#robotics | Logs for 2017-01-30

[00:54:39] <rue_house> ok, well the cnc is running laps on the table
[00:54:42] <rue_house> wear it all in
[00:54:45] <rue_house> or out..
[01:01:20] <rue_house> in its current state, I do not trust the spindle to last a 14 hour job
[01:01:35] <rue_house> I wonder if just adding a fan to that motor is enough
[01:08:40] <rue_shop3> oooo 350mm/min
[01:11:51] * rue_shop3 tries 400
[01:15:35] <rue_shop3> tom, whats your peak feed rate?
[01:16:32] <mrdata_> 11
[01:45:39] <rue_shop3> 500mm/min is 19.6ipm
[02:03:50] <rue_shop3> bah, 600mm/min and its still not failing
[02:19:50] <rue_shop3> the regulation part of my speed regulator isn't actaully working
[02:40:37] <rue_shop3> I think its feedback got divided out
[02:44:08] <rue_shop3> the motor really likes having a series inductor
[02:44:20] <rue_shop3> its staying just warm
[02:44:38] <rue_shop3> leave it running a while and see if I can get the bearings to run in better
[02:45:03] <rue_shop3> and I suppose I can take the old cnc apart (an intermediate one thats design didn't work out)
[03:04:28] <rue_house> hmm, a standard skate board wheel is about 60mm dia
[03:04:47] <rue_house> 188.5 mm circ.
[03:05:10] <rue_house> so, if rotating at 10krpm
[03:06:09] <rue_house> that would be 113km/hr
[03:06:26] <rue_house> hmm, I suppose skateboards dont typically go that fast
[03:06:53] <jrowe47> lol
[03:07:24] <rue_house> well, you can be assured if you did, the bearings would make quite a racket
[03:09:01] <rue_house> I wonder what the wind resistance would be on the scateboarder...
[03:09:15] <rue_house> anyhow, I suppose that also means the bearings aren't neccisarilly out of spec
[03:09:37] <rue_house> just running a bit faster than they are meant for
[03:11:02] <jrowe47> wind resistance would be 113 kph
[03:11:08] <jrowe47> if you're talking drag
[03:11:13] <jrowe47> an no head or tailwind
[03:11:14] <jrowe47> lol
[03:11:29] <rue_house> I was thinking newtons
[03:12:05] <rue_house> given an unlaiden african skateboader
[03:12:23] <jrowe47> 129.55 Newtons for a 150 lb skateboarder
[03:12:42] <rue_house> air resistance at 113km/hr?
[03:13:44] <jrowe47> same as the velocity
[03:14:21] <rue_house> huh
[03:23:21] <rue_house> hwo the !@#$! did it get to be 1am!?
[03:48:52] <rue_shop3> at 10krpm, with 70N force, I wonder how hot a bronze bushing would get
[03:48:57] <rue_shop3> (oiled)
[03:49:27] <deshipu> somewhere between Merylin Monroe and Merylin Manson
[03:50:19] <rue_shop3> hmm manson is pretty bad... I dont think PLA would hold up
[03:51:23] <rue_shop3> its safe to make high speed bushings from thermite, right?
[03:52:21] <rue_shop3> compressed and impregnated with a light oil, like kerosine
[03:54:09] <Jak_o_Shadows1> read the fine datasheet?
[03:55:05] <rue_shop3> na, then I'd ahve to choose a brand
[03:55:27] <rue_shop3> noname thermite is just so much cheaper
[03:56:59] <rue_shop3> the spindle has been running about an hour and ITS NOT GETTING ANY BETTER
[04:03:38] <Jak_o_Shadows1> how would you expect it to get better?
[04:04:34] <rue_shop3> I'd hoped it would kinda run-in
[04:05:17] <rue_shop3> I have better bearings from printers, should I try that or the bushings
[04:05:24] <rue_shop3> either way I have to machine adapters
[04:07:12] <rue_shop3> at 10krpm, a bit of a 'lump' in a bearing makes a LOT of noise
[05:35:25] <rue_shop3> OK, it was a gamble, but it paid out
[05:35:37] <rue_shop3> good bearings run hyper quiet
[05:46:34] <rue_shop3> at this speed, the opto interrupters flag makes more noise than just about anything
[06:12:47] <rue_shop3> # calc "1024<<5"
[06:12:47] <rue_shop3> 1024<<5 -->> 32768
[06:12:56] <rue_shop3> I so like my command line calc
[06:24:44] <Jak_o_Shadows1> I have all the bits to make something, almost
[08:06:31] <rue_house> what do you still need?
[12:54:04] <SpeedEvil> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YEdHjGMeho
[12:54:13] <SpeedEvil> For those that may not have seen it before.
[12:54:21] <SpeedEvil> CNC cookies.
[12:56:30] <rue_bed> I'd like to know how the scale was modified
[15:11:51] <rue_house> zlog
[15:12:04] <rue_house> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~tom-itx/irc/logs/%23robotics/2006-01-30.html
[15:12:15] <rue_house> huh, not back that far eh?
[15:13:35] <Tom_L> how far?
[15:13:53] <rue_house> I was looking for danfredrickson
[15:14:08] <Tom_L> look no further
[15:14:24] <zhanx> ?
[15:14:37] <rue_house> I was trying to remember the nick of an OLD troll
[15:14:42] <rue_house> not as old as flyback tho
[15:15:03] <Tom_L> he still pops in once in a while
[15:15:30] <zhanx> yea flyback is still around
[15:18:37] <robopal> a troll, here?
[15:20:00] <rue_house> we are recognizing a new troll
[15:21:34] <veverak> deshipu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRKJbf3uLLs interesting
[15:22:43] <robopal> rue_house, who?
[15:25:28] <Tom_L> he's not here
[15:25:34] <Tom_L> another channel
[15:27:10] <robopal> it's all good then
[15:27:25] <Tom_L> who's a POE expert here?
[15:27:50] <Tom_L> what are typical device voltages and do they vary from one device to another?
[15:28:29] <Tom_L> and are POE switches worth getting
[15:30:06] <Tom_L> or get injectors and put them after the switch...
