#robotics | Logs for 2017-02-01

[00:35:18] <Anniepoo__> small victories
[00:35:46] <Anniepoo__> 8cD I finally feel like I've become mistress of the fine art of making snail shells in Blender
[00:37:53] <rue_shop3> it LOOKS like the cnc Z axis has 0.1mm of backlash in it cause of the rod moving around in the nut
[00:38:13] <rue_shop3> if I tighten it out, the motor cant turn the rod
[00:38:27] <rue_shop3> on the next machine I have to come up with a better lead screw system
[00:50:55] <Anniepoo__> what sort of leadscrew are you using?
[00:53:20] <Anniepoo__> some things you just need the expensive part. 8c( leadscrews and ball nuts fit in said category
[00:57:27] <rue_shop3> 5/16x18
[00:59:46] <rue_shop3> and the lower spindle bearing failed
[00:59:50] <rue_shop3> failing...
[01:00:28] <Anniepoo__> V profile?
[01:26:26] <rue_shop3> yep
[01:28:16] <rue_shop3> the 1/8" rubber gasket drive belt is holding up just fine tho
[01:28:21] <rue_shop3> (spindle)
[01:28:43] <rue_shop3> it takes 14k like a champ
[01:35:57] <rue_shop3> 3d printed thrust bearing retainers
[01:36:01] <rue_shop3> 3d printed sliders
[01:36:13] <rue_shop3> plywood table :)
[01:36:26] <rue_shop3> its doing much better than I expected
[01:42:45] <rue_shop3> the problems are
[01:43:02] <rue_shop3> normal threaded rod just will NOT center
[01:43:08] <rue_shop3> ever, nomatter what
[01:43:35] <rue_shop3> its always exctentric, not matter how you attach to it
[01:44:02] <rue_shop3> its compounded by the fact that nuts do not have edges square to the direction of the thread
[01:44:08] <rue_shop3> ----/-----
[01:44:16] <rue_shop3> they are always cocked at some angle
[01:44:34] <rue_shop3> aparently, even if you square them up on a lathe, they find a way
[01:44:49] <rue_shop3> also, threads aren't tight on nuts
[01:45:04] <rue_shop3> V V V V V V
[01:45:09] <rue_shop3> ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
[01:45:25] <rue_shop3> which means the threaded rod can 'flop around' in a nut
[01:45:54] <rue_shop3> so, even with a backlash nut, you get variance
[01:46:14] <rue_shop3> I might try splitting and clamping a linknut
[01:46:24] <rue_shop3> but that still don't purge all the issues
[01:46:39] <z64555> which axis is this on?
[01:46:45] <rue_shop3> all
[01:47:06] <rue_shop3> ( O)
[01:47:14] <rue_shop3> and flops around in the nut
[01:47:20] <rue_shop3> (O )
[01:47:35] <z64555> so it's eccentric.
[01:47:42] <rue_shop3> threaded rod always is
[01:47:46] <z64555> That's just /great/
[01:47:47] <rue_shop3> even if yo umachine it
[01:47:57] <rue_shop3> I dont get it
[01:49:19] <z64555> metal flexes, so the further the cutting head is away from the chuck, the more the rod bends
[01:49:42] <z64555> that's my theory
[01:50:23] <z64555> is all-thread/threaded rod machined or cast?
[01:55:25] <z64555> ok.
[01:55:43] <z64555> So, Lathes get around this issue by using tubular guides, if I remember right
[01:56:19] <z64555> the screw is just to move the carriage along the guides, so any eccentricy on the screw won't affect it
[02:04:20] <rue_shop3> machined
[02:04:56] <rue_shop3> it seems the usb on the laptop is pooched
[02:05:07] <rue_shop3> every so often the mouse stops working
[02:05:24] <rue_shop3> and the cnc I'm trying to run on it, keeps getting funny connection terminations
[02:05:33] <rue_shop3> which is not helping me test the cnc
[02:05:41] <rue_shop3> playing with feed rates
[02:06:05] <rue_shop3> I made a 1/8" mill from a broken off 1mm
[02:06:13] <rue_shop3> looks like I can take on over 50mm/min
[02:06:30] <rue_shop3> BUT the lower spindle bearing failed, which makes it really unhappy about doing it
[02:06:44] <rue_shop3> ~wiggle wiggle~
[02:07:31] <rue_shop3> at around 75mm/min it starts to generate enough force to pull the upper carrage out by 0.05mm
[02:07:55] <rue_shop3> all in all, I think this is going well
[02:10:13] <z64555> lol
[02:10:57] <rue_shop3> I think I have about $25 into it at this point
[02:13:57] <rue_shop3> it looks like tapered roller bearings only go down to 14mm
[02:21:03] <rue_shop3> nope, tapered roller bearings dont go smaller than 14mm
[02:28:11] <rue_house> where is a carbon impregnated cintered bronze thrush bushing when I need one?
