#robotics | Logs for 2016-12-23

[00:07:22] <rue_shop3> hmmm
[00:07:34] <rue_shop3> got that "new" cnc going
[00:07:49] <rue_shop3> atleast the electronics work
[00:08:52] <rue_shop3> need a better spindle motor, with speed control
[00:09:09] <rue_shop3> need another pendant... where are my parts from china?
[00:13:36] <Jak_o_Shadows> Probably on a boat
[00:22:07] <rue_house> I bet their on the floor beside a conveyor in a canada post automated sorting facility
[02:45:58] <rue_shop3> :/ openscad has no torus primitive
[02:46:08] <rue_shop3> W.T.F.?
[03:07:24] <Jak_o_Shadows1> Can you revole/rotate objects in openscad?
[03:20:24] <Triffid_Hunter> Jak_o_Shadows1: of course, with rotate() module..
[03:21:25] <Triffid_Hunter> Jak_o_Shadows1: eg rotate([0, 0, $t * 360]) cube(); then hit animate
[03:32:46] <Jak_o_Shadows1> oh, makes sense
[04:42:48] <rue_house> yea
[04:43:14] <rue_house> just make sure NOT to put a ; right after the rotate
[15:22:16] <Limix> Hi all, can anyone help me calculate the output torque if I go: servo 12.83/in-lb -> 70:1 gearbox 1040/in-lb -> 6:1 screw jack
[15:22:37] <Limix> If there are any good tutorials on calculating these types of conversions
[15:23:31] <deshipu> wtf is in-lb?
[15:24:16] <deshipu> in any case, just multiply it and subtract any efficiency loses
[15:29:32] <Snert> inch pounds.
[15:29:45] <ace4016> pound-inch?
[15:30:23] <Snert> there's a conversion over to newton meters too.
[15:30:39] <Anniepoo> well, it's in english already
[15:31:06] <Anniepoo> Limix, you just need to know the relationship of linear movement of the jack to 1 turn
[15:31:48] <Limix> http://joycedayton.com/products/machine-screw-jacks/5-ton-machine-screw-jack
[15:31:57] <Limix> the: WJT65
[15:32:02] <Limix> that’s the one I was looking at
[15:32:21] <Limix> Here’s the servo: http://www.animatics.com/products/animatics/nema-34-3400-series/sm34165dt.html
[15:32:28] <Limix> and the gearbox: http://www.animatics.com/products/smartmotor/animatics/high-performance-planetary-gearheads/hp-nema-34-series.html
[15:32:32] <Limix> the 70:1
[15:33:05] <Limix> If I ran the servo at 3500rpm, what kind of force would I get out the screw jack?
[15:33:23] <rue_shop3> depends on the torque you put in
[15:33:40] <Limix> so the torque spec at 3500rpm is: 12 in-lbs
[15:34:21] <Limix> Smartmore Continuous Torque : 12.83 in-lb
[15:34:24] <rue_shop3> 6:1 screw jack? they dont have ratios....
[15:34:53] <rue_shop3> is the screw jack 100% efficient? (is it an acedemic jack?)
[15:35:09] <rue_shop3> are we working with sphereical cows here?
[15:35:22] <Limix> The screw jack: TARE TORQUE (INCH LBS.) - 10
[15:35:41] <Limix> 23% effecient
[15:35:52] <rue_shop3> k...
[15:36:04] <Limix> OPERATING TORQUE (INCH LBS.): .044W* @ 300 RPM
[15:36:12] <rue_shop3> somewhere I have a formula for drive screws
[15:36:14] <Limix> What does that mean?
[15:36:25] <rue_shop3> I wonder what the effective pitch is
[15:36:31] <Limix> Ok: *W: Load in pounds.
[15:36:41] <Limix> .375 pitch
[15:36:41] <Limix> STUB
[15:36:42] <Limix> ACME
[15:37:00] <rue_shop3> but then its in a scicor arrangement isn't it?
