#robotics | Logs for 2017-01-29

[00:56:02] <rue_bed> anniepoo, ir leds cant see blue shoes
[00:56:10] <rue_bed> I think you should be aware of that
[00:56:23] <rue_bed> run right into blue shoes
[01:05:26] <rue_bed> you could always feel the floor by monitoring the servo load :)
[01:06:24] <rue_bed> not sure I know the right method of extending a python class
[01:10:22] <rue_bed> anniepoo, did you say your a python wizard?
[01:11:17] <rue_bed> i either need to turn everything off and go to sleep or go do something
[01:11:28] <rue_bed> arg
[01:11:43] <rue_bed> if I make a cable I can test the cnc machine
[01:13:03] <Anniepoo_> no, I'm a python beginner
[01:13:22] <rue_bed> hah, that makes two of us
[01:13:33] <rue_bed> I have some ugly code,
[01:13:39] <Anniepoo_> I'm just using it cause all the Pi libs are in it
[01:13:41] <rue_bed> you show me yours and I'll show you mine?
[01:13:51] <Anniepoo_> soon as I can, I'll get off of Python
[01:14:01] <rue_bed> you said you dont like C?
[01:14:07] <Anniepoo_> sure - though at the moment there's not much to see
[01:14:10] <rue_bed> never got into it
[01:14:10] <Anniepoo_> I'm fine with C
[01:14:13] <rue_bed> ah
[01:14:28] <Anniepoo_> I'm a Prolog programmer.
[01:14:29] <rue_bed> I'm using python because of TK
[01:14:32] <Anniepoo_> that's my day job
[01:14:40] * rue_bed hides
[01:14:47] <Anniepoo_> but I know a whole bunch of languages
[01:14:59] <Anniepoo_> I've been programming a long time
[01:15:05] * Anniepoo_ looks under the bed
[01:15:11] <Anniepoo_> What's wrong with Prolog?
[01:15:17] <Anniepoo_> I LOVE prolog!
[01:15:29] * rue_bed incessantly babbles "prolog, rpn, cobol, lisp..."
[01:16:04] <Anniepoo_> well, Prolog's still relevant, as is lisp
[01:16:21] * rue_bed sits curled up shaking
[01:16:49] <Anniepoo_> Prolog's a great language for robotics
[01:17:30] * rue_bed covers his ears and chants "I love assembler and assembler loves me.."
[01:17:42] <Anniepoo_> my work task for th last 2 months has been to iplement a language
[01:18:04] <Anniepoo_> we do fairly nifty stuff
[01:18:04] <rue_bed> today I was working on my command line calculator
[01:18:37] <rue_bed> calc "5*(4+A)((A=6))"
[01:18:38] <rue_bed> 5*(4+A)((A=6)) -->> 50
[01:18:47] <rue_bed> oot@fast-laps:/# calc "5*(4+A)((A=6))"
[01:18:48] <rue_bed> 5*(4+A)((A=6)) -->> 50
[01:19:08] <Anniepoo_> as in we can look at satellite imagery and pick the abnormal changes out from the normal ones
[01:19:53] <rue_bed> it dosn't support functions like sin() yet
[01:20:00] <rue_bed> I'm working on that
[01:20:36] <rue_bed> the parser can understand when its got a function, but dosn't know how to collect and pass the arguments yet
[01:21:01] <Jak_o_Shadows1> well, make it RPN and then it works easy :P
[01:21:17] * rue_bed goes back to hiding
[01:21:19] <Anniepoo_> 8cD my boss said to me the other day "any day you write DCG's is a good day"
[01:22:17] <rue_bed> descending Coexistant Graders?
[01:22:27] <Jak_o_Shadows1> decision c graph
[01:22:27] <Anniepoo_> definite clause grammars
[01:22:28] <Jak_o_Shadows1> ?
[01:22:36] <Jak_o_Shadows1> rue - https://blog.socratic.org/stepping-into-math-open-sourcing-our-step-by-step-solver-9b5da066ae36#.ulosfvxi4
[01:22:40] <Anniepoo_> parsing is a fundamental operator in Prolog
[01:23:06] <Jak_o_Shadows1> interesting read.
[01:23:49] <Jak_o_Shadows1> brb
[01:23:58] <Anniepoo_> I love prolog so much I basically refuse to program in anything else
[01:24:04] <rue_bed> I wrote it because there is apparently no parser for equations that a) does not require a pre-compile b) can manage a set of variables
[01:25:10] <z64555> pre-compile?
