#robotics | Logs for 2017-01-08

[00:26:26] <rue_shop3> sorry I'm not being lively
[00:26:37] <rue_shop3> working on new cnc
[00:26:47] <anniepoo> 8cD
[00:27:17] <anniepoo> I'm being quiet because I'm on the blender channel getting advice and learning new skills so I can make snail shell's 3D model
[00:28:19] <rue_shop3> ...
[00:28:27] <rue_shop3> whats the equation for a snail shell?
[00:29:00] <rue_shop3> take a circle, rotate it around an edge while scaling its size and moving it down
[00:29:45] <rue_shop3> I wonder if openscad can scale a shape while doing a rotary extrusion
[00:30:39] <rue_shop3> http://www.shelly.de/
[00:30:50] <rue_shop3> why didn't openscad just use the povray language?
[03:57:28] <deshipu> why didn't C++ just use the standard C syntax?
[04:07:45] <mrdata> because committees got involved
[04:08:39] <veverak> well
[04:08:49] <veverak> C++ is not exactly showcase of 'nice' synta
[04:08:50] <veverak> x
[04:13:51] <deshipu> could have been worse, could be objc
[04:15:03] <veverak> but
[04:15:17] <veverak> only thing I hate about C++ are debug messages when you use templates
[04:15:39] <veverak> but, maybe there is tool to make those errors readable ;)
[04:24:20] <deshipu> if that's the only thing you hate, you just haven't used it enough
[04:26:17] * veverak avoids hating things
[04:27:50] <deshipu> right, you are a Czech
[04:28:21] <deshipu> hating is not your national sport
[04:33:22] * veverak was always black sheep!
[04:33:24] <veverak> :D
[04:34:31] <deshipu> veverak: no, I meant that, the Czech are always optimists
[04:34:44] <deshipu> veverak: at least from the Polish point of view
[04:35:07] <veverak> oh, I see
[04:35:12] <veverak> deshipu: not really
[04:35:32] <veverak> deshipu: our national sport is sitting at pub, drinking beer and hating everything, saying how bad it is and doing nothing about it
[04:35:34] <veverak> more or less
[04:35:42] * veverak hates that part about his culture
[04:35:51] <veverak> hate doubles when I do it too ;) :D
[04:46:21] <deshipu> ah, but complaining is not hating
[04:46:32] <deshipu> also, at least you get out to go to the pub
[04:46:41] <deshipu> and beer has a lot of vitamin B
[04:47:00] * veverak does not drink beer :D
[04:50:38] <deshipu> we hate in silence at home and drink vodka...
[04:52:36] <veverak> yeah, that seems as "worse" approach
[04:56:00] <veverak> anyway
[04:56:12] <veverak> buying sturdy case for DSLR was good idea
[04:56:20] <veverak> definetly worth it taking it to mountains on snowboard https://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/15844119_1431766656834715_8936190870629286979_o.jpg?oh=34b6fa6ae0c9f27f628feb27c7c8c001&oe=591D809F
[04:56:23] <veverak> but
[04:56:39] <veverak> no THE question arrives, how am I gonna make those RGB leds waterproof and attach them to snowboard? :)
[05:14:20] <deshipu> drown them in hotglue?
[05:14:24] <deshipu> as usual
[05:15:03] <veverak> got a point
[14:40:57] <Anniepoo_> 8cD have spent an interesting morning learning about the mathematics of snail shells
[14:43:06] <rue_house> ok
[14:43:16] <rue_house> what ya got?
[14:45:54] <rue_house> dont think, do
[14:45:59] <rue_house> otherwise things wont get done
[14:46:09] <rue_house> take the mistakes and correct them on the next rev
[14:46:22] <rue_house> by rev 3 you should be good.
[14:47:11] <rue_house> (how many times did Picasso repaint some of those pictures?)
[14:47:45] <Tom_L> lemme see what you made with those bits i sent
[14:48:01] <rue_house> hmm, where are the images...
[14:48:59] <rue_house> damn phone camera...
[14:49:14] <rue_house> I'll have to get you later on that one
[15:18:25] <rue_house> Tom_L,
[15:18:49] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/images/p1080703.jpg
[15:19:26] <Tom_L> what is it?
[15:19:32] <Tom_L> i think you told me once..
[15:19:38] <rue_house> paint sprayer handle
[15:19:44] <Tom_L> ahh yeah
[15:20:10] <Tom_L> for utility workers?
[15:20:19] <rue_house> loggers
[15:20:55] <Tom_L> seems cheap enough to buy
[15:21:02] <Tom_L> why did they want you to make em?
[15:21:24] <rue_house> cant buy those
[15:21:29] <Tom_L> huh
[15:21:52] <Tom_L> you making the whole thing?
