#robotics | Logs for 2017-02-07

[01:32:08] <mrdata_> bronze-age keyboard seems so steampunk
[01:51:53] <rue_house> I dont take thing apart in my room, why are there so many screws piling up?
[02:08:03] <rue_bed> 8-| wow
[02:09:23] <rue_bed> it turns out that the editor code I was working on starting from 2001 became the base of a lot of the code I write today
[02:09:35] <rue_bed> I last worked on it in 2011
[02:11:39] <rue_bed> wow, its like meeting a 5 year old of yourself
[02:12:01] <rue_bed> everything is there is someredumentrary form, all disorganized
[02:12:58] <rue_bed> has ANYONE worked out a design that lets them code while going to sleep to the limit of actually falling asleep
[02:13:31] <rue_bed> cause this laptop-at-head-of-bed thing isn't really ergenomic
[02:14:21] <rue_bed> even with the pillows stacked up high enough that I could be laying on someone its just not right
[02:14:37] <rue_bed> almost need like a triangular bed
[02:31:22] <rue_bed> hahahah
[02:31:24] <rue_bed> *
[02:31:25] <rue_bed> * Update the screen with whatever is in BuffText.
[02:31:25] <rue_bed> * Lines are writen individually because of issues with window
[02:31:25] <rue_bed> * compatibility and ... (its 2am...)
[02:31:25] <rue_bed> *
[02:43:21] <z64555> rue_bed: there's "husband pillows" that you can use, but they're not that great, and they're difficult to clean
[02:44:02] <rue_bed> >:|
[02:44:30] <z64555> probably better off just getting one of those adjustable hospital beds
[02:45:05] <rue_bed> na, I need a bed I can ergenomically code and fall asleep in
[02:51:34] <rue_bed> cool I'v verified the operation of 5 f the objects for the editor
[02:51:55] <rue_bed> can.......can I go to sleep now please?
[03:06:40] <rue_bed> 6 objects
[03:08:23] <rue_bed> 7
[03:09:11] <rue_bed> ooo this one might need a lot of work
[04:03:44] <SpeedEvil> rue_bed: monitor over end of bed at feet, trackpoint keyboard under covers
[06:13:30] <synja> there is NO good way to code in bed; besides, it sets up bad habits
[06:38:44] <deshipu> bed habits
[07:33:34] <z64555> pretty much
[09:42:51] <SpeedEvil> that too.
[09:43:09] <SpeedEvil> Barring health problems and being able to get out of bed
[09:47:27] <deshipu> getting out of bed is overrated
[09:47:30] <deshipu> and often a mistake
[10:36:08] <rue_house> yup, it looks like back in 2011, I didn't finish converting the code from C++ to C
[10:36:35] <rue_house> too much work to finish off the first system test before I have to go to work
[18:38:53] <rue_house> the handwheel arrived!
[19:07:23] <Tom_L> rue_house
[19:36:37] <rue_house> Tom_L,
[20:05:18] <Tom_L> rue_bed
[20:12:01] <rue_house> Tom_L,
[21:47:51] <Anniepoo_> ok, - tires on ground, probably knobby RC tires - drive a cam that drives the blade
[21:48:31] <Anniepoo_> 8cD
[21:48:34] <Anniepoo_> much better
[22:09:21] <rue_house> blade?
[22:10:16] <rue_house> I still like the inter-roller contained balde
[22:10:24] <Tom_L> rue_house,
[22:10:26] <rue_house> as usually I eached under something to pick it up
[22:10:32] <Tom_L> what was that pdf tool i used
[22:10:33] <rue_house> Tom_L, your leaking my nicks
[22:10:50] <Tom_L> to combine odd page scans with even page scans to merge into one pdf
[22:10:51] <Tom_L> ?
[22:10:51] <rue_house> ghost?
[22:11:16] <rue_house> tho I'v never been able to get ghost to do squat
[22:11:16] <rue_house> ever
[22:11:21] <Tom_L> ghost?
[22:11:29] <Tom_L> that's a disk image tool
[22:11:36] <rue_house> no
[22:11:49] <rue_house> wtf
[22:11:53] <Tom_L> i scanned some pages once and did even to one pdf odd to another then went back in and merged them
[22:11:57] * rue_house crc checks his memory
[22:12:14] <Tom_L> i probably still have it installed too
[22:12:19] <Tom_L> but can't remember what it was
[22:12:26] <Tom_L> not pdf creator...
[22:12:30] <Tom_L> maybe not anyway
[22:12:35] <Tom_L> i have that
[22:12:39] <rue_house> ghostscript
[22:12:48] <Tom_L> it was a windows tool
[22:13:42] <rue_house> Package: ghostscript
[22:13:43] <rue_house> Description-en: interpreter for the PostScript language and for PDF
[22:13:43] <rue_house> GPL Ghostscript is used for PostScript/PDF preview and printing.
[22:13:43] <rue_house> Usually as a back-end to a program such as ghostview, it can display
[22:13:43] <rue_house> PostScript and PDF documents in an X11 environment.
[22:13:43] <rue_house> .
[22:13:45] <rue_house> Furthermore, it can render PostScript and PDF files as graphics to be
[22:13:47] <rue_house> printed on non-PostScript printers. Supported printers include common
[22:13:49] <rue_house> dot-matrix, inkjet and laser models.
[22:14:12] <rue_house> which is all a lie, it cant do ANYTHING
[22:14:13] <synja> i don't believe ghostscript has an ocr module
[22:14:38] <synja> if that was what he meant
[22:15:15] <synja> ah, reading further up, it was not
[22:17:19] <rue_house> so I have ANOTHER object to rewrite with my editor
[22:17:26] * Tom_L has a crc memory error
[22:35:31] * rue_house goes back to work on his editor
[22:36:50] <Tom_L> ... pdf toolkit
[22:36:53] <Tom_L> found it!
[22:37:05] <Tom_L> PDFtk
[22:53:19] <Anniepoo_> sorry rue - re blades, yes, that might make a good geometry for the blade,
[22:54:02] <Anniepoo_> just a question how to power it. Passively powering it from the drive mechanism is 'simple' in all the good ways
[22:54:34] <Anniepoo_> (hmm... actually, oooh, how about putting a crank on the drive wheel for the treads?
[22:55:25] <Anniepoo_> still struggling with the snail shell. The cad problems are mostly licked, and I'll laser cut cardboard and layer up the shell
[22:55:36] <Anniepoo_> Now I'm thinking of cosplayer's 'worbla' sheet
[22:55:40] <Anniepoo_> but that's expensive
[22:55:58] <Anniepoo_> anybody have an alternative?
[23:49:38] <rue_house> void DisplayFilter1::ReDraw ( void ) {
[23:49:49] <rue_house> didn't you ever find a line of C code tht disn't seem to belong?