[02:28:22] <rue_house> thrust
[02:28:30] * rue_house suspects language module failure
[02:29:11] <rue_house> the same errors are starting to show in speech and typing
[02:30:42] <rue_house> hmmm, what if the objects in the gui populate the menu bar themselvs?
[12:19:58] <z64555> which objects
[14:08:13] <mrdata-> http://www.globalfuturist.org/2017/01/norwegian-robot-learns-to-self-evolve-and-3d-print-itself-in-the-lab/
[14:30:34] <z64555> D:
[15:29:06] <rue_house> that thing didn't print itself
[15:33:51] <Snert_> yea, I doubt it ran slicer and set all that up.
[15:42:36] <veverak> damn it
[15:42:48] <veverak> data for algorithm -> big complex strucutre
[15:42:55] <veverak> and for everything -> serialization to string
[15:42:57] <veverak> and to json
[15:43:00] <veverak> and commented
[15:43:05] <veverak> and formatted properly
[15:43:10] <veverak> veverak: good job
[15:48:55] <rue_house> veverak, whats it do?
[15:49:30] <veverak> rue_house: locomotion
[15:49:44] <rue_house> ah, for hexapod?
[15:50:48] <veverak> quadruped
[15:50:56] <veverak> but should work for anything with 4+ legs
[15:53:04] <veverak> hmm
[15:53:16] <veverak> json compiles, but fails at runtime
[15:53:18] <veverak> * segfaults
[16:04:53] <rue_house> yea
[16:05:07] <rue_house> you should'nt use java or json if you want stable software
[16:05:22] <rue_house> whats json do? part of the test env?
[16:11:49] <veverak> debug information
[16:11:51] <veverak> C++
[16:12:05] <veverak> just sends actual state of data structure out of it
[16:12:15] <veverak> should be easy to write some python thing to visualize it
[16:18:10] <rue_house> somewhere I have an opengl model of my hexapod
[16:18:24] <rue_house> to use as a test target for its motion control
[16:19:30] <veverak> something similar
[16:19:40] <veverak> but have ROS doing that for me
[16:19:42] <veverak> :)
[16:20:31] <rue_house> how do you make a model for ros?
[16:20:43] <veverak> .stl files nad .uml file
[16:20:46] <veverak> xml definition
[16:21:00] <veverak> or not sure about proper filename for the xml definition now
[16:21:03] <rue_house> stl as components or the whole thing?
[16:21:09] <veverak> stl as for components
[16:21:17] <rue_house> right
[16:21:25] <rue_house> so you could wireframe it too
[16:21:28] <veverak> there are tools that based on the xml description, creates gui for angle control
[16:21:30] <veverak> :)
[16:21:38] <veverak> or joint control to make simple tests
[16:21:50] <rue_house> makes sense
[16:22:17] <rue_house> you give it the stl and tell it the hinge point co-ords and which way things can bend, where zero is and the range of motion
[16:22:24] <veverak> yep
[16:22:34] <veverak> my code will use that file to setup IK for locomotion
[16:23:20] <veverak> so, you get he binaries, give it proper XMl and voila, everything wurks
[16:23:40] <rue_house> heh
[23:26:32] <pokmo> hi
[23:27:29] <pokmo> does anyone know if there're linear ball links with a plastic holder? like typical ball links http://www.rcworld.co.uk/acatalog/F-FK1208.jpg, i wonder if there are linear ones
[23:27:41] <pokmo> looking like http://www.nbb-bearing.com/pic/200811814554.jpg
[23:54:25] <anniepoo> try mcmaster-carr
[23:55:12] <anniepoo> why do you want plastic?
[23:57:28] <pokmo> anniepoo, well from experience, it has lower friction
[23:57:40] <pokmo> with a metal ball against a plastic holder
[23:57:57] <anniepoo> ok, makes sense
[23:58:47] <pokmo> the linear ball joint like the one in my second link felt a bit sticky
[23:58:54] <pokmo> and quite big too
[23:59:51] <pokmo> https://www.mcmaster.com/#rod-ends/=166a7mp seems to have just one inline/linear option