[15:21:57] <rue_house> you can buy non-extneding ones
[15:22:06] <rue_house> they want 12" 18" and 20"
[15:22:12] <rue_house> me and the guys, yea
[15:22:16] <Tom_L> cool
[15:22:44] <Tom_L> conduit tubing?
[15:22:45] <rue_house> its been a task
[15:22:53] <Tom_L> looks easy enough
[15:23:00] <rue_house> no, schedule _5_ aluminum pipe
[15:23:22] <rue_house> its unobtainium, but one of the shops here happened to have 90 feet
[15:23:24] <Tom_L> probably about .065" wall?
[15:23:29] <rue_house> dont recall
[15:23:38] <rue_house> I think its more than 0.1"
[15:23:51] <Tom_L> that's pretty thick
[15:23:58] <rue_house> yea
[15:24:32] <Tom_L> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/local_stock/stock_index.php
[15:24:37] <Tom_L> come by and pick some up
[15:24:58] <rue_house> :)
[15:25:17] <rue_house> if you have a chance, tell me if they have schedule 5 3/4" (or was it 1") aluminum pipe
[15:25:23] <Tom_L> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/local_stock/1.jpg
[15:25:29] <Tom_L> they probably have it
[15:25:31] <rue_house> most people will just scratch their heads when you say schedule 5
[15:25:51] <Tom_L> it wouldn't be called that here
[15:25:57] <rue_house> cause schedule 10 is usually as low as it goes
[15:26:07] <Tom_L> i'd need dimensions
[15:26:13] <Tom_L> thinwall right?
[15:26:27] <rue_house> schedule 5
[15:26:28] <Tom_L> i got some a while back that was thinwall and tempered
[15:26:31] <Tom_L> real stiff
[15:26:36] <rue_house> it should be an internatioanl standard
[15:26:49] <Tom_L> yeah but aircraft specs are different
[15:27:03] <rue_house> hmm
[15:27:39] <rue_house> most people try to round the dimentions
[15:27:47] <Tom_L> i see some larger diameter in that pic with 3/8" or 1/2" wall
[15:29:11] <Tom_L> it's hit or miss but i usually can find what i'm after
[15:29:13] <rue_house> even over the last 10 years, manufacturing supplies have dried up quite a bit around here
[15:29:29] <Tom_L> it's not like it used to be here either
[15:29:33] <rue_house> govt made canada unsuitable for menufacturing
[15:29:58] * rue_house thinks
[15:30:14] <rue_house> I'm gonna cut some trees down a bit and work on the motor controller
[15:30:17] <rue_house> driver
[15:30:54] <Anniepoo> Tom, where is this stuff?
[15:32:12] <Anniepoo> and yes, one of the nice things about living in India, you can find amazing industrial suppliers on every corner
[15:33:00] <Tom_L> US
[15:43:54] <BeautiCode> anniepoo here?
[15:56:06] <Anniepoo> hi
[15:56:09] <Anniepoo> I am now
[15:56:11] <Anniepoo> 8cD
[15:56:13] <Anniepoo> whats up
[15:57:11] * Anniepoo attaches suction cup to BeautiCode
[15:57:37] <BeautiCode> Hey
[15:57:43] <BeautiCode> Good afternoon :p
[15:57:53] <Anniepoo> Hmm... you know, a shop vac and a bean bag chair would make a human scale jamming gripper
[15:58:21] <BeautiCode> Lmao
[15:58:35] <Tom_L> until it popped
[15:58:41] <BeautiCode> I was working on that cardboard car you told me to work on
[15:58:41] <Tom_L> then you'd have a mess
[15:58:50] <BeautiCode> And it almost worked out until eh
[15:59:08] <Anniepoo> shouldn't pop - forces no larger than in normal use
[15:59:17] <Anniepoo> 8cD what happened?
[15:59:20] <BeautiCode> Wires to the motor ripped off before i could send it on its first drive
[15:59:22] <BeautiCode> https://m.imgur.com/a/GkZuJ
[15:59:24] <BeautiCode> ^
[16:00:22] <Anniepoo> awww
[16:00:46] <Anniepoo> give us a shot of the damage
[16:01:50] <Anniepoo> maybe it's fixable
[16:03:12] <Anniepoo> 8cD
[16:03:52] <Tom_L> ^^
[16:03:55] <Tom_L> what is that?
[16:06:40] <BeautiCode> Its fixable https://imgur.com/a/Vn1to i could just solder the wire back onto the 2 leads of the motor (which i did already try actually) but then something else happened and im still trying to figure out what...but current isnt flowing through my variable resistor anymore which i have to control the speed
[16:08:54] <Anniepoo> maybe you shorted it?
