#robotics | Logs for 2017-02-05

[01:45:40] <rue_house> *sigh* back into event based programming
[01:45:48] <rue_house> been a loooong time
[01:53:00] <rue_house> ok I need to track answers from grbl
[01:53:04] <rue_house> its a handshaking thing
[01:53:25] <rue_house> so I have a variable to say if the last command has been ack'd
[01:53:28] <rue_house> what do I call it
[01:53:46] <rue_house> esp if the value is to be true/false
[01:53:54] <rue_house> txack?
[01:54:09] <rue_house> ta?
[01:54:10] <rue_house> t?
[01:54:42] <rue_house> the_last_transmitted_command_was_acknowledged_by_grbl ?
[01:55:13] <rue_house> GRBLisReadyForAnotherCommandCuaseTheLastOneIsFinished ?
[01:56:46] <rue_house> theBear, ?
[01:57:54] <rue_house> theBear, dont tell anyone my greatest weakness is deciding on something where the result dosn't matter and all the options are equally weighted...
[02:42:12] <Jak_o_Shadows> What's wrong with ack?
[02:43:33] <Jak_o_Shadows> also, so begins the 3D printer adventures, agian
[03:44:29] <rue_house> what you working, on?
[03:44:38] <rue_house> I'm working on my new cnc machine
[03:44:41] <rue_house> and the old one
[03:44:45] <rue_house> and all the new ones to come
[03:47:21] <Jak_o_Shadows> Same old 3D printer
[03:47:45] <Jak_o_Shadows> hasn't been turned on in about a year
[03:47:50] <Jak_o_Shadows> and wasn't printing great before that
[03:49:38] <rue_house> 3mm or 1.75mm?
[03:49:55] <rue_house> d3scribe "not great"
[03:50:25] <Jak_o_Shadows> 1.75mm.
[03:50:29] <rue_house> ok
[03:50:35] <Jak_o_Shadows> Think banding, but not regular
[03:50:37] <Jak_o_Shadows> perhaps overextrusion
[03:50:52] <rue_house> like wiggle in the sides?
[03:51:27] <rue_house> hello
[03:51:28] <rue_house> ?
[03:51:31] <Jak_o_Shadows> maybe. It was a while ago
[03:51:47] <rue_house> you have to use a printer to get it working right
[03:51:53] <rue_house> the mroe you use it , te more right it prints
[03:52:01] <rue_house> you working with it now?
[03:52:11] <rue_house> <timeout>
[03:52:34] <Jak_o_Shadows> yeah. But sorta taking things apart, fixing some of the unrelated mech issues I was having, gonna calibrate the hot end again
[03:52:55] <rue_house> what type of peinter?
[03:52:59] <rue_house> box i2 or i3?
[03:53:03] <rue_house> or exotic
[03:53:21] <Jak_o_Shadows> prusa i3. Custom frame. Sorta like the box, sorta like the one with triangles. No threaded rod for structural stuff
[03:53:43] <rue_house> k
[03:54:01] <rue_house> 1mm pitch on z?
[03:54:52] <rue_house> <timeout>
[03:54:57] <Jak_o_Shadows> can't recall. Probably?
[03:55:28] <Jak_o_Shadows> I had to reattach the heated bed thermistor
[03:55:40] <rue_house> using pla or abs?
[03:55:55] <rue_house> <timeout>
[03:56:03] <Jak_o_Shadows> abs
[03:56:07] <Jak_o_Shadows> why the <tyimeout>?
[03:56:54] <rue_house> your taking too long to respond
[03:57:11] <rue_house> well ya need the heated bed for abs, I'd suggest getting it wrunning with pla and tape on the bed
[03:57:25] <Jak_o_Shadows> oh, the beds working now, just ran it up to 105 C
[03:57:29] <rue_house> are your motors ont eh top or bottom?
