#robotics Logs

Jul 28 2017

#robotics Calendar

12:05 AM rue_more: ok, there are things I didn't get done
12:31 AM rue_more: anniepoo, the next things arriving from china should be powdercoat sprayer parts
02:24 AM z64556 is now known as z64555
02:45 AM joga_ is now known as joga
03:30 AM Jak_o_Shadows: righto
03:30 AM Jak_o_Shadows: oh
04:17 AM mumptai: hi
04:18 AM mumptai: i just came across magnetic encoder rings
04:18 AM mumptai: and they look great, but are only availiable in certain sizes
04:19 AM mumptai: and i was asking myself if thex can't be generated by something similar to tape recorder
06:45 AM User_ is now known as Luminax
09:20 AM rue_more: you can
09:20 AM rue_more: you can do quadrature with stereo even
09:26 AM mumptai: i would actually be more likely to rotate the field to be compatible with the integrated hall/gmr sin/cos sensors
09:29 AM rue_more: oh you didn't want high resolution then
09:31 AM mumptai: i want
09:31 AM mumptai: i just don't know how
09:31 AM mumptai: gotta be cheap
09:33 AM rue_more: how many you want to make?
09:33 AM mumptai: but look those sensor go to about 14b and with an increased number of poles on the ring, additonal 4-6b should be possible
09:34 AM mumptai: magnetizing polymers filled with ferrormagnetic stuff?
09:41 AM rue_more: they just use a 2 pole magnet and a really fancy on-chip magnetic field detector
10:10 AM mumptai: yes
10:10 AM mumptai: but you get only 12-14b that way
10:11 AM mumptai: and then there are the big brother of those
10:11 AM mumptai: with multi-pole magnets
10:11 AM mumptai: like this: https://www.rls.si/radial-magnetic-rings
12:05 PM sparrowsword: Hello! my topic is very broad... but was hoping to use ips(indoor positioning system) for a robot using python (preferably) and was hoping for some suggestions on where to start? Library containing ips would be fantasitic!
12:20 PM SpeedEvil: What hardware is this based on
12:37 PM sparrowsword: any
12:39 PM SpeedEvil: FIrst work that out, there are various techniques, all of them have problems.
12:40 PM SpeedEvil: What sort of positioning in what situations are you hoping for
12:40 PM sparrowsword: very accurate positioning
12:41 PM sparrowsword: in an indoor enviornment with approximetly 60k square feet
12:41 PM sparrowsword: to the centimeter would be ideal
12:49 PM sparrowsword: also looking for some type of robotic arm which has at least a 6 axis and can lift 100lbs
12:50 PM SpeedEvil: Both of those are going to be very expensive.
12:51 PM sparrowsword: yes
12:51 PM sparrowsword: but not a problem
12:52 PM Tom_L: working from a grant?
12:52 PM Tom_L: always fun to spend somebody else's money
12:52 PM sparrowsword: The company I work for has deep pockets
12:53 PM sparrowsword: and is willing to negotiate if I provide results
12:53 PM Tom_L: the local votech has laser scanner that will map a room to that accuracy
12:54 PM sparrowsword: possible to increase the accuracy?
12:54 PM Tom_L: depends what scanner they happen to be using
12:55 PM Tom_L: they have some that are very accurate
12:55 PM sparrowsword: although centimeter accuracy is doable
12:55 PM Tom_L: but take a huge sample
12:55 PM Tom_L: like .001" or better
12:55 PM sparrowsword: don't need that accurate :P
12:55 PM SpeedEvil: https://www.google.co.uk/search?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&channel=fflb&q=indoor+positioning+system+solutions+cm&oq=indoor+positioning+system+solutions+cm&gs_l=psy-ab.3..33i160k1l2.6836.7110.0.7292.
12:55 PM sparrowsword: well, possibly
12:55 PM Tom_L: they have deep pockets too
12:56 PM SpeedEvil: several possible vendors
12:56 PM sparrowsword: hmm
12:56 PM sparrowsword: appreciate it, thank you
12:56 PM sparrowsword: I see pozyx, which there is a repo in github for using python (my most familiar lang)
12:57 PM SpeedEvil: Be very careful with assumptions.
12:57 PM sparrowsword: yes
12:57 PM sparrowsword: viewing nanosolutions currently
12:58 PM SpeedEvil: Optimistic ranges and accuracirs are often quoted that will not occur in anything but an open field with no walls
12:58 PM sparrowsword: looking to automate a warehouse
12:59 PM sparrowsword: seems amazon has started already
01:00 PM sparrowsword: Hmm... https://www.pozyx.io/assets/images/pozyx_accuracy.jpg
01:00 PM sparrowsword: "(10:27:02 AM) SpeedEvil: Be very careful with assumptions."
