#robotics | Logs for 2017-02-11

[01:29:59] <rue_house> del... integer
[01:33:12] <z64555> ?
[01:44:29] <mrdata_> z64555, word size
[01:45:00] <z64555> word size?
[01:45:39] <mrdata_> oh perhaps not;
[01:45:54] <z64555> If the arduino can't support doubles, then the compiler should throw a fit about it
[01:46:10] <mrdata_> it does support doubles
[01:46:18] <mrdata_> or at least float
[01:46:52] <mrdata_> 1.00 / 333.00 / 150.00 equals 0.00002002002002...
[01:47:36] <mrdata_> maybe delinquitme prints the result and got 0.00 to three places
[01:52:34] <z64555> that could be it
[01:55:53] <mrdata_> we need to see more than just the one line of code
[02:48:45] <synja> stanford_ai, custom design, motors from printers, framework 3d printed, tablet batteries, controlled by rpi
[02:49:05] <synja> so again, what are you working on?
[03:12:59] <rue_house> I think I'm gonna block pinterest
[04:01:24] <mrdata_> lol good idea
[04:07:15] <synja> that's the photo sharing site?
[04:11:59] <rue_house> no
[04:12:19] <rue_house> its a site that gatehrs photos from everywhere, but wont show them to you and wont disclose their origin
[04:12:31] <rue_house> and wont let you save them
[04:12:38] <rue_house> I hate it
[04:12:51] <rue_house> useless site, that spams my google image results
[04:13:10] <rue_house> which are bad enough already cause google dosn't search for WHAT i ASK FOR
[04:13:35] <rue_house> google just shows me what it wants me to see
[04:14:07] <rue_house> we need a new search engine
[04:14:12] <rue_house> one that dosn't use google
[04:14:24] <rue_house> and thats not run by microsoft
[04:14:31] <synja> there's a reason google is used so much
[04:14:37] <synja> it's good
[04:14:43] <rue_house> no its not
[04:14:51] <rue_house> its a huge corrupt database
[04:14:57] <synja> better than anything else
[04:15:03] <synja> which makes it good
[04:15:12] <rue_house> that only gives you some half descent results cause its not possable to be completely wrong always
[04:15:32] <rue_house> it wasn't better than metacrawler
[04:15:38] <rue_house> it just had a front page with no ads
[04:16:25] <rue_house> google dosn't even use its click proxy to update if pages are unavailable
[04:16:29] <synja> metacrawler works from google
[04:16:35] <synja> in part
[04:16:39] <rue_house> it existed before google
[04:16:45] <synja> so did yahoo
[04:16:51] <synja> and they suck
[04:16:58] <rue_house> yea, but only metacrawler searched all the search engines
[04:17:12] <rue_house> anyhow, it searched for what you asked for
[04:17:17] <rue_house> like google did origionally
[04:17:36] <synja> i've never had an issue with gogole
[04:17:46] <synja> it even helps with my dyslexia
[04:17:51] <rue_house> I always have issue with it not searching for what I asked for
[04:18:06] <rue_house> if I ask for blue, I dont want to see red
[04:18:40] <rue_house> go ahead, search for "blue square" images,
[04:18:48] <rue_house> YOU TELL ME WHY THERE ARE RED SQUARES
[04:19:50] <synja> 99% are blue
[04:20:02] <synja> if you can't overlook the outlier and find what you need, the issues is on you
[04:20:04] <rue_house> not accurate enough for me
[04:20:07] <synja> psh
[04:20:57] <rue_house> if I ask for "hoe to change S10 starter" I do not want to see articles about "how to make scambled eggs"
[04:21:20] <rue_house> and I will not accept that its an ok result just because it contains "how to"
[04:24:04] <rue_house> a great example is to google "how to get google to search for the words you asked for"
[04:24:10] <rue_house> none of the results are
[04:24:52] <rue_house> well, I wrote more of the code for the CAM software, gnight
[04:26:51] <rue_bed> google will never have an empty result set, because, they use 3rd party engines, which will ALWAYS say they matched your results so you will be subjected to their ads
[04:29:56] <rue_bed> for example type in 2N77873
[04:30:04] <rue_bed> there is no such chip
[04:30:18] <rue_bed> but, 6 google results just on that
[12:18:34] <rue_house> anniepoo, hows the snail shell?