[15:30:09] <rue_house> poe switches cost a fortune
[15:30:36] <Tom_L> should you use cat6 with poe?
[15:30:42] <rue_house> they use an RC on the device end to 'identify' thats its a peo device, the switch sends some power while they negotiate how much
[15:30:42] <Tom_L> or is cat5e ok
[15:30:51] <rue_house> oh you just wanna use it, sorry :)
[15:30:58] <rue_house> limit is 100'
[15:31:09] <Tom_L> from POE to device?
[15:31:10] <rue_house> cat6 tends to use heavier wire than 5e
[15:31:15] <rue_house> yea
[15:31:23] <rue_house> typically 48V
[15:31:24] <Tom_L> i thought it was twisted tighter too
[15:31:28] <rue_house> it is
[15:31:31] <rue_house> and has a spacer
[15:31:38] <rue_house> :+:
[15:31:45] <rue_house> between the 4 pairs
[15:42:32] <deshipu> veverak: yeah, saw that
[15:46:22] <Tom_L> rue_house
[15:46:26] <rue_house> Tom_L,
[15:46:46] <Tom_L> any ethernet security systems you recomend?
[15:47:02] <Tom_L> NVR, PTZ, POE preferred
[15:47:13] <rue_house> hey I use a linux box
[15:47:28] <Tom_L> alot of those are linux
[15:48:33] <deshipu> veverak: btw, I've read your paper
[15:48:51] <deshipu> veverak: but there isn't much actual content in it yet
[16:03:14] <veverak> I know
[16:03:23] <veverak> deshipu: finally started to code something
[16:03:28] <veverak> -> finish -> rewrite
[16:03:37] <veverak> I suppose after that I will have more to write :)
[16:15:36] <rue_house> hey one loop means you have a working project
[16:15:40] <rue_house> even if its limping
[16:16:17] <rue_house> whats the paper on?
[16:16:22] <rue_house> filtering?
[16:16:51] <Tom_L> rue_house, you haven't done much with those cameras then ehh?
[16:17:05] <rue_house> cameras?
[16:17:11] <rue_house> poe camera?
[16:17:26] <rue_house> I got a cheap one from china, but it was tooo cheap
[16:17:26] <Tom_L> yeah
[16:17:54] <rue_house> from what I can tell it uses some kinda upnp thing on the network
[16:17:56] <Tom_L> i wondered how compatible the PTZ stuff was between brands and brands of NVR
[16:18:10] <rue_house> compeltely, its rs422 serial
[16:18:19] <Tom_L> really?
[16:18:26] <Tom_L> that would be nice
[16:18:29] <rue_house> yea, 2 screws on the back of the dvr
[16:18:35] <rue_house> on everything I'v seen
[16:18:52] <rue_house> it seems as tho everyone went with a standard
[16:18:55] <Tom_L> i doubt a regular recorder could be converted for ethernet
[16:19:11] <Tom_L> with the screw plugs
[16:19:11] <rue_house> most of the dvr's I'v seen have netowrk access,
[16:19:28] <rue_house> BUT most of them use outdated plugins that dont work in any browser anymore
[16:19:33] <Tom_L> it has network access but no software to control cameras
[16:19:41] <rue_house> and becasue its disposable engineering, ther are no updates
[16:20:13] <Tom_L> i've heard axis and pelco are 2 good brands but they look $$$
[16:20:27] <rue_house> might be better off with video/ethernet converters and a software dvr
[16:20:35] <rue_house> its excpensive
[16:20:48] <rue_house> we have done a few camera systems at work,
[16:21:03] <rue_house> people want cheap and really high res, which dont come togethor
[16:21:03] <Tom_L> i've got a dvr on the ones i have now but they're not ethernet
[16:21:15] <Tom_L> mine aren't 1080
[16:21:26] <rue_house> they want a system under $1000 with 4 cameras that can read a liscenceplate at 150 feet
[16:21:31] <Tom_L> but if i get one that's what i'll be looking at
[16:21:34] <veverak> rue_house: locomotion of legged robot
[16:21:34] <rue_house> uuuh.... no...
[16:21:44] <veverak> rue_house: generates all the moves on the fly, no recorded animation
[16:21:51] <rue_house> veverak, not the one you were working on years ago?
[16:22:06] <rue_house> the one that I was looking at the software for?
[16:22:10] <rue_house> for my hexapod?
[16:22:11] <Tom_L> rue_house, that res wouldn't require 4k would it?
[16:22:19] <veverak> rue_house: if it is going to work
[16:22:23] <veverak> you can use it on hexapond
[16:22:27] <veverak> rue_house: but warning, it's ROS based :)
[16:22:32] <rue_house> Tom_L, no idea, definitly digital
[16:22:41] <Tom_L> yeah
[16:22:44] <rue_house> ros is obsolete tho
[16:22:53] <rue_house> your foundation went away
[16:22:58] <veverak> ?
[16:23:39] <rue_house> ros is a fad... thats passing...
[16:23:48] <rue_house> a new one will come up if you wait
[16:23:53] <rue_house> it wont be as good
[16:23:59] <veverak> well
[16:24:01] <Tom_L> well i won't be doing anything on that any time soon
[16:24:01] <rue_house> thats just how it works
[16:24:07] <veverak> rue_house: don't mind that
[16:24:18] <veverak> but yeah, it will mean some work to move to something else
[16:24:23] <rue_house> :( overload baords for my hexapod
[16:24:26] <rue_house> need filters
[16:24:28] <rue_house> arg
[16:24:32] <rue_house> it moves great too
[16:24:43] <rue_house> the hexapod fad is over too
[16:24:49] <rue_house> and I started my hexapod before it
[16:24:49] <Tom_L> ever hear from jester?
[16:25:01] <rue_house> yea, were doing a project 'now'
[16:25:13] <rue_house> he got another job tho
[16:25:25] <rue_house> he's on disability, and working 2 jobs
[16:25:31] <Tom_L> did he give up on that cad?