[01:25:43] <rue_bed> almost everything I could find required you to precompile the string for the equation
[01:25:51] <rue_bed> I just wanted to pass a string and get a result
[01:27:14] <rue_bed> root@fast-laps:/files/programming/c/Equation/eqv5# ./eq "sin(50)"
[01:27:19] <z64555> oh, so it didn't come with a parser?
[01:27:22] <rue_bed> Type: Function Content: "sin" Priority: 000 lhs: 00000000 is: 09956008 rhs:09956118
[01:27:23] <rue_bed> Type: Constant Content: "50" Priority: 000 lhs: 09956008 is: 09956118 rhs:00000000
[01:27:23] <rue_bed> sin
[01:27:23] <rue_bed> EXTREME WARNING, Functions not supported yet.
[01:27:23] <rue_bed> sin(50) -->> 42
[01:27:32] * z64555 notes that's exactly what he said
[01:27:34] <rue_bed> I wrote mine from scratch
[01:27:51] <rue_bed> mine, you just pass the string and it tells you the result
[01:28:02] <rue_bed> and updates a list of variables if you have more equations
[01:28:40] <Anniepoo_> rue, dear, if you're going to talk with z, come out from under the bed
[01:29:00] <z64555> it's ok, he has good wifi under there
[01:29:04] <rue_bed> there is no rpn, cobol, lisp, or fortran under the bed...
[01:29:40] <Anniepoo_> I used to be a b programmer
[01:29:43] <Jak_o_Sh1dows> for the record, that link I posted was about making maths easy to understand for kids, so no RPN
[01:29:54] <rue_bed> yea
[01:30:27] <rue_bed> root@fast-laps:/tmp# calc Pi
[01:30:28] <rue_bed> Pi -->> 3.14159
[01:30:51] <rue_bed> my calc can handle variables, thats what I'm proud of with it
[01:30:57] <rue_bed> oh oho ohohohoh
[01:31:01] <rue_bed> AND
[01:31:39] <rue_bed> root@fast-laps:/tmp# calc "0x50+0b1010 (ResultBase=16)"
[01:31:40] <rue_bed> 0x50+0b1010 (ResultBase=16) -->> 0x5A
[01:31:45] <Jak_o_Sh1dows> is it on github?
[01:31:50] <rue_bed> YES
[01:31:54] <rue_bed> didn't update it tho
[01:32:04] <rue_bed> github isn't far behind
[01:32:07] <rue_bed> look up rue_mohr
[01:32:24] <z64555> How'd you implement the hex and binary parsers?
[01:32:27] <z64555> state machine?
[01:32:58] <rue_bed> the normal bases are with the usual C input stuffs for different bases, I pick off binary and do it manually
[01:33:34] <Anniepoo_> are you using yacc?
[01:33:38] <z64555> still need to do checks on it, though
[01:33:39] <rue_bed> hell no
[01:34:13] <rue_bed> else if (this->type == CONST) {
[01:34:13] <rue_bed> if (this->detail[0] == '\'') { // pick off ascii
[01:34:13] <rue_bed> temp = this->detail[1];
[01:34:13] <rue_bed> }else if (strncmp(this->detail, "0b", 2)==0) { // pick off binary
[01:34:13] <rue_bed> temp = strtol(this->detail+2, NULL, 2);
[01:34:13] <rue_bed> } else {
[01:34:15] <rue_bed> // printf("%s -> %d\n", this->detail, strtol(this->detail, NULL, 0));
[01:34:17] <rue_bed> temp = strtod(thi
[01:35:30] <Jak_o_Sh1dows> oh piss, I left my nice serial adaptor at work
[01:36:34] * z64555 digs up his parser
[01:36:34] <rue_bed> huh, cant get it to pick out the ascii for me
[01:37:19] <rue_bed> looks like its a bug, part of the parser dosn't let thru the '
[01:37:41] <rue_bed> its just a recursive descent parser
[01:37:47] <rue_bed> lots of acceptions
[01:37:51] <rue_bed> exceptions
[01:38:09] * Anniepoo_ shudders at the idea of recursive descent parsing
[01:38:47] <rue_bed> there is nothing to tie a brain in a knot like the temporal inversion of a recursive function
[01:39:17] <rue_bed> the code after this line is executed before the code before it...