[12:20:07] <rue_house> I'm either gonna work on my can software or a PID loop controller
[12:56:08] <mrdata_> PID is pretty simple; whats a can software
[12:56:55] <rue_house> not real pid
[12:57:06] <rue_house> with drive saturation and integrator windup
[13:02:18] <rue_house> mrdata_, do you prefer serial, parallel, or standard PID?
[13:05:56] <mrdata_> well, lets see.. http://www.acsysteme.com/en/serial-or-parallel-pid
[13:06:12] <mrdata_> parallel is more intuitive to me
[13:06:14] <mrdata_> http://techteach.no/simview/pid_serial_parallel/index.php
[13:07:26] <mrdata_> but i can see how hardware implementations mightr use serial for simplicity
[13:09:36] <mrdata_> "people who manually set the controller rather use the parallel form."
[13:16:28] <anniepoo> hey rue - finally have a working 3D model
[13:16:52] <rue_shop3> full scale?
[13:17:08] <anniepoo> no, the hard part was making one in Blender
[13:17:10] <rue_shop3> heh, there's a pile building up outside my shop of things broken via wind storms
[13:17:37] <rue_shop3> a blender is a difficult tool to use for find sculpture ;)
[13:17:43] <rue_shop3> fine...
[13:18:09] <anniepoo> I've got that now, but need the internal design further along so I know what shape to make it on inside
[13:19:15] <anniepoo> last night I sourced lenses for the optics
[13:19:32] <anniepoo> question for you - any suggestions for acoustically transparent materials?
[13:19:49] <anniepoo> I'm having trouble hiding the big holes for the acoustic range sensor
[13:21:12] <rue_shop3> just use fine cloth and a black background
[13:21:40] <anniepoo> like a sheer net?
[13:21:52] <anniepoo> (like those sheer curtain liners?)
[13:23:22] <anniepoo> https://www.walmart.com/ip/Mainstays-Marjorie-Sheer-Voile-Curtain-Panels-Set-of-2/44434384
[13:23:37] <anniepoo> I can get sheer voile in green
[13:23:47] <anniepoo> I might have a scrap I can try
[13:24:52] <anniepoo> same problem with PIR sensor
[13:26:15] <mrdata_> tell me, is using Blender a bit of a grind?
[13:26:17] <mrdata_> ;)
[13:27:06] <anniepoo> groan - come on, we come here to get away from the grind ;-)
[13:28:22] <synja> oh common
[13:28:28] <synja> when i ohm puns nobody laughs
[13:28:45] <synja> nobody laughs at my ohm puns
[13:29:58] * anniepoo sits at ohm meditating
[13:30:06] <mrdata_> heh
[13:31:07] <synja> my ohm philsophy is: resistance is futile
[13:31:23] <synja> no laughs?
[13:31:25] <synja> you guys suck
[13:31:27] * synja sulks
[13:31:37] <anniepoo> ohm my gawd
[13:32:02] <mrdata_> synja, a pun has to work in two different senses
[13:32:06] <mrdata_> keep at it
[13:33:57] <mrdata_> anniepoo, sheers are most often colourless
[13:34:06] <anniepoo> not true
[13:34:19] <anniepoo> sheer voile is available in all sorts of colors
[13:34:27] <anniepoo> I already ordered some lime green
[13:36:01] <mrdata_> i didnt say it isnt available; the remark is more to do with why people would do that
[13:36:29] <mrdata_> colourless sheers, or very pale, is the most common
[13:37:01] <anniepoo> oh, you mean to hide a sensor, I should use a colourless sheer
[13:37:19] <anniepoo> The thing I'm trying to avoid is two big black dots on the snail
[13:37:21] <mrdata_> are you going to hide a sensor?
[13:37:27] <anniepoo> yes
[13:37:48] <mrdata_> how big is this snail?
[13:38:09] <anniepoo> I have an acoustic sensor of the usual sort with two roughly 15mmm openings
[13:38:24] <anniepoo> the snails about 500mm
[13:39:41] <mrdata_> interesting
[13:40:42] <SpeedEvil> Why hide it?
