#robotics | Logs for 2017-02-12

[00:22:42] <synja> how long were you working on it?
[00:31:38] <anniepoo> Waaay too long!
[00:31:53] <anniepoo> I've been at it seemingly for weeks
[00:32:01] <anniepoo> it's really been my intro to Blender
[00:32:26] <anniepoo> 8cD at least I'm finally becoming semi-competent beginner in Blender, a skill I've wanted for a long time
[00:36:57] <synja> better be quite the snail, hehe
[00:37:06] <synja> do you have a printer?
[00:39:14] <anniepoo> yes
[00:39:26] <anniepoo> you mean a 3D printer?
[00:39:29] <anniepoo> no
[00:39:35] <anniepoo> but I have a laser
[00:40:24] <anniepoo> I'll be making the body by plushie construction over a laser cut interlocking form
[00:40:49] <anniepoo> and the shell by fiberglass, I think
[00:41:25] <synja> huh
[00:42:29] <anniepoo> http://static3.evermotion.org/files/download_images/rhino_0_627.jpg
[00:42:34] <anniepoo> that sort of thing
[00:42:59] <anniepoo> fiberglass it to get the shell
[00:43:06] <synja> neat
[00:43:11] <synja> why did you pick a snail though?
[00:43:39] <anniepoo> needed a small animal with lots of space on back for 'innerds'
[00:44:04] <anniepoo> and that I could come up with lots of stories about
[00:44:34] <synja> something small enough to bring to interviews?
[00:44:38] <anniepoo> yes
[00:44:44] <synja> heh
[00:44:57] <anniepoo> and to take to libraries and schools to interact with children
[00:45:18] <anniepoo> 8cD she's going to tell stories
[00:45:25] <anniepoo> >8@_
[00:45:54] <synja> will its head bob up and down while its talking?
[00:46:07] <synja> well, the eyes at least
[00:48:06] <synja> try opencv emotion detection to read the audience
[00:48:33] <synja> facial recognition will really get the kids interested in science
[00:56:36] <anniepoo> it's head will bob up and down appropriately, playing animations
[00:56:51] <anniepoo> (one reason I'm doing all this in blender - I can make the animations)
[00:57:05] <anniepoo> emotion detection is hard
[00:58:04] <anniepoo> hadn't planned on doing any science - might do one lesson on snails, it's obvious -
[01:04:31] <synja> emotion recognition takes up a lot of resources. you'll probably be oursourcing most sensory processing anyways
[01:06:08] <anniepoo> yes
[01:06:48] <anniepoo> I do most processing on a laptop connected via 802.11
[01:07:09] <synja> so you'll have either offline sphinx or google api for the speech to text? there are many neat voice synthesizers offline you can work around with
[01:07:27] <synja> i still prefer the online ones (more real)
[01:08:01] <synja> *nix based lappy or winblows?
[01:08:11] <anniepoo> you're confusing TTS and sppech rec. I think. Planning to use CMU sphinx
[01:08:20] <synja> nope
[01:08:25] <synja> i just added both in the same line
[01:08:45] <synja> i use it all the time ;)
[01:09:04] <synja> unless your lappy is top of the line gaming, sphinx is going to blow
[01:09:18] <synja> trust me
[01:09:33] <anniepoo> well whatever - CMU sphinx for speech rec, and festival for speech generation
[01:09:39] <synja> if you want it to be even close to real-time, the accuracy will suffer
[01:09:42] <anniepoo> Hmm... ok, that's interesting
[01:09:45] <synja> festival isn't _too_ bad
[01:09:51] <synja> better than espeak anyways
[01:10:10] <anniepoo> I'll do some testing
[01:10:24] <synja> i prefer a tool called isynth for online synthesizing
[01:10:41] <synja> gives you many different 3rd parties all linked in that one shell script
[01:10:46] <synja> so you can choose
[01:11:07] <anniepoo> not finding it
[01:11:07] <Jak_o_Shadows> Well, festival is good for real time, but you don't need it to if it's reading stories
[01:11:12] <synja> i mean, it's not like your project is hippa bound
[01:11:13] <Jak_o_Shadows> also, a snail IS a good shape.
