#robotics | Logs for 2016-12-25

[00:18:34] <rue_shop3> the current sense is a mess
[00:19:38] <rue_shop3> I'm drop dead tired, how can it only be 10:00?
[00:40:14] <rue_shop3> bah, my alg for measuring the current around the pwm is a fail
[00:41:03] <rue_shop3> the pwm is 1Khz, I wonder how I get a good sample rate for the current measurements
[00:44:14] <rue_shop3> the adc resolution is 4.9mV
[00:44:52] <rue_shop3> the max anticipated raw current feedback votlage is 0.5V
[00:45:17] <rue_shop3> 100 counts
[01:02:06] <rue_shop3> odd, the motors in the servos are high inductance
[01:02:18] <rue_shop3> so, they behave differently current wise than my test motor
[01:02:28] <rue_shop3> the current is almost a linear ramp with the pwm
[01:02:37] <rue_shop3> __/|__
[01:02:50] <rue_shop3> the height of the peak is directly prop. to the load
[01:03:02] <rue_shop3> so I dont have to worry about averaging
[01:03:17] <rue_shop3> but, the measurements are still messy as all hell
[01:13:34] <z64555> what was your test motor?
[01:13:59] <z64555> er, rather, what's different between the test motor and the servo motors?
[01:17:07] <rue_shop3> a small motor from a cd player
[01:17:19] <rue_shop3> the servo motors are much higher inductance
[01:17:41] <rue_shop3> so the current ramp is almost linear
[01:17:53] <rue_shop3> the test mtoor looks like an RC charge curve
[01:30:18] <rue_house> I dont think I can make it the hour, happy holidays everyone!
[01:30:42] <Jak_o_Shadows> Merry Christmas!
[01:54:42] <z64555> merry christmas
[02:33:59] <rue_house> merry christmas!
[02:34:17] <rue_house> yay for screw politically correct when its just symnatic and people are being stupid!
[02:43:53] <Jak_o_Shadows> I wouldn't take offense if someone had a different greeting from a differet, less common religion, so deal.
[03:43:34] <rue_bed> ... like jedi?
[03:55:56] <deshipu> may He touch you with His noodly appendage
[14:02:17] <rue_house> been drinking a little much?
[14:10:44] <robotustra> little more?
[14:16:58] <deshipu> rue_house: see, do I have to be drinking to follow a religion different than yours?
[14:17:53] <rue_house> hu?
[14:18:14] <rue_house> who even said I'm religious, I'm offended!
[14:18:15] <rue_house> :)
[14:18:23] <robopal> you dont drink deshipu?
[14:18:44] <robotustra> omg, canadian are too fragile...
[14:18:59] <robotustra> I drink tee
[14:19:02] <robotustra> I drink tea
[14:19:12] <rue_house> hey, I drink tea too, lots of it
[14:19:52] <rue_house> I went on an aliexpress spending spree yesterday
[14:19:59] <rue_house> or today, might have been borderline
[14:20:21] <rue_house> found a bluetooth serial module, like $3
[14:25:19] <deshipu> rue_house: have you heard that they are banning tea?
[14:25:33] <deshipu> rue_house: Aliexpress, from next year
[14:26:16] <rue_house> I would never buy tea from aliexpress...
[14:26:34] <rue_house> or a replacement heart
[14:26:48] <deshipu> I do, they really know their tea
[14:27:05] <rue_house> food/china = scarry
[14:27:21] <deshipu> but you have no problem buying lipos in there
[14:27:32] <deshipu> rue_house: to be honest, canada's scarier
[14:27:49] <deshipu> a single meal = heart attack
[14:27:54] <rue_house> yea, but I wouldn't run myself on the lipo
[14:29:12] <veverak> you can just set your house on fire
[14:33:32] <robotustra> I want a replacement of whole body in 40-50 years
[14:35:05] <deshipu> rue_house: from China?
[14:35:12] <deshipu> robotustra: ^^
[14:35:39] <robotustra> hopefully from japan
[14:35:54] <robotustra> of better quality
[14:36:22] <deshipu> they still produce anythnig outside of porn and cartoons?
[14:37:50] <robotustra> dunno
[14:45:39] <z64555> figurines, too.