[01:40:05] <rue_bed> I have a program that generates memory blocks for hardware state machines
[01:40:09] * Anniepoo_ 's language only looping facility is recursion... well, that's the less weird way to do it
[01:40:15] <rue_bed> thats why I wrote the equation parser
[01:40:53] <rue_bed> so far, the only hardware state machine I made with it was that morse code thing for hackaday
[01:42:13] <rue_bed> nothing like hitting yourself in the face with a broom, trying to spin it around at the right speed while your roommate points out he dosn't know how to use the camera
[01:42:40] <rue_bed> finally getting an image and finding out the led is inverted
[01:43:05] <z64555> that analogy made no sense
[01:43:15] <rue_bed> no thats what really happened
[01:43:34] <rue_bed> talk about a fiasco
[01:44:13] <Anniepoo_> gosh, there are so many, I wouldn't know where to start....
[01:44:40] <rue_bed> http://hackaday.com/2012/01/25/bending-a-printer-control-board-to-output-pov-messages/
[01:44:54] <rue_bed> which is now on...
[01:45:25] <rue_bed> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tutorials/elex/fsmflash/main.html
[01:46:16] <rue_bed> step 6 is my state machine data generator
[01:46:32] <rue_bed> you can see the equations on the modifier column
[01:46:42] <rue_bed> well, and qualifier
[01:48:58] <z64555> oh, i think i already showed off my state machine here
[01:49:09] <rue_bed> remind me!
[01:49:59] <z64555> https://github.com/scp-fs2open/fs2open.github.com/blob/master/code/debugconsole/consoleparse.cpp
[01:50:18] <z64555> I think you had some stomach problems the last time, something about the style or choice of C++
[01:51:33] <rue_bed> 8-o ooooOOOOoooo
[01:52:32] <z64555> hm?
[01:56:00] <rue_bed> I didn't have the patience to implement a full blown number parser
[01:57:38] <rue_bed> hah, klingon, see thats whats great about public domain software, support for a wide variety of things you just wouldn't see in the commercial realm
[01:58:09] <z64555> that's actually supported in a commercial product, they just kept it when the source was opened
[01:59:00] <z64555> it was all dev-side stuff that the end user wouldn't see, so they had their fun
[01:59:51] <Jak_o_Sh1dows> BTW rue, I can't find you on github
[02:00:56] <z64555> me neither, closest I could find was a mentioned in Jak's repo
[02:01:56] <Jak_o_Sh1dows> lahahahaha
[02:02:08] <z64555> ?
[02:02:50] <Jak_o_Sh1dows> I just find that amusing
[02:04:18] <rue_bed> wtf
[02:04:46] <rue_bed> https://github.com/ruenahcmohr
[02:05:05] <rue_bed> you know, rue_mohr used to be a single instance name on the internet
[02:05:18] <rue_bed> had to start using the middle name at some point
[02:06:08] <rue_bed> I should put up the servo controller
[02:09:10] <Jak_o_Sh1dows> Hmm. I wonder where my logic analyzer is, and whether linux will pick it up nicely
[02:19:06] <z64555> at some point I should extend my parser so it can evaluate equations
[02:26:54] <rue_house> I'd love to see how you do it
[02:27:15] <rue_house> its a great number parser, seperate out the equation fucntionality
[02:54:22] <Jak_o_Sh1dows> I should've bookmarked that page. There's a serial interface to this fat file system, for testing, but I can't find the docs
[02:56:08] <Jak_o_Sh1dows> oh, it's not online
[03:24:20] <Jak_o_Sh1dows> Can't tell if it's the serial adaptor, uC code, or linux terminal that's not working
[03:37:27] <rue_house> know how to do a loopback test?
[12:17:56] <z64555> I wonder if a "polish operator table" is a thing
[12:20:35] <deshipu> z64555: it's a table where you keep notes about operators from Poland?
[12:20:58] <z64555> something like that :D
[12:21:15] <deshipu> z64555: or a table in the cantine where the Polish bulldozer operators eat?
[12:21:31] <z64555> The one I was thinking of was a map that contained operators and operands in a polish notation
[12:22:32] <z64555> such as: std::vector { string operator; enum Lop; enum Rop; void* func() }
[12:22:53] <z64555> but in a format that makes more sense that that pseudo code
[12:22:57] <z64555> *than that
[12:25:22] <deshipu> what for?