[01:11:21] <synja> hmm
[01:11:23] <synja> brb finding it
[01:11:50] <synja> weird
[01:11:59] <synja> i can always upload my version that i cracked
[01:12:10] <synja> some of the 3rd parties caught onto me
[01:12:12] <synja> :}
[01:12:27] <anniepoo> the snail will have a fair sized repertoire. I don't want to have to
[01:12:34] <synja> shit it's on my other HDD
[01:12:39] <anniepoo> have a voice actor read everything it might say
[01:12:40] <anniepoo> https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/ff537019(v=vs.85).aspx
[01:12:41] <synja> oh well i'm done gaming anyways bbs
[01:14:09] <synja> it's not a voice actor
[01:14:12] <synja> it's a synthesizer
[01:15:30] <synja> ugh i have an i5 and it's still slow
[01:16:01] <anniepoo> no, a voice actor is a polite person who can sound like captain hook one minute and tinkerbelle the next
[01:16:20] <synja> like, a real person?
[01:16:22] <anniepoo> yes
[01:16:37] <synja> yeah i'm not talking about that
[01:16:48] <synja> although you can simply change the voices when you want to, if you do
[01:17:10] <anniepoo> <Jak_o_Shadows> Well, festival is good for real time, but you don't need it to if it's reading stories
[01:17:13] <synja> ahhh izsynth
[01:17:30] <synja> that's what it's called
[01:18:02] <synja> github.com/ugoviti/izsynth
[01:18:16] <anniepoo> wrapper on espeak
[01:18:28] <Jak_o_Shadows> Yeah. I'm saying you could find another one, or just edit it in audacity until it sounds better
[01:18:33] <synja> espeak is ONE of its options
[01:18:42] <synja> i never use it
[01:19:41] <synja> ./izsynth -e naturalreaders -v 30 -t "english woman"
[01:19:58] <synja> that's what my bot sounds like
[01:20:00] <synja> alice
[01:20:20] <synja> unless she's offline though, in which case she's scottish under espeak
[01:20:24] <anniepoo> a bigger project than I want to try would be to have the actual stories and as much of the productions as I can recorded by voice actor
[01:21:00] <anniepoo> then, since I know the corpus, I can use it to generate a new voice
[01:22:19] <synja> well, you have options
[01:22:47] <synja> except for speech rec. you're screwed there mostly
[01:23:15] <synja> if you don't want your every conversation sent over the internet, it's a good offline way to catch a keyword, then process everything after online
[01:23:24] <synja> (sphinx)
[01:23:54] <anniepoo> the snail's only on when interacting with it
[01:24:03] <anniepoo> privacy's not a concern
[01:25:30] <synja> if you don't want to work out the theory behind nlp and such ;) there is aiml (used for chatbots) and collections online to edit
[01:25:55] <synja> basic interactions outside of story time
[01:26:03] <synja> it's a good starting point
[01:26:29] <anniepoo> Uh, I sorta already understand the theory behind nlp and such
[01:26:36] <anniepoo> I'm a logic programmer in my day job
[01:26:50] <synja> i mean, nobody has solved it yet
[01:26:56] <synja> not well enough anyways
[01:27:38] <synja> the aiml brain and the relationships behind it is an interesting take on it. i suggest you give it a try
[01:27:42] <synja> look at the online docs first
[01:27:48] <synja> pretty neat
[01:29:38] <Jak_o_Shadows> I FIXED MY 3D PRINTER
[01:36:36] <anniepoo> congrats!
[01:37:39] <Jak_o_Shadows> http://pasteall.org/pic/index.php?id=112412
[01:37:44] <Jak_o_Shadows> It's been so long since it was working.
[01:37:47] <Jak_o_Shadows> I dunno what to print
[01:39:05] <Jak_o_Shadows> rue_bed, rue_*!
[02:14:15] <z64555> how bout some big 3D letters
[02:23:06] <Jak_o_Shadows> I SHOULD print spare parts
[02:23:07] <Jak_o_Shadows> but...
[03:58:03] <rue_bed> ok
[03:58:18] <rue_bed> you needed help adjusting it, but you ran off
[04:37:30] <Jak_o_Shadows> ie. sleep rue :P
[04:37:45] <Jak_o_Shadows> The problem was not adjusting it - the right hand z-axis stepper bracket was loose
[04:42:31] <Jak_o_Shadows> I'm still getting some zits and blobs - possibly overextruding?
[04:42:38] <Jak_o_Shadows> The hot-end temperature PID is rubbish
[04:59:09] <mrdata_> Jak_o_Shadows, adjust PID parameters, perhaps?
