#robotics | Logs for 2017-01-26

[00:51:44] <rue_house> heh
[00:52:08] <rue_house> anniepoo, quite the sketch
[00:53:19] <rue_house> today I screwed a junction box to the cnc machine and entered 2 cables into it
[00:53:31] <rue_house> I'm getting really frustrated with my lack of progress
[01:07:32] <z64555> some progress is better than no progress
[01:09:07] <rue_house> yes, when I die, I will be doing a worse job of finishing my projects, but only just barely
[01:11:10] <Anniepoo_> thanks!
[01:11:21] <Anniepoo_> I think I've come up with a better way to make the shell
[01:11:35] <Anniepoo_> much lower tech - going to just make it a plushie
[01:11:37] <Anniepoo_> 8D
[01:12:46] <Anniepoo_> rue - sometimes you just need to accept that running 2 cables is what you can do that day
[01:12:57] <Anniepoo_> I've been 'stuck' on various snail stuff
[01:13:07] <Anniepoo_> and tend to quit working on it when I get stuck
[01:13:17] <Anniepoo_> so I stay stuck
[01:13:29] * z64555 tries not to open up his can of worms
[01:14:06] <rue_house> anniepoo, what about glue on fabric?
[01:14:16] <rue_house> 'startch it to death'
[01:14:28] <Anniepoo_> so far, was stuck because mbrumlow disappeared - eventually I decided to just go ahead. Good call, he's had family emergency
[01:14:40] <Anniepoo_> glue on fabri?
[01:14:43] <rue_house> yea
[01:15:05] <rue_house> you use *anything* to shape the fabric how you want it, then paint/spray it with something that gets hard
[01:15:19] <rue_house> (possibly a few coats)
[01:15:32] <Anniepoo_> well, I might use some glue to hold reticulate foam together, but it's easier to get smooth and keep smooth if it's stretched but freee to move over support
[01:15:50] <Anniepoo_> also, in many places I'm using polyfill underneath, so nothig to 'glue' to
[01:16:31] <z64555> wire cage
[01:16:38] <z64555> like with a mattress
[01:16:43] <Anniepoo_> well, it's more like a balloon
[01:16:51] <Anniepoo_> look at a stuffed toy
[01:17:04] <Anniepoo_> they can be pretty detailed
[01:17:07] <z64555> so the cage will be flexible and springy
[01:17:27] <Anniepoo_> I have a dragon puppet beside me. He's got all kinds of details
[01:17:42] <rue_house> - he -?
[01:17:51] * rue_house worries about the details he has
[01:18:00] <Anniepoo_> yah, I think smoulder is a he
[01:18:31] <Anniepoo_> hmm.... he's a puppet and ends at about that point.
[01:19:14] <Anniepoo_> the snail's she, which is sorta arbitrary - they're simultaneous hermaphrodites
[01:19:52] <Anniepoo_> the muppet rule - "Girls have eyelashes"
[01:20:09] <rue_house> mmmmmhmmmm
[01:20:12] <z64555> They also use a "softer" color palette
[01:20:23] <Anniepoo_> true
[01:20:33] <z64555> basically pastelles
[01:20:43] * z64555 cannot unto spelling
[01:20:58] <Anniepoo_> hang on, I'll get a pic of dragon
[01:21:21] <rue_house> I'm being bad, you dont need to prove anything...
[01:21:44] <z64555> which is precisely why things must be proven
[01:21:51] <z64555> because they don't have to be
[01:22:03] <z64555> :?D
[01:22:40] <Anniepoo_> https://www.instagram.com/p/BPt90MmgCse/?taken-by=anneogborn
[01:23:34] <Anniepoo_> the only hard parts of this puppet are a hard upper palette, eyes are pretty solidly stuffed, and ears, wings, and antenna (not visible here) are stuffed
[01:23:39] <Anniepoo_> oh, arms are stuffed
[01:23:56] <Anniepoo_> but his face is just cloth and interfacing
[01:24:00] <z64555> yeah, mouth says "he"
[01:24:29] <z64555> the color palette is gender neutral, amazingly
[01:24:38] <z64555> not sure why
[01:24:50] <Anniepoo_> (interfacing is a stiff non-woven cloth, it comes in several types. The most common has heat setting adhesive on one side, you iron it on
[01:24:52] <z64555> but the mouth and eyes define it most
[01:25:15] <z64555> wide set, kinda goofie eyes (no eyelashes)
[01:25:17] <Anniepoo_> think lapels, men's shirt collars, etc.
[01:26:53] <rue_house> I cannot find any internet examples of cloth-mache, for lack of a better term
[01:27:14] <Anniepoo_> define cloth-mache.