[15:37:24] <Limix> Joyce 5-ton worm gear machine screw jacks lift and precisely position loads. Upright or inverted, these jacks operate at full capacity in tension or compression and are available in Translating, Keyed for non-rotation and KFTN designs. WJT, single lead jacks are self-locking. DWJ, double lead jacks offer increased travel speed and require a brake or external locking device to hold position.
[15:37:28] <Limix> that’s the description
[15:37:34] <rue_shop3> I wonder if the scicor is 1:1
[15:38:23] <Limix> hm. not sure, I don’t even know what scicor means
[15:38:28] <rue_shop3> x
[15:38:40] <rue_shop3> sometimes an inverse one <>
[15:39:44] <Limix> so does: OPERATING TORQUE (INCH LBS.) .044W* @ 300 RPM
[15:39:57] <Limix> mean that I need to run this at 300rpm?
[15:40:02] <rue_shop3> no
[15:40:07] <rue_shop3> it can go up to 300rpm
[15:40:10] <Limix> I see
[15:40:18] <rue_shop3> .375 inch pitch?
[15:40:23] <Limix> yes
[15:41:13] <rue_shop3> 2.66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666667 tpi
[15:41:25] <Limix> what is tpi?
[15:41:33] <rue_shop3> teeth per inch
[15:41:36] <Limix> I see
[15:41:44] <rue_shop3> or threads, whatever
[15:42:12] <Limix> So with the motor and gearbox, I can get 50rpm right?
[15:42:17] <Limix> 3500 / 70
[15:42:28] <Limix> 70:1 gearbox
[15:42:57] <rue_shop3> how much weight do you need to lift?
[15:43:05] <Limix> 2000-3000lbs
[15:43:51] <rue_shop3> at 100% eff, you need 179inch-lbs
[15:43:58] <rue_shop3> so
[15:44:22] <rue_shop3> 778 inch-lbs
[15:44:25] <Limix> The gearhead says: Continuous Output Torque (@ 3500rpm input (in-lbs)) : 1040
[15:45:02] <Limix> so at 23% effectiency for the wormgear
[15:45:12] <Limix> would that be enough at 50rpm?
[15:45:21] <rue_shop3> 778 inch-lbs with the 23%
[15:45:40] <Limix> Oh I see
[15:45:41] <rue_shop3> well, whats the gearbox eff?
[15:45:47] <Limix> ok great so more than enough right?
[15:46:02] <Limix> it’s not saying, it just says that the output torque is that much
[15:46:09] <Limix> http://www.animatics.com/products/smartmotor/animatics/high-performance-planetary-gearheads/hp-nema-34-series.html
[15:46:10] <rue_shop3> ok, lets assume 80%
[15:46:23] <Limix> ah ok I see it
[15:46:30] <Limix> it says 95-90
[15:46:34] <Limix> 85-90
[15:46:51] <rue_shop3> so, 11.11 inch lbs in @ 100% eff
[15:47:12] <rue_shop3> 13.88 inch-lbs on the motor
[15:47:26] <rue_shop3> I did 80%
[15:47:29] <rue_shop3> so, whatever
[15:47:30] <Limix> motor says 12.83 out
[15:47:33] <Limix> ok
[15:47:38] <rue_shop3> eek
[15:47:50] <rue_shop3> I'd suggest a motor rated for 28 inch-lbs
[15:48:13] <Limix> so what if I need to do just 2000lbs, will this do?
[15:48:22] <rue_shop3> your motor will work, but it'll be running at over 100% capacity (which motors do)
[15:48:44] <rue_shop3> 2000lbs would be 66%
[15:48:52] <Limix> just so I understand this calculation, could you possible write out how you calculated this?
[15:49:03] <rue_shop3> 9 inch-lbs
[15:50:26] <rue_shop3> http://bfy.tw/96hZ
[15:51:31] <rue_shop3> ?
[15:52:05] <Limix> thank you
[15:52:13] <Limix> sorry if that was a stupid question
[15:52:17] <rue_shop3> naaa
[15:52:30] <rue_shop3> I cheated, I have a formula around somwhere
[16:00:10] <rue_shop3> your design is close, but your gonna also wanna look at the speed
[16:00:23] <rue_shop3> hmm
[16:00:31] <rue_shop3> it might be slow as all hell
[16:04:07] <z64555> scicor? scissor?