[13:40:51] <SpeedEvil> The eyestalks presumably should have eyes
[13:41:03] <SpeedEvil> (stereotypically, they don't really in fact look like eyes
[13:42:02] <SpeedEvil> http://www.sybout.com/images/animals/mollusks/african_land_snail_eyes.jpg though I guess they can
[13:42:35] <anniepoo> well, the eyes are on stalks, while the sensor cans are mounted on a PCB between them
[13:42:50] <anniepoo> yah, it's a cartoony snail, I'll have white eyes with black dot
[13:43:04] <anniepoo> for the imitation of life thing
[13:53:34] <SpeedEvil> ah
[13:54:03] * SpeedEvil imagines a slimy 3 foot tall robot coming at you inexorably
[13:54:12] <anniepoo> lol
[13:54:20] <anniepoo> yes, that'd be great for the kiddies
[13:59:47] <z64555> why no googly eyes?
[14:00:36] <SpeedEvil> One of my projects that I'm sort-of-trying to think of in the back of my mind is thin shell googly eyes for bra use.
[14:00:37] <anniepoo> cause I need to be able to do eye contact
[14:00:42] <SpeedEvil> Controllable.
[14:00:47] <SpeedEvil> ^bikini
[14:02:06] <z64555> SpeedEvil: oh that'll really confuse guys "which eyes do I look at???"
[14:02:56] <SpeedEvil> 'stare at point' mode may be amusing.
[14:06:36] <synja> mrdata_, sounds like 'own' and is resistance
[14:06:40] <synja> it was a pun
[14:07:42] <mrdata_> synja, i get it. but it doesnt fully work in both senses
[14:08:47] <anniepoo> 8cD I'm learning a lot about character design!
[14:09:41] <SpeedEvil> anniepoo: it's a whole nother field
[14:09:53] <SpeedEvil> anniepoo: Does it have little wheels or tracks ?
[14:10:03] <anniepoo> tracks underneath
[14:10:13] <anniepoo> OSEPP 'tank' chassis
[14:10:16] <rue_shop3> with blades...
[14:10:21] <anniepoo> increasingly modified
[14:10:33] <synja> is this your snail?
[14:10:49] <anniepoo> rue, been looking at nail clippers as a model for how blade will work
[14:10:53] <anniepoo> yes, this is my snail
[14:11:39] <synja> what is its purpose? why does it need blades
[14:12:12] <anniepoo> she can leave behind a slip of paper (thermal receipt printer)
[14:12:22] <anniepoo> the blade's to cut the paper off
[14:12:30] <synja> lol
[14:12:46] <z64555> oh
[14:12:54] <z64555> anniepoo: Could use a roll of tickets
[14:13:24] <anniepoo> yes, I could pre-perf the paper
[14:14:14] <synja> that's pretty neat. is this for a university project or something? is it autonomous or remote controlled?
[14:14:33] <anniepoo> hmm... you know, I kind of want the paper to be an irregular outline. Maybe I could pre-perf in outline, with a nicked die, then just knock out the nicks
[14:15:10] <anniepoo> Hmm... while I have in mind a professional, commercial product down the line, this is just a learning project on the line towards it
[14:15:20] <anniepoo> I dunno - I'm an engineer, I make stuff
[14:15:37] <anniepoo> it's not exactly a 'hobby' project- I'm being too serious for that
[14:15:54] <SpeedEvil> anniepoo: LASER cutter inside, to make shapes.
[14:16:31] <anniepoo> seems like too much build. Blu ray laser might work.
[14:16:34] <synja> pretty sure she doesn't want it to be tetered ;)
[14:16:42] <synja> tethered*
[14:17:22] <anniepoo> 8cD I have a spare 90 watt CO2 laser tube, but think that'd be over the weight and sanity limits
[14:18:12] <z64555> making it a home defense feature
[14:18:26] <z64555> can even make a sign out front : "BEWARE OF ATTACK SNAIL"
[14:18:30] <anniepoo> LOL
[14:18:45] <synja> opencv recognition to go for the eyes
[14:18:46] <anniepoo> ok, believe me, I finish this thing, the shop's getting a new sign
[14:19:02] <anniepoo> the camera's not in the eyes, but yes, opencv
[14:19:16] <anniepoo> I pump video off-board to a laptop and do that there
[14:19:26] <synja> i mean locate the eyes for the laser
[14:19:39] <synja> nvm
[14:19:39] <anniepoo> Nooo!
