#robotics | Logs for 2017-02-09

[00:26:38] <rue_bed> subtract the robot from the snail
[00:28:12] <AlienCat> snail - robot
[00:29:03] <rue_bed> because robot-snail would result in an unstable amount of positive feedback
[00:35:28] <Anniepoo_> I dropped off.
[00:35:57] <Anniepoo_> being a Prolog programmer, - is as likely a pair as subtraction
[00:36:49] <rue_bed> DF1Trim ( LineBuff, Min(LINEBUFF_SIZE, this->Editor.blockEnd - this->Editor.blockStart + 1 ) , LineBuff, ((this->Display->Width) - 1 ), this->ScrollLoc.X, ' ' );
[00:37:09] <rue_bed> this line adjusts the horizontal scrolling
[00:38:02] <rue_bed> oooh, wait a sec
[00:38:11] <rue_bed> this is all buffered
[00:38:24] <rue_bed> the xy to buffer alg is wrong
[00:38:35] <rue_bed> er, the x,y to index alg
[00:39:14] <rue_bed> #define xy2i(X,Y,I) (((I+1)*(Y))+(X))
[00:39:50] <rue_bed> vif_console.c: this->BuffPtr = xy2i(x, y, this->Width); //, this->Height);
[00:40:23] <rue_bed> oooo interesting
[00:40:50] <rue_bed> this should be a known good macro
[00:40:58] <rue_bed> 123
[00:40:59] <rue_bed> 456
[00:41:00] <rue_bed> 789
[00:41:14] <rue_bed> 0,2 for width.....
[00:41:22] <rue_bed> ooh, maybe width is 1 based
[00:42:41] <rue_bed> bingo
[00:42:53] <rue_bed> the fn that reports the console size is 1 based
[00:44:10] <rue_bed> ok, thats system test 1
[00:45:36] <rue_bed> ugh, this gets almost exponentially more difficult
[00:46:02] <rue_bed> Cbuffer-+-->DFilter
[00:46:03] <rue_bed> +-->FFilter
[00:46:03] <rue_bed> +-->scout
[00:46:03] <rue_bed>
[00:46:03] <rue_bed> Tbuffer---->Pfilter---->Dfilter
[00:46:03] <rue_bed> device---->Dfilter
[00:46:10] <rue_bed> diagrams are never good
[00:52:06] <rue_bed> One - Display the first screen of a file.
[00:52:10] <rue_bed> and thats working
[00:52:17] <rue_bed> Two - One, with scrolling.
[00:52:27] <rue_bed> Three - showing only the first screen of the file, do basic 'blind' editing
[00:52:40] <rue_bed> Four - showing only the first screenfull of information do editing with
[00:52:40] <rue_bed> the ability to see the cursor.
[00:52:50] <rue_bed> Five - four with ability to scroll.
[00:53:05] <rue_bed> two is going to take me a long time, its still mostly c++
[01:04:22] <z64555> scrollbars
[01:04:23] <z64555> ?
[01:05:05] <rue_house> its not a gui project
[01:05:12] <rue_house> its about handling content
[01:05:27] <z64555> what's the output on, the console?
[01:05:38] <rue_house> right now I need a systemt hat can handle random simotanious edits
[01:06:02] <rue_house> so far, just console yea
[01:06:19] <z64555> hm
[01:06:51] <z64555> I don't know if the stdlib allows for simulatanous editing. You may have to load the whole file into a buffer first
[01:07:11] <rue_house> at some point I moved it from C++ to C, not sure why I gave up in the c++
[01:07:24] <rue_house> it dosn't
[01:07:30] <rue_house> esp with a hilight system
[01:07:37] <z64555> ok
[01:07:50] <z64555> I recommend using a deque of strings
[01:08:01] <rue_house> there is no base code I'm aware of for text editing that can display multiple simotanious cursors
[01:08:24] <rue_house> I'v written 3000 lines of code in the last 16 years that can handle it all
[01:08:37] <rue_house> and isn't dependent on a library that will only be around for 3 years
[01:09:14] <z64555> notepad++ allows for highlighting in both views
[01:09:32] <z64555> the currently active view has the cursor, helps make it less confusing
[01:09:47] <rue_house> does it allow 5 people to be editing the same file at the same file over the network and let everyone realtime see everyones cursor and edits?