[16:07:53] <rue_shop3> yup
[18:08:43] <Anniepoo> 8cD Installing Raspbian
[18:37:34] <Anniepoo> anybody know the default pw for user pi on a RPI3?
[18:37:45] <deshipu> raspberry
[18:39:12] <Anniepoo> thanks
[18:39:15] <Anniepoo> 8cD
[18:58:22] <Anniepoo> I'd like to use an ultrasonic ranging system with my social robot.
[18:58:55] <Anniepoo> has anybody found a good acoustically transparent 'radome' type material for this sensor?
[18:59:17] <Anniepoo> (it's the usual ultrasonic sensor sold for hobbyist robotics use)
[19:02:59] <z64555> I don't think there is.
[19:03:27] <z64555> If you're trying to water proof the sensor, it'll have to be very thin and flexible
[19:04:24] <z64555> or you could try something like an oilcloth, where air can get through
[19:06:07] <z64555> If not, you'll want to try making a parabolic or spherical shape with the emitter/reciever at its focus
[19:07:09] <deshipu> Anniepoo: why not an optical sensor instead?
[19:07:28] <deshipu> like the sharp ones
[19:07:46] <Anniepoo> hmm....
[19:07:55] <Anniepoo> link?
[19:07:58] <deshipu> they are faster too
[19:08:05] <z64555> I still can't get over how expensive they still are -_-
[19:08:17] <Anniepoo> and I don't need waterproof, I need it hidden
[19:08:29] <Anniepoo> it's a social robot, looks like a cute furry animal on outside
[19:08:41] <deshipu> GP2Y0A21YK0F
[19:08:48] <deshipu> is the most common one
[19:08:50] <deshipu> and the cheapest
[19:08:50] <z64555> any old cloth shall do then
[19:09:22] <deshipu> but there is also stuff like the vl6180
[19:09:35] <deshipu> more expensive, but much more accurate and only needs a pinhole
[19:09:44] <z64555> maybe hide the sensor as the eyes or nose holes
[19:09:56] <Anniepoo> well, with the acoustic I'm wondering if it'd find the cloth
[19:10:19] <deshipu> there is also VL53L0 for larger range
[19:11:31] <z64555> Anniepoo: nah, it'll just muffle a bit. fuzziness is more of a factor
[19:11:55] <z64555> so cloth, or some foam. think of the stuff they use on microphones
[19:12:50] <z64555> If you put the cloth right up against the emitter, the receiver won't detect any echoes
[19:13:47] <z64555> and if the cloth is loose, it won't transmit sound along the threads
[19:14:07] <z64555> think of it as a rather crappy kevlar vest. :)
[19:14:08] <Anniepoo> microphone foam's on there precisely because it's not acoustically transparent
[19:15:02] <Anniepoo> I need to scan the sensor, and don't want that visible on the outside, so that kills the eyes/nose solution
[19:15:07] <deshipu> it will change your readings, yes
[19:15:12] <deshipu> but it won't give echoes
[19:15:23] <Anniepoo> hmm...
[19:15:34] <z64555> right, it'll just reduce the effective range a tad
[19:15:53] <deshipu> unless it's a bit further away from the sensor
[19:15:58] <deshipu> then there might be problems
[19:16:04] <z64555> it's SNR would go down
[19:16:11] <Anniepoo> we had this GP2Y0A21YK0F sensor on the R25 at Robokind. I didn't find it very accurate at all
[19:16:28] <deshipu> Anniepoo: no, it's not, it's the cheapest thing you can get
[19:16:36] <deshipu> Anniepoo: it measures reflection
[19:16:49] <deshipu> Anniepoo: the VL53L0 and vl6180 measure time of flight
[19:16:56] <deshipu> Anniepoo: like a sonar, but with light
[19:17:03] <Anniepoo> I see
[19:17:11] <Anniepoo> well, cheap's not so important
[19:17:15] <Anniepoo> (within reason)
[19:17:35] <deshipu> I can see breakouts for VL53L0 at aliexpress for $9
[19:17:54] <deshipu> ah, one more thing, it's i2c
[19:18:09] <deshipu> so saving pins :)
[19:19:21] <Anniepoo> https://www.sparkfun.com/products/13959
[19:19:24] <deshipu> note: it's IR, so plexi is not transparent for it
[19:19:42] <deshipu> and most acrylic neither
[19:19:57] <Anniepoo> right, but I can get the IR transparent plastic
[19:20:42] <z64555> Anniepoo: btw, how'd the snail shape up?