[03:57:39] <rue_house> z
[03:57:50] <Jak_o_Shadows> bottom
[03:57:57] <Jak_o_Shadows> I have bellows couplers now, which is nice
[03:58:03] <Jak_o_Shadows> rods MAY be bent. one at least
[03:58:11] <rue_house> if you push down on the shaft of the mtoor, goes it "sping" down by about 4mm?"
[03:58:32] <rue_house> or at all?
[04:00:41] <Jak_o_Shadows> nooo
[04:01:33] <rue_house> the motors will not support weight in one direction, most of them time, they will let you press in but not pull back on the shaft
[04:01:43] <rue_house> one way the shaft is rpung agianst the bearing
[04:01:47] <rue_house> spring
[04:01:51] <rue_house> sprung
[04:01:55] <rue_house> 3rd times the charm
[04:02:25] <Jak_o_Shadows> As a side note, I have a floating z-axis. So the x-axis lifts up
[04:02:52] <rue_house> ? have to see a pic
[04:08:11] <Jak_o_Shadows> One of these for each axis. http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:141479
[04:08:17] <Jak_o_Shadows> the x-ends rest on them
[04:09:54] <rue_house> huh, not seen that one before
[04:10:22] <Jak_o_Shadows> I dunno if it fixes the problem, but it makes it SUPER easy to work on the hotend
[04:10:35] <Jak_o_Shadows> You can get it away from the bed, so you have room to move, just by lifting it
[04:10:48] <rue_house> it could magnify some issues
[04:14:10] <Jak_o_Shadows> Yeah. It didn't start the issues
[04:14:13] <Jak_o_Shadows> though*
[04:14:43] <rue_house> if you print a 2cm high 1cmx1cm block, whats it lok like?
[05:22:06] <Jak_o_Shadows> rue_house: http://pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=112143, another, another
[05:22:18] <Jak_o_Shadows> http://pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=112144
[05:22:31] <Jak_o_Shadows> I obviously don't have the bed height correct
[05:22:39] <Jak_o_Shadows> http://pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=112145
[05:23:22] <Jak_o_Shadows> and in general, something weird is going on with that edge/dent
[05:23:36] <Jak_o_Shadows> The slight banding is the traditional problem
[10:17:40] <mumptai> re
[11:31:17] <robopal> de thelw re
[13:35:40] <rue_house> first one is verry over extruded
[13:35:51] <rue_house> yea, like 200%
[13:36:08] <rue_house> do you know how to calibrate your mm/step on the extruder?
[13:36:37] <rue_house> ah, he's gone
[16:07:43] <mrdata_> rue_house, count the number of steps in a metre and divide by 1000?
[16:08:34] <mrdata_> err, that would be steps per mm then
[16:08:37] <mrdata_> flip it
[16:09:20] <rue_house> no
[16:10:02] <rue_house> there area a million ways
[16:10:09] <rue_house> I'm trying to leave right now
[18:43:41] <rue_house> apparently I can only bring myself to do coding right now
[18:44:45] <zumba_addict> My nephew is very interested in robotics. What college course will let him do that?
[18:44:54] <rue_house> heh I was in a restraunt with some friends and said "I'm a coding addict" and they all broke out a sweat and asked me to not say that
[18:45:02] <rue_house> zumba_addict, no
[18:45:21] <rue_house> schooling for a job will destroy the fun of it for him
[18:45:51] <rue_house> take the interest and feed it, aim for a job that uses the subskills
[18:46:00] <rue_house> then the main interest wont be destroyed
[18:46:02] <zumba_addict> i'm sorry but I got lost
[18:46:24] <rue_house> do not take an interest and turn it into a job
[18:46:46] <zumba_addict> oh ok
[18:46:48] <rue_house> feed the interest, with informationa nd resources
[18:46:57] <zumba_addict> so robotics should just be his hobbies?