[01:10:00] <z64555> there might be a plugin for it
[01:10:14] <rue_house> dontt hink so
[01:10:51] <rue_house> think you would find even in 16 years since I had the idea, nobodys really done it, there have been a few colaborative editor systems online, but not this
[01:12:07] <z64555> http://www.addictivetips.com/windows-tips/nppdocshare-real-time-document-editing-on-multiple-pcs-in-notepad/
[01:12:30] <z64555> that one's for two authors, but you may be able to extend it for more
[01:13:33] <rue_house> I dont think you get to see the other guys cursor
[01:13:50] <rue_house> and I'd bet the changes update in blocks of some kind
[01:14:12] <z64555> How would you differentiate the cursor of somebody else, and your own?
[01:14:17] <rue_house> or I'd bet the two parties are forced to share the same cursor
[01:14:22] <rue_house> colour
[01:14:36] <z64555> hm.
[01:14:44] <rue_house> I came up with this in 2001
[01:14:52] <rue_house> I'm really sad nobodys beaten me to it
[01:16:09] <z64555> ok.
[01:16:17] <z64555> so, TCP communications, definitely.
[01:16:23] <rue_house> yup
[01:16:29] <z64555> probably do an interval check for changes
[01:16:47] <rue_house> the idea is that one person opens a file and is the server,
[01:17:06] <rue_house> the server role is passed around to the last person who has it open
[01:17:14] <rue_house> at any point anyone can save a local copy
[01:17:33] <rue_house> all the events for editing are distributed at the same level
[01:17:57] <rue_house> the local person editing uses the same server event interface as the remote clients
[01:18:21] <rue_house> so every time you move or type, everyone gets an update
[01:18:39] <rue_house> I'll show you when I get it working:)
[01:18:45] <rue_house> we can edit a file
[01:19:19] <z64555> packets would have text data, which includes line information and cursor position
[01:19:29] <rue_house> no
[01:19:50] <z64555> no?
[01:20:05] <z64555> So it won't have the line number of the new text data?
[01:20:10] <rue_house> no
[01:20:43] <rue_house> editing events go to the server that keeps an acumulator that holds the file and cursor information,
[01:21:00] <z64555> sigh
[01:21:06] <rue_house> clients pull their screen content from the server
[01:21:33] <z64555> the clients will have lag if you do that
[01:21:52] <rue_house> could do
[01:21:52] <z64555> clients have to have feedback of the cursor information
[01:22:20] <rue_house> there are a few optimization ccombinatins
[01:22:32] <rue_house> right now, I ahv to get it able to edit
[01:24:15] <rue_house> go for it, beat me to it
[01:24:32] <rue_house> I'v challanged about 8 people to over the 16 years, nobody has been able to do it
[01:25:58] <z64555> :/
[01:41:18] <synja> seems pretty simple rue_house
[01:41:32] <rue_house> go for it
[01:41:41] <synja> i don't need it
[01:41:42] <rue_house> I'd love to have this more than I'd love to write it
[01:41:52] <synja> i won't get paid for it
[01:41:56] <rue_house> you dont need indoor plumbing either
[01:42:07] <synja> i mean, it doesn't benefit me at all
[01:42:22] <rue_house> no, you just cant understand what it can do for you cause you havn't thought about it
[01:42:27] <synja> i just thought through it, which was interesting
[01:42:40] <synja> at least, how it could be done
[01:42:41] <rue_house> if you were used to using it, you wouldn't want to do without it
[01:42:42] <synja> not why
[01:42:48] <rue_house> just like a smart phone
[01:42:54] <rue_house> which you also dont need
[01:43:02] <rue_house> so send me your smart phone
[01:43:20] <rue_house> CursorPos = scout.PrevLine(CursorPos); // go to prev line
[01:43:32] <rue_house> ChrOffset NavPrevLine ( Nav_t * this, ChrOffset position) {
[01:43:53] <synja> if i collaborated then sure it would be useful
[01:43:53] <rue_house> CursorPos = NavPrevLine (&scout, CursorPos);
[01:44:45] <rue_house> its ok, nobody invests in tommorow, I dont expect anything forward out of anyone
[01:45:02] <synja> lol i'm working on many forward things
[01:45:08] <rue_house> scout.LineEnd(CursorPos)
[01:45:24] <rue_house> ChrOffset NavLineEnd ( Nav_t * this, ChrOffset position){
[01:45:46] <rue_house> NavLineEnd( &scout, CursorPos)
[01:45:57] <z64555> well.
[01:47:25] <synja> you're telling me there's no product out there which can do this?
[01:47:38] <synja> hmm?
