#robotics Logs

Feb 24 2017

#robotics Calendar

12:14 AM stanford_ai: is anyone here familiar with ROS/robotics on linux? computer vision, AI, drones, manufacturing, electronics, industrial design, awesomeness, video-making, marketing, lean startup, design-thinking, ethnography, graphic design, or anything related?
12:16 AM orlock: stanford_ai: Yup.
12:16 AM stanford_ai: orlock, i see you again1
12:16 AM orlock: stanford_ai: Love where i work though, so.. Sorry!
12:16 AM orlock: Also, heading home
12:16 AM stanford_ai: where do you work?
12:16 AM orlock: I'll msg you
12:17 AM zhanx-: Orlock see I was right :p
12:38 AM * z64555 is just an engineer who likes robots
12:38 AM zhanx-: I play robot god is all
01:43 AM z64555: rue_shop3: http://filmicworlds.com/blog/linear-space-lighting-i-e-gamma/
01:43 AM z64555: Read in here that most cameras work in gamma space, which do a power function
01:43 AM z64555: could be part of the lag
01:55 AM Jak_o_Shadows: Camera/computer vision stuff?
02:11 AM z64555: That article's more for computer graphic artists
02:11 AM z64555: but it makes a mention about how brightness information is stored/processed
04:18 AM synja: lol
04:21 AM z64555: what u lol'in bout
04:21 AM synja: the global notice
04:22 AM z64555: the good thing is that they found it, and got the word out.
04:23 AM synja: nothing is ever secure
04:23 AM synja: never treat it as so
04:23 AM synja: even offline systems are vulnerable
04:55 AM deshipu: we are doomed, the end is near, repent
04:59 AM Jak_o_Shadows: Hmm. I think that cabe retract system I just thought of will work
04:59 AM Jak_o_Shadows: It might be a tad draggy. Will have to make it and see
05:03 AM deshipu: wireless cable system
05:11 AM synja: omg i just realized my robot is autistic
05:12 AM synja: large hands inproportional to body, and wide set eyes
05:12 AM synja: what is this system you speak of, jak?
05:12 AM Jak_o_Shadows: deshipu, wireless headphones aint really worth the effort
05:13 AM Jak_o_Shadows: synja, gonna have some parallel pulleys, linked to a common weight, and have it pull down the 5m headphone cable
05:15 AM synja: huh
05:15 AM synja: would that put strain on your ears to keep them on?
05:16 AM synja: actually i have no fucking clue what you'd need that for
05:17 AM Jak_o_Shadows: Hmm. Yes. I am rather hoping that it's not going to have to be a big weight.
05:17 AM Jak_o_Shadows: I can just put a clamp/lock at the end I suppose
05:17 AM Jak_o_Shadows: I have a 5m cable so I can walk away, sit on the cough, etc?
05:19 AM deshipu: synja: he will have very muscular ears
05:19 AM deshipu: so recently I was thinking about an alternative to a graphical tablet
05:20 AM Jak_o_Shadows: A surface pro?
05:20 AM deshipu: remember those pens on a chain they have in the offices for signing stuff?
05:20 AM deshipu: this is a bit of an overkill, but what if each link of the chain had a precise encoder in it
05:21 AM deshipu: then you can know the position of the pen relative to the other end of the chain
05:21 AM deshipu: in 3d
05:21 AM Jak_o_Shadows: You'd tots need feedback/force feedback
05:21 AM deshipu: why?
05:21 AM deshipu: just let it dangle as it does now
05:22 AM Jak_o_Shadows: It'd be a lot of stress on your arm to precisely move something around in mid-air
05:22 AM deshipu: so it's not in the way
05:22 AM deshipu: but you wouldn't move it in mid air
05:22 AM deshipu: you would use it as a normal pen
05:22 AM deshipu: just on several surfaces
05:22 AM synja: deshipu> synja: he will have very muscular ears
05:22 AM synja: lol
05:22 AM Jak_o_Shadows: deshipu: http://hypecask.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/DSC08717-1024x685.jpg
05:23 AM Jak_o_Shadows: But with more links/enough links to let you write liek a human
05:23 AM deshipu: right
05:23 AM deshipu: of course we don't yet have such small, precise and cheap encoders
05:24 AM deshipu: but MEMS technology is improving
05:29 AM Jak_o_Shadows: I think rue made a joystick thingo a bit like what I linked. It was to control one of his arms
09:31 AM rue_house: yea, and jak always leaves, so I cant help him with that either
10:28 AM z64555: mail bot would be so handy
01:09 PM Snert__ is now known as Snert
11:15 PM rue_house: why
11:41 PM z64555: 'cause then you could actually comminicate with Jak
11:51 PM rue_shop3: someone just ask him to stay logged in