[18:47:03] <rue_house> go to school for something like a mechanic or electrician
[18:47:14] <rue_house> which is related, but not the same
[18:47:23] <rue_house> or a computer programmer
[18:47:34] <zumba_addict> i was about to tell my brother in law ECE but not sure if that's a good suggestion
[18:47:39] <rue_house> there is lots of usefull trickledown from robotics
[18:47:39] <zumba_addict> I haven't said it yet
[18:47:42] <Tom_L> code junkie
[18:47:49] <rue_house> :)
[18:48:00] <zumba_addict> can you please name few so I can tell him
[18:48:00] <Tom_L> rue's been to therapy but it didn't work
[18:48:04] <rue_house> "coding" "codine"
[18:48:43] <rue_house> I suppose there is a problem in vancouver with drugs
[18:48:45] <rue_house> go figure
[18:48:46] <zumba_addict> i actually wasn't aware i was doing robotics. I only learned it today from #electronics that what I was doing was robotics :D
[18:48:51] <i-make-robots> get a nice trade skill with normal hours and crazy pay (like elevator repairman) and enjoy robots in your spare time.
[18:49:15] <rue_house> exactly
[18:49:20] <rue_house> i-make-robots, hows your arm?
[18:49:26] <rue_house> did it sheer the shaft yet?
[18:49:36] <rue_house> :)
[18:49:41] <zumba_addict> so anything with electronics should be sufficient
[18:49:42] <i-make-robots> https://www.instagram.com/p/BQHPCZ7jfS4/?taken-by=imakerobots i finally have my own closed loop stepper
[18:49:43] <rue_house> awe, I'm his troll
[18:49:51] <i-make-robots> i still don't have a decent gearbox
[18:49:55] <zumba_addict> then robotics will be for his interest
[18:49:59] <rue_house> zumba_addict, computer programming works too
[18:50:09] <i-make-robots> shear the shaft?
[18:50:16] <rue_house> i-make-robots, dan?
[18:50:19] <zumba_addict> that's my college course and now I do few electronics
[18:50:20] <i-make-robots> yes?
[18:50:39] <rue_house> hah, sorry got you mixed up
[18:50:49] <rue_house> cant remmeber nicks properly anymore
[18:50:56] <rue_house> did you completely make the encoder?!
[18:52:04] <rue_house> i-make-robots, anything like a pid loop?
[18:52:18] <rue_house> whats the sensor?
[18:53:27] <rue_house> i-make-robots, you got quiet...
[18:54:08] <synja> <rue_house> heh I was in a restraunt with some friends and said "I'm a coding addict" and they all broke out a sweat and asked me to not say that
[18:54:11] <synja> lol
[18:54:18] <synja> did they misinterpret what you said?
[18:54:45] <rue_house> I think it was partly that, but the topic was what I do, in context of robotics
[18:55:06] <rue_house> but I think they were more worried about others misinterpreting it
[18:55:14] <synja> lol
[18:55:44] <synja> how long have you been programming? do you still enjoy it?
[18:55:44] <rue_house> i-make-robots, no more details on mc.com eh?
[18:55:48] <rue_house> yea
[18:55:50] <zumba_addict> ok rue_house, i told my experience my brother in law on how I'm doing robotics
[18:55:53] <rue_house> I been coding for...
[18:56:04] <zumba_addict> let's see what his response is going to be
[18:56:24] <rue_house> since 1989
[18:56:37] <synja> jeez and you still enjoy it...
[18:56:46] <rue_house> yea
[18:56:59] * synja shakes head
[18:57:01] <rue_house> its like tetris
[18:57:38] <rue_house> I wonder if i-make-robots is using one of those magnetic rotation sensors
[18:57:46] <synja> well, if you played tetris every day for 20 years, i'm sure you'd be sick of it
[18:57:59] <rue_house> no, I dont, I'm banned from tetris
[18:58:04] <synja> lol
[18:58:08] <rue_house> its reallly dangerous for me
[18:58:30] <rue_house> waste of time anyhow
[18:59:15] <synja> nothing great was ever done while people were enjoying themselves
[19:00:17] <rue_house> sure I'm sure the wright brothers were having a terrible time
[19:00:28] <rue_house> and linus with that damn os core
[19:01:07] <rue_house> i-make-robots, dude, do I have to phone you to have a conversation??
