#robotics Logs

May 19 2017

#robotics Calendar

12:00 AM rue_house: or for the same price I can get a 64M bios memory chip
12:09 AM rue_house: hmmm 66c
12:24 AM rue_house: ok I left myself 22c in the hole
12:42 AM rue_house: Jak_o_Shadows, you up yet?
12:42 AM rue_house: LoRez, what have you done with the stm32 so far?
12:43 AM LoRez: not alot, why?
12:43 AM rue_house: well I made a light flash
12:43 AM rue_house: you beat that?
12:44 AM rue_house: no is usually a long answer...
12:44 AM LoRez: not really.
12:45 AM LoRez: I was going to potentially RE the code on a board I bought, but I figured out a way to get the board to do what I wanted without it.
12:46 AM rue_house: ok so I should send you my flasher code and we should work on basic serial comms?
12:46 AM LoRez: I've been paying attention to scanlime's REing of an stm32 based camera gimbal. I've messed around with trying to get radare2 to help analyze the code
12:47 AM LoRez: I don't know that I even have any stm32's lying around. I probably don't.
12:47 AM rue_house: bbbbbut... their $1.27
12:47 AM rue_house: already mounted to a support board
12:48 AM LoRez: actually, I take that back. I have one on a board that's supposed to be an I2C board for linux
12:48 AM rue_house: bbbut
12:48 AM rue_house: servos
12:48 AM LoRez: but it doesn't enumerate.
12:48 AM rue_house: It'll take a month to get one from china
12:48 AM LoRez: (USB)
12:51 AM LoRez: I don't need servos so much.
12:51 AM rue_house: ugh
12:51 AM rue_house: fine fine
12:52 AM rue_house: Jak_o_Shadows, you awake yet?
12:52 AM LoRez: did you find yourself some servos that were stm32 based?
12:52 AM rue_house: hu?
12:52 AM rue_house: no, thats not how it works
12:53 AM LoRez: how what works?
12:54 AM rue_house: you plug servo into stm32
01:04 AM rue_house: software is ideas that have been impemented on a machien
01:07 AM rue_house: [ Gorillaz - all alone ]
01:07 AM rue_house: maybe meeta new amoeba?
01:44 AM anonnumberanon: i should work harder at my job to get more free time and play with arm
02:38 AM z64555: anonnumberanon: that's dangerous, they might get the idea you actually like working there and give you more stuff to do :P
02:39 AM anonnumberanon: z64555, you know, I think about this a lot actually
02:39 AM anonnumberanon: "How much to actually work?"
02:40 AM * anonnumberanon reaches for Dilbert on his nightstand
03:27 AM veverak: rue_house: have you finished the article about servos?
03:28 AM veverak: I mean, do I understand it correctly that I can measure the load of servo with digital pin? (and timing how long it's high) with your method?
03:34 AM solol: what do you do anonnumberanon ?
04:50 AM Jak_o_Shadows: rue_house, I am awake. But probably able to work on servo stuff tomorrow.
04:51 AM Jak_o_Shadows: As for stm32, I have an alarm clock now.
04:51 AM Jak_o_Shadows: I haven't gotten the DMA working to do a light profile. That may be tomorrows software job.
09:31 AM rue_house: veverak, no, I'm having motivation problems, cant stay awake
09:32 AM rue_house: veverak, yes, digital pin, you get a percentage, (about 10% - 100%)
09:32 AM rue_house: Jak_o_Shadows, did you get serial comms working?
09:35 AM rue_house: I think I can do a really good job on this other tutorial if I go thru it with someone
09:36 AM rue_house: Jak_o_Shadows, is the worst choice, cause he's exactly 180 degrees out of sync with my sleep schedule
09:36 AM rue_house: however he's interested and capable, so, also constitutes the only choice
09:36 AM rue_house: thus I shall rewrite my life for 3 days
09:37 AM rue_house: ;)
09:40 AM veverak: rue_house: nice
09:51 AM rue_house: it actually measures % load
06:06 PM tttb2 is now known as tttb
07:22 PM rue_house: oh look, another 9 hours with nobody saying anything
07:23 PM Tom_L: oh poo
07:25 PM rue_house: do you know what size garden hose thread is?