[12:25:45] <deshipu> the order defines the operation completely, no need to add more structure
[12:25:55] <deshipu> that's the beauty of the polish notation
[12:29:21] <z64555> Idea is: Parser encounters a token that is 3 characters or less. Parser checks the polish table to see if it matches any of the operators. If it does match a operator line, it checks to see if its left operator type matches the Lop enum. If it doesn't match, it goes onto the next line.
[12:29:46] <z64555> when it matches all three on a line, it calls the func() on the line
[12:30:30] <z64555> Instead of having one big function per operator, it divvies them up into smaller sections
[12:30:55] <z64555> which may allow for operator overloads by the user at a later date
[12:37:13] <deshipu> not sure what you mean, "left operator"?
[12:39:39] <z64555> sorry, operand
[12:39:46] <deshipu> you just scan one token at a time, put them on the stack, and whenever you have two values and an operator on the stack, you pop them, perform the operation and push the result on the stack
[12:39:56] <z64555> left operand, operator, right operand
[12:40:13] <deshipu> polish notation doesn't have a left operant
[12:40:18] <deshipu> it has two right operands
[12:40:26] <deshipu> first and second
[12:40:57] <z64555> input notation isn't polish, I used "polish notation" to describe how the structure is defined
[12:41:07] <deshipu> you mean "stack"?
[12:41:32] <deshipu> or more generally, a binary tree?
[12:42:06] <z64555> no, not stack either, the struct is an element in a map/table
[12:42:14] <deshipu> you can easily convert infix input into polish notation
[12:42:19] <deshipu> and then computer it easily
[15:14:28] <SpeedEvil> http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/missions/mer/daily.cfm
[15:14:31] <SpeedEvil> Total odometry is 26.08 miles (41.97 kilometers).
[15:14:56] <deshipu> lazy
[15:14:59] <SpeedEvil> Opportunity is awesome.
[15:15:13] <SpeedEvil> 12 years over design life
[15:17:00] <deshipu> at that price...
[15:17:20] <deshipu> but that update is from 2015
[15:18:05] <SpeedEvil> oops
[15:18:06] <SpeedEvil> wrong one
[15:18:13] <SpeedEvil> http://mars.nasa.gov/mer/mission/status.html
[15:18:27] <SpeedEvil> Total odometry is 27.26 miles (43.87 kilometers).
[15:18:37] <deshipu> only 2 miles in 2 years?
[15:18:39] <deshipu> super lazy
[15:18:53] <SpeedEvil> Opportunity celebrated her 13th birthday on Sol 4623 (January 24, 2017 PST). She spent it as she has most recent sols -- heading south along the rim of Endeavour Crater.
[15:20:12] <deshipu> they should just send a quadcopter ;-)
[15:20:53] <SpeedEvil> Quads have problems.
[15:21:09] <deshipu> as do 6-wheelers
[15:21:09] <SpeedEvil> The rotors need to be quite fragile for good performance
[15:21:12] <SpeedEvil> sure
[15:21:29] <rue_shop3> wow, clear 3mm pla is really brittle filament
[15:21:51] <Tom_L> glass filled ?
[15:31:28] <z64555> Quads have more problems on Mars than 6-wheelers
[15:32:30] <deshipu> they should send a spider robot
[15:32:37] <deshipu> we could have first steps on mars then
[15:35:31] <z64555> Unless it's a hydraulic/pnumatically actuated walker, it'll consume more energy than a wheel or tank bot
[15:41:30] <rue_shop3> isn't the primary component of mars air ammonia?
[15:41:39] <rue_shop3> its a bit corrosive
[15:53:49] <rue_shop3> Tom_L, 0,0 is the lower left of the table?
[17:00:47] <anniepoo> the clear stuff won't have plasticizers in it
[17:00:58] <SpeedEvil> http://www.spacex.com/hyperloop - 'the official spacex hyperloop pod competition'
[17:01:26] <anniepoo> this is why, in model aiplane kits, the clear canopy is much more brittle than the body.
[17:01:46] <anniepoo> well, 'wont have' is 'it's a lot more restricted if you don't want to fog the material'
[17:02:28] <SpeedEvil> Unless you go for polycarbonate
[17:02:35] <SpeedEvil> polystyrene sucks.
[17:03:47] <anniepoo> 8cD they make a lot of it. It's easy to work. It's friendly to injection molding.