[16:25:42] <rue_house> when he's not stuck on the couch curled up in severe pain
[16:26:02] <rue_house> he didn't seem to have any faith that the program could do anything
[16:26:11] <rue_house> he can be like that sometimes
[16:26:13] <Tom_L> well it would
[16:26:20] <Tom_L> just needed a couple more steps
[16:26:31] <rue_house> I know, it burns eh?
[16:26:36] <Tom_L> meh
[16:27:02] <Tom_L> you could load it up sometime
[16:27:02] <rue_house> there was something he completely gave up on cause something like a cap had to be changed
[16:27:06] <rue_house> which he can do
[16:27:24] <rue_house> but I had to prompt and help him thu the mental wall
[16:27:32] <Tom_L> ^^ but if you do, just remember it's missing 2 steps
[16:28:04] <rue_house> I have like another 9 startups left on bamcam
[16:28:32] <Tom_L> it's kinda clunky but it works for me and can do full 3d
[16:29:05] <Tom_L> at the time it was state of the art
[16:34:20] <rue_house> I remember being verry asumed that the windows ver of autocad was just the dos version in a window
[16:34:50] <rue_house> '.... this isn't a windows program....'
[16:35:08] <rue_house> ~1998
[16:35:13] <Tom_L> what isn't?
[16:35:33] <rue_house> autocad, back in the early days they moved to windows
[16:35:40] <Tom_L> oh
[16:35:46] <Tom_L> i've got dos and windows on that
[16:36:15] <Tom_L> gettin ready to load a new student ver here
[16:36:20] <Tom_L> i don't care for it personally
[16:36:49] <rue_house> I remember it being very intermouse-keyboard intensive
[16:38:05] <rue_house> I'd used vellum (mac) before that, which was completely gui
[16:39:56] <rue_house> http://www.ashlar.com
[16:40:00] <rue_house> !they still exist!
[16:41:37] <rue_house> http://www.cad-reviews.com/images/ashlar.gif
[16:48:28] <Tom_L> low end market?
[16:48:32] <rue_house> I think I like librecad better
[16:49:04] <rue_house> I think its in that software catagory of cashcow 'still sold here'
[16:50:26] <rue_house> I wonder if I should trust a bit to that cnc machine and ahve it make something
[16:50:37] <rue_house> I'v not leveled the table yet
[16:50:39] <rue_house> hmmm
[16:52:04] <rue_house> I'll make sure nothing arrived in the mail
[16:52:13] <rue_house> none of the 47 pending packages
[16:52:26] <Tom_L> they spend more on levels for big cnc's than you did on your cnc :D
[17:00:50] <rue_house> :)
[17:03:27] <rue_shop3> Tom_L, did you work at a plane factory long ago?
[17:03:45] <Tom_L> i helped a friend at his shop
[17:03:50] <Tom_L> he did plane parts yes
[17:04:20] <rue_shop3> hah, just when I think I'm ok I try to do something and get all dizzy
[17:04:27] <Tom_L> i did programming and ran a few machines for him
[17:04:39] <rue_shop3> I'm 3d printing cable chain, and its good...
[17:04:46] <rue_shop3> keep the machines fed?
[17:04:59] <Tom_L> yeah
[17:05:27] <Tom_L> years before that i ran some WW2 era 6 and 8 spindle lathes
[17:05:39] <Tom_L> for a while
[17:05:56] <rue_shop3> ? 6 and 8 jaw?
[17:05:58] <rue_shop3> spindle!?
[17:06:00] <Tom_L> yes
[17:06:03] <rue_shop3> ah
[17:06:08] <Tom_L> 6 or 8 12' bars at a time
[17:06:20] <rue_shop3> wait, hu?
[17:06:23] <rue_shop3> gang lathe?
[17:07:26] <rue_shop3> never even heard of that
[17:07:51] <ASRock_pc> http://www.hoffonlineauctions.com/hoffemail/114acme.jpg
[17:08:13] <rue_shop3> wtf?
[17:08:14] <ASRock_pc> http://cdn.loc.gov/service/pnp/fsa/8b01000/8b01700/8b01782v.jpg
[17:08:18] <ASRock_pc> better pic
[17:08:36] <rue_shop3> do they do them all at the same time or switch for each?
[17:08:37] <ASRock_pc> the 8 spindle was alot bigger
[17:08:43] <ASRock_pc> all at once
[17:08:55] <ASRock_pc> the turret rotates to each station
[17:08:57] <rue_shop3> thats crazy
[17:09:21] <ASRock_pc> http://www.ottomatics.com/cnc_multi/machine_photos/get.php?id=50199124e60171baa8301e4ea3e7725f&name=61.jpg
[17:09:33] <ASRock_pc> fun to set up
[17:09:49] <rue_shop3> yea, get an array of duds the first few passes
[17:10:03] <ASRock_pc> usually set up on brass bar
[17:10:14] <ASRock_pc> if you were good it didn't take much
[17:10:49] <rue_shop3> lots of plunge-cut formers?
[17:10:55] <ASRock_pc> yeah
[17:11:14] <ASRock_pc> and the other slide held drills etc
[17:11:18] <ASRock_pc> all came in at once
[17:11:30] <ASRock_pc> tap attachments, knurls etc
[17:11:53] <rue_shop3> wow, interesting
[17:11:55] <ASRock_pc> one had a pickoff attachment and did a 2nd op as part of the process
[17:12:06] <ASRock_pc> counter drilled the back side
[17:12:17] <ASRock_pc> all cams and gears
[17:12:22] <rue_shop3> and not-nc, just cam operated motion...
[17:12:28] <rue_shop3> huh
[17:12:34] <ASRock_pc> old tech
[17:13:01] <ASRock_pc> ran from ~1/2" to 1.5" bar
[17:13:11] <ASRock_pc> or thereabouts
[17:13:21] <ASRock_pc> square, round hex...
[17:13:43] <rue_shop3> was most of the work on the end of the bar?