01:01 PM SpeedEvil: you possibly don't actually need that accuracy.
01:01 PM sparrowsword: I do
01:01 PM sparrowsword: to the centimeter
01:01 PM SpeedEvil: +-1m gets you to near a shelf, then read the labels on the shelf to work out where you are
01:01 PM SpeedEvil: ...
01:01 PM sparrowsword: oh?
01:02 PM sparrowsword: hmm
01:02 PM sparrowsword: so that would be running two types of positiong?
01:02 PM sparrowsword: positioning*
01:03 PM sparrowsword: Please continue?
01:06 PM SpeedEvil: Just that you don't need to get global position over the whole room if you can locate by features of the room. If you can read shelf position, and the shelves are all the same, that is a very different case from 'I actually need 1cm accurate xyz throughout the whole warehouse'.
01:07 PM SpeedEvil: Especially as you probably need to map the room anyway for other reasons.
01:07 PM sparrowsword: True, however I was under the impression that in order for object placement to be effective, the robot has to perform in that kind of standard
01:08 PM sparrowsword: I do not understand... lets say the robot has found the -+1m section, but how does it continue?
01:09 PM sparrowsword: image classification to find the object, but what then? isn't percision needed at this point?
01:09 PM sparrowsword: don't know if you have heard of mems, but they are also an alternative to mapping the floor
01:10 PM sparrowsword: however, I would still have the percision problem
01:11 PM sparrowsword: however, not sure if mems are a reasonable solution as an alternative..
01:14 PM sparrowsword: patiently waiting to further pick your brain :-[
01:19 PM sparrowsword: hope I have not offended... not my intent... the information you have provided is invaluable
01:28 PM mumptai: well, "do more research"
01:29 PM sparrowsword: having a difficult time understanding why centimeter percision for the warhouse isn't needed, but kind of is once the robot is at its location
01:30 PM mumptai: and actually relying on very precise absolute positions introduces new problems, like moving buildings and also their thermal expansion
01:31 PM sparrowsword: Hmm
01:32 PM sparrowsword: Do you see my dilema though? Once I have something that gets +-1m near the target, how then, am I able to have percision?
01:32 PM mumptai: manipulation of an object might happen with mm resolution. but this is only relative between the robot and the object
01:33 PM mumptai: you mark the slot of the pallet, or find boxes in pointclouds, of have opticval markers that identify objects
01:34 PM sparrowsword: I was attempting to use the latter
01:34 PM mumptai: its just using two different different refernce frames for different tasks
01:35 PM sparrowsword: Gotta go... will be back in half an hour :-/
01:35 PM mumptai: well april tags is popular
01:35 PM sparrowsword: Really do appreciate everyones help!!!
01:35 PM sparrowsword: april tags? hmm will look into that
01:36 PM mumptai: ... would actually be interesting to see the building breath over the seasons, if that resolution would be easily availiable
01:36 PM mumptai: https://april.eecs.umich.edu/software/apriltag.html
01:55 PM SpeedEvil: sparrowsword: simply as you do it in real life.
01:55 PM SpeedEvil: sparrowsword: progressive localisation using more than one system
01:56 PM SpeedEvil: know which shelf - +-1m. Know design of shelf, and position of label on shelf +-1cm
01:57 PM mumptai: SpeedEvil, is there actually a good introduction to all these things somewhere? just talking about it: there is a lot of implicit knowledge and reasoning about technology involved
01:57 PM SpeedEvil: Don't know
01:57 PM SpeedEvil: yes.
01:58 PM SpeedEvil: And MEMs (if you are meaning accellerometers and gyros) are mostly useless for positioning, just rough orientation that rapidly drifts
01:59 PM mumptai: i would also guess that there is no need for a geometric map at all, a topological map and some markers on floor or ceiling might be sufficient
02:05 PM sparrowsword: back
02:06 PM sparrowsword: SpeedEvil: The mems that I am reffering to are the ones that are little gps's. You can fit 100 of them on the face of a quarter
02:06 PM SpeedEvil: ...
02:06 PM SpeedEvil: What actual sensor, or protocol do they implement.
02:07 PM SpeedEvil: MEMS is just 'micro electrically machined sensor'
02:07 PM sparrowsword: honestly I am not that familiar with them, saw them on an ad :p
02:08 PM sparrowsword: the idea I had behind them was using them as a beacon
02:09 PM SpeedEvil: Find the ad, work out what product or service it was, investigate if it can do it.
