#robotics | Logs for 2017-01-06

[00:45:04] <rue_house> ok I need to write a proportionate controller for the spindle regulation
[00:45:14] <rue_house> error = AdcValue - tachCounter ;
[00:45:14] <rue_house> error /= 8;
[00:45:14] <rue_house> pwmvalue += error;
[00:45:17] <rue_house> something better than that
[00:45:31] <zhanx> warning no touch hands to it also
[00:45:41] <rue_house> esp since pwm is 8 bit unsigned and error is 16 bits signed
[00:45:52] <zhanx> umm yea
[00:47:21] <rue_house> Q&D, it was Q&D
[01:01:45] <rue_house> so, hmm
[01:02:21] <rue_house> I have a signed 16 bit number thats the error, and I need to adjust an unsigned 8 bit power control
[01:02:33] <rue_house> if I use an integrator
[01:05:49] <rue_house> yea I think I need to intregrate it
[10:22:24] <z64555> huh
[10:22:42] <z64555> Seeed is offering a New Years sale, a LIDAR unit
[10:24:06] <z64555> Its one of those "crowd buy" deals... I think it's a pre-order and after a certain date the manage buys the stock in bulk
[10:24:35] <z64555> which is how they're offering the discount: "Bigger discounts the more people join!"
[10:25:18] <z64555> https://www.seeedstudio.com/Crowdbuy-3.html?utm_source=mailchimp&utm_medium=edm&utm_campaign=new_0106
[10:27:25] <z64555> hm.
[10:35:59] <z64555> ok, this is the single sensor. essentially a "range finder"
[10:48:06] <zhanx> yep but the price
[10:48:55] <zhanx> 155 is a lot
[10:49:05] <zhanx> add thats if they get 100
[11:37:37] <z64555> How does it competetion look?
[11:37:46] <z64555> *its competition
[11:39:48] * z64555 looks on google
[11:40:08] <z64555> For that range, it seems to be a fair price with similar units
[11:40:21] <z64555> (not fair to us, the consumer, tho)
[11:44:28] <z64555> or it might, be...
[11:44:38] <z64555> I don't know what all goes into the manufacture of these things
[11:44:56] <z64555> the price hike may be due to the optics and calibrations
[16:25:48] <Ad0> hello
[16:34:08] <ace4016> hola
[16:34:12] <Ad0> :)
[16:34:41] <Ad0> you think it would be possible for a 9 cm tall platform to move 1 ton of mass?
[16:34:46] <Ad0> with electrical motors
[16:34:53] <Ad0> say you have 4 motors
[16:35:27] <Snert_> I'm sure 5,000 dung beetles could.
[16:35:31] <Ad0> 1 metric ton = 1000 kgs
[16:47:13] <ace4016> not sure what you mean by 9 cm platform and what the height of the platform has to do with moving an amount of mass
[16:48:55] <ace4016> and with enough gears you can lift the world :P
[17:07:14] <SpeedEvil> Energy = mass* gravity * height.
[17:07:51] <SpeedEvil> To lift 1000kg .09 meters in 10m/s^2 gravity needs 1000*.09*10 = 900J. So a 1W motor can do it in 900 seconds, or a 900W motor in 1s
[17:18:36] <z64555> yeah, that's what gearing effectively does
[17:19:47] <ace4016> gearing trades speed for torque or something along those lines
[17:20:52] <z64555> yes, speed/distance for effective torque
[17:21:42] <z64555> Motors are rated by power, and max torque output, IIRC
[17:22:21] <Ad0> ace4016: it's a requirement
[17:22:37] <Ad0> the platform can be 50 cm wide, 70 cm long, 9 cm high
[17:22:42] <Ad0> and it should handle 1000 kg
[17:22:53] <ace4016> as in the slab? or the entire lift system?
[17:22:59] <Ad0> the entire system
[17:23:04] <Ad0> is it even possible?
[17:23:11] <Ad0> I need battery too hehe
[17:23:21] <Ad0> would basically need a pancake battery LOL
[17:24:07] <z64555> Ad0 Can the lift be taller than 9cm when in operation?
[17:24:17] <ace4016> is 9 cm the height when it lifts?