[04:59:20] <mrdata_> these things need tuning
[04:59:54] <Jak_o_Shadows> aye. I will. Currently it's the results of the auto-tuning, which is slightly rubbish
[05:00:54] <mrdata_> garbage in -> garbage out
01:10 PM rue_bed: jak... gone again
08:43 PM goppo: i'm trying to make a small automatic foldable hinge, driven by a motor. here's a little diagram http://i.imgur.com/MlO9zS5.png
08:44 PM goppo: where black is the rod rotated by a motor, the red are two plates and the thick red is the hinge
08:44 PM goppo: when the black rotates in one direction to close the top plate, the bottom plate folds. when the black rotates in another rotation, the bottom plate opens up
08:45 PM goppo: this should work when the setup is placed on its side as well, i.e. can't really rely on gravity to pull the bottom down
08:46 PM goppo: does anyone know how to make the bottom fold without using another motor?
08:50 PM goppo: i'm trying to avoid using tracks. i guess the hinge will have to be spring loaded
09:53 PM Tom_L: https://www.atgstores.com/door-hinges/soss-door-hardware-218-invisible-door-hinge_5866995.html?ppc=2615&af=2615&cm_mmc=sce_google&s_kwcid=AL!4500!3!105096684443!!!g!297987070204!&gclid=CKWEnc6PjNICFRC1wAodtmoNyQ&ef_id=WKEmxAAAAGKdKDFK:20170213032348:s
09:53 PM Tom_L: goppo, that's what you're after
09:53 PM goppo: Tom_L, hmm access denied
09:54 PM goppo: Tom_L, is it the same as http://www.soss.com/model-218-invisible-hinge.html ?
09:54 PM Tom_L: yup
09:54 PM goppo: Tom_L, but my issue is how to fold the lower plate up
09:55 PM goppo: how is the force applied
09:55 PM Tom_L: dunno
09:56 PM Tom_L: also, think of a horizontal airplane hangar door
09:57 PM goppo: Tom_L, those use tracks, don't they?
09:57 PM Tom_L: i'm sure most of them do
09:57 PM goppo: i was hoping to avoid using tracks
09:57 PM Tom_L: https://www.techtradedoors.com/images/Bi-fold_Products_Premier.jpg
09:57 PM Tom_L: you don't see many that style
09:58 PM goppo: indeed
09:59 PM Tom_L: what's yours for?
10:00 PM Tom_L: generally ppl have one idea in mind for a solution to a problem but may not be the best
10:00 PM goppo: i'm trying to build an automatic pet door
10:00 PM goppo: a low profile one
10:01 PM Tom_L: buy one
10:01 PM synja: opencv object rec. for your pet
10:01 PM Tom_L: i saw some such doors recently
10:01 PM goppo: Tom_L, the ones on the market are too chunky
10:02 PM Tom_L: one i saw slid up and down with a motor and sensor
10:02 PM goppo: that's why i was hoping to use foldable flaps
10:02 PM goppo: yeah
10:02 PM goppo: they're big
10:02 PM Tom_L: not the floppy magnetic type
10:02 PM goppo: well, relatively
10:03 PM synja: you can use one actuated on a solenoid
10:03 PM synja: that wouldn't be floppy
10:03 PM synja: or like Tom_L was saying, slide up and down with a motor
10:04 PM synja: if you have skunks or anything else around, i'd use image recognition
10:05 PM Tom_L: http://www.petsmart.com/dog/supplies-and-training/crates-gates-and-containment/dog-doors/high-tech-power-pet-electronic-pet-door-6569.html?cgid=100091
10:05 PM Tom_L: similar
10:05 PM Tom_L: the one i saw wasn't that bulky
10:05 PM Tom_L: the plexi slid up and down
10:06 PM Tom_L: pretty easy with a rack and pinion or just a belt
10:07 PM goppo: well, that one's almost a metre long
10:07 PM goppo: tall, rather
10:07 PM Tom_L: http://www.hayneedle.com/product/high-tech-pet-prodcuts-power-pet-patio-double-pane-panel-pet-door.cfm
10:07 PM Tom_L: that's showing the whole door
10:07 PM goppo: yeah
10:07 PM Tom_L: no matter, it will be 2x as tall as the door opening
10:07 PM goppo: that's why i'm trying to use foldable flaps
10:07 PM Tom_L: foldable won't be reliable
10:08 PM goppo: synja, i'm trying to avoid sliding it up and down because the tracks would be too tall
10:08 PM Tom_L: animals will break it sooner
