#robotics | Logs for 2017-01-10

[06:18:56] <tsglove> Good morning all.
[06:19:11] <tsglove> Any forum you could point me for some beginner Machine Learning questions?
[09:12:54] <z64555> why do people do that
[09:13:01] <z64555> join, linger a few minutes, then leave
[09:28:21] <rue_house> no activity, so they assume its a dead channel
[09:28:30] <rue_house> which is why its alwasy good to have someon talking
[09:41:04] <z64555> I wonder if we can train a nueral net bot to defer knowledge, skills to people
[09:41:10] <veverak> phmm
[09:41:15] <veverak> thought about going into canada as student
[09:41:22] <veverak> seems that it would be more expensive that expected
[09:41:56] <rue_house> students get shafted here
[09:42:09] <rue_house> maybe less than other places, but, yea
[09:42:43] <veverak> shafted?
[09:42:48] <veverak> not sure about what that means
[09:43:14] <deshipu> You know, it's a question of what kind of people the government wants to have. In US and Canada they penalize education.
[09:43:27] <rue_house> given a financially bad deal
[09:43:34] <veverak> ah...
[09:43:36] <z64555> penalize in what way?
[09:44:04] <deshipu> z64555: make it hard to get and make you pay for it
[09:44:40] <deshipu> for instance, here not only all universities are free, but you even get paid for attending
[09:45:34] <deshipu> and if you need to move from your home town, you get help with that too
[09:46:01] <rue_house> the PT8211 looks like the only dac thats under $1 ea, less a few exceptions, but geez
[09:46:23] <deshipu> make a resistor ladder, that would be below $1
[09:46:30] <rue_house> I know eh?
[09:46:44] <rue_house> I cant even find R-2R resistor networks
[09:46:45] <deshipu> and so fast!
[09:46:50] <rue_house> its like a conspiracy
[09:47:23] <rue_house> there should be 9 pin sip's for dac resistor networks
[09:47:34] <rue_house> (8 bit)
[09:47:50] <rue_house> or would it ahve to be 10, anyhow
[09:49:24] <z64555> We have financial aide programs here in the States, I got through most of my years on them
[09:49:47] <deshipu> z64555: but not everybody gets it, no?
[09:50:00] <z64555> yeah, that's the part that I'm fuzzy on
[09:50:23] <deshipu> it's easier to rule stupid people
[09:50:43] <deshipu> and if you need educated employees, you can always hire immigrants or outsource
[09:50:58] <rue_house> its all good till youhave to have someone like trump for president of the country
[09:51:15] <deshipu> rue_house: I think he fits perfectly
[09:51:34] <rue_house> not saying there isn't some kinda irony to it
[09:51:34] <deshipu> rue_house: he tells it how it is ;)
[09:52:17] <deshipu> the whole idea of "representative democracy" is broken
[09:52:29] <deshipu> it's like a blanket that's too short
[09:52:38] <deshipu> you will never get everybody represented
[09:52:53] <deshipu> and recently the blanked has been going sideways anyways
[09:53:28] <z64555> which is why we need more smart people, to make robots, to make a bigger blanket. :D
[09:53:32] <rue_house> the voting is thown out and the electoral collage gives power to whoever
[09:54:32] <rue_house> if hillory wants to win, she has to spend more time on reality tv shows
[09:55:40] <rue_house> anyhoo, past time to go to work, bye!
[09:56:01] <rue_house> someone msg me with suggestions of a avr hli hilight for the day :)
[09:57:18] <deshipu> z64555: to kill all humans and solve the problem once and for all
[09:57:56] <z64555> nah, that's the cheap way out
[09:58:17] <z64555> no fun
[09:59:01] <z64555> I mean, yeah, you get a great war that lasts a few years, but when the last human's dead, you'll have robots that have become self aware and start fighting themselves
[09:59:39] <z64555> Which doesn't make out that great in sci-fi
[09:59:40] <deshipu> z64555: I think it's lots of fun
[09:59:53] <deshipu> z64555: see how many movies are made about it, must be fun
[10:00:40] <deshipu> they also don't have to become self-aware
[10:01:08] <deshipu> just convert slowly the whole universe into paperclips
[10:05:50] <z64555> Clippy! I knew he was evil...
[10:13:33] <deshipu> nah, just incompetent
[10:14:01] <deshipu> incompetent and enthusiastic -- the worst possible combination
[17:49:43] * anniepoo is fiddling with getting streaming video working
[20:14:18] <rue_house> haha