[17:24:21] <Ad0> it can get taller when in operation
[17:24:26] <z64555> scissor jack
[17:24:29] <ace4016> sounds like a scissor system would work
[17:24:31] <ace4016> lol
[17:24:38] <z64555> :P
[17:24:39] <ace4016> z64555 is faster, i'll leave it to him
[17:24:50] <z64555> but but, I'm juse an EE
[17:24:55] <z64555> *just, even
[17:25:01] <Ad0> it just needs to get under something
[17:25:09] <Ad0> and 9 cm is the height
[17:25:34] <z64555> Look at scissor jacks, and floor jack mechanisms
[17:26:06] <z64555> both use a system of levers and linkages to expand/contract
[17:26:12] <Ad0> yeah
[17:26:25] <z64555> floor jacks use a piston as the motor, and scissor jacks use a screw
[17:26:35] <Ad0> but I don't need jacks though I just need to be able to transport something while having that form factor
[17:26:51] * z64555 facepalms
[17:27:08] <Ad0> a scissor jack would actually add to the height
[17:27:19] <Ad0> when collapsed even
[17:27:39] <z64555> the jack is the platform
[17:28:40] <SpeedEvil> Also, what floor
[17:28:47] <ace4016> mud
[17:28:48] <ace4016> :P
[17:28:49] <SpeedEvil> flat smooth concrete is almost trivial.
[17:28:58] <Ad0> flat concrete
[17:29:12] <Ad0> I am not gonna lift something up, just carry it
[17:29:28] <Ad0> so I thought of a steel frame with wheels and very low form factor parts
[17:29:31] <SpeedEvil> eight casters, 25mm plywood, job done.
[17:29:56] <Ad0> hehe
[17:30:15] <Ad0> it needs to move by itself so it would need to be motorized ones
[17:30:18] <Ad0> but yeah basically
[17:30:21] <z64555> nah
[17:30:32] <z64555> just need one or two powered wheels
[17:30:42] <z64555> put it at the front, the others can be casters
[17:30:58] <Ad0> ok
[17:31:29] <Ad0> http://www.casterconcepts.com/caster-wheels/drive-caster/
[17:31:57] <SpeedEvil> And do you actually need a completely flat slab, or can it have wheels that stick up beyond the stated dimensions
[17:32:11] <Ad0> they can just be outside
[17:32:13] <Ad0> or through
[17:32:26] <Ad0> I ahve some wiggle room there
[17:32:35] <Ad0> since the slab's area is more flexible
[17:33:25] <Ad0> lol that caster wheel seems to be more than strong enough
[17:36:16] <SpeedEvil> Looks fairly simple
[17:36:27] <SpeedEvil> solid axle carrying wheel, going to worm gear
[17:36:39] <SpeedEvil> worm gear driven by gear motor
[17:37:36] <SpeedEvil> 2m/s, 170W (1/4hp) = 80N = ~8kg force.
[17:38:21] <Ad0> yeah
[17:46:30] <Ad0> those looked sturdy as hell
[17:46:38] <Ad0> but maybe they would be > 9 cm height
[17:55:10] <SpeedEvil> Well, given it's 6 or 8" wheels, ...
[17:56:20] <Ad0> I did not see that anywhere
[17:58:42] <Ad0> also if they can pull so much it could work with one in the front and the rest are just dumb ones?
[17:59:01] <Ad0> maybe not enough traction?
[17:59:08] <Ad0> if going uphill or something
[18:03:31] <ace4016> traction is affected by the mass and properties of the wheels
[18:04:51] <ace4016> having one powered wheel means you're concentrating all the required power into one wheel, which also means a physically bigger motor
[18:07:18] <Ad0> yeah
[18:07:52] <Ad0> if the powered wheel slips you're screwed
[18:08:04] <SpeedEvil> It's flat smooth concrete only.
[18:08:22] <SpeedEvil> The platform needs to flex only a tiny amount in order for all wheels to remain in contact.
[18:08:42] <SpeedEvil> Plus, 8kg or so of thrust is a very small amount of force.
[18:09:06] <SpeedEvil> If you've got 1000kg, you have to try really hard to reduce the force on one wheel to under 10kg or so and get slippage
[18:10:22] <Ad0> yeah
[18:40:36] <Ad0> thank you :)
[18:53:20] <z64555> oh, the boring axis
[18:53:44] <z64555> and here I was all hyped on a jack/lift mechanism. :D
[18:58:26] <Ad0> hehe