#robotics Logs

Mar 27 2017

#robotics Calendar

12:26 AM anonnumberanon: rue_house, what's new?
01:49 AM rue_house: arm10
02:09 AM anonnumberanon: is it any good?
02:54 AM Jak_o_Shadows: When the piss did I disconnect.
02:54 AM Jak_o_Shadows: why also
09:19 AM rue_house: its comming along nicely
10:27 AM veverak: https://hackaday.io/project/11583-odrive-high-performance-motor-control
10:27 AM veverak: interesting toy
10:27 AM veverak: present in hour hackerspace
10:37 AM deshipu: yeah, it even has regenrative breaking
10:37 AM deshipu: but a bit impractical for an 18-servo hexapod :P
10:53 AM veverak: my thoughts
10:53 AM veverak: :)
10:55 AM deshipu: so today I found a cool chip for driving LED matrices
10:55 AM deshipu: but I didn't find it on aliexpress, so I decided to ask the manufacturer for samples
10:56 AM deshipu: so I wrote a request, told them I'm a hobbyist and that I wrote a library for one of their chips for micropython once
10:56 AM deshipu: they just replied that they know me and know my library O.o
10:57 AM SpeedEvil: yay
10:57 AM deshipu: it's scary how small this world is
10:57 AM SpeedEvil: It is a small world. I wouldn't like to paint it though.
10:58 AM deshipu: color me pink
10:59 AM SpeedEvil: Email I just got " Thank you for your interest in Powerwall. We are pleased to announce that deliveries in your country will begin this May 2017. In order to help simplify the process, we’ve outlined five important steps to Powerwall ownership:
11:00 AM SpeedEvil: I do wish they'd just ship me one so I can part it out on ebay :)
11:01 AM deshipu: what's powerwall?
11:04 AM * veverak generalized graph generator
11:04 AM veverak: one part became much faster
11:04 AM SpeedEvil: It is a 8kWh box of 18650 cells from Tesla
11:04 AM veverak: another became much slower
11:04 AM veverak: fu me
11:06 AM deshipu: SpeedEvil: but will it blend?
11:07 AM deshipu: that's a lot of lithium
11:24 AM robotustra: veverak: what are you writing?
11:24 AM robotustra: slicer?
11:25 AM veverak: ehmm
11:26 AM veverak: locomotion
11:26 AM robotustra: for what?
11:26 AM robotustra: your robot?
11:26 AM veverak: yep
11:26 AM robotustra: you mean SLAM?
11:26 AM veverak: nope
11:27 AM * veverak has no simple way to describe it yet
11:27 AM veverak: robotustra: let me write code comments first
11:27 AM * veverak still remembers what he did and why
11:27 AM robotustra: ok
11:29 AM deshipu: robotustra: motion planning, basically
11:38 AM veverak: robotustra: yep, motion planning
11:38 AM veverak: but let's say that "overkill" is my second name
11:41 AM mrdata: you like to swat bugs with a 140 foot tall transforming robot?
11:43 AM veverak: hmm
11:43 AM veverak: so, I've got this generator of graph for states of arm
11:43 AM veverak: I am close to situation: I have general algorithm that can be customized by providing structures that defines how it actually looks
11:44 AM veverak: or, that provides inner behavior
11:44 AM robotustra: spilen some game
11:44 AM veverak: -> I am thinking, that I either provide: A. base class -> programmer than inherits it and implements custom behavior
11:45 AM veverak: B. implement "concept" system like a Boost has or something
11:45 AM veverak: (C++)
11:45 AM veverak: I am really thinking about the A. option though
06:53 PM _jdccdevel: Does anyone know a good place to buy a foam or rubber coated roller, something like a transfer roller in a printer? I need several for a conveyor-belt like setup in a project. I might end up making quite a few, and I don't want to scrounge that many rollers from old printers.
06:56 PM malcom2073: _jdccdevel: https://www.mcmaster.com/#standard-rollers-for-conveyors/=16xxjj2
06:57 PM malcom2073: Though not foam or rubber I don't think, but they may have something that would work
06:58 PM _jdccdevel: malcom2073: Dang, Mcmaster to the rescue! I didn't even think of them because I'm in Canada, but I heard they finally started shipping up here.
06:59 PM malcom2073: Ah nice, I love mcmaster
07:12 PM _jdccdevel: Hmmm, they don't seem to have any driven rollers in the diameter I need. (Less than 1 inch), and the rollers seem to have internal ball bearings, so I probably won't be able to drive them by the shaft. So they'll work for the idler but not the drive roller.
07:15 PM malcom2073: Could always just get a roller a bit longer, and put a belt on it
07:19 PM _jdccdevel: Wow, that's so obvious, I don't know why I missed it. This is my first from-scratch robotics project, and I think my inexperience is showing. They even have rollers with grooves for that in the larger sizes. A flat belt would work just fine for this.
07:19 PM _jdccdevel: Thank you very much!
07:22 PM malcom2073: Awesome, glad you're getting it figured out :)
08:51 PM anonnumberanon: what is going on i read no robots talk?
11:13 PM Tom_itx is now known as Tom_L
11:35 PM rue_shop3: I make robot I just paint forearm purple
11:35 PM rue_shop3: dare to be different