[17:13:52] <ASRock_pc> all of it
[17:14:00] <ASRock_pc> the feed tubes pushed it out to a stop
[17:14:11] <rue_shop3> so, things like prop shafts that need the thread and the taper and the keyway
[17:14:18] <ASRock_pc> then it would rotate to the first cut position
[17:14:56] <rue_shop3> huh
[17:15:55] <rue_shop3> thats something with new equip, its all generic everything
[17:16:19] <rue_shop3> you dont engineer your job and 'set up' much
[17:16:44] <ASRock_pc> you still do somewhat
[17:17:21] <rue_shop3> not as much as things then
[17:17:33] <ASRock_pc> too much is plastic anymore
[17:17:43] <rue_shop3> look at my lathe, it has a bolt you tighten to lock the tailstock, on any new lathe it would just be a lock handle
[17:17:57] <rue_shop3> any descent...
[17:17:59] <rue_shop3> anyhow
[17:18:09] <ASRock_pc> his manual lathe had a foot brake too
[17:18:15] <ASRock_pc> that was handy
[17:20:32] <ASRock_pc> https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/35ef88b5-53ed-4e01-81c3-4a2cdc6707ec_1.0b462e11f4961d1e49398dd8bcc5cdbe.jpeg?odnHeight=450&odnWidth=450&odnBg=FFFFFF
[17:20:45] <ASRock_pc> i made probably 5600 of those per shift
[17:20:53] <rue_shop3> cap?
[17:20:57] <ASRock_pc> yes
[17:21:08] <rue_shop3> huh
[17:21:15] <ASRock_pc> and the pump base and alot of other parts for them
[17:21:21] <ASRock_pc> the check valve
[17:21:32] <ASRock_pc> that was the part that had the pickoff with the 2nd op
[17:22:16] <ASRock_pc> http://www.classicpressurelamps.com/forum/fbbuploads/1347632967-03970_600.jpg
[17:22:33] <ASRock_pc> the threads were rolled
[17:22:48] <ASRock_pc> the slot was also cut on it while it was spinning
[17:22:48] <rue_shop3> oooo, not seen a thread roller yet
[17:22:56] <rue_shop3> was it a C with two rollers?
[17:23:00] <ASRock_pc> yep
[17:23:09] <ASRock_pc> but the one on that one was a special one
[17:23:26] <ASRock_pc> the rollers had to be timed
[17:23:33] <ASRock_pc> some only used a single bump roller
[17:24:32] <rue_shop3> huh
[17:25:04] <ASRock_pc> http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTA4OFgxNTAw/z/kusAAOSw241Yh7JM/$_35.JPG?set_id=880000500F
[17:25:05] <rue_shop3> must be a lot of force
[17:25:07] <ASRock_pc> made most of that
[17:25:17] <ASRock_pc> the top of the regulator was aluminum back then
[17:25:31] <ASRock_pc> and a stamp rolled their name on the side
[17:25:55] <rue_shop3> any manufacturing left over there? all go overseas?
[17:26:11] <ASRock_pc> they tore down that plant and move to another local location
[17:26:21] <rue_shop3> china :/
[17:26:22] <ASRock_pc> too much ground water contamination in the area
[17:26:35] <ASRock_pc> as far as i know they're still out there
[17:26:47] <ASRock_pc> the Northeast plant is still there
[17:26:52] <ASRock_pc> mostly plastic products there
[17:27:02] <ASRock_pc> and sheetmetal presses etc
[17:27:16] <ASRock_pc> vaccuforms for their coolers & canoes etc
[17:27:27] <ASRock_pc> the canoe vaccuform is huge
[17:29:44] <Tom_L> we've still got most of the aircraft plant here
[17:30:00] <Tom_L> boeing left to seattle but the building is still aircraft
[17:30:12] <Tom_L> still doing boeing work and airbuss
[17:30:30] <Tom_L> they built most of the tubes here
[17:35:16] <rue_shop3> 1 of the 4 corners of the table is about .4mm high
[17:35:41] <rue_shop3> sounds like I should put you down on my vaccation location list
[17:35:57] <Tom_L> did you watch that video on epoxy granite?
[17:36:34] <Tom_L> most of it you can't get into unless you work there
[17:36:38] <rue_shop3> not yet
[17:37:03] <Tom_L> boeng, cessna, beech, bombardie/learjet, Spirit
[17:37:06] <rue_shop3> I'm thinking on how to deal with a cupped table made of 3/4" plywood
[17:37:20] <rue_shop3> I thought cassna was a type of plane?
[17:37:20] <Tom_L> flycut it flat
[17:37:23] <Tom_L> it is
[17:37:29] <Tom_L> they're all here
[17:37:33] <SpeedEvil> rue_shop3: beams underneath to press it flat
[17:37:40] <rue_shop3> no, I mean, not a brand, I shape
[17:38:10] <Tom_L> they make small business jets here mostly
[17:38:21] <rue_shop3> SpeedEvil, I should mill it flat like tom says, but a) I cant reach the whole table, b) there is only a 1/8" collette c) the motor just cant do that
[17:38:57] <SpeedEvil> how cupped
[17:39:09] <rue_shop3> oh 0.4 -0.5mm
[17:39:21] <Tom_L> enough to matter
[17:39:23] <rue_shop3> lots by almost any measure
[17:40:35] <rue_shop3> ahaha sellers on amazon want $50 for an ER11 collete set
[17:40:56] <Tom_L> is that what you have?
[17:41:01] <rue_shop3> yup
[17:41:07] <Tom_L> er11 head
[17:41:14] <Tom_L> where did you get it?
[17:41:19] <Tom_L> i thought you made your spindle
[17:41:35] <rue_shop3> not this time
[17:41:39] <rue_shop3> I put money out to make a machine
[17:41:46] <rue_shop3> and most of the parts havn't shown up yet
[17:41:54] <Tom_L> oh the square tube one?
[17:42:01] <rue_shop3> yep
[17:42:15] <rue_shop3> https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-freight-ER11-13-PCs-clamp-set-1-mm-to-7-mm-for-milling-CNC-engraving/32535243050.html?spm=2114.01010208.3.73.cbjn5B&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_4_10065_10068_10000032_119_10000025_10000029_430_10000028_10060_10062_10056_10055_10000062_10054_301_10059_10099_10000022_10000012_10103_10000015_10102_10096_10000018_10000019_10000056_10000059_10052_10053_10107_10050_10106_10051_10000053_100
[17:42:15] <rue_shop3> 00007_10000050_10084_10118_10083_10000047_10080_10082_10081_10110_10111_10112_10113_10114_10115_10037_10000041_10000044_10078_10079_10077_10000038_429_10073_10000035_10121,searchweb201603_9,afswitch_2,single_sort_3_default&btsid=ecef8756-a1ac-4193-880f-386b18241641
[17:42:17] <rue_shop3> oops
[17:42:19] <Tom_L> air or water cooled?