[17:03:53] <anniepoo> 8cD it's cheap
[17:11:29] <rue_house> Tom_L,
[17:11:37] <rue_house> 0,0, lower left of the table?
[17:12:26] <Tom_L> upper right i believe
[17:13:27] <rue_shop3> I'v got the steps/mm worked out
[17:13:34] <rue_shop3> need to make the directions correct
[17:13:50] <Tom_L> http://www.cnccookbook.com/CCCNCGCodeTouchOff.htm
[17:14:30] <Tom_L> maybe you are right
[17:14:41] <Tom_L> all my cuts generally are negative
[17:17:50] <Tom_L> iirc my machine homes with the x all the way left and y all the way forward
[17:18:17] <Tom_L> (the table)
[17:28:32] <Tom_L> rue_house, just checked.. my +X is with the table to the left, +Y is with the table forward, +Z is quill up
[17:29:06] <Tom_L> so mine homes with the table right and away from the operator
[17:29:48] <rue_shop3> hmm
[17:29:57] <rue_shop3> looks like I'm kitty corner
[17:30:06] <rue_shop3> which works, it wont mirror things
[17:30:14] <Tom_L> doesn't matter as long as your cad matches
[17:30:40] <Tom_L> i use G54 offsets anyway so work from a work offset
[17:30:58] <Tom_L> not machine coordinates
[17:31:57] <rue_shop3> you have to set the positon of G54 then tell it to use workspace G54 dont you?
[17:32:18] <Tom_L> in the gcode yes
[17:33:23] <Tom_L> G54 is default though
[17:33:34] <Tom_L> maybe not on grbl
[17:38:16] <rue_shop3> so far, I'v just been resetting grbl to clear all its position registers
[17:38:24] <rue_shop3> home, reset, run
[17:38:49] <rue_shop3> running an nc on it now, no spindle working yet
[17:38:53] <rue_shop3> have to make more boxes
[17:39:09] <rue_shop3> see how many bolts fall off on the test runs
[17:39:17] <rue_shop3> then i have to work on squaring it up
[17:39:31] <rue_shop3> steps and directions are right now tho
[17:41:41] <rue_shop3> I have a 345 triangle to cut and square xy
[17:41:49] <rue_shop3> not sure how to deal with Z
[18:35:40] <Tom_L> google tramming
[18:35:58] <rue_shop3> printing cable chain
[18:36:08] <rue_shop3> oh different topic, ok
[18:37:15] <Tom_L> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/
[18:37:30] <Tom_L> G0704 tramming 1-3
[18:37:38] <Tom_L> mp4
[18:37:55] <rue_shop3> wonder if that'll play on this
[18:38:05] <Tom_L> rather large
[18:38:26] <rue_shop3> youtube is good for that
[18:38:43] <Tom_L> back in a few..
[18:40:00] <rue_shop3> I dont have much verticle room
[19:10:18] <artg02> I have to calculate the phase, gain and the vector margin of a nyquist plot
[19:10:18] <artg02> the first 2 I know
[19:10:18] <artg02> but how do I calculate the vector margin
[19:10:18] <artg02> also called the modulus margin
[19:12:13] <rue_shop3> not familiar with vector margin
[19:14:22] <artg02> internet is almost empty about it
[19:14:34] <artg02> it should be some kind of combination of the phase and the gain margin
[19:15:04] <rue_shop3> its prolly one of those instructor specific things
[19:15:31] <artg02> "the vector margin is the smallest distance between G(j[omega]) and the point -1
[19:15:37] <artg02> "
[19:16:47] <rue_shop3> this is for adc?
[19:17:04] <artg02> what is adc?
[19:17:11] <rue_shop3> analog to digital converter
[19:17:34] <artg02> nope, a simple nyquist plot and calculate those 3 with them
[19:17:37] <rue_shop3> continious to sampled time
[19:38:14] <z64555> blah, he already left
[19:38:30] <z64555> I was going to ask where the point -1 was
[19:38:45] <z64555> Assuming he meante (-1, j0)
[19:58:04] <bunsen> Hey there! Anyone here ever work with a finch? Had a question about its object sensors ...
[20:09:52] <bunsen> urgh - sorry, got disconnected. Anyone ever work with a finch robot?
[20:21:25] <rue_shop3> finch?