[14:21:54] <SpeedEvil> anniepoo: 6W LASER diodes (blue) are surprisingly affordable.
[14:22:07] <SpeedEvil> http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/6W-NUBM44-450nm-Laser-Diode-In-Copper-Module-W-Leads-Glass-Lens-/171841778046?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item280291717e
[14:22:24] <anniepoo> yes, but is driving them a pain?
[14:22:48] <SpeedEvil> Not much of one, you need a current limited supply, that never ever exeeds xA
[14:23:06] <SpeedEvil> But that gets easier if you're not trying to overdrive them, or turn them on and off very fast
[14:23:26] <anniepoo> yah, maybe just a crowbar circuit
[14:23:29] <anniepoo> Hmm...
[14:23:34] <anniepoo> it's low weight
[14:23:53] <SpeedEvil> Scissors probably make more sense
[14:24:10] <anniepoo> yes, I have a tissue blade
[14:24:37] <anniepoo> the real solution will probably be to actuate that with a lever from a servo
[14:25:08] <z64555> oh
[14:25:53] <z64555> rue_shop3: Would you happen to know how to control the force output of a servo in addition to the normal position control?
[14:26:11] <rue_shop3> sensing the force is the first step
[14:26:20] <rue_shop3> have you read my tutorial?
[14:26:29] <z64555> which one?
[14:26:36] <rue_shop3> the one on servos
[14:26:46] <rue_shop3> with regard to force feedback
[14:26:49] <z64555> I did... I don't remember a mention on.
[14:26:51] <z64555> oh.
[14:26:53] <z64555> duh
[14:26:57] * z64555 doh's
[14:26:58] <rue_shop3> :/
[14:27:33] <rue_shop3> all that said
[14:27:46] <rue_shop3> I'm still working on my 8 channel force feedback controller for modified servos
[14:28:35] <anniepoo> If I put the eyes on stalks, how do I move them?
[14:30:31] <anniepoo> NdO magnet inside the ball, iron core solenoids in the stalk, but how do I turn?
[14:30:38] <z64555> left/right movement could be from the end of a tube going straight into a servo
[14:30:42] <rue_shop3> cables
[14:31:04] <z64555> and then use cables for pitch/roll
[14:31:40] <anniepoo> incidentally, bizarrely, human eyes do roll
[14:31:58] <deshipu> if you drop them
[14:32:09] <rue_shop3> I'v taken to the idea of using current regulators for leds, but my current implimentation uses something else
[14:32:12] <deshipu> that scene from the minority report
[14:32:15] <anniepoo> but I don't think her eyes need roll, just yaw and pitch
[14:32:20] <SpeedEvil> anniepoo: there are some very, very microservos
[14:32:29] <anniepoo> hmmm
[14:32:33] <rue_shop3> no need for microservos
[14:32:40] <rue_shop3> your robot is huge
[14:32:45] <SpeedEvil> that too
[14:33:17] <anniepoo> sub micro servo
[14:33:27] <anniepoo> yes, but if the servo fits in the eye my life is ez
[14:33:48] <z64555> rue_shop3: so adjusting the pulse period timing would adjust the power to the servo, correct?
[14:35:00] <rue_shop3> pwm will adjust the voltage, and because of the more-or-less static level of resistance, the current will change
[14:35:09] <rue_shop3> but I recommend a proper current controll loop
[14:35:12] <rue_shop3> OR
[14:35:20] <rue_shop3> do something nobody else has done
[14:35:36] <z64555> hack the servo? :D
[14:35:49] <rue_shop3> and measure the period of the current draw on an unmodified servo and adjust the control pulse to dial the current back to what you want
[14:36:32] <z64555> hmm
[14:37:32] <rue_shop3> do you know how to measure a pulse time?