[19:21:16] <Anniepoo> it's become this project
[19:21:30] <z64555> so its... a fluffy snail?
[19:21:56] <Anniepoo> yes, well, it stopped being a snail at some point in there
[19:22:12] <Anniepoo> it's become just a hedgehog like critter
[19:23:14] <Anniepoo> anybody tried one of these?
[19:23:15] <Anniepoo> https://www.sparkfun.com/products/639
[19:26:21] <z64555> oh its a single sounder
[19:27:06] <Anniepoo> bet it's slow
[19:32:17] <deshipu> sound is slow in general
[19:36:42] <Anniepoo> that's generally OK
[19:37:21] <deshipu> I think the fastest distance sensors are touch-based ;)
[19:37:39] <z64555> As long as your snail is significantly slower than 300m/s, you should be OK
[19:37:55] <deshipu> hypersonic snails!
[19:37:59] <z64555> snail/hedgehog thing
[19:39:14] <Anniepoo> yah, I think my snail will be slower than that
[19:39:23] <Anniepoo> Hmm... people are liking the idea of a snail
[19:39:39] <Anniepoo> since it's a social robot, that's actually a valuable consideration
[19:40:27] <deshipu> add face/eyes recognition and make it squirt slime in the eyes
[19:40:52] <deshipu> mix in some chilli powder for better impact
[19:40:55] <Anniepoo> no
[19:42:26] <Anniepoo> I have been looking for additional ways the robot can interact with humans
[19:42:54] <Anniepoo> it's goign to be expressive, and make sounds
[19:45:47] <z64555> oh! Should have an audio macro that says "Pass the salt"
[19:46:08] <z64555> or maybe "Hold the salt"
[19:47:30] <Anniepoo> lol
[19:48:00] <Anniepoo> it'll be, at least for a while, a web bot
[19:49:06] <Anniepoo> is there a program in Raspbian I can use to check my camera's working?
[19:50:07] <Anniepoo> one reason I went away from a snail, snails don't have that many stories to tell
[19:51:32] <Anniepoo> something like 'cheese'?
[19:54:35] <Anniepoo> nvm, got it working from python
[19:54:38] <Anniepoo> 8cD
[19:58:38] <Anniepoo> LOL - ok, this is all a hoot
[20:27:40] <Anniepoo> wiring up a servo. back in a bit
[20:59:24] <Anniepoo> the thing I hate about working on hardware - having fun, now stopped because I don't have the right plug for the socket on my power supply
[20:59:27] <Anniepoo> 8cP
[22:04:55] <Anniepoo> 8cP find connector, and for some bizarre reason have no output on the jacks
[22:36:06] <Anniepoo> reason turns out to be that the connector's the right size on the outside, but wrong size on inside
[22:42:28] <rue_bed> its not a chineese standard barrel?
[22:44:16] <Anniepoo> guess not.
[22:44:58] <Anniepoo> either the car charger I cut the connector off of or the battery pack isn't
[22:45:25] <Anniepoo> in frustration at not having the right one, seemingly ever, I just got on mouser and ordered a mass of them
[22:45:34] <Anniepoo> 8cD now I gotta wait
[22:50:28] <rue_bed> if your like I am, you will find one in the meantime
[22:51:04] <rue_bed> go to the adapters box and cut an end of an adapter your not quite sure you want to, but will probably never use
[22:51:53] <rue_bed> I keep a ziplock bag of all the ends that were taken off in favor ofother ends and off adapters that died
[22:52:10] <rue_bed> nothing like finding out an adapter you killed just had a bad connector
[22:52:58] <rue_bed> aparently I'v gathered a surplus of dell laptop adapters
[22:53:04] <rue_bed> stupid 19.5V
[22:53:45] <rue_bed> hmm, am I awake?