07:25 PM rue_house: must be something like 3/4-15?
07:26 PM rue_house: 11.5!
07:34 PM Tom_L: 3/4 MGHT
07:35 PM Tom_L: yes
07:35 PM Tom_L: why?
07:35 PM Tom_L: i got all sorts of brass hose fittings
07:35 PM Tom_L: mpt to hose, fpt to hose etc
07:36 PM Tom_L: m hose to hose, f hose to hose
07:37 PM Tom_L: they were drunk when they came up with that standard
08:09 PM Tom_L: rue_house, you should fix tobbor
09:07 PM anonnumberanon: solol, developer at at&t
09:07 PM solol: cool
09:08 PM Tom_L: what do you develop?
09:10 PM anonnumberanon: virtual reality and trying to get into data science/AI/Machine Learning
09:13 PM Tom_L: i think google is ahead on some of that
09:13 PM Tom_L: saw a google mapping car the other day
09:15 PM anonnumberanon: who knows
09:17 PM anonnumberanon: we dont have a "centralized AI effort" i think. it's scattered teams all over the US
09:24 PM Jak_o_Shadows: ahaha, rue, yes. I misread the schematic, so had TX connected to RX, and RX connected to one of those unnecessary sync ones.
09:25 PM Jak_o_Shadows: I think I am going to consider putting a bootloader on there. Or maybe just mass storage, so I can change some configs.
09:26 PM Jak_o_Shadows: Basically, since I am powering it via the USB, I NEED to have it identify properly as a usb device, so you can run it off a computer without the computer cutting power to it
09:49 PM rue_house: your drawing that much power?
09:49 PM rue_house: my milling machine died today
09:50 PM rue_house: basically, from what we can tell, every bearing in the spindle prettymuch failed
09:50 PM Tom_L: rue
09:50 PM Tom_L: what's a file transfer program like filezilla for debian?
09:50 PM rue_house: yes?
09:50 PM Tom_L: filezilla isn't available for debian
09:50 PM Tom_L: at least i can't find it
09:51 PM rue_house: it was
09:51 PM rue_house: I was just going to say filezilla
09:51 PM Tom_L: it's not in the package manager
09:51 PM rue_house: go to the filezilla site nad you might find a deb
09:51 PM Tom_L: yeah, i like it
09:51 PM Tom_L: k
09:51 PM Tom_L: also
09:51 PM rue_house: debian is being anal and not allowing anyone to have their software in the debian repos anymore
09:51 PM Tom_L: how do you change the GUI to another one?
09:51 PM Tom_L: oh
09:52 PM rue_house: window manager
09:52 PM Tom_L: it's using xfce and i hate it
09:52 PM rue_house: usually if you install a different window manager it will make the new one the default
09:52 PM rue_house: yea it sucks
09:52 PM Tom_L: what's a better one?
09:52 PM rue_house: I dont know what the good ones are anymore
09:52 PM Tom_L: i can't remember what i used last time
09:53 PM Tom_L: i'm having to upgrade the pc from ubuntu to debian
09:54 PM Jak_o_Shadows: I didn't think I was. But it fails, so I must be.
09:54 PM Jak_o_Shadows: LXDE is another window manager?
09:55 PM rue_house: I think I'm using enlightenment
09:56 PM rue_house: but I dont know if its available anymore
09:56 PM rue_house: Tom_L, try also adding the non-free to the repo list
09:56 PM Jak_o_Shadows: I'm using xfce, in the rare times I boot into linux.
09:56 PM zhanx: i use LXDE
10:00 PM Tom_L: there's a whole list of em but none of those
10:00 PM Jak_o_Shadows: Cinnamon?