[17:42:31] <rue_shop3> https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-freight-ER11-13-PCs-clamp-set-1-mm-to-7-mm-for-milling-CNC-engraving/32535243050.html
[17:42:36] <rue_shop3> that goes for $50 on amazon
[17:42:48] <rue_shop3> air, i used a 9.6V cordless drill motor
[17:42:54] <Tom_L> oh
[17:43:04] <Tom_L> you just found a spindle somewhere?
[17:43:08] <rue_shop3> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/cnc4/p1080725.jpg
[17:43:12] <rue_shop3> no, that turned up
[17:43:15] <rue_shop3> from china
[17:43:23] <rue_shop3> so did the pendant case
[17:43:36] <rue_shop3> not the synchropullies
[17:43:42] <rue_shop3> or the handwheel
[17:44:03] <z64555> Was this the thing that just showed up on your doorstep one day?
[17:44:13] <rue_shop3> no
[17:44:41] <rue_shop3> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/cnc4/p1080701.jpg
[17:44:48] <rue_shop3> this is my "one weekend" cnc machine
[17:44:57] <rue_shop3> not that image
[17:44:59] <rue_shop3> the whole thing
[17:45:09] <rue_shop3> that I been working on for like...4? weeks now
[17:45:11] <rue_shop3> grrrr
[17:45:20] <z64555> is that...
[17:45:31] <rue_shop3> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/cnc4/p1080702.jpg
[17:45:32] <z64555> yes, it is a black iron T fitting
[17:45:34] <Tom_L> that's not the er11 stuff though is it?
[17:45:37] <rue_shop3> there is with interrupter and chuck
[17:45:46] <rue_shop3> z64555, yea
[17:45:58] <rue_shop3> grab one end of the T <-- in the lathe
[17:46:02] <rue_shop3> round the other end
[17:46:12] <Tom_L> did you make the shaft though?
[17:46:18] <rue_shop3> and bore it out for a bearing
[17:46:25] <z64555> nice
[17:46:34] <rue_shop3> then flip over and grab the turned bit, and bore that end
[17:46:45] <rue_shop3> yea, 8mm groud rod from printer
[17:47:06] <rue_shop3> use E clips to pinch shaft between bearings
[17:47:19] <rue_shop3> * do not use skateboard bearings, NOISY!
[17:47:20] <Tom_L> you better get some timing pulleys for it
[17:47:26] <Tom_L> you'll burn up the belt
[17:47:29] <z64555> Whatcha use for the mount? looks like a plastic laminate
[17:47:34] <rue_shop3> I was playing with it yesterday, its actaully pretty good
[17:47:49] <rue_shop3> its HDPE sheet, thick
[17:48:09] <rue_shop3> it came from the ice rink when they did the sideboards
[17:48:16] <rue_shop3> HUGE pieces of scrap
[17:48:22] <Tom_L> heh
[17:48:48] <rue_shop3> I have peices 3/8 thick that are like 24" x48"
[17:48:59] <rue_shop3> tossed in the garbage pile
[17:49:10] <rue_shop3> I missed getting lots of it tho, little too late
[17:49:19] <z64555> and they just threw that out
[17:49:23] <rue_shop3> yea
[17:49:25] * z64555 raegs
[17:49:28] <rue_shop3> yea...
[17:49:31] <Tom_L> sounds like my copper clad
[17:49:38] * rue_shop3 cries
[17:49:45] <Tom_L> i got rid of the bulk of it
[17:50:00] <Tom_L> ~2 pickups full
[17:50:01] <rue_shop3> I think what I have will be a lifetime supply tho
[17:50:05] <rue_shop3> oh GOD
[17:50:17] <Tom_L> i kept a life supply for me :D
[17:50:41] <rue_shop3> bet you wish youd cut that into little 20x10cm peices for $14 ea on the hobby market
[17:50:52] <Tom_L> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/etching/Copper1.jpg
[17:50:58] <rue_shop3> no I dont want to see
[17:51:04] <rue_shop3> its just gonna make me sad
[17:51:08] <Tom_L> that and a few full sheets
[17:51:19] <rue_shop3> I have a 4x4 sheet in the livingroom
[17:51:27] <z64555> can confirm, it is a saddening picture
[17:51:27] <Tom_L> i cut them in half to store
[17:51:32] <rue_shop3> ugh
[17:51:56] <Tom_L> there were 3 full unopened packages of 4 x 4 sheet
[17:51:59] <z64555> Did you at least sell it?
[17:52:08] <Tom_L> a friend helped dispose of it
[17:52:20] <z64555> "dispose"
[17:52:23] <Tom_L> :D
[17:52:34] <rue_shop3> its the 10cmx20cm peices you see in the hobby shop for $14
[17:52:36] <rue_shop3> ea
[17:52:41] <Tom_L> yeah i know
[17:52:56] <z64555> Didn't want to fool with ebay, I guess
[17:53:20] <Tom_L> there are just so many things one can do in a lifetime and you must pick and choose what is most important
[17:53:34] <rue_shop3> hah! the screws were just loose, its within like .1mm
[17:53:52] <Tom_L> well that's better anyway
[17:53:57] <z64555> So sell it to somebody who'll sell it on ebay
[17:54:15] <rue_shop3> its still cupped, watever
[17:54:47] <z64555> better yet, give it to rue so he can play with it and wonder why he ever agreed to 2 pickups full of copper clad
[17:55:11] <rue_shop3> I'm trying to work out where to put the new cnc I just made
[17:55:22] <rue_shop3> its occupying the last 1/4 of the last workbench
[17:55:25] <rue_shop3> so it cant stay here
[17:55:39] <z64555> solution: new workbench! :D
[17:55:48] <rue_shop3> hexapod robot arm
[17:55:48] <z64555> "The CNC workbench"
[17:55:54] <rue_shop3> cam laptop cnc machine
[17:55:57] <rue_shop3> thats the table
[17:56:41] <z64555> "The Other CNC workbench"
[17:57:16] * z64555 is unhelpful
[17:57:24] <rue_shop3> I have to take apart one of the old cnc's thats design didn't work out
[17:58:05] <rue_shop3> maybe if I move the light box to where it is I can put the new cnc beside the other cnc
[17:58:48] <rue_shop3> mayeb I should get all the guys to take machines home and make parts
[18:08:16] <Tom_L> put your bed outside then you'll have room there
[18:10:39] <Tom_L> carve another flat spot in the hill and expand
[18:11:37] <rue_shop3> tents
[18:12:10] <Tom_L> convert a shipping container
[18:12:45] <z64555> Why just one?