02:11 PM sparrowsword: will do
02:11 PM sparrowsword: any ideas for the arm?
02:13 PM sparrowsword: I do mean to transition fluently... however, I am trying to accomplish an overview for my roadmap
02:14 PM sparrowsword: I mean, meant to say that smoother >.>
02:21 PM anniepoo: howdy
02:21 PM anniepoo: reading back
02:22 PM anniepoo: big arm like that, you might be talking an industrial arm
02:23 PM anniepoo: and you need to consider safety. Are there going to be people in this space?
02:24 PM sparrowsword: Looking at alibaba.com atm, seems they have what I might be looking for
02:24 PM sparrowsword: indeed, suppose I would have to impliment some type of collosion avoidance
02:25 PM sparrowsword: you are very correct, one of these things weighs 850kgs lolz
02:25 PM mumptai: maybe UR10?
02:26 PM sparrowsword: ...
02:26 PM anniepoo: uh, is your collision avoidance something you'll risk lives on?
02:26 PM sparrowsword: or inform the employees
02:26 PM anniepoo: STRONGLY suggest you talk with your safety officer
02:27 PM anniepoo: "inform the employees" isn't close to cutting it
02:27 PM sparrowsword: True
02:27 PM anniepoo: big robot arms like that usually have a cage
02:27 PM sparrowsword: hmm
02:27 PM anniepoo: check out some youtube videos of ind. robot arms in action. Now imagine being in the envelope and being struck by one
02:27 PM anniepoo: It's usually fatal
02:27 PM sparrowsword: I understand the hazard
02:28 PM sparrowsword: I do not understand how to deal with it, however, a cage seems probable
02:28 PM mumptai: actually, long term goal: lock the doors of the building and post "humans not allowed" signs
02:28 PM anniepoo: well, safety is a serious concern you have to deal with
02:28 PM anniepoo: well, interlock the door and the robot motion
02:29 PM mumptai: but wireless e-stop?
02:29 PM anniepoo: no, that's ugly
02:29 PM sparrowsword: emp boom done
02:29 PM sparrowsword: kidding ofc...
02:29 PM mumptai: strange, that might be a nice product to sell
02:29 PM trojan is now known as synja
02:30 PM anniepoo: and no human is fast enough and has good enough reflexes to trigger it in the volume
02:30 PM mumptai: the safety-verified interlock for those plattforms
02:31 PM sparrowsword: what do you mean trigger it in the volume?
02:32 PM SpeedEvil: If it's a warehouse, and stuff is at one temperature, then I'd for a first step put IR sensors on the robot.
02:32 PM SpeedEvil: (thermal IR) to pick up people heat.
02:32 PM anniepoo: I mean, you can't just give the human a button they can carry around
02:32 PM anniepoo: they're not fast enough to push it
02:33 PM sparrowsword: stop on human "sight" loosly used term
02:34 PM sparrowsword: ir sensors are a good idea imo
02:34 PM mumptai: well perimeter fences against humans, plenty E-stops and maybe a real physical barrier the robots can't pass?
02:34 PM mumptai: ir sensors can be triggered by anything warm, like a box from a hot truck
02:35 PM sparrowsword: facial/body recognition?
02:35 PM sparrowsword: along with ir?
02:35 PM mumptai: nah, not reliable enough
02:36 PM mumptai: just look at the typical driverless transport systems
02:36 PM sparrowsword: designated spot with no human zone seems ideal, however, how to acquire freight? turn machine off?
02:36 PM mumptai: they addresses a lot of these problems, except the manipulation
02:36 PM sparrowsword: I am not familiar enough with them
02:37 PM sparrowsword: While the robots were working, no humans would be allowed
02:37 PM sparrowsword: seems most ideal
02:37 PM deshipu: usually you don't mix machines and humans
02:38 PM sparrowsword: well, in this case, I plan to replace the human
02:38 PM mumptai: have some hand over spot? like a stetch of rollers or a table with mechanical interlocked gates on robot&human side
02:39 PM sparrowsword: https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/automatic-plastic-milk-bottle-carton-robot_60501175075.html?spm=a2700.7724857.main07.75.3fbf1244qBPtNM
03:05 PM sparrowsword: mumptai: deshipu: anniepoo: SpeedEvil: I am thinking... A depalletizer is $30-50k, which accomplishes the sorting task?, but not the placement task and uses 4-6Kilowatts/hr... Is it more cost effective to have a fleet of drones, some with a low payload capacity and some with a high capacity to accomplish both tasks?