[01:47:55] <rue_house> not in 16 years
[01:48:13] <rue_house> nobody can mentally handle the idea of multiple cursors
[01:48:42] <synja> collabedit.com
[01:49:30] <z64555> It's a workflow different to what exists currently
[01:49:37] <rue_house> yea
[01:49:40] <rue_house> shall we play?
[01:49:42] <z64555> You have a head/lead editor, and numerous worker editors
[01:49:43] <rue_house> http://collabedit.com/dvngm
[01:50:11] <z64555> the workers work on their own section, then the lead editor reviews their work and ensures the sections blend well enough
[01:50:24] <rue_house> or a tail editor
[01:50:45] <z64555> People have different styles of writing, though
[01:51:15] <rue_house> yea, this smart phone thing is just a fad, we at microsoft are not going to jump on that band wagon
[01:52:13] <rue_house> hmm maybe they got it
[01:52:27] <rue_house> but, its a web app
[01:52:38] <z64555> rue_house: the problem with collaborative editing is that you have to have a high degree of cooperation between all editors
[01:52:56] <z64555> to be any sort of effective, or otherwise revert to the lead/followering paradigm
[01:52:59] <rue_house> yea, send me your smart phone
[01:53:24] <rue_house> smart phones are useless and will never work, junk, send it to me
[01:53:36] <synja> why reinvent the wheel. if there's a browser based version, there's an application based version
[01:53:41] <z64555> poor choice of analogy, rue
[01:54:55] <z64555> "too many cooks spoil the meal" refers to when makers are trying to work on the same exact portion of the meal
[01:55:17] <rue_house> your cant see the cursors in collabedit
[01:55:48] <z64555> Hows is that a signficant advantage?
[01:56:51] <rue_house> why bother with wifi on a smart phone when you can just use the 3G network?
[01:57:03] <rue_house> wifi is a stupid idea on a smart phone
[01:57:13] <z64555> still a poor analogy
[01:57:18] <rue_house> send me your smartphones, its design is useless and stupid
[01:58:34] <z64555> Theorectically speaking, If I see another author's cursor doing something, that tells me to not work in their area
[01:58:53] <rue_house> you can if you want
[01:58:53] <z64555> that's it
[01:59:33] <rue_house> I'v been on this for 16 years, I know what happens when someone deletes the paragraph your typing in
[01:59:42] <z64555> If I work in the same area as they are, we'd get into a fighting match
[02:00:12] <z64555> or otherwise interrupt each other so we can discuss/argue over "whats best"
[02:00:26] <z64555> This disrupts the workflow of both authors and slows down progress
[02:01:41] <synja> with collabedit can you work on different parts at the same time?
[02:01:51] <rue_house> yup
[02:01:55] <rue_house> http://collabedit.com/dvngm
[02:02:01] <synja> ok then it doesn't matter
[02:02:05] <synja> z64555, is right
[02:02:46] <synja> seems like someone beat you to it rue_house
[02:03:19] <rue_house> they are pretty close
[02:03:21] <rue_house> 2011
[02:03:34] <rue_house> I'v still got 10 years on them
[02:03:47] <synja> theirs is in use
[02:04:19] <synja> time to give up on it
[02:04:23] <rue_house> nope
[02:04:40] <synja> i know what it feels like, although that's due to relatively limited resources compared to others
[02:04:41] <rue_house> I'v stopped working on it 4 times in the past and regretted it every time
[02:05:03] <rue_house> they are close, but they aren't compeltly there
[02:06:12] <synja> i found that with a 2 second cursory search. i'm sure there are many others out there, including those not internet based
[02:06:22] <synja> browser based
[02:06:46] <synja> well either way, it's that the company who designed it can see everyone's code
[02:06:56] <rue_house> people have been trying to stop me from working on this for 16 years now
[02:07:07] <rue_house> your not going to succeed
[02:07:13] <synja> lol i'm saying you're beat
[02:07:19] <synja> know when to give up
[02:07:32] <rue_house> no, I'm not, I'm just close to being beat
[02:07:47] <synja> i have no reason to bring you down. i actually like you
[02:07:55] <rue_house> :P
[02:07:58] <synja> so...
[02:07:59] <rue_house> send me your smart phone
[02:08:01] <synja> this isn't personal
[02:09:04] <z64555> alright, find, what's your design criteria?
[02:09:16] <z64555> collaborative editing, show real-time editing from all users
[02:09:26] <z64555> anything else?