[18:14:41] <rue_shop3> $8k ea
[18:15:56] <z64555> I see one on ebay for $1.8K
[18:16:07] <rue_shop3> its not 40 feet long tho is it?
[18:16:09] <z64555> oh! oh! it even has free shipping!
[18:16:11] <z64555> yes
[18:16:21] <rue_shop3> wtf, not to canada
[18:16:29] <z64555> wat
[18:17:56] <rue_shop3> you know, canada, california, washington, oragon, british columbia...
[18:17:57] <rue_shop3> canada
[18:18:42] <Snert_> the left coast
[18:19:05] <rue_shop3> depending on how trump does, maybe idaho and navada?
[18:20:44] <rue_shop3> I wonder if alaska wants to join canada too
[18:21:38] <Snert_> no rumbles about that here in Southeast.
[18:22:01] <Snert_> I want a road out. But nothing else.
[18:22:14] <Tom_L> you know they're complaining about the wall? funny thing is Mexico has a southern border wall too
[18:23:31] <Snert_> Enforce existing laws. The wall need only be electronic surveillance with GPR. And a few especially difficult spots - yes, concrete.
[18:23:52] <Snert_> not 1,000 miles of concrete such as the media portrays.
[18:24:23] <Tom_L> i blame china.
[18:24:27] <Tom_L> they started it all
[18:24:31] <Snert_> yea, they started it.
[18:25:11] <Snert_> I could dronify the airspace over the texas border.
[18:25:30] <Snert_> that and a few ground penetrating radar bots.
[18:25:40] <Snert_> for tunnels.
[18:26:08] <Snert_> beyond that, hire an illegal and yo ass goes to jail.
[18:26:18] <Snert_> that would clear up the whole mess.
[18:26:19] <Tom_L> tell that to starbucks
[18:26:33] * DJuego se desaparece.
[18:30:04] <rue_shop3> you realize the economy now depends on people who aren't paid a living wadge to get work done right?
[18:30:27] <rue_shop3> if suddenly everyone is to be paid a living wage, prices will go up beyond what anyone can afford
[18:32:30] <rue_shop3> were also amused, if trump closes trade to/from canada nonally will it take down a bunch of businesses, but the usa will starve
[18:32:55] <rue_shop3> I think he will be declared incompitent and thrown out
[18:32:57] <rue_shop3> or worse
[18:33:26] <Snert_> I have my doubts.
[18:33:45] <rue_shop3> wait for it...
[18:34:10] <rue_shop3> if china stops pouring money into US banks to keep them afloat, bad things will happen fast
[18:34:12] <Snert_> hell, I'll give Don another 4 years.
[18:34:23] <rue_shop3> remember the usa is bascially bankrupt
[18:34:56] <Snert_> yea, OBozo did that to us.
[18:35:00] <rue_shop3> on account that the government was more interested in obamas birth certificate than fixing the economic crisis
[18:35:26] <rue_shop3> which I'v heard was actually started by trump
[18:38:57] <Snert_> He pulls better charades no doubt.
[18:39:24] <Snert_> kind of a master at misdirection and the media.
[18:41:31] <rue_shop3> I think that after trump, there will be a compitency test that candidates have to pass
[18:42:55] <Snert_> I think he's doing just what the people hired him to do.
[18:43:33] <Snert_> I've seen more from Don in the past few days than I've ever seen from any previous noob prez.
[18:43:54] <rue_shop3> to not be clinton?
[18:44:23] <Snert_> all Billary did was follow his dick around my whitehouse.
[18:44:57] <anniepoo> I bought some metal disc style servo horns and knockoff metal gear MG996R servos
[18:45:45] <anniepoo> the horns are a press fit. Is that normal, and how much force is reasonable?
[18:46:11] <anniepoo> I can't assemble them by hand, but suspect they'll go on easy with the arbor press
[18:46:19] <Tom_L> rue_shop3, we just need to stop funding the rest of the world
[18:46:22] <rue_shop3> :/
[18:46:47] <Tom_L> fund their own battles etc
[18:46:56] <Snert_> yea.
[18:47:12] <Tom_L> stop paying for overseas abortions etc
[18:47:15] <rue_shop3> wars are a make-work for the usa
[18:47:24] <rue_shop3> without it, less jobs
[18:48:17] <Tom_L> yeah hillary was a puppet
[18:49:47] <rue_shop3> so was everyone else
[18:50:17] <Tom_L> the current one doesn't seem to be
[18:50:40] <Snert_> I like Don's style.
[18:50:44] <anniepoo> ??
[18:50:45] <Snert_> kick ass.
[18:50:49] <Tom_L> he's running it like a business
[18:51:10] <Tom_L> you take over a new business that's pretty much what happens. freeze wages to sort out what you need etc
[18:51:22] <Tom_L> get rid of the excess
[18:51:32] <Tom_L> make it profitable again
[18:51:59] <anniepoo> 8cD meanwhile, anybody have advice about servo horns?
[18:52:14] <zhanx> servo horns as in sound or movement?
[18:52:14] <Tom_L> get rid of half those fat fucking senators that sit on their ass all day
[18:52:18] <rue_shop3> anniepoo, you should not need an arbour press!
[18:52:22] <Snert_> put better servos under the horns.