[19:01:13] <rue_house> I swear man, I'll do it
[19:01:44] <rue_house> 20..... 19.....
[19:02:12] <rue_house> 19.5.... 19.8......
[19:03:04] <rue_house> he's a kinda wound-up, stressed guy, last time I phoned him he freaked out at me
[19:03:37] <rue_house> 19.4.... 19.2.....
[19:03:57] <rue_house> , 604....
[19:04:46] <i-make-robots> rue_house - yes, magnetic.
[19:05:10] <synja> i'm just saying discoveries weren't made while people were playing games ;)
[19:05:11] <i-make-robots> you can, but my cell is currently installing an os update.
[19:05:16] <rue_house> oh yea I see that in the text now
[19:05:38] <i-make-robots> synja - but i found a way to balance my main bus by abusing train cars in Factorio!
[19:05:50] <synja> lmao
[19:06:02] <i-make-robots> actually I've finally bored of factorio. it only took 4 years.
[19:06:05] <rue_house> while playing halflife I learned that staying alive is a LOT to do with where you choose to stand
[19:06:52] <rue_house> i-make-robots, so, is it a proportional error loop, or it just corrects, or?
[19:07:57] <i-make-robots> just corrects.
[19:08:00] <i-make-robots> v1.
[19:08:14] <rue_house> i-make-robots, do you have a multiple axis interpolation system?
[19:08:24] <i-make-robots> currently printing a v2 coupler that has proper grip on the stepper shaft. will then try proportional, testing for interference.
[19:08:26] <i-make-robots> i do
[19:08:35] <i-make-robots> bresenham's + ij
[19:08:36] <i-make-robots> ik
[19:08:43] <rue_house> hmm I'd like to suggest a coupler for 3d printed parts
[19:08:58] <rue_house> I wonder if I'v ever posted it..
[19:09:00] <i-make-robots> ? it's a 3d printed coupler for 3d printed parts.
[19:09:21] <rue_house> having a browser split over 2 screens is giving me a headache
[19:09:34] <rue_house> ist a way of mounting to shafts
[19:10:09] <rue_house> oh poo
[19:10:13] <rue_house> I'll have to post one
[19:10:20] * rue_house tries to think
[19:11:16] <rue_house> aha, yes
[19:12:41] <rue_house> Please wait.
[19:13:45] <rue_house> oh god, I'v created over 230 things since I started printing
[19:14:15] <synja> i donated my printer to a library and guess what they use it for?
[19:14:18] <synja> a paperweight
[19:14:36] <rue_house> why you do that?
[19:15:05] <synja> i thought that since it was right next to a school and children used it all the time, they'd get to design 3d objects and print them
[19:15:12] <synja> learn the process
[19:15:26] <synja> i'm thinking about taking it back
[19:15:40] <synja> i loved that thing
[19:15:49] <rue_house> picassos brush
[19:16:46] <synja> i even offered classes in design and programming
[19:16:56] <synja> librarian never called me
[19:17:12] <synja> i'm just going to lie and say that i need to borrow it for a few days
[19:17:19] <synja> "big project"
[19:23:11] <synja> sorry if i interrupted your convo with a rant
[19:23:27] <synja> you just reminded me of it
[19:23:32] <rue_house> i-make-robots, just waiting for thingiverse
[19:24:03] <rue_house> http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2088001/
[19:25:10] <rue_house> the screw does not compress the palstic, it pinches the shaft agianst the back of the collar, meaning that most of the plastic is part of the driving body
[19:26:06] <synja> rue_house, do you have a thingiverse channel?
[19:26:12] <rue_house> .. channel?