10:08 PM Tom_L: the one i saw similar to the links was a pretty slick install
10:08 PM synja: there's always going to be something
10:08 PM goppo: well, the flaps aren't meant to be bumped into
10:08 PM Tom_L: but they would be
10:10 PM Tom_L: https://www.petdoors.com/power-pet-automatic-pet-doors.html
10:10 PM Tom_L: that's a pretty clean install
10:11 PM Tom_L: put it in the wall instead
10:12 PM Tom_L: besides, they've already done the product reliability testing for you
10:12 PM Tom_L: so you don't chop fee fee's head off
10:13 PM synja: lol
10:13 PM synja: goppo then slide it left-right
10:14 PM synja: if you really need to ask people about how to do it, you're better off buying it
10:14 PM Tom_L: make sure it's got a sharp edge
10:14 PM synja: lol
10:14 PM synja: i'd say make a wooden groove for it to slide into
10:14 PM synja: so it can't be pushed
10:14 PM Tom_L: puppy guillotine
10:14 PM synja: actually i say buy one, but anyways
10:15 PM Tom_L: the one i saw was a very clean looking install
10:15 PM Tom_L: quite similar to the one with the colored plexi
10:15 PM synja: i would hate that in the winter time
10:16 PM synja: probably only feasible for countries without winter
10:16 PM synja: or with 2 doors
10:16 PM synja: so you can leave one open in the summer
10:16 PM synja: idk
10:16 PM synja: would be such a source of heat loss
10:16 PM Tom_L: have a flap to a laundry exit or pantry exit with the electric door on the exterior
10:16 PM goppo: hmm
10:17 PM Tom_L: synja, probably not as bad as some enefficient windows
10:17 PM synja: probably not, but i still like to minimize the loss
10:17 PM Tom_L: besides you need some fresh air in the house anyway
10:17 PM synja: psh you get fresh air in the minute cracks
10:17 PM Tom_L: go look at your furnace install
10:18 PM Tom_L: it has a fresh air pipe somewhere nearby
10:18 PM Tom_L: or it's supposed to
10:18 PM synja: wood fire ftw
10:18 PM synja: ik ik i must live in the 19th century or something
10:19 PM synja: i do miss my apartment with programmable thermostat though
10:19 PM synja: omg it was amazing
10:20 PM Tom_L: it's just one of the prices you pay for having pets
10:20 PM Tom_L: it's that or new carpet every year
10:21 PM Tom_L: it's bound to be less heat loss than a human taking them out the human door each time
10:22 PM Tom_L: i did see one go out the door and lay down just outside it though, causing the door to stay open too long
10:22 PM Tom_L: just don't make the exit too cozy for the pet
10:25 PM Tom_L: if i were wanting one and wanted the high tech solution over a magnetic closure flap i'd go with this one: https://www.petdoors.com/power-pet-automatic-pet-doors.html
10:27 PM Tom_L: now rue_house on the other hand just tosses em out the window hoping they land on their feet
10:28 PM pokmo: to make cheap custom rods and gears, would it be a good idea to use acrylic?
10:28 PM Tom_L: i'm gonna guess the commercial one uses plastic gears too
10:28 PM Tom_L: dunno for sure
10:28 PM pokmo: Tom_L, but they're nylon, right
10:28 PM Tom_L: no idea
10:29 PM z64555: acrylic? nooo
10:29 PM z64555: nylon.
10:29 PM Tom_L: acrylic would be more brittle in the winter
10:29 PM z64555: acrylic's brittle, period
10:29 PM Tom_L: polycarbonate would be better
10:29 PM pokmo: z64555, i'm trying to get a few hundred made. i was thinking of getting them laser cut
10:30 PM Tom_L: gonna sell doggy doors?
10:30 PM pokmo: to have nylon custom made, i don't think it'll be cheap
10:30 PM z64555: I don't know if polycarb is rigid enough to serve as a good gear
10:30 PM synja: Tom_L, yeah i guess solenoid ones might be dangerous :P
10:31 PM Tom_L: synja with a sharp edge, it would be quick and painless
10:31 PM synja: tisk tisk
10:31 PM Tom_L: the one i saw opened in about 1.5 seconds or thereabouts
10:31 PM pokmo: z64555, what if the torque was low?