10:00 PM Jak_o_Shadows: Mate
10:00 PM Jak_o_Shadows: LXDE got renamed to LXQT I think
10:02 PM Tom_L: ahh, mate was one i used
10:02 PM zhanx: nope
10:02 PM zhanx: its still LXDE but their might be a LXQT branch of it
10:03 PM Tom_L: doesn't seem to be there now
10:03 PM zhanx: Tom_L: mate is just gnome really
10:03 PM zhanx: but for you https://mate-desktop.org/install/
10:04 PM rue_house: tom, do you have non-free sources in the package manager?
10:04 PM Tom_L: not that i know of
10:04 PM rue_house: you want to have that
10:05 PM rue_house: almost all software has some component thats not free source code so they have to be put in the non-free repo
10:06 PM rue_house: debian is also kicking out any packages that have any source duplication with anyone else
10:11 PM Tom_L: so how do i add non-free to it?
10:12 PM zhanx: repos in your software sources under pref's - settings
10:12 PM Tom_L: DFSG compatible software with non free dependencies?
10:13 PM zhanx: DFSG?
10:13 PM zhanx: but i think yes
10:13 PM Tom_L: ok well it's not letting me check those
10:14 PM zhanx: hmm
10:14 PM zhanx: run as root?
10:15 PM Tom_L: how do i change root password... it didn't ask during the install and i don't know what it is
10:15 PM zhanx: su and your password. I know how to change root but not gonna tell ya
10:15 PM zhanx: its not safe
10:17 PM Tom_L: i've done it before but i forgot
10:17 PM Tom_L: chroot or something
10:18 PM Tom_L: it's not safe not knowing
10:18 PM zhanx: recommend not to change it
10:18 PM Tom_L: but i don't know what it is
10:18 PM zhanx: its a random seed
10:19 PM rue_house: sudo passwd root
10:21 PM Tom_L: thanx
10:22 PM zhanx: bad rue
10:23 PM rue_house: :P
10:23 PM zhanx: weird my new flashlight has an eprom
10:23 PM rue_house: Tom_L, if your password is 1234 you deserve whatever happens
10:23 PM Snert__: every thing I do requires root. Therefore sudo is always just an extra 4 chars to type all the time.
10:23 PM rue_house: sudo bash
10:23 PM Snert__: why bother. Just be root.
10:24 PM zhanx: 300 charges might be a flag set
10:24 PM Jak_o_Shadows: I generally do su -c, or su
10:24 PM Tom_L: zhanx, i knew that i just forgot
10:24 PM Jak_o_Shadows: Never overly liked sudo - through, I can see the value if you're restricting peoples commands
10:24 PM Tom_L: rue_house, not 12345, it's 'password'
10:24 PM zhanx: p@ssw0rd
10:24 PM Snert__: sudo can also provide a log of whodunnit.
10:25 PM rue_house: 'thewayin'
10:25 PM Snert__: but I don't care. It's just me on my box anyways.
10:25 PM Jak_o_Shadows: Yeah. So i generally give other people on the computer sudo, if they need it
10:26 PM zhanx: new flashlight said 300 charges. weird. and it has an eprom. Bet i clear that sucker to what i recorded after the first one
10:31 PM Snert__ is now known as Snert
10:49 PM Tom_L: it won't let me check those even as root
10:53 PM Tom_L: filezilla was there after i did a package update...
11:09 PM rue_house: the package system is different now, I cant use this amchine as a ref to help you add it
11:10 PM rue_house: arg, I need a manual for a busybee B240 OR a 'king rich' (also known as king-midas) TFY-515 OR TFY829
11:38 PM Tom_L: this install iso was older, after updating things started to show up
11:55 PM Tom_L: http://cncmanual.com/king-rich/
11:56 PM Tom_L: http://www.busybeetools.com/pages/Manuals.html