[19:26:19] <synja> or w/e you call it
[19:26:24] <synja> your collection
[19:26:29] <rue_house> http://www.thingiverse.com/rue_mohr/designs
[19:26:30] <rue_house> that?
[19:26:41] <synja> that would be it
[19:26:47] <rue_house> then yes
[19:28:33] <rue_house> maybe one day I'll go crazy and post some of the other 200 things I'v designed
[19:33:17] <synja> very nice
[19:33:32] <rue_house> want me to post someting else? name something
[19:33:45] <rue_house> see if I'v done one
[19:33:57] <rue_house> dont say dildo
[19:34:22] <synja> buttplug
[19:34:40] <synja> ...you started it, dirty birdy
[19:34:49] <rue_house> I dont think you understood the nature of the bounding I presented
[19:40:18] <i-make-robots> reading....
[19:41:08] <rue_house> screw reading, just look at the second picture :)
[19:43:54] <synja> you know i wasn't being serious right?
[19:44:07] <rue_house> :)
[19:44:40] <rue_house> but I was just designing one for you!
[19:44:44] <rue_house> tee hee hee
[19:49:40] <rue_house> "you need to stab me in the eye first"
[19:49:58] <rue_house> ugh, gui s are so interevent insane
[19:53:42] <i-make-robots> interevent?
[19:54:05] <rue_house> inter-event
[19:54:25] <rue_house> most of the code is just managing the gui
[20:07:44] <i-make-robots> guis have always sucked. i like java's a wee bit more, but only a wee bit.
[20:24:04] <i-make-robots> hrm. i have the new coupler in place and the grip is great. brainstorming a way to detect human interference (more than, say, noise)
[20:28:25] <z64555> gui's are problematic, Many of them seem to be either useful, or pretty, but rarely in the middle
[20:33:00] <rue_shop3> hmm, the cnc spindle wasn't enguaged with its bearing,
[20:33:12] <rue_shop3> the bearing wore the shaft down about 0.1mm
[20:41:39] <rue_shop3> making a 10krpm spindle is harder than I thought
[20:42:15] <rue_shop3> too bad they cost $400usd
[20:45:38] <i-make-robots> guis are hard to code and even harder to design. most of the work in the Makelangelo app has been making a not-shit ui
[20:49:58] <Tom_L> rue_shop3, what happened?
[20:50:16] <rue_shop3> the shaft was spinning in the bearing, it wore down
[20:50:23] <Tom_L> how was the shaft not touching the bearing?
[20:50:35] <rue_shop3> ever so slightly at first
[20:50:38] <Tom_L> that's what press fits are for
[20:50:39] <rue_shop3> then more as it wore
[20:51:00] <rue_shop3> I'd bumped one of them with a punch to flare it a little
[20:51:06] <rue_shop3> that one was ok
[20:51:09] <rue_shop3> but it was the top one
[20:51:20] <rue_shop3> i-make-robots, I'm getting used to tkinter
[20:51:47] <rue_shop3> I'll make a new shaft, but I needed to make a new lower bearing bushing anyhow
[20:51:57] <rue_shop3> I missed the size a little and had to mash it in
[20:52:51] <i-make-robots> oops
[20:53:52] <rue_shop3> it was one of those "if this dosn't work, I'll have to redo it all anyhow" things
[20:57:21] <rue_shop3> but the little O ring belt is holding up just fine
[21:28:12] <goppo> as for spring loaded camera covers like this, does anyone know how the hinge is constructed? http://www.19.xylimited.com/192012244-1920122441-thickbox/wholesale-dropshipping-ismart-automatic-retractable-kj244ds-lens-cover-for-olympus-xz-1-white-cameras-camcorders-lenses.jpg
[21:28:23] <goppo> i'm guess it's some spring loaded pin?
[21:34:22] <goppo> here's something similar: https://vimeo.com/41102326
[21:39:43] <rue_house> tahts cute, so much for an iris an fine engeneering