[22:54:13] * rue_bed waits to see if something impossable happens
[22:54:28] <Anniepoo> yes, I got the connector that didn't work by cutting it off an old cigarette adapter
[22:54:46] <rue_bed> hah, good one
[22:55:04] <rue_bed> ready to try drilling out the wrong half yet? that never works...
[22:55:23] <Anniepoo> there's one on a very nice looking power supply, but I'm reluctant to cut it off, esp. since the connector is large and I'd want to replace it when the ones I ordered show up
[22:55:43] <rue_bed> in a month...
[22:56:16] <rue_bed> hmm, regulated chaos...
[22:56:26] <rue_bed> feedback regulated chaos...
[22:56:54] <Anniepoo> next thursday, supposedly
[22:56:56] <Anniepoo> 8cP
[22:57:07] <Anniepoo> but yah, I kinda wanted it tonight
[23:02:38] <rue_house> what will be the next thing once you get it
[23:03:10] <rue_house> - force feedback servo driver
[23:03:18] <rue_house> - buckle keyboard
[23:03:38] <Anniepoo> whats a buckle keyboard?
[23:04:02] <Anniepoo> when I get it - getting the servos up and running
[23:04:02] <rue_house> spring buckle keyboard?
[23:04:07] <Anniepoo> ah
[23:04:15] <rue_house> now work on force feedback like me!
[23:04:27] <Anniepoo> too many cool areas
[23:04:36] <Anniepoo> haptics would be interesting
[23:05:22] <rue_house> like the model M
[23:05:27] <Anniepoo> model M?
[23:06:33] <rue_house> its a 1980's keybaord that is still the best one ever
[23:06:38] <rue_house> less its outdated protocol
[23:07:07] <rue_house> they use capacitive flaps, they never wear out
[23:07:30] <rue_house> when they click, you have DEFINITLY make contact with the key
[23:07:44] <rue_house> unlike the mushy keybaords today that might have not-quite taken your strike
[23:08:52] <Anniepoo> need a keyboard with a solenoid motor under each key, so you can dynamically control the force feedback
[23:09:02] <rue_house> heh
[23:09:59] <rue_house> https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Low-Price-10pcs-Lot-3-Pin-Tact-Switch-Sensitive-Microswitch-With-Round-Handle-KW11-3Z-5A/32700243989.html
[23:10:05] <Tom_L> keyboards that don't weigh 10lbs are no good
[23:10:10] <rue_house> I was thinking of making a keyboard with one of those for each key
[23:10:25] <rue_house> oh yea, you can kill someone with a model M
[23:10:44] <rue_house> solid aluminum frame and THICK HARD case
[23:10:52] <Tom_L> i've got 2 northgate omnikey i like
[23:11:12] <rue_house> yea, I dont want to pay even $120 for a keybaord
[23:11:16] <Tom_L> cherry switches
[23:11:17] <Anniepoo> sometimes it's hard to know what will be good
[23:11:36] <Anniepoo> I have this insanely cheap 'amazon basics' no name keyboard that I really like
[23:11:43] <rue_house> I have a cherry keyboard made in germany and its crap, the keys are all jamming
[23:12:00] <Tom_L> most of mine are $3 keyboards
[23:12:03] <rue_house> I'm using a common dell L100, which is a nice shape
[23:12:15] <Tom_L> they last about that long too
[23:12:19] <rue_house> but its starting to fail
[23:15:45] <Tom_L> rue
[23:15:54] <Tom_L> did you see the latest log enhancements?