03:20 PM SpeedEvil: kilowatts/hr is a meaningless unit.
03:20 PM sparrowsword: true
03:20 PM SpeedEvil: I suspect you mean kilowatt-hours.
03:20 PM sparrowsword: since its pennies in my state
03:20 PM sparrowsword: yes
03:21 PM deshipu: or even kilowatt*hours
03:21 PM * deshipu dodges
03:21 PM sparrowsword: yes grammar nazi
03:22 PM sparrowsword: This website that I am on is confusing... They ask 50k for something that can palletize 1200 cartons an hour, and then they charge 1k for something that can place 1600 cartons an hour >.>
03:22 PM anniepoo: flexibility
03:22 PM sparrowsword: Please expand
03:23 PM sparrowsword: they appear to be able to do the same tasks
03:25 PM anniepoo: I'm guessing the cheaper unit is a pneumatic palletizer - usually you adjust the motion by moving trip switches
03:25 PM mumptai: SpeedEvil, it can have meaning, like in the slewrate of power. (but not relevant in the said context)
03:26 PM SpeedEvil: yes.
03:30 PM sparrowsword: https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/PLC-Robotic-Arm-Palletizer-With-SIEMENS_60673290041.html?spm=a2700.7724857.main07.319.3fbf1244qBPtNM vs https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Mechanical-robot-arm_60590320936.html?spm=a2700.7724857.main07.131.3fbf1244qBPtNM
03:31 PM anniepoo: 8cD also, there's a lot of expensive crap out there!
03:31 PM sparrowsword: vs https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/automatic-plastic-milk-bottle-carton-robot_60501175075.html?spm=a2700.7724857.main07.75.3fbf1244qBPtNM
03:31 PM anniepoo: there's a 'traditional' robotics industry, with higher prices and usually performance
03:31 PM anniepoo: think large corporation buying
03:32 PM anniepoo: and a new reaction to the absurdity of that
03:32 PM sparrowsword: might I humbly ask to who you are reffering?
03:32 PM anniepoo: as the traditional industry?
03:32 PM sparrowsword: whom* <~ me
03:33 PM sparrowsword: what do you mean the reaction of absurdity?
03:33 PM sparrowsword: as in the corp. will denounce the idea?
03:33 PM anniepoo: I mean that large corporations often have a lot of money
03:33 PM anniepoo: they tend to not be 'price sensitive
03:33 PM sparrowsword: right
03:34 PM sparrowsword: however, in this case, it is an attempt to replace the human
03:34 PM anniepoo: so they are sold powerful, often very capable, but sometimes simply overpriced or finicky, systems
03:34 PM anniepoo: eg I'm part of a 2 person engineering firm
03:35 PM sparrowsword: :D
03:35 PM anniepoo: we're more likely to buy parts off alibaba and build something ourselves - we have a very different buying pattern
03:35 PM sparrowsword: erm
03:35 PM sparrowsword: you buy parts off there and build yourself?
03:35 PM sparrowsword: im confused
03:36 PM anniepoo: that is - we're just two people
03:36 PM sparrowsword: repurpose the product from alibaba?
03:36 PM anniepoo: we have a small shop
03:36 PM anniepoo: so if we needed a robot arm
03:36 PM anniepoo: we'd buy stepper motors, lead screws, etc. off alibaba and assemble one ourselves
03:37 PM sparrowsword: Ah ok
03:37 PM sparrowsword: perhaps suggesting a sell?
03:37 PM anniepoo: or buy a generic brand arm from China
03:37 PM anniepoo: because it's really critical to us whether the arm is $15000 or $25000
03:38 PM anniepoo: It's not as important to a car maker
03:39 PM sparrowsword: I am a person very low on the totem pole at my current employer, according to my title, however, my ideas do hold significant weight
03:40 PM sparrowsword: To myself 15-25k is quite the difference
03:42 PM sparrowsword: recently been asked to supervise around 50 employees
03:46 PM sparrowsword: Truly do wish you all the best, and will that the favor you have shown me will be returned unto you.