[16:09:33] <Anniepoo_> you burnt it ou
[16:09:35] <Anniepoo_> out
[16:09:58] <Anniepoo_> that variable resistor's not powerful enough to drive that motor, I think
[16:10:07] <Anniepoo_> it's probably 1/2 watt or something
[16:10:16] <Anniepoo_> 8cD your motor consumes several watts
[16:10:40] <Anniepoo_> afternoon Snert
[16:13:15] <Anniepoo_> 8cP
[16:13:35] <Anniepoo_> BeautiCode, did you get that?
[16:13:54] <Anniepoo_> 8c/ sorry to tell you, you fried your pot (variable resistor)
[16:14:21] <BeautiCode> Oh yeah sorry i was doing something i wasnt paying attention, yeah i got that
[16:14:48] <BeautiCode> hmm, im a bit surprised such a small motor can fry it
[16:15:14] <Anniepoo_> some components are 'power components'
[16:15:35] <Anniepoo_> and that pot's not one of them 8cD
[16:15:57] <Anniepoo_> though a 'bigger' pot like that can handle a little current
[16:16:05] <Anniepoo_> does it have a wattage stamped on back?
[16:16:38] <BeautiCode> Nope
[16:16:59] <BeautiCode> Just says "W.L" on one side, and "B5K" on the other
[16:19:00] <BeautiCode> The motor though, I was running 6v through it and iirc, it pulls around 250mA
[16:22:05] <BeautiCode> Oh
[16:22:08] <BeautiCode> Welcome back xD
[16:24:19] <Anniepoo__> 0.250 amp * 6 v = 1.5 watt
[16:24:26] <Anniepoo__> probably a half watt pot
[16:24:29] <Anniepoo__> 8cD
[16:24:46] <Anniepoo__> do you need the pot?
[16:25:05] <Anniepoo__> You might consider running on 4.5 volts
[16:26:16] <BeautiCode> Nah i dont need the pot, i just decided to put that instead of an on/off switch
[16:31:34] <Anniepoo__> ok, well, see, cardboard, and you're learning lots of stuff
[16:31:42] <Anniepoo__> power is heat
[16:33:39] <Anniepoo__> save money - strip a couple inches off end of solid wire. Make a little cardboard tab
[16:34:11] <Anniepoo__> with a wire brad or binding post or bolt and nut or whatever,
[16:34:43] <Anniepoo__> so it swings by one end on robot body
[16:35:06] <Anniepoo__> wrap wire around middle near other end.
[16:35:45] <Anniepoo__> wrap another bare wire around a cardboard square, hot glue so the wires touch when swung to one position
[16:36:07] <Anniepoo__> hot glue another cardboard square to limit arm's swing in other direction
[16:36:28] <Anniepoo__> tie rubber band to center, near handle end.
[16:36:57] <Anniepoo__> run back past the pivot and staple to body, stretched a bit
[16:37:04] <Anniepoo__> you now have an 'over center' device
[16:37:29] <Anniepoo__> the switch has to stretchthe rubber band to move from one position to the other
[16:37:43] <Anniepoo__> write 'On' and 'Off' with magic marker
[16:37:57] <Anniepoo__> for more artistic effect, decorate switch
[16:38:03] <Anniepoo__> things learned:
[16:38:09] <Anniepoo__> what an overcenter is
[16:40:16] <Anniepoo> turned my MTU down
[16:40:20] <BeautiCode> Wow, youre eveb teaching me how to make my own switch xD
[16:40:22] <Anniepoo> maybe I can stay on
[16:40:28] <Anniepoo> yup!
[16:40:40] <BeautiCode> How long you been doing this stuff?
[16:41:03] <Anniepoo> lets see
[16:41:44] <Anniepoo> I'm 58. I grew up making stuff - I learned what happened if you shorted a battery by burning a hole through mom's card table -
[16:42:01] <Anniepoo> I was probably 6 or 7
[16:43:01] <Anniepoo> Somebody gave me a book, "Experimental electronics for young people"
[16:43:07] <Anniepoo> I went nuts with it
[16:43:39] <Anniepoo> it had a series of experiments to do with a breadboard made from Fahnstock clips and octal sockets
[16:43:42] <Anniepoo> Tubes!
[16:44:22] <Anniepoo> people learn when they learn
[16:44:26] <Anniepoo> 8cD
[16:45:13] <BeautiCode> Wow, pretty cool :p
[16:45:26] <BeautiCode> So u do electronics stuff for a living now?
[16:45:41] <Anniepoo> I was working with a professsional artist on a project. She's flipping through illustration books saying 'we can do our thing like this, or like this one'
[16:45:48] <Anniepoo> showing allthese drawing styles
[16:46:01] <Anniepoo> and I'm like 'wait, you can draw like ANY of those?'
