#robotics Logs

May 13 2017

#robotics Calendar

02:29 AM rue_house: interseting, according to the kernel log, my machine ran out of memory and killed a bunch of programs
05:19 AM deshipu: OOM
06:14 AM akaWolf1 is now known as akaWolf
09:47 AM anniepoo: object oriented manufacturing?
09:52 AM mumptai: what's that?
09:54 AM anniepoo: nothing - deshipu said OOM
09:58 AM mumptai: it must be industry 5.0, i have to make some calls we have to get the economy ready for it!
10:11 AM anniepoo: lol
10:19 AM anniepoo: 8cD We're doing a PFLAG shop day. Going to have lots of folks running around making knives
10:20 AM z64555: Make sure they get the point about safety. :D
10:21 AM z64555: otherwise you'd be on edge the whole time
10:21 AM * anniepoo worries about the direction #robotics is taking
10:21 AM z64555: D:
10:21 AM z64555: which direction is it taking?
10:22 AM anniepoo: 8cD FWIW - getting a different wheel for the angle grinder sped up shell making - it's been soaking overnight in water, trying to get the plug out
10:22 AM anniepoo: down?
10:23 AM z64555: down is relative. Where's our reference point?
10:23 AM anniepoo: no, down is -1 * the unit vector in the direction of the local gravitational gradient
10:23 AM anniepoo: 8cD
10:25 AM z64555: yes, but. Where's the reference point? I have a slightly different "down" than you do. :P
10:26 AM z64555: since I'm not in the same longitude and lattitude as you
10:27 AM z64555: anyway. What's this about a plug?
10:33 AM z64555: anybody happen to know a thing or two about upholstery? I want to make a padded bench
10:34 AM z64555: saw something that used pleather and some sort of foam, but I forgot the specifics. Also wondering if there's a specific size staple to use
10:54 AM rue_shop3: you came here asking to do uphosterey?
10:55 AM z64555: well yeah, there's a few instances where it comes into play. Like with anniepoo's snail
10:56 AM z64555: also has application in grippers, seats, and some control surfaces
10:57 AM rue_shop3: has anyone yet 'worn out' a 3d printer?
10:57 AM mumptai: i did
10:57 AM mumptai: linear bearings, and nozzles
10:58 AM rue_shop3: I was just gonna ask
10:58 AM rue_shop3: huh
10:58 AM rue_shop3: the nozzel opened up?
10:58 AM mumptai: dunno, internal geometry might have changed, it was brass
10:59 AM mumptai: and i tried many different filament chemistries on it
11:00 AM rue_shop3: major time saver for slic3r,
11:00 AM rue_shop3: while true; do ./slic3r; done
11:01 AM rue_shop3: every time it crashes it'll come back up automatically
11:01 AM z64555: why is it crashing, though?
11:02 AM rue_shop3: memory leaks and a bug where if the slice depth lands it perfectly on a horizontal surface it does a divide by zero
11:03 AM rue_shop3: or a vertex, not sure
11:03 AM z64555: that sounds rather dumb
11:03 AM rue_shop3: cause if you change the slice depth or rotate the part as much as 0.0001 degrees, its ok again
11:05 AM z64555: What format does the 3d printer work with? point cloud? voxels?
11:06 AM z64555: or 3d raster?
11:10 AM rue_house: vectors
11:10 AM rue_house: from the modeler you go to an STL, from there is redndered into 4d vectors moves
11:10 AM rue_house: or 5d or 6d depending on how many colours you got
11:13 AM z64555: hm.
11:14 AM mumptai: but, out of about a dozen people with printers i know, i'm one of three that actually run these things to print, and not make the printer the objective
11:15 AM rue_house: and I print practival things, not art...
11:15 AM mumptai: my printer basically has to earn its rent
11:16 AM z64555: if you where doing mass-production, you'd be making positive molds, anyway
11:16 AM anniepoo: we bought it for business use, and other than the occasional 'fun' use, it's for biz
11:16 AM anniepoo: but yes, we use it to print masters for molds
11:16 AM mumptai: z64555, no, 3d printing is also a manufacturing machine, not only prototyping
11:17 AM z64555: a very very slow manufacturing machine
11:17 AM anniepoo: 8c) Trying to motivate myself to resume cleaning the shop
11:17 AM mumptai: anniepoo, go, it won't do it self
11:17 AM mumptai: irc is timeless
11:18 AM z64555: as long as the client is open and logging, at least :D
11:18 AM anniepoo: I can imagine 3D printing parts for low volume manufacture. In fact our new printer has some printed parts in it
11:18 AM mumptai: there is no too early or too late in irc
11:18 AM anniepoo: 8cD
11:18 AM z64555: anniepoo: exactly
11:18 AM anniepoo: well, I told people 11, and have to prep a mass of stuff
11:18 AM anniepoo: z - upholstery, what are you making?
11:19 AM z64555: just a simple padded bench top
11:19 AM anniepoo: there's no special staple. Just get good sized ones
11:19 AM z64555: plywood backing, some sort of pleather material, and upholstery foam for filler
11:19 AM z64555: ah, thanks
11:19 AM anniepoo: that should be straightforward.
11:20 AM anniepoo: trick - make your life easy.
11:20 AM z64555: yes yes, I have a habit of overcomplicating simple things like this. :D
11:20 AM anniepoo: do you have a vacuum food sealer?
11:20 AM z64555: I have a shop vac. :D
11:20 AM anniepoo: that'd work
11:21 AM anniepoo: take a thick plastic bag (not the ones they give stuff out in shops, more like what's used for internal packaging)
