#robotics Logs

Mar 07 2017

#robotics Calendar

12:12 AM Guest58575 is now known as CrazEd
12:14 AM CrazEd is now known as Guest49110
01:13 AM Guest49110 is now known as CrazEd
01:13 AM CrazEd is now known as Guest42535
01:17 AM rue_shop3: ahhahahahaha
01:17 AM rue_shop3: I got it!!
01:17 AM rue_shop3: I got it!!!!
01:18 AM rue_shop3: I picked a tuner amp out of a scrap pile, all the damage was cosmetic
01:18 AM rue_shop3: but I let it dry and powered it up, it went into protection mode
01:18 AM rue_shop3: been hammering my head on it for hours
01:18 AM rue_shop3: TURNS OUT
01:18 AM rue_shop3: its a diode in the protection system
01:19 AM rue_shop3: but it breaks down under ~40V it operates at
01:19 AM rue_shop3: triggers the protection circuit
01:19 AM rue_shop3: hahahahahahahhahaha
01:19 AM rue_shop3: replaced it with a 1N914 and its fine!!!
01:19 AM rue_shop3: hahahahahahahahahahaha
01:19 AM rue_shop3: ITS SO PAST MY BEDTIME
01:20 AM rue_shop3: Kenwood AR-404
01:20 AM rue_shop3: D8 failed, meters fine, breaks down under power
01:21 AM rue_shop3: THANKYOU russia, for the schematics
01:21 AM rue_shop3: if you have one of these amps that goes into protection just after being turned on, replace D7 and D8
02:13 AM rue_house: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/images/p1080826.jpg
02:13 AM rue_house: ^^^ :-)))
02:13 AM rue_house: I just need to wipe the mud off and print some more knobs for it
02:14 AM Guest42535 is now known as CrazEd
02:14 AM CrazEd is now known as Guest22310
02:16 AM rue_house: I got the little screen behind it too, which, sadly, has a scratch, but I think the lcd is in tact
02:16 AM rue_house: its still drying
02:16 AM rue_house: gonna have to flush blow the mud outta that one
03:15 AM Guest22310 is now known as CrazEd
03:16 AM CrazEd is now known as Guest25273
03:48 AM z64555: where'd that delta guy go
03:48 AM z64555: wanted to tell him, aside from gears, he can use belts
03:49 AM z64555: or otherwise stick the motors at the pivots
03:50 AM Jak_o_Shadows: making a delta 3D printer?
03:51 AM z64555: deltaModulator, was his name, he was working on a robotic arm with a manipulator. Each arm segemented was actuated by a motor mounted to the previous segment, and was linked with gears
03:51 AM z64555: *segment
03:55 AM Jak_o_Shadows: So moving the actuators away from the pivot point?
03:55 AM Jak_o_Shadows: Rue did that for one of his joints, with one of his arms eh?
03:57 AM z64555: doing so allows you to get a gearing ratio other that 1:1
03:59 AM z64555: but, eh, I'm not sure that's much of an advantag
03:59 AM * z64555 wonders where his spelling went
04:03 AM SpeedEvil: bees.
04:04 AM Jak_o_Shadows: You'd just put a gearbox next to the motor though eh?
04:16 AM Guest25273 is now known as CrazEd
04:17 AM CrazEd is now known as Guest61493
04:19 AM z64555: a gearbox? no, not exactly
04:21 AM z64555: the gearbox would essentially be built onto the arm
04:22 AM Jak_o_Shadows: By usign gears to transfer the motion up? Yeah.
04:22 AM z64555: yes
04:23 AM z64555: although, one thing you can do on a geared arm is under-actuate certain segments fairly easily
04:24 AM z64555: meaning, you'd have a transition gear or gears between the pivots, so a single motor can drive two or more segments
04:24 AM z64555: If you wanted to go back, just bolt in the motor and replace the gears
04:25 AM Jak_o_Shadows: oh yeah
04:26 AM * z64555 now is wondering how to fabricate spur gears
04:27 AM SpeedEvil: I recommend powder metallurgy.
04:28 AM SpeedEvil: Or a file.
04:29 AM Jak_o_Shadows: The gear hobbing machines are dead cool
04:36 AM SpeedEvil: Indeed.
04:37 AM SpeedEvil: A little 100mm*100*100 five axis mill would be so handy for this
04:40 AM z64555: cold casting might be something a hobbyist such as my self may be able to do. Still need the molds, though
04:43 AM Jak_o_Shadows: SpeedEvil, a little manual mill
04:43 AM Jak_o_Shadows: ?
04:45 AM z64555: manual mill? Is that the one where they hitch up a cow or an undergrad student to power it? :D