[01:27:19] <rue_house> hmm much friendlier than the dragon I was making
[01:27:39] <rue_house> instead of paper, you use cloth and not-flour based hardener
[01:27:57] <Anniepoo_> sure
[01:28:10] <Anniepoo_> well, cloth stretches a little
[01:28:19] <Anniepoo_> to curve it more, you insert a 'dart'
[01:28:30] <rue_house> !?
[01:29:04] <rue_house> don't tempt me, I have a sewing machine.
[01:29:11] <Anniepoo_> http://thecuttingclass.com/post/3198056107/pattern-making-darts
[01:29:34] <rue_house> http://static.wixstatic.com/media/946e61_891ae166df1d47059a9b6e25f24654e4~mv2.jpg_srz_600_331_85_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_jpg_srz
[01:29:36] <rue_house> oooooo.....
[01:29:38] <Anniepoo_> it's an angled fold of fabric, sewn closed to make a triangle
[01:29:56] <Anniepoo_> there's a lot of cool math in sewing
[01:30:02] <Anniepoo_> esp. in patternmaking
[01:30:21] <Anniepoo_> when you draw two pieces to be sewn together they have to have the same seam length
[01:30:33] <rue_house> wow, somewhere out there, someone makes clothing
[01:30:39] <Anniepoo_> (or you get gathers)
[01:30:42] <Anniepoo_> I make clothing
[01:31:20] <rue_house> I suppose that makes a cloth robot familiar grounds
[01:31:38] <Anniepoo_> yes
[01:32:05] <Anniepoo_> well, I've not made many stuffed toy type things
[01:33:26] <z64555> I sadly lack the patience to do any sort of clothing work
[01:33:59] <rue_house> well, I got the sewing machine to make the tendons for the 12' mecha
[01:34:05] <rue_house> s fingers
[01:34:14] <Anniepoo_> I enjoy it because I don't have the patience for crochet and knitting
[01:34:54] <Anniepoo_> I have to finishe a part and move on, not spend hours doing the same task over and over
[01:35:11] <z64555> yep
[01:35:40] <rue_house> "If you stack the chairs properly, they will still be chairs when they are stacked. PLEASE BE MORE CAREFULL."
[01:36:05] <rue_house> I'm going to bed
[01:36:43] <Jak_o_Shadows> I want a sewing machine with a reinforced needle bit
[01:36:56] <Jak_o_Shadows> So I can do thicker stuff
[01:37:05] <Anniepoo_> you can get thicker needles
[01:37:15] <Anniepoo_> you might just need a different needle
[01:37:20] <Anniepoo_> what are you sewing?
[01:37:35] <Anniepoo_> (eg leather takes a different shape needle)
[01:38:58] <Jak_o_Shadows> not leather so much. Just more layers
[01:39:09] <Anniepoo_> industrial machines don't have much thicker needles than domestic machines
[01:39:10] <Jak_o_Shadows> No particular project in mind
[01:40:03] <Anniepoo_> try a sharper needle. For leather, get a needle made for leather
[01:40:35] <Anniepoo_> land the stitches by hand, between, not into, threads
[01:41:07] <Anniepoo_> if you truly need to sew something outside the machine's range, use a hollow needle sewing awl
[01:41:09] <Anniepoo_> hang on
[01:41:20] <rue_bed> you need a machine like my dad had to do leather
[01:41:27] <rue_bed> ooo man was that thing tough
[01:42:01] <rue_bed> it damn near used rope instead of thread
[01:42:54] <Anniepoo_> https://www.walmart.com/ip/Speedy-Stitcher-Sewing-Awl/24673270?action=product_interest&action_type=title&beacon_version=1.0.2&bucket_id=irsbucketdefault&client_guid=c568f10f-88c9-4b53-877f-7454de95c6e2&config_id=106&customer_id_enc&findingMethod=p13n&guid=c568f10f-88c9-4b53-877f-7454de95c6e2&item_id=24673270&parent_anchor_item_id=36171324&parent_item_id=36171324&placement_id=irs-106-t1&reporter=recommendations&source=new_site&strategy=PWVAV&visitor_i
[01:42:57] <Anniepoo_> d=SbNajINJ_yI09_5RZozIt8
[01:43:05] <Anniepoo_> industrial machine
[01:43:14] <Anniepoo_> (what your dad had)
[01:43:49] <Anniepoo_> what I pasted, I've used to sew through leather reinforcements on backpacks that seemed impossible
[01:44:57] <Anniepoo_> the kind with a needle that's a tube is particularly good
[01:45:52] <Anniepoo_> https://www.tandyleather.com/en/search/?sSearch=awl
[01:45:56] <Anniepoo_> this thing
[01:45:56] <Jak_o_Shadows> Yeah. The one with the side hole is't so great
[01:46:16] <Anniepoo_> has a tube like a hypodermic needle
[01:52:22] <Anniepoo_> 8cD I found some cool fabric with metallic scale pattern on it for underside
[01:52:25] <Anniepoo_> 8cD
[01:54:38] <Anniepoo_> and brown fleece for shell
[01:56:07] <Anniepoo_> well, beddy bye for Annie
[12:12:26] <veverak> deshipu: pingy?