[23:15:54] <Anniepoo> I've fought tenosynovitus off and on
[23:16:22] <Anniepoo> at one point I was having a flare up, and needed away from the mouse
[23:16:37] <Anniepoo> I got a tablet, which was great as a pointing device
[23:16:44] <Anniepoo> (wacom style tablet)
[23:17:01] <Anniepoo> but the button on the pen REALLY aggrevated my TS
[23:17:22] <Anniepoo> so I needed a big replacement for the buttons
[23:17:33] <Anniepoo> found a race car game wheel with a shifter
[23:18:01] <Anniepoo> wired all this up with Java Robot class and the Java joystick lib (very hackable libs)
[23:18:49] <Anniepoo> and I get it working, realize I'm getting the wheel data anyway, so I wire it to the mouse scroll wheel
[23:19:12] <Anniepoo> this turns out to be nifty. I can grab the wheel and scroll to a spot in a file much faster
[23:20:03] <Anniepoo> I fantasized about hacking the IDE so I'd be able to feel textures in the code by force feedback, but it never happened
[23:21:35] <Anniepoo> dumb question - when the robot boots up, it'd be nice to be able to ssh into it, but it's connecting to the office wifi. So I don't know it's IP addy
[23:21:43] <Anniepoo> how do people get around this?
[23:22:09] <Anniepoo> I could have it call some server and hand it the ip, obviosuly, but that seems kind of a hacky solution
[23:25:09] <rue_house> Tom_L, with the calandar
[23:26:23] <rue_house> Anniepoo, intersting, have an image of that one?
[23:26:51] <rue_house> Anniepoo, have it register a name with the local ns
[23:27:09] <rue_house> or have it push its address to a file on the web
[23:27:50] <rue_house> I suppose if you set it up with samba (or whatever they call it now) it'll work for MS machines
[23:32:18] <Anniepoo> yes, having it register a name on local net is the correct solution
[23:32:19] <Anniepoo> 8cD
[23:32:46] <Anniepoo> and no, sadly, no pix
[23:33:12] <Anniepoo> after I set it up I wondered if I could benefit from other hardware additions to my dev environment,
[23:33:44] <Anniepoo> so I tried various controls - a joystick with HOTAS buttons, foot pedals, etc.
[23:34:07] <rue_house> when I was a programmer I was making a 'foot-mouse'
[23:34:17] <Anniepoo> nothing really had the utility of the original
[23:34:18] <rue_house> which, now could just be done with a optic mouse on a shoe adapter
[23:34:28] <Anniepoo> Oh! they used to make one of those, I remember it
[23:34:35] <rue_house> with a 'below spacebar' button arragement
[23:34:40] <Anniepoo> and I've made a few foot keyboards for friends
[23:34:50] <rue_house> yea, but I thought of it before optic mice existed
[23:35:09] <Anniepoo> I used to work in Second Life.
[23:35:24] <rue_house> valve?
[23:35:28] <Anniepoo> to run the SL viewer you have to chord ctrl-alt-shift
[23:35:38] <Anniepoo> no, i worked for the univ of houston
[23:35:46] <Anniepoo> ran their VW education program
[23:35:55] <rue_house> hmm
[23:36:20] <Anniepoo> met several people who were being forced out of the SL world by strokes that made that chording difficult
[23:36:48] <Anniepoo> so I made them special keyboards, with 3 pedals, you could chord
[23:38:31] <rue_house> windows, when presented with multiple keybaords, just takes the input from them all the same
[23:38:45] <rue_house> you can make a 1 key ctrl-alt-delete keyoard...
[23:39:04] <rue_house> hah, with, no less a momentary 3 pole button!
[23:40:32] <rue_house> which... dont exist on ali express..
[23:40:51] <rue_house> <rue_house> - force feedback servo driver
[23:40:51] <rue_house> <rue_house> - buckle keyboard
[23:41:02] <rue_house> its only 9:00 I have to stay focused
[23:41:08] <rue_house> hahahaha butterly!!!!
[23:47:09] <rue_house> I wish the beans on the top would get up to temp before the ones on the bottom burned
[23:48:29] * rue_house sneaks up behind CrazyEddy and says "SALE!"