[14:46:10] <z64555> which is anywhere in the spectrum between "porn" and "cartoon"
[14:46:22] <z64555> :|
[14:46:52] <z64555> I need to find a better spot on the internet to browse
[14:50:50] <deshipu> z64555: tvtropes? :P
[19:38:07] <rue_shop3> well I put a bunch of time reworking a spring buckle keyboard, just to find out that its delete key has design isssues that make it stick
[19:38:18] <rue_shop3> I'll have to build a keyboard form scratch
[19:40:16] <rue_shop3> yea, bit of stiction in the keys
[19:40:18] <rue_shop3> thats no good
[19:41:15] <rue_shop3> the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
[19:41:17] <rue_shop3> ugh
[19:41:31] <rue_shop3> yea, they aren't happy keys
[19:41:44] <rue_shop3> drat
[19:59:25] <rue_shop3> huh looka that, a working model M sitting right here in the shop
[19:59:32] <rue_shop3> with a bad left shift key
[20:00:43] <Jak_o_Shadows> yo
[20:00:58] <Jak_o_Shadows> I have an old keyboard. Just using adapters it doesn't quite work - the spacebar
[20:04:20] <rue_shop3> I hate stickey keys
[20:04:44] <rue_shop3> I slipped an extra spring into it to help it return, but that'd be a point of annoyance
[20:05:01] <rue_shop3> maybe I'll try it for a while
[20:05:26] <rue_shop3> I have an idea on how to make up a keyboard using microsiwtches and a typewriter style mechanical arrangement
[20:05:34] <rue_shop3> stm32 keybaord?
[20:10:48] <rue_shop3> its a bit spacious
[20:11:10] <rue_shop3> its a later model M tho, not that super heavy case
[20:11:24] <rue_shop3> 1988
[20:12:16] <rue_shop3> heh 28 years old
[20:12:53] <rue_shop3> not many keybaords made that will hold up that long
[20:13:16] <rue_shop3> prices for spring buckle keybaords are insane
[20:13:31] <rue_shop3> k, hm
[20:13:32] <rue_shop3> hmm
[20:13:55] <rue_shop3> if I were making my own, I'd tone down the stroke distance tho
[20:14:25] <rue_shop3> what is it on this thing...
[20:15:25] <rue_shop3> 4mm
[20:15:32] <rue_shop3> normal keyboard is...
[20:15:59] <rue_shop3> 3mm, huh
[20:16:53] <rue_shop3> how would I know if I were the last person left on the planet?
[20:19:15] <z64555> you go looking
[20:20:10] <rue_shop3> yea..... I'm not super social
[20:20:48] <rue_shop3> I can tell I used to program with this keyboard, I wonder what stopped me
[20:21:11] <rue_shop3> I must have worn out like 6 keybaords in the last 16 years
[20:21:17] <rue_shop3> thats with servicing them
[20:23:53] <rue_shop3> with the arrangement of keys on a modern keyboard, the levers for the hammers come out to a spacing of about...5mm
[20:24:46] <rue_shop3> with all the computer-added keys conflicting
[20:25:37] <rue_shop3> hmm I dont know what computer I work on more
[20:27:51] <Tom_L> i've got a good pile of em on the shelf
[20:27:57] <Tom_L> tossed a few
[20:28:09] <rue_shop3> you know model M goes for about $100 online
[20:28:18] <Tom_L> never owned one
[20:28:28] <rue_shop3> oh typewriters?