04:45 AM Jak_o_Shadows: pffft. Not CNC :P
04:45 AM Jak_o_Shadows: So just a mill
04:45 AM Jak_o_Shadows: ok.
04:45 AM z64555: yes
04:56 AM SpeedEvil: Manual mill is going to be really hard to make any other than simple gears
04:59 AM Jak_o_Shadows: Hmm. Yeah. You sorta need one axis at least to be automatic? Or rotating?
05:06 AM SpeedEvil: I would pay a small amount of money to see someone cut a hypoid gear on a fully manual mill.
05:08 AM z64555: cutting head axis would be orthoganol to the gear's axis
05:09 AM z64555: would basically be a special mill for a specific gear size
05:13 AM z64555: Process would be:
05:13 AM z64555: Chuck the gear into a jig that allows precise spinning on its axis
05:13 AM z64555: Cut a groove
05:13 AM z64555: advance
05:13 AM z64555: cut a groove
05:13 AM z64555: repeat
05:14 AM SpeedEvil: Yes, the advantage of a CNC 5 axis is in principle it can do arbitary gears without setup.
05:15 AM z64555: more likely than not, a machine shop would use the hobbing axis on the mill to make the gears
05:17 AM Guest61493 is now known as CrazEd
05:17 AM z64555: hm? unless I'm remembering something wrong
05:17 AM CrazEd is now known as Guest72660
05:19 AM z64555: The machine shop at the college I went to had a mill which had axis that was co-planar with table
05:20 AM z64555: what I don't remember is if it could be offset from the main head
05:36 AM z64555: so yeah. hobbiest gear making: cast em with metal powder/resin in a mold or file them into shape with a triangle file
06:17 AM Guest72660 is now known as CrazEd
06:18 AM CrazEd is now known as Guest73010
07:18 AM Guest73010 is now known as CrazEd
07:19 AM CrazEd is now known as Guest12315
08:19 AM Guest12315 is now known as CrazEd
08:19 AM CrazEd is now known as Guest2813
09:19 AM Guest2813 is now known as CrazEd
09:20 AM CrazEd is now known as Guest98309
09:23 AM rue_house: for quick gears, do whatever you want, for good gears, buy them
09:23 AM rue_house: tooth cutters are about $300 ea
09:23 AM rue_house: and they might do 4 sizes if your lucky
09:46 AM robotustra: hey boters
09:53 AM rue_house: and this is the last thing the channel will hear for the next 9 hours
09:53 AM robotustra: why?
09:54 AM DagoRed: Because people go to work and it gets quiet.
09:55 AM robotustra: I'm at work :)
09:55 AM robotustra: it's 6pm in Europe already
09:56 AM robotustra: DagoRed: do you know that the earth is spherical?
09:57 AM DagoRed: yeah.... it's the most efficient shape of matter around a central point.
09:57 AM DagoRed: No different than a bubble.
09:57 AM DagoRed: brb
10:31 AM Guest98309 is now known as CrazEd
10:32 AM CrazEd is now known as Guest47863
11:32 AM Guest47863 is now known as CrazEd
11:32 AM CrazEd is now known as Guest75245
12:32 PM Guest75245 is now known as CrazEd
12:33 PM CrazEd is now known as Guest86305
01:34 PM Guest86305 is now known as CrazEd
01:34 PM CrazEd is now known as Guest19712
02:35 PM Guest19712 is now known as CrazEd
02:35 PM CrazEd is now known as Guest185
03:35 PM Guest185 is now known as CrazEd
03:36 PM CrazEd is now known as Guest36577
04:36 PM Guest36577 is now known as CrazEd
04:37 PM CrazEd is now known as Guest79143
05:37 PM Guest79143 is now known as CrazEd
05:37 PM CrazEd is now known as Guest15688
06:37 PM Guest15688 is now known as CrazEd
06:38 PM CrazEd is now known as Guest86960
07:58 PM Guest86960 is now known as CrazEd
07:58 PM CrazEd is now known as Guest7265
08:58 PM Guest7265 is now known as CrazEd
08:59 PM CrazEd is now known as Guest31957
09:25 PM rue_house: and i was more-or-less right
09:34 PM z64555: still better than it being bot-spammed
09:45 PM ace4016: has it ever been?
09:51 PM z64555: somebody had an IRC bot they were playing with at one point, I think they took it down the same day
09:55 PM rue_shop3: ok, I'm cold and tired
09:59 PM Guest31957 is now known as CrazEd
09:59 PM CrazEd is now known as Guest56370
10:59 PM Guest56370 is now known as CrazEd
11:00 PM CrazEd is now known as Guest31598