03:47 PM anniepoo: 8cD
03:47 PM anniepoo: well, good luck with yoru project
03:47 PM anniepoo: there's a variety of people on here
03:47 PM anniepoo: including some who work in industrial robotics
03:50 PM sparrowsword: I am not really the one with the pocketbook persay, but the one to give the proposal that opens the pocketbook :-/
03:51 PM anniepoo: yup
04:03 PM synja: luckily my work is a pocketbook in itself :P
04:03 PM synja: not a large one, mind you
05:35 PM anniepoo: 8cD The dancing robot's servos are moving - all but one, I'm not sure if it's a bad servo or a
05:35 PM anniepoo: bad wire
06:08 PM jandor: hi
06:34 PM Purplex: Yo
06:34 PM Purplex: Anyone who study robotics
06:35 PM deshipu: millions of people worldwide
06:35 PM Purplex: deshipu: very nice, but I was thinking about this particular room
06:35 PM deshipu: what is your *actual* question?
06:36 PM Purplex: I am thinking to study robotics
06:36 PM Purplex: So I just wanted to ask you guys what you think is hard in robotics and what one can succeed in the field
06:36 PM jandor: so you want to study people who study robotics?
06:37 PM Purplex: no i want to ask you people who study robotics what it is like to study robotics
06:37 PM Purplex: is my question so hard to comprehend or do you really enjoy trolling me
06:38 PM deshipu: same as any other engineering field – lots of physics, lots of math
06:38 PM deshipu: plus some programming
06:38 PM Purplex: deshipu: how about chemistry
06:39 PM deshipu: not much chemistry in robotics, but you do need to know your materials
06:40 PM Purplex: what branch of physics and math
06:40 PM deshipu: mechanics
06:40 PM deshipu: control theory
06:40 PM Purplex: would you focus on most if you want to be good
06:40 PM deshipu: signal processing
06:40 PM deshipu: optimization theory
06:40 PM deshipu: linear algebra
06:41 PM Purplex: cool
06:41 PM deshipu: geometry
06:41 PM Purplex: deshipu: very interesting
06:41 PM deshipu: of course the whole calculus, as that is needed for physics
06:42 PM Purplex: deshipu: you have a degree in robotics?
06:42 PM deshipu: no, I studied math, but I have friends who studied robotics, that's how I know
06:42 PM Purplex: deshipu: I see
06:43 PM Purplex: How do I know if robotics is right for me if i am comparing it to mechatronics?
06:43 PM deshipu: there is a very nice online MIT course on robotics, you can attend for free
06:43 PM Purplex: are they the same?
06:43 PM Purplex: deshipu: I will definitely
06:44 PM deshipu: actually I can see a whole bunch here: https://www.edx.org/course?search_query=robotics
06:44 PM Purplex: deshipu: thank you mate
06:44 PM deshipu: but I was thinking about this one: https://www.edx.org/course/underactuated-robotics-mitx-6-832x-0
06:44 PM deshipu: it's really great
06:45 PM Purplex: deshipu: would it be a good start to tinker around with arduino if I want to study robotics
06:46 PM Purplex: or should I focus on math / physics
06:46 PM deshipu: one doesn't preclude the other
06:47 PM deshipu: the more different things you learn the better
06:47 PM Purplex: thanks
07:15 PM anniepoo: yay - small victories. Just got the dancing robot's servos working
07:16 PM anniepoo: Purplex - both
07:17 PM anniepoo: the ideal candidate for a job in robotics is someone who can program reasonably well, knows embedded systems and electronics well, understands some physics, and
07:17 PM anniepoo: isn't afraid of advanced math.
07:18 PM deshipu: also outspoken, handsome and cheerful
07:19 PM deshipu: charisma doesn't hurt either
08:02 PM anniepoo: 8cD Yay! http://instagram.com/anneogborn/
08:02 PM anniepoo: I have a working robot mechanism
08:03 PM anniepoo: only remaining task is to attach the puppet
08:05 PM anniepoo: Oh puppetstan my puppetstan
08:05 PM anniepoo: 8cD
09:13 PM zhanx: anniepoo: 3 led test on my play toy http://imgur.com/a/lOoqp
09:16 PM Tom_shop: yay, mill is back up and cutting parts
09:16 PM zhanx: nice
09:16 PM zhanx: can i get a few parts?
09:16 PM Tom_shop: what parts?