[16:46:04] <Anniepoo> she can indeed
[16:46:31] <Anniepoo> I've got a job 30 hrs/week as a logic programmer for an AI firm
[16:47:20] <Anniepoo> and I'm partners in an incubator for projects that intersect software and mechanical hardware, mostly manufactuing
[16:47:38] <Anniepoo> I used to work for a social robotics company and still call myself a social roboticist
[16:48:22] <Anniepoo> http://theelginworks.com
[16:48:28] <Anniepoo> http://theelginworks.com/
[16:50:04] <BeautiCode> Wow thats pretty man :D
[16:51:00] <BeautiCode> I want to work in the manufacturing/robotics industries one day
[16:51:11] <Anniepoo_> 8cD
[16:51:13] <Anniepoo_> keep going!
[16:51:57] <BeautiCode> Im 17 atm...I plan to go to college next year. Theres this university I've been accepted to, that offers Mechatronic Engineering
[16:52:07] <BeautiCode> Im thinking about going to that one
[16:53:25] <Anniepoo_> that sounds great!
[16:54:14] <BeautiCode> Yeah :p
[16:54:18] <Anniepoo_> advice - plan enough finances into your financial plans to keep building stuff
[16:54:31] <Anniepoo_> you're basically schooling yourself with your little robot
[16:55:57] <Anniepoo_> get basic tools. You don't need to have crazy tooling that rivals Boeing and Intel, but don't think of the robots as 'hobby, done in spare time with little money'
[16:59:18] <BeautiCode> Gotchya :p
[16:59:40] <BeautiCode> Im gonna try to save as much as possible so i can set aside for stuff like this
[17:00:03] <BeautiCode> Its kinda why I only applied to state universities, as apart of my plan to save as much money, but get the best education possible
[17:00:59] <deshipu> or you could move to a normal country that has free education
[17:02:25] <orlock> We used to have free education
[17:02:34] <orlock> now you have to pay the government back, eventually
[17:03:56] <BeautiCode> Heh, I wish it was easier in the US. The system sucks though
[17:04:26] <deshipu> nobody keeps you there
[17:04:35] <orlock> BeautiCode: We have a fair few mechantronics graduates here
[17:04:57] <orlock> Also lots of more traditional mechanical and electrican engineers
[17:07:31] <orlock> i wish i'd studied engineering
[17:08:03] <rue_house> he just wishes he could say "trust me, I'm an engineer, I know what I'm doing"
[17:08:37] <BeautiCode> Hah
[17:10:02] * Anniepoo_ has no clue what she's doing
[17:11:27] <BeautiCode> Are employers starting to prefer people with Mechatronics degrees or do they still want the traditional mechanical and electrical engineers?
[17:15:04] <Anniepoo_> Beauti- if you need to take electives and stuff, arts skills are always useful, and often are 'shop' skills
[17:17:46] <Anniepoo_> may be slow responding, I'm going to kick back and watch
[17:17:48] <Anniepoo_> TV
[17:18:39] <BeautiCode> Ah alright
[17:24:05] <rue_house> https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=trust+me+I%27m+an+engineer
[17:26:40] <rue_house> ooooo
[17:26:58] <rue_house> I think I just worked out how to make a 1 bit adc from a virtual signal
[17:28:22] <rue_house> low bandwidth, cause the bitrate is 1 bit is crazy
[17:28:29] <rue_house> *
[17:29:16] <orlock> 1 bit per what?
[17:29:27] <rue_house> 1 bit adc / dac
[17:29:38] <rue_house> like cd's use
[17:45:31] <rue_house> 2.8224 MHz
[17:46:05] <rue_house> er
[17:46:07] <rue_house> Not much that more than on audio CDs (0.7056 MBits net per channel)
[17:53:45] <Tom_L> you not doing saturday skool anymore?
[18:09:02] <rue_shop3> nobody comes
[18:09:18] <rue_shop3> and now the shop is all crammmed with stuff
[18:09:35] <rue_shop3> I have to get rid of 10% of the stuff from the shop, somehow
[18:10:17] <rue_shop3> its almost a continious freaking fight to stay awake
[18:10:25] <rue_shop3> which means I cant focus on doing anything
[18:10:45] <rue_shop3> I really need to work out how to make me digital
[18:23:07] <orlock> Eurgh
[18:23:41] <orlock> We borrowed somebodys large workshop fan - the head is about ~1m diameter
[18:23:58] <orlock> Looks like it's failed, shorted and tripped a breaker
[18:49:50] <Snert> who has the blame?
[18:50:40] <Snert> looks like your outfit at this point.
[19:37:31] <Parakoopa> Holllllla!
[20:54:09] <rue_shop3> wow, I smoked up the house good this time
[20:54:13] <rue_shop3> damn food
[20:54:34] <rue_shop3> orlock, yea, it broke when you had it, your up for fixing it