[12:12:30] <veverak> deshipu: any progress? :)
[12:22:05] <deshipu> no, I'm being sick
[12:24:11] <veverak> oh, that's bad :/
[12:24:31] <veverak> deshipu: btw: what do you plan with D1 mini?
[12:24:39] <veverak> execution of recorded movement animations?
[12:24:41] * veverak is curious
[12:25:28] <deshipu> veverak: tutorials and workshops
[12:25:42] <deshipu> veverak: nothing new, just the old in a more approachable way
[12:26:17] <veverak> I see
[12:30:10] <rue_shop> I really shuld have learned from BASIC programming, and I should never start at "step 1"
[12:30:26] <rue_shop> 10 should be the first step and I should go up by 10'd
[12:30:30] <rue_shop> 10's
[12:30:40] <deshipu> rue_shop: go back to start, collect 200
[12:31:03] <rue_shop> OR, fix the other problem and go up by 9, so there are properly centered intermediate steps
[12:31:30] <deshipu> or number the steps at the end, when you are sure what they are
[13:18:06] <anniepoo> rue, reread your comments about making shell from last night. Now I get what you mean.
[13:45:42] <rue_shop> all the transistors in the power supply of the shop printer are giving up
[13:54:19] <anniepoo> 8c(
[13:54:59] <anniepoo> my 'anything' was going to be laser cut interlocking cardboard. The cloth covering was going to be fiberglass
[13:55:10] <anniepoo> making the 3D model was driving me nuts
[14:22:35] <veverak> damn it
[14:24:17] <veverak> -- verify FAILED (digest mismatch)
[14:24:20] <veverak> one just can flash it
[15:16:47] <rue_house> veverak, is that the serial programmer?
[15:20:12] rue_house changed topic of #robotics to: If you ask a question, you must wait for the answer. | http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/index.php | G is for Gyroscope
[15:59:02] <veverak> rue_house: yup
[16:47:58] <veverak> ok
[16:48:04] <veverak> esp8277 - 12 I can flash
[16:48:07] <veverak> 7 I can't flash
[17:05:16] <veverak> ok
[17:05:21] <veverak> looks like micropython binary is too big
[17:12:10] <deshipu> there is a version for 512kB
[17:12:21] <veverak> where?
[17:12:28] <veverak> or, how to compile it or ... ?
[17:18:35] <veverak> hmm
[17:19:52] <deshipu> http://micropython.org/download#esp8266
[17:19:58] <deshipu> see the third group
[17:21:06] <deshipu> to compile it, do "make 512k"
[17:21:38] <veverak> wow
[17:21:40] <veverak> thanks!
[17:22:19] <veverak> deshipu: thanks!
[17:39:00] <veverak> nopez
[17:39:02] <veverak> not booting
[17:40:03] <veverak> but flashed and verified
[17:40:05] <veverak> ...
[17:41:51] <deshipu> erased the flash?
[17:42:17] <deshipu> there is some storage area where it keeps settings
[17:42:23] <deshipu> that needs to be zeroed
[17:43:13] <veverak> I see
[17:44:59] <deshipu> or you can flash blank.bin on it
[17:56:50] <veverak> hmm
[17:56:56] <veverak> 512k does not have filesystem I see
[18:00:36] <deshipu> it doesn't have a lot of things
[18:00:48] <deshipu> there is a portconfig.h file for it, you can compare them
[18:05:14] <veverak> hmm
[18:05:26] <veverak> changing the VSFAT in makefile 512k rule not neough
[18:05:28] <veverak> well
[18:05:30] <veverak> let's play with this
[18:08:06] <deshipu> I think you need to modify the LD file to make room for it
[18:08:21] <deshipu> and that you need a whole block
[18:40:15] <veverak> I see
[18:40:17] <veverak> will do
[22:00:44] * rue_shop3 brushes connectors off himself
[22:00:58] <rue_shop3> ok, it took 3 hours, but I found a set of connectors to use for the cnc machine
[23:06:36] <anniepoo> 8cD
[23:06:40] <anniepoo> yay!
