#robotics Logs

Mar 04 2017

#robotics Calendar

12:05 AM SpeedEvil: depending on your definition of day
12:15 AM rue_shop3: usually the 10 hour period between morning and night
12:45 AM SpeedEvil: It's been quiet, yes.
02:21 AM rue_shop3: at 50mm/min, the motor and the motors power supply start to overheat
08:03 AM Tom_itx is now known as Tom_L
08:09 AM royal_screwup21: Hi all! I'm looking for some guide on using Gazebo. I looked at the documentation but it seems super hard to parse through. Do you guys know of any other good tutorials/resources?
08:17 AM ace4016: not sure how much widespread use gazebo has, so more beginner friendly tutorials are probably few and far between. tried ROS's set of guides? http://wiki.ros.org/simulator_gazebo/Tutorials/StartingGazebo
08:23 AM royal_screwup21: Thanks, I'll look into this
12:11 PM [cnc] is now known as [cube]
12:38 PM rue_house: I thinkI figured it out
12:39 PM rue_house: I can put an IR led on the lightswitch, that transmitts a code for the low voltage lights to turn on
12:39 PM rue_house: then I dont have to mess with anything
12:40 PM rue_house: I could use a tiny13
12:40 PM rue_house: its WAY too early for me to be up
01:05 PM rue_house: everyone was all up about these esp8266 things, I got one, its interesting, but not practical or usefull
01:05 PM rue_house: ;)
01:15 PM malcom2073: They're fairly nichce, but they're extremely useful where their strengths lie
01:15 PM malcom2073: niche*
01:18 PM deshipu: rue_house: it's a decent cheap microcontroller, though I have to admit I'm not using its wifi capabilities
01:54 PM Snert: If you want quick wi-fi control with a web browser, they're great. but not so great for security or other advanced things.
02:02 PM deshipu: you mean attiny13 is better for security?
02:12 PM Snert: I mean none of these IoT gizmos and gadgets are serucity conscious
02:15 PM Snert: of course, one has to judge one's threat surface and exposure.
02:21 PM Snert: I use a totally open wireless at home, for instance
02:22 PM Snert: nearest neighbor is far enuff away that it just doesn't matter.
02:25 PM Snert: and miscreants with sniffers don't bother when the rewards are so low and difficult to obtain.
02:50 PM deshipu: what I meant is that you don't have to use wifi and it's still a very capable and cheap chip
03:42 PM To_Aru_Shiroi_Ne is now known as ToAruShiroiNeko
04:47 PM Snert: not using the wifi makes sense if the thing is in charge of your heating or air conditioning.
04:48 PM Snert: or such.
04:51 PM Snert: I know I don't trust my garage door opener. But nothing I can do about that.
04:52 PM Snert: except buile my own, which I'm not interested in doing.
05:08 PM Snert: a bad back end employee is prolly the biggest threat.
05:09 PM Snert: which can be mitigated by simply killing the juice to the opener if I'm away on vacation.
05:56 PM malcom2073: I use them for remote temperature monitoring for my HVAC system. Sure someone could hack into my wifi and make my house cold, but I'd see them if they're parked that close. I wouldn't use wifi for such things if I was in a more populated area for sure
07:08 PM Jak_o_Shadows: A friend has the xiomi ones
07:08 PM Jak_o_Shadows: Gonna buy a module and see if I can figure anything out
07:09 PM Jak_o_Shadows: Also, becuase of silly design decisions when I built my 3D printer, I can only print 120*200*height ( My current design is at 150
07:22 PM anniepoo_: 8c9 BBQ becomes available across the street in 10 mins. Fund raiser for FFA
07:36 PM Jak_o_Shadows: BUGGER. You can't mount a 2/3 in potentiometer where a micro-servo would go
07:36 PM Jak_o_Shadows: It collides with the munt holes
09:41 PM rue_shop3: huh
09:41 PM malcom2073: Them damn munt holes
09:51 PM Jak_o_Shadows: damn 3D printer
11:17 PM rue_shop3: Jak_o_Shadows, your going to leave before I can help you with it
11:17 PM rue_shop3: I know this from experiance
11:18 PM zhanx: rue make me a 3d printer i will send you 20 bucks plus shipping
11:18 PM Jak_o_Shadows: Oh, this isnt quality issues
11:18 PM rue_shop3: ok, for that I can definitly ship you a picture of t...
11:18 PM Jak_o_Shadows: I had a tangle in my filament spool from months ago, my computer crashed, had some issues because I think my y-axis is backwards or something (fixed though)
11:19 PM Jak_o_Shadows: Had some slight peeling, but well, ABS, and a draft, what do you expect for big stuff?
11:19 PM rue_shop3: you need a lot of help then
11:19 PM rue_shop3: post some pics and, if your here I'll help you out
11:20 PM Jak_o_Shadows: aha. My computer crashing is not an issue you can help with. I untangled the filament. the y-ais thing is fixed, just had to change some stuff in slicer
11:21 PM rue_shop3: does slicer crash when you open a particular stl?
11:21 PM Jak_o_Shadows: nope.
11:21 PM Jak_o_Shadows: Was just the bed size and home offset
11:22 PM Jak_o_Shadows: I printed something bigger than evetr before
11:22 PM rue_shop3: sounds like you dont use it much
11:22 PM rue_shop3: esp if you didn't notice the Y axis was backwards...
11:22 PM Jak_o_Shadows: Nope. Starting to use it a bit more now
11:22 PM Jak_o_Shadows: I don't know if I've ever printed anything that wasn't symmetric
11:25 PM Jak_o_Shadows: Through, like, I think it might just be that the home position was wrong/backwards. Not the axis. On further though.