#robotics Logs

Apr 15 2017

#robotics Calendar

12:00 AM z64555: anniepoo: it was supposed to be a rhetorical question, but that works, too
12:05 AM z64555: My vise's anvil got pounded in when I was trying to blacksmith something that wasn't softened enough. :(
12:05 AM z64555: I need to get a welder and puddle in some filler material, and then weld a new face on it
12:05 AM z64555: I have a bunch of old car batteries around here, but they don't seem to want to hold much of a charge
12:56 AM Jak_o_Shadows: Don't entirely know how I'm going to mount that vise. I have a back bar that's a bit too close to the front to let all the works happen. But I don't REALLY want a huge heap of fillers, cause then there's not a bolted connection
04:40 AM rue_shop3: ?
04:42 AM rue_shop3: anniepoo, hahaha
12:28 PM anniepoo: humor is my biggest vise
01:57 PM rue_house: I thought it was serious
02:50 PM anniepoo: no, you can see from the mark, it's not a serious vise
02:50 PM anniepoo: I bought it from Harbor Freight, of course it's not a serious vise
02:51 PM anniepoo: 8cD
03:01 PM jandor: hi
03:21 PM Deacydal is now known as deacyde
04:20 PM jandor: anniepoo, I've tried blender
04:20 PM jandor: and I like it
04:20 PM jandor: don't know how to script it yet
06:18 PM jandor: so what I find interesting there, I tell you
06:29 PM anniepoo: ok
06:29 PM anniepoo: 8cD
06:30 PM anniepoo: it's slowly encroaching on the territory once owned by Maya and 3D Max
06:30 PM anniepoo: honestly, I've only spent an hour or two reading about scripting it so far
06:31 PM anniepoo: but I've been spending lots of time becoming a competent user of it
07:41 PM Deacydal is now known as Deacyde
07:55 PM jandor: this is something very well-documented and just cool
07:55 PM jandor: hell
07:55 PM jandor: I spent 3 years with ROS
07:55 PM jandor: ok, I'm going to study this thing further
09:23 PM Jak_o_Shadows: I have a LITTLE bit of experience scripting.
09:24 PM Jak_o_Shadows: Tell you one thing, sure teh API level docs are there, but there's a little bit lacking in explaining what commands each of the gui panels do
09:24 PM Jak_o_Shadows: So it's a little hard to go from a normal tutorial to scirpting
09:34 PM Jak_o_Shadows: I wish there were a way of doing something in the UI, and recording a log of commands.
09:52 PM anniepoo: jandor, glad you're into it
09:52 PM anniepoo: maybe we should think about starting a little OS project to make a ROS in blender
09:53 PM anniepoo: blender's UI is notoriously beginner unfriendly
09:53 PM rue_house: jandor, what did you do with ROS over the 3 yeras?
09:53 PM anniepoo: I recommend some youtube vids
09:53 PM anniepoo: the 'humane rigging' series is particularly good for understanding joints, bones, etc
09:54 PM * rue_house tries to count the bones in a snail
09:54 PM rue_house: ok, I got to 1, but I'm not sure if I'm right
09:54 PM anniepoo: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00U1QVK1G?psc=1 <-- good to know these exist
09:55 PM anniepoo: the count's 2, most of the time
09:55 PM anniepoo: but 'bones' in 3D animation are control structures. You make an 'armature' of bones, jointed together nand constrained in various ways
09:55 PM Jak_o_Shadows: For me, I mostly do rigid stuf, so I was doing rigid body constraints
09:55 PM anniepoo: then you map the skin to the bones
09:56 PM rue_house: BVH!
09:56 PM anniepoo: yes
09:56 PM anniepoo: 8cD
09:56 PM rue_house: did you know I made a player
09:56 PM rue_house: one that works properly?
09:56 PM rue_house: in C
09:56 PM anniepoo: I think you told me that
09:56 PM rue_house: a lanague that dosn't change ever 2 days
09:56 PM rue_house: every
09:57 PM anniepoo: bvh is a suprisingly easy to work with format, programmatically
09:57 PM anniepoo: usually you're just animating the skeleton, not modifying it
09:57 PM rue_house: that base point is a pain in the ass
09:57 PM anniepoo: and the format's a complex description of the skeleton, followed by rows of joint angles as a csv table
09:57 PM rue_house: depending, either the base or the leaf breaks the recursion model
09:58 PM anniepoo: yes
09:58 PM rue_house: which screws me over trying to use my lib to build a skel
09:58 PM anniepoo: but yes, roboticists are reinventing things animators are light years ahead on
09:58 PM anniepoo: that's why I'm using blender
09:59 PM rue_house: does blender bvh?
09:59 PM Jak_o_Shadows: yeah, pretty sure?
09:59 PM anniepoo: yes
09:59 PM rue_house: can you make me a skel with just the 3 points?
09:59 PM rue_house: .----.----.
09:59 PM anniepoo: you can export bvh from blender, and you can set up a skel pretty easy
09:59 PM Jak_o_Shadows: Some people I know are storing all sorts of things with matlab .mat files. Drives me crazy.
09:59 PM anniepoo: sure
09:59 PM Jak_o_Shadows: Just save it as a csv, and worry about the extra load speed later
10:00 PM rue_house: thanks, I been trying to simplify the models I have, just getting breakage
10:00 PM anniepoo: you want a wrist, yes? is it pin, or ball and socket?
10:00 PM anniepoo: same question for shoulder
10:00 PM rue_house: I think that would be the most basic
10:00 PM rue_house: I need a minimum file
10:00 PM anniepoo: and what's the inter-joint distances
10:01 PM rue_house: anything
10:01 PM anniepoo: ok
10:01 PM rue_house: my lib dosn't care
10:01 PM anniepoo: gimme an hour or two here, finishing some other stuff up
10:01 PM rue_house: my lib is the only lib I know hat can load and play ANY bvh
10:01 PM rue_house: most of the software I found breaks if its not a verry particular model
10:03 PM Jak_o_Shadows: waaaaaait. People implement standards not correctly or fully?
10:03 PM Jak_o_Shadows: Whaaaaaaaat
10:03 PM anniepoo: do you know about bvhhacker
10:03 PM anniepoo: (might have just one h)
10:04 PM anniepoo: tool for editing bvh files -
10:11 PM anniepoo: rue, what do you want this thing to do?
10:11 PM anniepoo: Oh, you want just one joint?
10:17 PM anniepoo: @rue_house
10:34 PM anniepoo: YARP looks a lot more sane than ROS to deal with
10:35 PM anniepoo: "YARP is not an operating system for your robot. We figure you already have an operating system, or perhaps several. Nor does it do package management (we like the package managers we have). We're not out for world domination."
11:10 PM rue_house: oh
11:10 PM rue_house: yes, each * as joint, the idea being the most basic bvh file
11:11 PM rue_house: I'm gonna go pressure wash the truck
11:12 PM anniepoo: hey
11:13 PM anniepoo: ok, so 3 joints
11:47 PM anniepoo: hey jandor