[02:09:57] <rue_house> its about producing small programs in a fraction of the time normally spent
[02:10:28] <rue_house> like you say, with one person framing out the program, others filling in functions, and a tilor doing error catches,
[02:10:49] <rue_house> a program can be put togethor really fast and error free
[02:17:01] <z64555> alright then, so its focus is programming
[02:17:09] <rue_house> yea
[02:17:18] <rue_house> and I want my own editor
[02:17:54] <rue_house> so I can do things like make it so that whenever I type ( or { a } or ) is auto inserted after the cursor or selected block
[02:18:09] <rue_house> and shortcuts for C keywords
[02:18:48] <Snert> bbedit has alot of features like that.
[02:19:05] <Snert> it says if I have mismatched parens.
[02:19:34] <rue_house> I just dont want to have to close everything myself
[02:19:43] <rue_house> I'm a recursive descent programmer
[02:20:45] <Snert> if it's linux, the features may be fewer in your editor of choice though.
[02:21:09] <rue_house> yea, linux only has about 500 editors
[02:21:24] <rue_house> vi, vim, ed, sed...
[02:21:42] <Snert> I'm not familiar with lunix editors specifically for programming with nice features in it.
[02:21:57] <rue_house> I usually use nedit
[02:21:58] <Snert> that's why I BBedit.
[02:22:07] <rue_house> I like that it can split a window
[02:22:18] <rue_house> so I can see/work on the top and bottom of a file at the same time
[02:22:28] <rue_house> or the top, bottom, and middle
[02:22:46] <rue_house> I also like its learn/repeat macro system
[02:22:57] <rue_house> esp cause it can do regex'
[02:23:42] <rue_house> /usr/local/lib/libconio.a(conio.o): In function `textcolor':
[02:23:42] <rue_house> conio.c:(.text+0x908): multiple definition of `textcolor'
[02:23:42] <rue_house> colours.o:/files/programming/c/CES/4THver/tests/systems/Two/colours.c:76: first defined here
[02:23:54] <rue_house> huh
[02:24:16] <rue_house> thats odd
[02:25:21] <rue_house> that particular collision shouldn't be possable
[02:28:42] <Jak_o_Shadows> sup
[02:28:54] <rue_house> I have two programs with the same code
[02:29:07] <rue_house> one of them has a name conflict with conio and the other dosn't
[02:29:13] <Jak_o_Shadows> conio?
[02:29:54] <rue_house> yea i wonder why I'm using conio anyhow
[02:56:55] <rue_bed> hmmmm
[02:57:06] <rue_bed> I'm using conio to get a character
[03:18:28] <Jak_o_Shadows> I always forget that some people write in C for x86
[03:20:32] <rue_bed> soon enough it'll be all arm and x86 will be gone
[03:20:45] <rue_bed> 32 core arm processors
[03:21:00] <rue_bed> with serial busses
[03:21:04] <rue_bed> to serial devices
[03:21:37] <Jak_o_Shadows> Are there any multi-core arms that are you know, cheap and easy.
[03:21:54] <Jak_o_Shadows> Like, teensy or stm32f etc type, but multi-core?
[03:22:02] <rue_bed> no
[03:22:07] <henriksod> stm32 is nice
[03:22:09] <rue_bed> arm will replace x86
[03:22:17] <henriksod> But you will have to go to a higher tier I believe
[03:22:27] <rue_bed> they are screwing up x86 with protected code crap
[03:22:33] <henriksod> stm32 has ARM processors
[03:23:11] <deshipu> um, there are no arms on the market that would even come close to the current x86 speeds
[03:23:16] <rue_bed> and they love multi core machines, I'm sure 128core arm processors wont be uncommon in computers
[03:23:28] <deshipu> and the architecture, while elegant, has its limitations
[03:23:31] <rue_bed> which are becoming rarer
[03:23:44] <rue_bed> lots of kids only know tablets and touchscreens
[03:23:47] <rue_bed> mouse?
[03:24:07] <deshipu> poor kids can't afford an xbox?
[03:25:16] <henriksod> http://www.st.com/en/automotive-microcontrollers/spc58-e-line-mcus.html?querycriteria=productId=LN1871
[03:25:19] <henriksod> Maybe this one?
[03:27:21] <deshipu> yeah, almost as good as Pentium 200
[04:34:02] <Jak_o_Shadows> Hmmmmmm. I need to split this analogue signal, so the high bits of it go to one place,t eh low bits to another
[04:34:08] <Jak_o_Shadows> I can change the reference analogue.
[04:35:37] <Jak_o_Shadows> Oh.