11:21 AM anniepoo: put foam rubber in it, suck the air out
11:21 AM anniepoo: seal
11:22 AM anniepoo: now assemble bag and foam inside pleather. Leave pleather a little loose.
11:22 AM z64555: then poke a hole in the bag when pleathers attached?
11:22 AM anniepoo: yes
11:22 AM anniepoo: 8cD
11:22 AM z64555: nice
11:23 AM z64555: plastic gives it a bit of water proofing, too
11:23 AM anniepoo: you can probablly use gorilla tape to seal plastic
11:23 AM anniepoo: but I've only seen this trick with one of those food vacuum saver machines
11:24 AM mumptai: but than you are sitting on a plastic bag all the time
11:24 AM anniepoo: no, you're sitting on pleather
11:24 AM mumptai: and hissing sounds?
11:24 AM z64555: you get that anyway
11:24 AM anniepoo: who cares that there's a plastic bag between backside of pleather
11:25 AM mumptai: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_leather <-- this?
11:25 AM anniepoo: oh - yes - after you've let it expand, suddenly drop a hefty weight (like your bum) on it
11:25 AM anniepoo: that pops the bag, so you don't get the restriction
11:26 AM z64555: yeah, that. generally polyeurethane or some type of PVC leached into a cloth backer
11:26 AM mumptai: uck.
11:27 AM anniepoo: given that I've been sweeping up fiberglass dust with no protection, have handled a bunch of VOC solvents, and am planning on breathing epoxy vapors later, oh, and have had two minor injuries since gettingu up....
11:28 AM anniepoo: I'm not really concerned, personally, about sitting on a PVC bench
11:28 AM anniepoo: leather would be big bucks, and a PITA to work with
11:29 AM mumptai: but sweaty ass syndrom
11:30 AM mumptai: i was sitting on a outdoor beanbag, which was made from PVC (like truck canvas), and it was terrible in summers
11:31 AM anniepoo: if you want it to breath, then you'll have to do it the traditional way, and use a cloth cover (and either no vac bag, or leave one end open and pull the bag out after it's expanded
11:31 AM anniepoo: )
11:32 AM anniepoo: ok, promised myself I'd go back to work when it turned 9
11:32 AM z64555: nah, this is going to be more like a weight lifting bench that can be used as a sitting bench
11:33 AM anniepoo: if it breathes, it'll absorb oil and gunk in the shop
11:34 AM z64555: exactly
11:34 AM z64555: it gets a minor amount of breath from the way its stapled to the backer, not going to seal that up
11:35 AM z64555: need a little bit of breath for the foam to expand and do its job, but not a whole lot
11:36 AM z64555: If I was doing something like a bean bag or something that's primarily designed for long sitting, it would need to breathe
11:37 AM z64555: which could be done like anniepoo said, use one or two cloth vents
11:37 AM rue_house: if I have 8G of ram, and 20G of swap, thats not all being used, why is linux closing programs saying that I'm out of memory?
11:38 AM rue_house: and I can have 10 programs running that take up 1.7G ea, and its ok
11:38 AM z64555: sounds like something has a memory leak, or is trying to gobble up more memory
11:39 AM z64555: that's my gut reaction, at least
11:39 AM rue_house: it keeps closing xchat, iceweasel, and icedove
03:00 PM veverak: yaml does not have selfreference they said
03:00 PM veverak: https://github.com/Schpin/schpin-chassis/blob/master/schpin_tote/src/config.yaml
03:01 PM veverak: well, thanks that I cna hack it into it
03:01 PM veverak: :)
04:22 PM SpeedEvil: anniepoo: http://www.boyter.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/ChsfXudXAAA__sz.jpg
04:48 PM z64555: that's aweful
09:23 PM nnumerals is now known as solol
10:04 PM ace4016: lol
10:35 PM rue_shop3: I'm upset with myself because the project I came up with dosn't utilize the 3d printer
10:35 PM rue_shop3: I suppose I will start having issue with not using the cnc machine on projects next
10:41 PM ace4016: because 3D printers are limited in functionality and use cases?
10:49 PM z64555: well, practical use cases
10:49 PM z64555: speaking of which
10:49 PM z64555: rue_shop3: I don't remember if you said you had a lathe-configured printer
10:50 PM ace4016: indeed, but they've been made out to seem like a pancea
10:50 PM ace4016: panacea*
10:50 PM z64555: because its new, similar thing happened with lasers, I'm sure of it
10:50 PM ace4016: oh, that's because lasers are frickin' cool </Dr. Evil>
10:51 PM ace4016: :P
10:52 PM z64555: substitute "3d printers" for "lasers" in that sentence and you'll get the reason why they're treated like panacea
10:54 PM ace4016: i might have missed the laser hype period though
10:54 PM ace4016: or maybe normies can't find a use for them, so they haven't been able to get as hyped. or, this age of mega-hype came after lasers
10:55 PM z64555: nah, "normies" find two perfectly good uses for lasers
10:55 PM z64555: Cutting stuff and blinding people.
10:55 PM ace4016: hehe
11:08 PM z64555: hm, I wonder if Dad left some power FET's in the barn workshop
11:09 PM z64555: if he did, I can make a magnetizer coil
11:11 PM z64555: which means I can then remagitize some of these PMAC rotors and those spark genertor things on lawnmowers
11:12 PM z64555: magnetos
11:14 PM z64555: If I can find a working box fan, I can install it up in the rafters of the barn and be able to work in it as the days warm up