#robotics | Logs for 2017-01-22

[00:26:43] <z64555> It mega hertz, but it ain't killa
[00:35:51] <Anniepoo__> 8cD
[01:56:29] <rue_shop3> we answered his ABCD pin question yesterday
[01:56:37] <rue_shop3> didn't like the answer, so asks again
[03:08:12] <rue_shop3> ok, lots of 3d printed parts on this cnc machine
[03:08:19] <rue_shop3> this will be interesting
[03:13:00] * rue_shop3 waits for the machines to finish building him parts
[03:22:01] <rue_shop3> pff, I'll just start up the 2nd machine, wait... is there enough plasticcccc....
[03:27:16] <rue_shop3> ok, there, 2 machines going...
[03:27:35] <rue_shop3> I should go to make more space for printers in the livingroom
[03:27:50] <rue_shop3> oh, hmm I wonder if I have a network jack in the livingroom
[03:28:04] <rue_shop3> and there should be a ups..... hmmm
[03:28:52] <rue_shop3> I have a 25V, 60A industrial power supply that does battery backup... I wonder if I should just run all the printers off one supply
[03:29:00] <rue_shop3> hmmmmmmmm
[03:29:08] <rue_shop3> this could turn into somehting
[03:36:25] <rue_shop3> hmm looks like I'm on my own...
[03:36:28] <rue_shop3> your not
[03:36:31] <rue_shop3> you dont count
[03:36:35] <rue_shop3> your sure?
[03:36:40] <rue_shop3> yes...
[03:36:47] <rue_shop3> fine, fine.
[03:36:56] <rue_shop3> after this part, and those....
[03:37:06] <rue_shop3> dunno, I'm too far asleep
[03:37:09] <rue_shop3> only 1am
[03:37:11] <rue_shop3> not good
[03:38:03] <rue_shop3> tommorow move that upright 2 inches back
[03:38:05] <rue_shop3> reweld
[03:38:13] <rue_shop3> whats left
[03:38:16] <rue_shop3> attach the motors
[03:38:19] <rue_shop3> and wire
[03:38:23] <rue_shop3> wire all over it
[03:38:29] <rue_shop3> use lots and lots of the wire up
[03:38:51] <rue_shop3> should we work on motor brackets now
[03:38:52] <rue_shop3> no
[03:39:03] <rue_shop3> I'm into sleep
[03:41:59] <rue_shop3> its ok if the assembly screws stick thru the project a little, right?
[03:50:29] <SpeedEvil> Depends.
[03:50:41] <SpeedEvil> Is the project able to sue?
[03:56:10] <rue_shop3> hmmm naaa
[15:11:08] <Anniepoo__> I take it digital servos still use th same PWM standard, they're just different internally?
[15:11:31] <veverak> yep
[15:12:27] <Anniepoo__> thanks!
[15:18:28] <z64555> yes, unfortunately
[15:20:01] <z64555> If somebody would make a digital servo that could be reprogrammed to use a digital protocol of the user's choice, such as I2C, they'd sell like hotcakes
[15:33:46] <deshipu> z64555: https://hackaday.io/project/7827-ensmarten-your-servos
[15:33:59] <deshipu> z64555: unfortunatelly, I don't really work on that at the moment
[15:34:27] <deshipu> z64555: but there are lots of similar projects, I think that someone even figured out how to reprogram the PIC microcontroller in one of the popular servos
[15:39:42] <z64555> well yeah, but the project you linked is more involved than most RC hobbiests would like to be. Ideally it would be as simple as taking off the servo cover, plug into a programming port, flash the chip with a program, then be on your merry way
[15:39:59] <z64555> the PIC reprogram is the closest one
[16:20:18] <deshipu> z64555: the servo I'm using is analog, so I need to put a microcontroller into it first
[20:35:30] <rue_house> ?
[20:35:33] <rue_house> dc motor?
[20:36:16] <rue_house> deshipu, what do you have, a dc motor, gearbox and pot?
[20:36:20] <rue_house> encoder?
[20:36:24] <rue_house> TELLL MEEEEE
[21:23:38] <rue_shop3> tell you whaaaat
[23:43:44] <z64555> I'll tell you what. :D