[04:35:42] <Jak_o_Shadows> I can change the LM3914's
[05:08:29] <deshipu> analog signals don't usually have bits
[05:12:49] <Jak_o_Shadows> well, yes - but like, needed vaues in the upper half to go to o ne place, values in the lower half to another
[05:15:02] <Jak_o_Shadows> either way, I can chain the signals together
[05:15:12] <Jak_o_Shadows> Which, tbh, I might put a header in.
[05:15:17] <Jak_o_Shadows> So I don't HAVE to do that
[09:05:50] <rue_bed> lm3914? what you making?
[09:11:13] <deshipu> I replaced my mouse today. It came with this instruction manual: https://cdn.hackaday.io/images/1682961486650873179.jpg
[09:40:39] <rue_house> nice
[14:10:36] <Snert> hold it. I'm confuzzled. Where's the OFF ?
[15:04:08] <z64555> Step 2 is misleading, you need to flip it at least twice before the cable will connect. :P
[15:17:03] <rue_house> step 2 didn't work, It wont fit, I flipped it over and it still dosn't fit, I dont know what to do now
[15:38:09] <anniepoo> why I love prolog -
[15:38:29] <anniepoo> I had to add a whole bunch of functions to a language I'm implementing
[15:39:21] <anniepoo> so I write a few lines of code that takes the name of the function and reconstitutes an expression
[15:39:27] <anniepoo> and evaluates it.
[15:39:43] <anniepoo> now all it needs is a table of functions
[15:39:55] <anniepoo> I go to SWI-Prolog website and copy/paste functions
[15:40:53] <anniepoo> in prolog you often call a predicate (or in this case a function) foo/2 to mean 'foo with 2 arguments'
[15:41:18] <anniepoo> so I make some facts by some regex magic
[15:41:34] <anniepoo> and boom, I have all my functions defined.
[15:41:50] <anniepoo> Now I have to document them using dokuwiki's markup
[15:42:19] <anniepoo> So I write a one liner in prolog at the top-level and it spits out the documentation
[15:42:21] <anniepoo> 8cD
[16:34:53] <rue_house> mmmm, not a luage for me
[16:51:07] <goppo> i'm trying to mount a small piece of aluminium sheet onto a 2mm shaft so that the sheet would rotate. does anyone know of a good way?
[16:52:28] <rue_house> yes
[16:52:35] <rue_house> how thick is the sheet?
[16:53:05] <goppo> rue_house, it's 0.5mm
[16:53:11] <rue_house> ok
[16:53:19] <rue_house> a strip or the sheet
[16:53:26] <goppo> rue_house, it's more of a strip
[16:53:34] <rue_house> o=====
[16:53:37] <rue_house> like that
[16:53:38] <rue_house> ?
[16:53:45] <goppo> yep that's right
[16:53:48] <goppo> i've made a loop
[16:53:59] <rue_house> flat with the end of the shaft or the side?
[16:53:59] <goppo> .. but didn't want to use glue
[16:54:39] <goppo> rue_house, flat with the side
[16:55:00] <rue_house> ok, just put a bolt thru the sheet really tight up against the shaft
[16:55:28] <rue_house> best so the sheet pulls tight as you tighten the nut/bolt
[16:55:43] <goppo> hmm just any small set screw?
[16:55:49] <rue_house> machine screw
[16:55:58] <rue_house> how wide is the sheet metal?
[16:56:00] <rue_house> 10mm?
[16:56:03] <goppo> self tapping?
[16:56:14] <rue_house> nope, machine screw and nut
[16:56:16] <goppo> na, the contact part is just about 3mm
[16:56:26] <rue_house> oh wow
[16:56:38] <rue_house> for an interrupter?
[16:56:39] <goppo> i could make it slightly bigger
[16:57:36] <goppo> rue_house, hmm machine screw and nut.. but through the shaft?
[16:57:55] <goppo> there's no throughhole though
[16:58:01] <rue_house> k
[16:58:05] <rue_house> so, let me redraw
[16:58:21] <rue_house> you have a 2mm shaft and a 3mm wide strip to attache to the side of it
[16:58:33] <goppo> that's right
[16:58:45] <rue_house> how about soldering it?
[16:58:56] <rue_house> are they both steel?
[16:59:13] <goppo> the strip is aluminium, the shaft probably is
[16:59:16] <rue_house> oh aluminum, sorry
[16:59:21] <rue_house> hmm
[16:59:22] <goppo> :)
[16:59:30] <goppo> just to make things complicated!!
[16:59:33] <rue_house> small problem...