[20:21:44] <jrowe47> http://finchrobot.com/
[20:22:14] <jrowe47> variation on the SumoBot type robots
[20:22:33] <jrowe47> with more lights and noises, looks like
[20:28:49] <rue_shop3> heh
[20:52:39] <anniepoo> I've worked with them
[20:52:58] <anniepoo> it's a simple turtle type robot, comes ready for use
[20:59:07] <rue_house> any progress on cutter design?
[20:59:41] <rue_house> I could send you a rediculously geared motor, it would only take 2 months or so to get there
[21:52:05] <Tom_L> rue_house, did you get the tramming videos?
[21:52:40] <rue_house> yup, thanks
[21:59:16] <Tom_L> you have a dial indicator?
[21:59:42] <rue_shop3> yes
[21:59:55] <rue_shop3> but I cant adjust this machine like that
[21:59:59] <Tom_L> get the column square and plum with the base first
[22:00:15] <Tom_L> however you need to...
[22:00:48] <rue_shop3> there is no column
[22:00:52] <Tom_L> it's the steps in a process
[22:01:02] <rue_shop3> yea
[22:01:11] <Tom_L> gantry style?
[22:01:15] <Tom_L> i can't remember..
[22:01:26] <rue_shop3> yea
[22:01:47] <rue_shop3> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/cnc4/p1080740.jpg
[22:01:49] <Tom_L> the columns should be very parallel
[22:02:08] <rue_shop3> hah
[22:02:17] <rue_shop3> they are shimmed with washers
[22:02:28] <Tom_L> well, the more accurate it will be is all
[22:02:49] <Tom_L> get some shimstock too
[22:02:59] <Tom_L> you can probably get very close with it
[22:03:09] <rue_shop3> I'll have a lot of adjustments to make
[22:03:27] <rue_shop3> I'm gonna start with a 345 and try to square the xy
[22:03:35] <rue_shop3> just trying to get the spindle going
[22:04:36] <Tom_L> i must say it looks better than your first one
[22:04:45] <rue_shop3> its pretty damn ridgid
[22:05:07] <Tom_L> i'd love to build something like that with linear ways and ballscrews
[22:05:13] <rue_shop3> me to
[22:05:26] <rue_shop3> even some good wide extruded aluminum
[22:05:49] <rue_shop3> Id like if each slider guide was one peice
[22:06:00] <Tom_L> some guys use epoxy
[22:06:01] <rue_shop3> two bars like that makes it a mess to set right
[22:06:08] <rue_shop3> ?
[22:06:10] <Tom_L> yes
[22:06:24] <rue_shop3> epoxy ways?
[22:06:41] <Tom_L> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0Cn0WRXPKs
[22:06:53] <rue_shop3> ugh, other computer :)
[22:07:06] <Tom_L> polymer concrete
[22:07:18] <rue_shop3> printed some cable gain, its a **** to snap togethor, but it hinges ok...
[22:07:52] <Tom_L> youtube quit working on this pc for some reason
[22:07:55] <rue_shop3> it would be really nasty to shape, tools done like epoxy
[22:07:56] <Tom_L> dunno why
[22:08:03] <rue_shop3> they changed it again
[22:08:17] <rue_shop3> just about 2 weeks ago I think
[22:08:18] <Tom_L> maybe i should update ff
[22:08:24] <rue_shop3> na
[22:08:36] <Tom_L> it works on the other pc
[22:08:42] <Tom_L> about 10 versions apart
[22:23:04] <Tom_L> i know a couple guys in linuxcnc have made them
[22:37:10] <rue_shop3> maybe I'd better start ordering more ER11 collects now...
[22:37:33] <rue_shop3> only having 1/8 just bit me, already.
[22:40:36] <rue_shop3> heh, know what relative mode is off the top of your head?
[22:42:03] <rue_shop3> g91
[22:42:11] <rue_shop3> thats cool, I thoguht it was 9x
[23:11:40] <rue_shop3> hmmmm
[23:11:47] <rue_shop3> this motor run waaaay too hot
[23:11:52] <rue_shop3> must be about 80c right now
[23:15:38] <rue_shop3> ooo thats pretty darn square for not even being adjusted
[23:21:06] <rue_shop3> I dont know if its cause of the bushings or the armature
[23:44:49] <rue_shop3> ball bearings sure are noisy
[23:47:35] <rue_shop3> I think if something is over about 1500 rpm, I'll use bushings from now on