[20:28:39] <Tom_L> kbd
[20:29:07] <Tom_L> my dad had an old old typewriter with the mechanical keys
[20:29:12] <Tom_L> open front
[20:29:50] <rue_shop3> look at the layout of the main keys, the letters are offset sideways so that each can have a lever going upwards without conflicting with the levers of other keys
[20:30:10] <rue_shop3> if you look at where each would be, its about a 5mm spacing
[20:31:32] <rue_shop3> the interesting thing is that china dosn't seem to sell any keybaords that work with all the keycaps they sell
[20:31:55] <Tom_L> https://jet.com/product/detail/41084a1f4795400b914078c766f7ca42?jcmp=pla:ggl:gen_home_garden_a2:decor_artwork_a2_top:na:PLA_348543420_24223176180_pla-164100356940:na:na:na:2&code=PLA15&ds_c=[*Campaign*]&ds_cid=[*CampagnID*]&ds_ag=[*Adgroup*]&product_id=41084a1f4795400b914078c766f7ca42&product_partition_id=164100356940&gclid=CPf96I_ikNECFQKUaQodoxYPlA
[20:31:57] <Tom_L> similar
[20:32:00] <rue_shop3> buckle spring switches are available for $3ea
[20:32:45] <rue_shop3> Poster Print by Clifford Faust
[20:32:48] <rue_shop3> its a picture
[20:33:09] <Tom_L> but that's what it looked like
[20:33:15] <rue_shop3> ah
[20:33:31] <rue_shop3> but you realize thats why our keybaords are laid out like they are?
[20:33:32] <Tom_L> http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NjI4WDc2NQ==/z/DlgAAOSwd4tTs9BJ/$_32.JPG?set_id=880000500F
[20:33:46] <rue_shop3> can you see how the letters offset to make room for the levers?
[20:33:53] <Tom_L> yep
[20:33:58] <rue_shop3> :)
[20:34:03] <rue_shop3> I think its funny
[20:34:16] <Tom_L> they could have bent them just the same
[20:34:34] <Tom_L> likely not as strong
[20:35:22] <Tom_L> i've used one of those
[20:36:51] <rue_shop3> much activity for you today?
[20:36:58] <Tom_L> zero
[20:37:15] <Tom_L> got a head cold
[20:44:05] <Tom_L> you?
[20:46:12] <rue_shop3> na
[20:46:21] <rue_shop3> slept in
[20:46:23] <Tom_L> go to ma's?
[20:49:59] <rue_shop3> no, din't go anywhere
[20:51:06] <Tom_L> got up about 10 and haven't done much at all
[20:51:26] <Tom_L> except go thru a couple kleenex boxes
[21:09:21] <rue_house> wow, I still ahve like $12 left of my christmas bonus to spend on aliexpress
[21:17:17] <rue_house> https://www.aliexpress.com/item/cnc-1610-diy-cnc-engraving-machine-mini-Pcb-Pvc-Milling-Machine-Wood-Carving-machine-cnc-router/32720168989.html
[21:17:24] <rue_house> who can spot the 3d printed parts?
[21:21:48] <rue_house> I wonder if I can 3d print a ball guide to slip into a pipe to make a 1" linear bearing
[21:24:01] <rue_house> I wonder if I'm insane
[21:24:10] <rue_house> I could help you answer that
[21:24:12] <rue_house> SHUTUP!
[21:26:42] <rue_house> http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:415285
[21:26:43] <rue_house> cooooool
[21:26:55] <rue_house> I just need it for 25.4mm tube
[21:27:23] <rue_house> http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:943122
[21:27:28] <Tom_L> how'd the pendant turn out?
[21:27:35] <rue_house> perfect
[21:27:52] <rue_house> next I need to make a power/signal adapter for connecting it right to the computer
[21:28:01] <rue_house> (rs232 to usb and a 12V power supply)
[21:28:59] <rue_house> http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1424808
[21:29:25] <Tom_L> i've seen similar of those befroe
[22:18:26] <rue_house> aha, sound player is a good project
[22:18:43] <rue_house> 8 bit 8Khz, mono
[22:19:05] <rue_house> 64kbits/sec
[22:19:22] <rue_house> so a 512K rom is good for...
[22:20:01] <rue_house> 8 seconds
[22:20:15] <rue_house> sure, thats a start
[22:24:52] <rue_house> have to make an adc anyhow, I could just use a tiny26 and output directly, use a 512 serial eeprom
[22:27:58] <rue_house> haha china says the ds1307 is a 512k eeprom, it a 512 bit eeprom
[22:31:26] <rue_house> geez bios flash chips are cheap
[22:35:33] <Tom_L> isn't that a rtc?
[22:38:01] <Tom_L> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/misc_stuff/RTC3.jpg
[22:53:36] <anonnumberanon> has anyone of you ever used a circular buffer? are they nice?
[23:54:08] <mrdata-> anonnumberanon, a ring buffer? yeah, i like them