[16:59:42] <goppo> i know.. T_T
[17:00:10] <goppo> it won't sustain much force though
[17:00:16] <rue_house> well, if you wrap the sheet around the shaft
[17:00:33] <rue_house> you can prolly come up with a larger C clamp to hold it there
[17:00:47] <rue_house> can there be a lump at the jumction?
[17:00:54] <goppo> sure
[17:00:59] <rue_house> k
[17:01:02] <rue_house> just a sec
[17:01:13] <goppo> well, as long as the lump isn't too significant
[17:02:48] <goppo> i guess another way might be to couple a D rod to it...
[17:02:57] <goppo> but i'd avoid doing that if i can
[17:03:01] <rue_house> I'm image searching google for something, stand by
[17:03:11] <goppo> sure. thanks
[17:04:38] <rue_house> http://www.rpelectronics.com/Media/400/PA10DS.JPG
[17:04:42] <rue_house> do you have any of those?
[17:07:46] <goppo> hmm
[17:08:05] <rue_house> do you ahve a 3d printer?
[17:08:14] <goppo> rue_house, no i don't :(
[17:08:25] <goppo> rue_house, is this a plug?
[17:08:56] <rue_house> its called a barrier strip, its ok, it just came up as I was looking for something else
[17:09:18] <goppo> i see
[17:09:22] <rue_house> do you have any small plastic pipe?
[17:09:32] <rue_house> did you have a 3d printer?
[17:09:34] <goppo> were you thinking of using that as a perpendicular adapter of some sort?
[17:09:39] <goppo> rue_house, no i don't :(
[17:10:17] <rue_house> as I'v gone thru images I have 3 going ideas
[17:10:32] <rue_house> maybe we should start with what DO you have?
[17:11:19] <goppo> hmm
[17:11:32] <goppo> rue_house, well i could get some plastic pipes
[17:11:35] <goppo> but i haven't got a 3dp
[17:12:09] <rue_house> what sizes are the pipes?
[17:13:39] <goppo> rue_house, depending on your suggestion. i could go buy some.
[17:14:27] <goppo> ideally, is there some kind of clamp that can deform the sheet such that there'd be enough friction?
[17:16:41] <rue_house> dan I need an onlien drawing site
[17:17:21] <rue_house> damn these suck
[17:18:43] <goppo> i gotta take my cat to the vet
[17:18:45] <goppo> be back in a bit!
[17:19:16] <rue_house> http://cosketch.com/Rooms/eghohot
[17:19:19] <rue_house> ffff dont leave
[17:19:22] <rue_house> screw it
[17:19:37] <rue_house> nevermind then going abck to bed
[17:21:48] <goppo> rue_house, interesting drawing...
[17:21:56] <goppo> hmm what's that?
[17:37:36] <rue_house> thought you left, gave up
[17:37:48] <rue_house> I have a desging you can try makign with pipe and a screw
[17:37:53] <rue_house> you here?
[17:38:10] <rue_house> nope
[18:24:32] <z64555> he's a heisenbot
[18:24:44] <z64555> dunno if he's here or not!
[22:12:21] <stanford_ai> anyone working with drones?
[22:15:13] <synja> yep
[22:51:15] <stanford_ai> synja, what are you doing with drones?
[22:56:58] <rue_house> swarm?
[22:57:05] <rue_house> a swarm is a great idea
[23:26:09] * ace4016 swarms rue_house with ideas
[23:27:05] <zhanx> rue has enough
[23:27:14] <zhanx> dont side track him
[23:28:51] <rue_house> yaya! test2 works
[23:29:09] <rue_house> I can move the cursor around in the text file, and it wraps properly
[23:29:14] <synja> stanford_ai, i designed mine to assist me in my maple sugaring operation, but off-season they function as my multi-floor assistants. basically a glorified way of saying they fetch me sodas
[23:29:40] <synja> so that's intranet based, rue_house?
[23:29:47] <rue_house> big drone!
[23:29:48] <zhanx> rue i am on test two, i think its gonna fail also
[23:30:19] <synja> my pentacopters are 2 3/4' across without the blades
[23:30:22] <rue_house> synja, not yet, right now I'm building a core capable of the multiple point editing
[23:30:41] <synja> well, gl with that!
[23:30:47] <synja> cheers!
[23:31:18] <synja> damn. i'm running low on wild turkey :(
[23:31:43] <rue_house> I have a problem now tho, I need proper keyboard codes
[23:32:01] <synja> so stanford_ai, what kind of projects are you working on?