[14:37:53] <rue_shop3> do you have a multimeter?
[14:37:55] <z64555> could be possible if I had a shunt resistor on the motor's grnd and use an ADC to measure the voltage across it
[14:38:09] <rue_shop3> yes, it dosn't take a large one
[14:38:20] <rue_shop3> because the avr uses a 0 level really close to ground
[14:38:39] <rue_shop3> but, you can also run the servo thu the BE junction of a transistor
[14:38:43] <rue_shop3> like a pn2222
[14:38:47] <z64555> I've got an old 10MHz oscilloscope in storage, but I can make sensor circuit with a cap and maybe a resistor
[14:38:51] <rue_shop3> got any?
[14:39:00] <rue_shop3> on a microcontroller, know how to measure pulse time?
[14:39:10] <rue_shop3> I'll help you with a circuit if you want
[14:39:15] <rue_shop3> I'v done it before
[14:39:35] <z64555> yeah, on uC's, you set for input capture, and look for rising edge, start timer, look for falling edge, stop timer
[14:39:48] <z64555> the more fancy uC's do that automatically
[14:40:01] <rue_shop3> with the servo running either thru a diode off ground, or the BE junction of an npn transistor, you can get more than enough signal to know if the servo is driving the motor
[14:40:25] <rue_shop3> on avrs its called "pulse capture"
[14:40:31] <rue_shop3> hardware will do it for you
[14:40:47] <rue_shop3> I dont know what you have available, . so?
[14:41:16] <rue_shop3> get an arduino and set it up to tell you pulse times in the order of a max of 20ms
[14:41:20] <z64555> i've got an HCS12 from motorola, and a LM4F from TI
[14:41:26] <rue_shop3> say 0.1ms resolution
[14:41:32] <rue_shop3> k, whatever
[14:41:35] <anniepoo> anybody happen to have one of these 4g servos?
[14:41:43] <rue_shop3> I have about 40 of them
[14:41:43] <anniepoo> the ad doesn't say size, I'm wondering
[14:41:52] <rue_shop3> oh no
[14:41:53] <rue_shop3> 9g sorry
[14:42:04] <anniepoo> yah, htose are common, I think
[14:42:05] <rue_shop3> you have a huge robot, why do you need tiny servos?
[14:42:23] <anniepoo> if I can fit the servo IN the eye, my life gets easier
[14:42:30] <rue_shop3> cables
[14:42:37] <rue_shop3> you know what they use in the movies?
[14:42:38] <rue_shop3> cables
[14:42:45] <rue_shop3> cables are the way
[14:42:54] <anniepoo> push rods or cables?
[14:42:59] <rue_shop3> cables
[14:43:01] <rue_shop3> pull/pull
[14:43:09] <rue_shop3> do you remmeber arm9?
[14:43:29] <rue_shop3> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm9/p1060859.jpg
[14:43:49] <rue_shop3> "tigertail"
[14:44:03] <anniepoo> is tigertail fish line?
[14:44:10] <anniepoo> I have some kevlar thread
[14:44:11] <rue_shop3> its beading line
[14:44:28] <rue_shop3> its stainless with a plastic cover
[14:44:34] <anniepoo> interesting
[14:45:09] <anniepoo> did you use fine or medium?
[14:45:21] <z64555> rue_shop3: thanks
[14:45:57] <rue_shop3> its a 'big' robot, I used reasonably large stuff
[14:47:28] <anniepoo> nice!
[14:48:13] <anniepoo> I've been looking at various sorts of small cables, but didn't think of beading supplies
[14:48:19] <anniepoo> 8cD why I'm doing this
[14:49:46] <anniepoo> so, any advice about sheaves, termination/crimp, tensioning, etc?
[15:11:24] <anniepoo> rue, what did you do at the end of the cable?
[15:18:43] <synja> rue_shop3, how many servos?
[15:19:49] <synja> (in the total robot)
[15:20:03] <synja> also, do those 9g really have enough torque for the gripper?
[15:24:47] <deshipu> how much is enough?