[23:36:55] <rue_house> ok, I added a few more wires
[23:38:42] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/cnc4/p1080737.jpg
[23:38:51] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/cnc4/p1080738.jpg
[23:38:59] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/cnc4/p1080739.jpg
[23:39:06] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/cnc4/p1080740.jpg
[23:39:40] <Gene_home> interesting
[23:40:29] <rue_house> I have to get the junction box all connected up, do the spindle wires, make a spindle controller box, make the circuit board for the spindle controller, install it in the box, and add a connector from that junction box to the spindle controller box, then cough up a power supply for the spindle.. then come up with a connector...
[23:40:43] <rue_house> at some point I connect it to my GRBL box and play
[23:40:55] <rue_house> for the next one, I'm going to have to make another grbl box
[23:41:49] <rue_house> I'm using a 36P centronics for the everything conenctor cause nobody even knows what they are anymore
[23:42:47] <rue_house> there is a reaaaaaly long list of things wrong with that build, I'm pushing ahead to just make it work
[23:43:06] <rue_house> instead of fixing them on this machine, I'll just keep making machines with the corrections
[23:43:48] <rue_house> isn't it great what you can put togethor with some junk that just laying around?
[23:44:21] <rue_house> I mean, that whole machine so far, I'm prolly not even at the $5 mark
[23:44:33] <anniepoo> 8cd the one who dies with the most robot parts wins
[23:45:03] <theBear> it's amazing ! my junk pile ain't even THAT big these days, well, more of a junk domecile, but nevertheless, the number of things i can't throw together without even struggling to find bits is "cray cray", as i believe the youth like to say these days
[23:45:07] <rue_house> what if your 100% robot parts and dont die?
[23:45:39] <theBear> fingers crossed, at least on the first bit
[23:45:44] <anniepoo> ok, that's even bigger win
[23:47:12] <rue_house> I designed a 3-4-5 triangle to square the xy of the machine,
[23:47:50] <rue_house> I'm thinking I might do up a nc program that races it around a square a few times on the table and drills a hole after a few laps to figure out the top speed
[23:48:29] <theBear> heh, sorry to ruin it for yer, but i pretty sure some greek dude designed that, like, a billion years ago
[23:48:46] <rue_house> it should move pretty fast, the reduction is under 2:1 and the lead scerws are more than 1mm/turn
[23:48:59] <rue_house> :)
[23:49:06] <rue_house> I just want to build a fleet of them
[23:49:18] * anniepoo is getting nginx up on the snail
[23:49:40] <theBear> wtf ! i think i had a dream involving getting quizzed over a bunch of odd facts including a couple questions about ballscrews
[23:50:00] <rue_house> anniepoo, how you gonna do a control interface?
[23:50:02] <theBear> i can't imagine it actually happened outside a dream
[23:50:06] <rue_house> game controller?
[23:50:09] <rue_house> web ui?
[23:50:15] <anniepoo> yes, for the moment
[23:50:47] <anniepoo> eventually I'll move to a semi-autonomous server running offboard
[23:50:50] <rue_house> theBear, if a motor is exterting 4kg-cm on a ballscrew with a 3mm pitch, and the efficiency of the screw is 86%, what is the force on the nut of the ball scerw!
[23:51:15] <rue_house> ... single start screw....
[23:51:16] <anniepoo> I'll control the robot with a mix of voice recognition and a powerpoint presenter's gizmo
[23:51:30] <rue_house> STOP! STOP!!! STOOOOOOP!!!!!!!
[23:51:44] <anniepoo> ???
[23:51:46] <anniepoo> me?
[23:51:50] <rue_house> nothing like voice rec that cant understand you when your shouting...
[23:52:06] <anniepoo> yes, been there, did that
[23:52:06] <rue_house> :)
[23:52:30] <anniepoo> I don't expect the voice to be used for things that are that low level
[23:52:44] <anniepoo> more like 'snaily, can you tell us a story?'
[23:52:53] <rue_house> more sophistocated things like "kill all humans"?
[23:52:59] <rue_house> oh, or that yea
[23:53:00] <anniepoo> and then snaily's autonomous to end of story
[23:53:24] <rue_house> I'm SO terribly unfit to build large robots...
[23:53:37] <theBear> hmm, lateral force, frictional, linear or rotational ? (european or african ?)
[23:53:44] <rue_house> :)
[23:54:39] <vkipy> rue_house anniepoo : Can i know what sort of robot you guys are talking about?
[23:54:50] <anniepoo> hmm... does CORS consider diff ports on same machine different origins?
[23:55:00] <anniepoo> in my case, an animated snail
[23:55:00] <rue_house> how many weeks have I been working on this thing? geez, this cnc was supposed to be a 1 weeked build
[23:55:10] <rue_house> in my case, a 12' mecha
[23:55:36] <rue_house> you see, if anything It'd be much safer for the world if anniepoo were making the 12' mecha and I were making the plush snail
[23:55:42] <rue_house> but, so the world goes
[23:55:50] <anniepoo> definitely true!