:43 AM synja: i did bother, then you refused to go the more efficient route
10:43 AM synja: then i rightfully ridiculed you
10:43 AM tttb: i don't value efficiency as much as you
10:43 AM synja: clearly
10:43 AM synja: bye
10:43 AM tttb: i value control
10:54 AM malcom2073_: tttb: rather than control they keyboard and mouse, why not design your own automatic keyboard and mouse, that sends the right movement commands over us?
10:55 AM malcom2073_: Then you don't have to worry about the inaccuracies of physical control
10:55 AM malcom2073_: Otherwise: a xyz table over they keyboard, and another for the mouse would do it, though both these methods suffer from the same issue: closing the loop to the software
11:05 AM tttb: this is a robotics channel and i'm being advised to avoid physical control, seems strange
11:06 AM synja: when you go to the doctor and he gives you an MRI instead of a colonoscopy, are you mad that he didn't stick his finger up your bum?
11:07 AM synja: not a perfect analogy...
11:07 AM synja: but you get the point
11:07 AM tttb: no i don't
11:07 AM synja: ..
11:07 AM synja: make things as simple as they need to be. no simpler, no more complex
11:08 AM synja: you don't even realize that what you're asking for will give you LESS control
11:10 AM tttb: it'd give me familiarity with software that is not so embedded
11:10 AM synja: you know what, go for it. just don't ask for our help when shit goes belly up
11:10 AM synja: or when you run out of money constructing the apparatus
11:11 AM synja: or when you finally realize you were wrong
11:12 AM tttb: being wrong is part of life
11:13 AM tttb: it's better to discover it yourself than to be told it
11:13 AM synja: think critically, you bloker!
11:13 AM synja: no it isn't
11:13 AM synja: that's why we have books
11:13 AM synja: lmao
11:13 AM synja: everyone doesn't have to repeat the mistakes others have made
11:13 AM synja: we can progress much quicker by building upon the works of others
11:14 AM synja: such a wanker
11:14 AM tttb: i guess gamedevs should just make mods for other games then
11:15 AM synja: not even in the same realm
11:15 AM tttb: oh yes ur doctor analogy was much better
11:16 AM robopal: tttb, get an arduino and a motor yes
11:16 AM robopal: good luck
11:16 AM tttb: thanks!
11:17 AM synja: s/colonoscopy/prostate exam, and then it is a near perfect analogy
11:20 AM SpeedEvil: Related - saw once on the wall of a chemistry lab.
11:20 AM tttb: when u say u value efficiency u probably mean conveniance, even more u probably mean it just for you not anyone else
11:20 AM SpeedEvil: "Six months at the bench can save you three hours in the library"
11:21 AM synja: tttb, think before you type
11:21 AM synja: lmao SpeedEvil indeed
11:21 AM tttb: was that a community college SpeedEvil
11:22 AM synja: the only kind you'll be accepted to
11:22 AM SpeedEvil: University of Stirling.
11:23 AM tttb: so not redbrick or russell group
11:24 AM SpeedEvil: Health problems arose early, and stalled what might have happened.
11:24 AM malcom2073_: Heh, guy who can't even figure out simple motion control comes in and A: assumes community college is bad, and B: insults those here who can figure this sort of stuff out.
11:25 AM malcom2073_: So.... There's that.
11:25 AM tttb: well i'm just saying i went to a uni with 20x the endowment of that one and people were constantly experimenting and labs were highly valued
11:26 AM SpeedEvil: tttb: you're an idiot.
11:26 AM SpeedEvil: Experimenting is useful.
11:26 AM SpeedEvil: Experimenting on things you should be able to find out without experimenting is not.
11:27 AM SpeedEvil: Especially if there is copious literature on them, it's little better than masturbation to make you feel better, and accomplish nothing.
11:28 AM tttb: i hope one day i'm as wise as you
11:28 AM robopal: tttb, age?
11:29 AM SpeedEvil: It's very tempting to reimplement everything yourself, and fine if it's a hobby project you don't actually ever want to finish.
11:34 AM synja: <tttb> well i'm just saying i went to a uni with 20x the endowment of that one and people were constantly experimenting and labs were highly valued
11:34 AM synja: goes to show what a college education delivers these days
11:42 AM tttb: u cannot study the light without darkness
11:44 AM synja: it's humorous how idiots and geniuses alike think they're at the top
11:44 AM synja: only one group is right, though
12:02 PM tttb: they both are
12:12 PM synja: awww. deflecting ignorance with a troll attempt
12:12 PM synja: how CUTE!
12:37 PM tttb: you think it's a sin to be ignorant?
12:38 PM Snert_: sometimes it's bliss.
12:38 PM Snert_: and I'd rather not know, depending what the subject is.
12:48 PM synja: i don't have a problem with ignorant people, so long as they know they're ignorant in the given subject
12:48 PM synja: your unfounded confidence is what set me off though :)
12:48 PM synja: boy do i love to fight, but not unless it's just
12:49 PM Snert_: nothing worse than a firebrand blissninny though :)
12:50 PM synja: damn you english men. making me google
12:51 PM Snert_: might have to check urban dictionary
12:52 PM Snert_: a blissninny wears rosy glasses and sees everything for what he wants instead of how it is.
12:53 PM synja: i prob. should have mentioned that i looked it up before i typed, but ty nonetheless :)
01:14 PM tttb: i think ur problem is you can't except that other people value different things than you
01:20 PM synja: oh, i can *accept* that; the point is that after your value crosses a certain threshold, you're just asking to be ridiculed for its stupidity
01:20 PM synja: i put up with a lot
05:05 PM peepsalot: any recommended online source for cheap wiper motors?
05:08 PM deshipu: scrapyard?
08:41 PM anonnumberanon: Think there is a good program that reads printed paper from a book and outputs a text file?
08:44 PM zhanx: Evening
10:13 PM rue_shop3: anonnumberanon, maybe like some kinda character recognizer, like, hmm an optical one, yea an Optical character recognition system, DUDE! THIS COULD BE WORTH MILLIONS! THIS COULD TOTALLY BE THE KILLER APP FOR THE INTERNET!
10:15 PM rue_shop3: I wonder what a chineese person costs per hour
11:14 PM ace4016: $1.36
11:14 PM ace4016: /hr
11:18 PM rue_shop3: well, I designed what I wanted, then figured out, its not what I want
11:18 PM rue_shop3: it looked good in CAD
11:23 PM rue_shop3: if I take a hexapod
11:24 PM rue_shop3: and put 2 batteries on each leg...
11:24 PM rue_shop3: 200mAh
11:24 PM rue_shop3: thats 12
11:25 PM rue_shop3: headroom, S3...
11:25 PM rue_shop3: 4P3S 12V
11:25 PM rue_shop3: 800mAh 12V
11:25 PM rue_shop3: but then I can put 6 more on the body
11:26 PM rue_shop3: 1200mAh 12V
11:26 PM rue_shop3: that sounds descent
11:37 PM Tom_L: well.
11:46 PM rue_shop3: I came full circle, the design I have seems to play out better than the other design I was thinking of
11:46 PM rue_shop3: ONCE AGAIN the robot I'm making is comming out much larger than it was supposed to