[15:25:02] <deshipu> they have around 1-2kg*cm
[15:32:52] <synja> i suppose it depends on what you're using it for
[15:37:35] <deshipu> so what do you need to use it for?
[15:41:07] <synja> i was using 11kg-cm servo grippers for picking up clothes, cans & such, but now i have hands with 5 9g servos and does around the same
[15:41:36] <synja> at least, it has better gripping ability
[17:10:00] <anniepoo> I have discovered turbo the snail
[17:10:52] * deshipu hands anniepoo a mop
[17:11:04] <deshipu> I hop you didn't slip
[17:11:13] <anniepoo> lol
[19:18:13] <fasw> is lego mindstorm a good start to learn robotics? Both me and my son are interested in robotics
[19:18:29] <ace4016> yes
[19:18:45] <fasw> ace4016: how about arduino? Which is better?
[19:19:16] <ace4016> depends what you're comfortable with. both i think can serve your purpose
[19:19:18] <fasw> ace4016: if I want to buy lego mindstorm, is ev3 the right version to buy?
[19:19:45] <fasw> ace4016: arduino is just electronics. there's no mechanical parts. can arduino do robotics at all?
[19:20:10] <ace4016> yes; it can control mechanical devices like servos and motors. same as NXT
[19:20:11] <fasw> i want the most flexible and powerful lego mindstorm version
[19:20:42] <fasw> ace4016: my son is only 13 years old.which is simpler? arduino or lego?
[19:20:52] <fasw> 12 yrs old
[19:21:14] <ace4016> lego is simpler; arduino will have less limitations and will "last longer"
[19:21:49] <fasw> what do u mean last longer?
[19:22:05] <ace4016> it's upper limit for capability is higher than mindstorm
[19:22:11] <fasw> given ev3 is newer, should I forget about nxt? confused about the varieties
[19:23:30] <ace4016> i'm not sure if the particular differences, but whichever you pick you'll be able to move between them all
[19:23:40] <fasw> I read somewhere ev3 runs on arm9. Arduino is only atmel 8-bit MCU. wouldn't ev3 be more powerful?
[19:24:01] <ace4016> can be
[19:24:14] <ace4016> if you have access to all that is the arm9
[19:24:55] <ace4016> ther are also arm based ardionos
[19:26:48] <deshipu> ev3 runs linux
[19:26:57] <deshipu> so it's closer to a rpi than to arduino
[19:27:55] <fasw> deshipu: if ev3 runs linux, wouldn't it take long time to boot time? Will filesystem get corrupted if power is removed abruptly? Afraid that ev3 will spoil easily
[19:27:59] <deshipu> I wonder if there is a lego mindstorms channel
[19:28:16] <fasw> deshipu: no. I tried to find but cannot. This is the closest
[19:28:34] <fasw> is this the right channel to ask about lego? is lego too simple to be asked here?
[19:29:00] <deshipu> it's not about how simple it is, it's about whether anybody has the experience to help you with it
[19:29:10] <ace4016> not necessarily, just some/most may not have the experience with it here
[19:29:29] <fasw> what do experts in this channel use for robotics?
[19:29:30] <deshipu> myself, I never used leg mindstorms, all I know is what I've read in their press releases
[19:29:58] <fasw> i wonder if lego mindstorms can be used in industrial applications
[19:30:02] <ace4016> ARM chips, AVRs, etc. etc.
[19:30:33] <deshipu> fasw: it can't, different requirements
[19:31:06] <deshipu> but I don't have experience with that either
[19:31:12] <deshipu> I'm just a hobbyist :)
[19:33:39] <fasw> deshipu: interesting. is robotics an expensive hobby? do u need to set up >10k lab at home?
[19:34:00] <fasw> do u need a garage?
[19:34:18] <ace4016> depends on scale and quality
[19:34:34] <synja> you don't need a lab, but the cost will depend on what you want to build
[19:34:52] <malcom2073> Robotics can be free if your limit yourself to simulation and software
[19:35:00] <synja> you can get cheaper parts, but they will have far less support and reliability
[19:35:09] <synja> that's no fun though malcom2073
[19:35:20] <deshipu> fasw: I usually build stuff that fits in the palm of your hand
[19:35:20] <malcom2073> but it's free :)
[19:35:26] <fasw> malcom2073: haha. what is robotics without movable parts?