09:17 PM zhanx: aluminum ones
09:17 PM zhanx: i can design and send you the files
09:17 PM zhanx: i need a switch board right now for my rock lights
09:18 PM Tom_shop: i can design it in cad if you want
09:18 PM Tom_shop: just need a few dimensions
09:18 PM Tom_shop: don't have alot of cutting space or time though
09:19 PM zhanx: small one like 4x10 max
09:20 PM zhanx: inches
09:20 PM Tom_shop: i got 9" travel max
09:20 PM zhanx: will work
09:20 PM Tom_shop: 7 in y if i'm lucky
09:20 PM Tom_shop: and this thing isn't the most accurate
09:20 PM zhanx: i will measure it out tomorrow. i need 20 1/2 holes and i am not either
09:21 PM zhanx: you saw my led test
09:21 PM zhanx: now i get to wire and solder up a lot more etc
09:21 PM Tom_shop: more than anything i'm running these parts as a test of the mill
09:22 PM Tom_shop: grid pattern?
09:22 PM zhanx: yep
09:22 PM zhanx: 4x5
09:22 PM Tom_shop: that takes about 30 sec in catia
09:23 PM zhanx: ok i will measure it up and let you know so you can give me a price, and its easier than me buying the tools to do it
09:23 PM Tom_shop: i probably won't use it for this though
09:23 PM Tom_shop: 20 .500 holes?
09:23 PM zhanx: yep on a plate thin is fine etc
09:24 PM Tom_shop: how thin?
09:24 PM zhanx: but i need a space to bend it to fit. 1/16 is fine. but it will need screw holes
09:43 PM Deacydal is now known as Deacyde
10:17 PM rue_shop3: theBear, did you find a box and switch?
10:18 PM rue_shop3: The_Jester_Kicke, hey, interesting sprayer problem came up
10:18 PM rue_shop3: varriance in the can heads
10:18 PM Tom_shop: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/temp/Guide.jpg
10:18 PM rue_shop3: zhanx, you gonna build a printer with theBear ?
10:19 PM Tom_shop is now known as Tom_shop3
10:19 PM rue_shop3: zhanx, you have to catch up, you need a ~70cmx70cmx70cm cardboard box, and you need to put a ~3A toggle switch in it
10:19 PM rue_shop3: small one, for power
10:20 PM rue_shop3: theBear, MIGHT be ahead of you on this, we have yet to see
10:20 PM Tom_shop3: no pics no printer
10:20 PM rue_shop3: ... of a box and a switch?
10:21 PM rue_shop3: Tom_L, you want in?
10:21 PM Tom_shop3: does it print?
10:21 PM Tom_shop3: naw
10:21 PM Tom_shop3 is now known as Tom_shop
10:21 PM rue_shop3: anyone else want to join a group "build a 3d printer" project?
10:21 PM Tom_shop: did get the cnc back up anyway
10:21 PM Tom_shop: ran all those ^^ parts without a hitch
10:22 PM rue_shop3: it didn't stop :)
10:22 PM rue_shop3: its just one of its sliders isn't ...bolted down anymore
10:23 PM Tom_shop: i was referring to mine
10:23 PM rue_shop3: nail setter
10:23 PM rue_shop3: why do I know that
10:23 PM Tom_shop: something like that yes
10:23 PM Tom_shop: but to set a specialized part
10:23 PM Tom_shop: they're different depths
10:24 PM rue_shop3: JIG!
10:24 PM rue_shop3: I was surprised how many tools and jigs I started making with the fancy tools
10:24 PM rue_shop3: I expected to be making parts
10:25 PM Tom_shop: those are / were for that 5k job i bid
10:25 PM rue_shop3: haha
10:25 PM rue_shop3: good show
10:25 PM Tom_shop: delivered
10:26 PM rue_shop3: just 4 or more of them?
10:26 PM Tom_shop: no these were to install the other parts
10:26 PM Tom_shop: like you said... a nail setter
10:26 PM rue_shop3: ah
10:26 PM Tom_shop: of sorts
10:27 PM Tom_shop: the factory wanted $50 for one
10:27 PM rue_shop3: heh
10:28 PM Tom_shop: i made a few other special tools for it as well but not on the cnc
10:28 PM Tom_shop: saved alot of time
10:31 PM rue_shop3: I need to get better at driving myself
10:33 PM Tom_shop: have you ever tried hooking your smartphone up to linux as a drive?
10:33 PM anonnumberanon: I can be the programmer/optimizer.
10:34 PM anonnumberanon: MAKE the entire thing open source/ open hardware?
11:00 PM anonnumberanon: .
11:01 PM anonnumberanon: SOrry caps
11:24 PM rue_shop3: OK
11:25 PM rue_shop3: I wired the solinoid driver to the solinoids
11:25 PM rue_shop3: dynamic lookup tables? give me an example
11:31 PM rue_shop3: like an application
11:42 PM rue_shop3: but I'm getting ideas
11:42 PM rue_shop3: they dont fit togethor, but ideas