10:32 PM Tom_L: you may not want a rigid gearing system on this
10:32 PM Tom_L: let gravity close it and use a belt to open it
10:32 PM pokmo: or linkages
10:32 PM Tom_L: product testing... research... you could just buy one
10:33 PM synja: actually a solenoid wouldn't be dangerous unless it was always open for some reason. gravity would bring it down and wouldn't be much an issue
10:33 PM Tom_L: too fast reacting
10:33 PM Tom_L: i think
10:33 PM Tom_L: you may scare the hell outta the animal
10:34 PM Tom_L: finding a solonoid with that long of travel may be a challenge in itself
10:34 PM Snert: let alone somewhat quiet.
10:34 PM Tom_L: and take away from the desired compactness of the product he's after
10:35 PM Tom_L: buy one. take it apart and go hmmmm... i should have thought of that.
10:36 PM Tom_L: put it back together and return it saying it wouldn't fit my door
10:36 PM Snert: theat's why all sales are final.
10:37 PM Tom_L: hah
10:37 PM Snert: too much abuse like that.
10:37 PM Tom_L: i'm sure
10:37 PM Tom_L: i _was_ kidding ya know
10:37 PM Snert: well, it's a valid way all too often I think
10:38 PM Tom_L: i'm sure it's common practice to buy competetors' products though
10:38 PM Snert: mostly by children I bet.
10:39 PM Snert: Give me an arduino and now I'm writing to flash. Never thunk I'd be able to do that in my normal life.
10:41 PM pokmo: what's a good way to make cheap linkages that are small? say 15mm x 5mm x 2mm
10:41 PM Tom_L: on the folding door idea though, i just don't think it to be that reliable personally
10:42 PM Tom_L: pokmo depends on the application
10:42 PM Tom_L: there are thousands of types of linkage
10:43 PM z64555: Tom_L: Which is partly why patents exist
10:43 PM pokmo: very low torque. i'm trying to make a model of scissor lift
10:43 PM pokmo: a small model
10:44 PM Tom_L: sucker sticks with a hole in the center and ends with a type of pin thru them
10:45 PM Tom_L: like a collapsible baby gate
10:45 PM z64555: scissor lifts actually need a fair amount of torque to get moving
10:45 PM Tom_L: yep
10:45 PM pokmo: z64555, yeah, but it's just a model
10:45 PM z64555: how big is the model
10:46 PM pokmo: around 10cm when extended
10:46 PM Tom_L: baby gates use cheap rivets for the hinge
10:46 PM z64555: ok, how many linkages
10:47 PM z64555: I count each X as a linkage
10:47 PM pokmo: probably 3, 4 sets
10:47 PM z64555: I'm thinking, maybe, 8g?
10:48 PM pokmo: Tom_L, yeah i've thought about sticks, but i'm trying to lower the friction
10:48 PM pokmo: z64555, yeah. definitely <10g
10:48 PM Tom_L: you said a cheap model
10:48 PM pokmo: how about aluminium sheet?
10:49 PM Tom_L: graphite between the wood sticks
10:49 PM Tom_L: about as low as you can get
10:51 PM pokmo: hmm
10:52 PM Tom_L: unless you mill the aluminum and put minature bearings in the pivots
10:52 PM pokmo: can nylon be laser cut?
10:52 PM Tom_L: then it's high precision vs slop
10:52 PM Tom_L: probably
10:52 PM Tom_L: you may get a rough edge
10:52 PM pokmo: hmm
10:52 PM pokmo: apparently nylon melts badly
10:52 PM pokmo: https://www.pololu.com/docs/0J24/3
10:52 PM Tom_L: it does
10:53 PM z64555: nylon washers are a thing
10:53 PM Tom_L: so are teflon ones
10:53 PM z64555: you don't lasercut nylon, you cast it
10:53 PM pokmo: casting costs :(
10:53 PM z64555: and lasers dont??
10:53 PM pokmo: laser cutting acrylic is fairly cheap, isn't it?
10:53 PM Tom_L: i have little experience with laser cutting anything
10:53 PM Tom_L: i've burned a few cd's :D
10:54 PM pokmo: i mean, getting a shop to do it ofc
10:54 PM Tom_L: or waterjet
10:54 PM pokmo: yeah
10:55 PM Tom_L: sounds like we're designing your product for you
10:56 PM Tom_L: meh, got nothing better to do tonight except maybe sleep
11:18 PM mun: are plastic timing belt pulleys actually common?
11:39 PM SpeedEvil: My lawnmower has a couple.