[19:35:58] <deshipu> fasw: it can get expensive, usually the bigger the more pricey and harder
[19:36:02] <fasw> may I ask folks here what are some personal robotics projects you have done to solve your daily problems?
[19:36:03] <synja> deshipu, i know of parts that fit in my hand that cost more than my car
[19:36:11] <ace4016> the real world also can throw a wrench (sometimes literally) in your solutions :P
[19:36:12] <deshipu> fasw: however, you can do cool stuff for under $100
[19:37:25] <fasw> which is more difficult in terms of programming? Logic functions or controlling motion?
[19:37:40] <ace4016> irrelevant
[19:38:08] <deshipu> depends on how advanced the logic is supposed to be or how sophisticated the motions
[19:38:14] <ace4016> it's like asking a wood worker what's more difficult: using a saw or using a drill
[19:38:25] <deshipu> it took BostonDynamics 10 years to build a walking quadruped
[19:38:38] <ace4016> and that involved both motion and logic :P
[19:38:55] <fasw> what are some development kits you use for a start? or do u experts build from MCUs, motors and sensors from scratch?
[19:39:07] <deshipu> you can build and program a robot that behaves like a roomba quite easily, though
[19:39:23] <deshipu> I usually build from cheap hobby servos
[19:39:35] <ace4016> i've never used a kit
[19:39:36] <deshipu> and microcontroller development boards
[19:39:39] <ace4016> too pricey
[19:39:52] <deshipu> I used a kit for MeArm
[19:40:04] <fasw> i guess that's why few experts use lego mindstorm. too pricey
[19:40:06] <deshipu> but I still need to program that one properly
[19:40:07] <ace4016> at work i can expense stuff :P
[19:40:17] <fasw> don't use
[19:40:43] <deshipu> fasw: mindstorms has to survive kids
[19:40:47] <ace4016> fasw, but you're not an expert. best thing you can do is just pick one of the newbie stuff and get into it. trust me, the skills you learn are transferable
[19:40:55] <deshipu> fasw: they have a lot of overhead for that
[19:41:34] <deshipu> most of my robots wouldn't survive 2 minutes if given to a 5 year old
[19:42:16] <ace4016> lol
[19:42:33] <deshipu> of course the extra robustness costs
[19:43:13] <deshipu> also support, designs, manuals, etc. -- that costs too
[19:47:48] <ace4016> and the fact that LEGO are a bit pricey either way
[19:52:02] <synja> what's your level of exp. fasw?
[19:52:11] <synja> with OS, programming & robotics
[20:00:33] <synja> what's the point of having a watch repair kit if nobody ever puts back the flathead
[20:09:24] <synja> oh i'm sorry. i thought this was a channel where people actually respond. everyone dropped off all of a sudden
[20:12:07] <ace4016> :P
[20:12:21] <ace4016> people aren't always around
[20:12:48] <malcom2073> That happens yeah heh
[20:15:31] <synja> not usually all at once
[20:18:24] <deshipu> we are waiting for fasw to reply
[20:19:16] <fasw> sorry just came back. something bad happened.
[20:19:39] <fasw> synja: zero experience with robotics. have experience with programming.
[20:19:54] <fasw> lousy with mechanics. ok with electronics. better at programming
[20:20:10] <fasw> i need to go off now. wife needs me
[20:20:40] <fasw> good bye. You folks have been most helpful. Will come back later to engage you lively folks
[23:06:47] <pokmo> does anyone know how much current those small drones draw?
[23:06:59] <pokmo> i'm looking at this 3.7V 180mAh lipo and it supports 25C
[23:06:59] <pokmo> http://www.banggood.com/Giant-Power-3_7V-180mAh-25C-Li-Po-Battery-For-RC-Model-p-89100.html
[23:11:06] <zhanx> more weight more draw
[23:11:26] <zhanx> its like the circle math issue
[23:11:50] <zhanx> your trade run time for weight and weight for run time
[23:28:51] <anniepoo> Nice! I now have, FINALLY, 3D files I can turn into the snail's body