[18:52:37] <rue_shop3> they should push on by hand just fine
[18:52:42] <rue_shop3> what servos did you get?
[18:52:43] <Snert_> them 995 and clones strip their gears if you look at them wrong.
[18:52:54] <zhanx> I agree with Tom but don't think this is the place to talk about it
[18:53:05] * Tom_L falls off his soap box
[18:53:19] <zhanx> lol
[18:53:34] <zhanx> i know i agreed with you better mark it in zlog
[18:53:40] <anniepoo> I'm with zhanx - we can do good for our country by having community around robots,, whatever our political leanings
[18:54:01] <anniepoo> thanks Tom
[18:54:09] <anniepoo> hmm.... ok
[18:54:31] <zhanx> mesh network seems to work. Now on to the command system. rue can i borrow mower bot
[18:54:39] <anniepoo> the horns look poorly machined, I think it's their fault
[18:54:53] <zhanx> plastic or metal?
[18:55:10] <anniepoo> metal
[18:55:13] <anniepoo> al
[18:55:30] <zhanx> they slipping i take it?
[18:55:32] <rue_shop3> hmm, and then you fire all the internal services and hire it all out
[18:55:48] <anniepoo> no, they're just too tight to push on by hand
[18:55:49] <rue_shop3> anniepoo, have a seller page we can see?
[18:55:54] <anniepoo> sure
[18:55:56] <anniepoo> hang on
[18:55:56] <rue_shop3> yea, you should be able to
[18:56:03] <Tom_L> what win os was it that dropped all the printer drivers and made you start over?
[18:56:12] <rue_shop3> 10
[18:56:18] <Tom_L> 8 or 7?
[18:56:24] <anniepoo> rue, amazon, IIRC you can't see?
[18:56:29] <zhanx> oh anniepoo some have to use the screw to get on and never want to come off again
[18:56:35] <zhanx> 8
[18:56:39] <rue_shop3> I'm sure they did it on ME but thats different cause microsoft appologized for that ver
[18:56:41] <anniepoo> Ah!
[18:56:42] <Tom_L> good
[18:56:45] <rue_shop3> try me
[18:57:02] <zhanx> 10 might have done it too, but haven't used it
[18:57:05] <anniepoo> horns
[18:57:06] <anniepoo> https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00NOGMK3M/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
[18:57:13] <anniepoo> servos
[18:57:15] <anniepoo> https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01GN07I5U/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
[18:57:36] <zhanx> those horns are knock offs
[18:57:56] <anniepoo> yes, and crummy ones
[18:58:16] <rue_shop3> oh, the horns didn't come with the servos?
[18:58:21] <anniepoo> no
[18:58:25] <rue_shop3> ah
[18:58:27] <rue_shop3> yea
[18:58:37] <zhanx> use a small pyramid file and clean of the teeth
[18:58:41] <rue_shop3> your sure its the same tooth count?
[18:58:44] <zhanx> up*
[18:59:03] <anniepoo> they were 'frequently purchased with', the stock horns were plastic
[18:59:10] <zhanx> rue, i had the same issue on elf
[18:59:21] <anniepoo> pretty sure it's right tooth count. I can feel the teeth engage
[18:59:21] <zhanx> lots of hand filing
[19:00:01] <zhanx> those servos are gonna eat themselves fast at that price point
[19:00:14] <Snert_> they looks like nice servos.
[19:00:37] <Snert_> compared to those trashy purple 2dollah jobs.
[19:00:55] <anniepoo> they're semi-trashy 6dollah jobs, I think
[19:01:29] <anniepoo> gimme 2 mins to grab a screwdriver, I'm going to take back off one
[19:01:35] <zhanx> i used futaba
[19:02:07] <Snert_> I mean, when you wanna be cheap, be cheap.
[19:02:07] <z64555> dollah?
[19:02:26] <Snert_> And when you want good servos then one gets good ones.
[19:02:40] <Snert_> dollah is like dollar, but with an H
[19:02:43] <zhanx> z64555: dollah = dollar
[19:02:59] <z64555> so just use dollar
[19:03:03] <z64555> :P
[19:03:04] <zhanx> its slang
[19:03:13] <z64555> "dolla" is slang
[19:03:14] <Snert_> or have fun with the languish enguiage.
[19:05:13] <anniepoo> ok, took screws out, peeked inside. Didn't want to ruin it, so didn't go too far, but could see the gears
[19:05:19] <zhanx> https://www.amazon.com/Command-FUTABA-Servo-RS304MD-Robot/dp/B01JVP3HBI thats a servo
[19:05:33] <anniepoo> they're aluminum or steel mating brass. Quality inside looks good
[19:06:40] <zhanx> anniepoo: what are they for (after you get the horns on)
[19:07:01] <anniepoo> they're to move the heftier parts of the robot's social functions
[19:07:23] <anniepoo> the most hefty of which is moving the base of neck fore-aft and side-side
[19:07:43] <anniepoo> the snail's going to have his head permanently up off the ground
[19:07:46] <rue_shop3> ah crap
[19:07:53] <rue_shop3> well thats why I used the 0.9mm bit
[19:08:22] <zhanx> think i am gonna make some apple muffins for breakfast
[19:09:19] <anniepoo> internally her head's mounted on an 8 inch long tube, at the bottom it's got a collar that connects to baseplate via 4 springs
[19:09:54] <zhanx> an counter balance to help the servo?
[19:10:01] <anniepoo> yes
[19:10:07] <zhanx> or maybe grub drive
[19:10:20] <zhanx> should work good then
[19:10:24] <anniepoo> the tube also acts as a transmission tube for the speaker
[19:10:52] <anniepoo> there's probably 150g of mass (the head) up there.
[19:10:56] <zhanx> nice dual purpose
[19:11:09] <anniepoo> so the speaker is also the counterweight.
[19:11:24] <anniepoo> I've got a 2" bass speaker with a large magnet
[19:11:37] <zhanx> bass snail
[19:12:23] <zhanx> ok gonna make muffins for breakfast, have fun
[19:12:53] <anniepoo> 8c9 sounds tasty!
[19:13:11] * anniepoo made cinnamon pumpkin rolls the other night
[19:38:31] <zhanx> 20 minutes and they will be done, I thought about the pumpkin muffins and decided apple instead
[19:43:09] <anniepoo> the servos came with rubber grommets and metal tubular rivets
[19:44:53] <Snert_> yep, thems is better servos.
[19:45:25] <anniepoo> so what do I do with this mounting hardware?
[19:46:04] <rue_shop3> anything you want
[19:46:14] <rue_shop3> I keep mine in a bag on the top shelf
[19:46:25] <anniepoo> 8cD
[19:46:32] <anniepoo> eyelets...
[19:46:47] <anniepoo> ok, assuming I'm going to shock mount the servo
[19:46:50] <rue_shop3> they can be used for soft mounting the servos so they dont get mechanical impact from the load
[19:47:21] <anniepoo> so where do the eyelets come in?
[19:49:27] <rue_shop3> inside the grommets
[19:49:35] <rue_shop3> so the screws dont chaffe thru
[19:49:41] <anniepoo> ah, ok
[19:50:12] <anniepoo> reading some pages, sounds like you're better off mounting solidly unless vibration's an issue (eg heli or plane)
[20:28:04] <Snert> the eyelets provide a stable crishproof thing you can tighten down on....yet the servo remains cushioned in the rubber.
[20:34:07] <Snert> I always mount servos with nylock nuts.
[20:34:48] <Snert> they never get loose with nylock.
[21:48:03] <anniepoo> thanks, I'll use nylocks.
[21:49:02] <anniepoo> for most things the loss of servo control authority is less an issue than child induced shock loads
[21:50:07] <anniepoo> do servo-savers introduce flexibility into the control system?
[21:51:12] <anniepoo> (obviously everything does, but you know what I mean - I can see making a servo saver that doesn't, using stops and a mashed down spring for each direction, wondering if they're actually made that way)
[21:52:04] <rue_house> usually a torque clutch
[21:52:25] <rue_house> er, or the spring thing
[21:52:42] <rue_house> pneumatics have build in compliance?
[21:52:44] <rue_house> pneumatics have build in compliance!
[21:52:49] <rue_house> no stripped gears
[21:54:05] <anniepoo> yup
[21:54:24] <anniepoo> and I'm using a little vacuum stuff
[21:55:29] <anniepoo> 8cD jamming gripper on bottom
[21:56:53] <rue_house> its larger than a blender isn't it?
[21:59:07] <rue_house> I thought it was small till the printer came along, and then the subwoofer, and now a gripper arm...
[22:01:32] <anniepoo> it is larger than a blender
[22:01:48] <anniepoo> it's around 2 ft long
[22:01:59] <anniepoo> the shell's about 1 ft in diameter
[22:02:30] <rue_house> yup, about 4x larger than I thoguht
[22:02:50] <rue_house> make sure it moves slow and plays born to be wilk
[22:02:53] <rue_house> wild...
[22:02:57] <anniepoo> I'm worried about weight and power
[22:03:17] <anniepoo> why born to be wild?
[22:03:29] <rue_house> 300:1 worm drive and a motor from a cd drive tray opener
[22:03:29] <Tom_L> why not?
[22:03:55] <rue_house> casue nothing is better than born to be wild when your moving at .25ipm
[22:04:01] <anniepoo> lol
[22:04:15] <rue_house> I made a sumo bot
[22:04:50] <rue_house> LOTS of normal force, fixed steering, (in a circle) grippy tires, and remote controlled over radio to born to be wild
[22:05:07] <anniepoo> OK, that's going in....
[22:05:16] <rue_house> my strategy was to always get a tie
[22:05:27] <anniepoo> I'm going to have snaily sing Born To Be Wild as one of it's songs
[22:05:32] <rue_house> so, technically, I'd never lose
[22:05:38] <rue_house> :)
[22:06:16] <Tom_L> never got my test ring back from a local dude
[22:06:28] <rue_house> oops
[22:06:43] <rue_house> know who he is?
[22:06:48] <Tom_L> long gone
[22:07:06] <rue_house> oh
[22:07:07] * anniepoo is grooving out on BTBW
[22:07:07] <Tom_L> sumo is in a box somewhere now anyway
[22:07:19] <rue_house> didn't you steal the mtoors?
[22:07:26] <Tom_L> still on it
[22:08:01] <anniepoo> maybe I should put NEMA 17 stepper on snaily =8cO
[22:08:08] <Tom_L> they were perfect for that
[22:08:47] <rue_house> kinda power ungry
[22:08:52] <Tom_L> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/motors/gearhead3.jpg
[22:08:59] <Tom_L> apparently i had a spare set
[22:09:04] <anniepoo> yah, well, I think snaily's just gonna be power hungry
[22:09:44] <rue_house> 300:1 worm drive
[22:09:46] <rue_house> tiny motor
[22:10:20] <anniepoo> if I go that route I have to use a noisy high RPM motor ;-)
[22:10:28] <anniepoo> Whrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeee
[22:10:51] <anniepoo> >8@_
[22:11:02] <Tom_L> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/sumo_files/new_mini_front.jpg
[22:11:04] <anniepoo> >8@_
[22:11:10] <anniepoo> >8@_
[22:11:19] <anniepoo> (5 min timelapse)
[22:11:21] <rue_house> na it'd just move slow
[22:12:03] <Tom_L> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/sumo_files/sumo_chassis_index.php
[22:13:22] <anniepoo> what were the wheels made of?
[22:13:39] <Tom_L> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/sumo_files/sumo_wheelmold_index.php
[22:13:52] <rue_house> soft gum eraser
[22:14:05] <Tom_L> shore 30 urethane
[22:14:20] <anniepoo> interesting
[22:14:22] <Tom_L> 2 part from tap plastics
[22:14:29] <anniepoo> cool
[22:14:43] <anniepoo> it's hard to get that rubbery with plasticizer
[22:14:50] <anniepoo> without it failing to set up
[22:16:16] <Tom_L> http://www.tapplastics.com/product/mold_making_materials/mold_making_supplies/tap_urethane_rtv_mold_making_system/63