#robotics | Logs for 2016-12-22

[01:32:54] <pokmo> Triffid_Hunter, should i be turning the servo 10 degrees every 40ms with a load on it? would it be too much stress?
[02:05:22] <Triffid_Hunter> pokmo: depends, what are the specs of the servo? is it rated at 0.36s/90°?
[06:38:47] <pokmo> Triffid_Hunter, it's rated at 0.10s/60˚
[10:45:14] <SpeedEvil> Todays thought of the day.
[10:45:31] <SpeedEvil> A crowd control shibari robot.
[11:17:32] <rue_bed> how about a police control robot, who is the bigger agressor here?
[11:53:20] <z64555> That's simple, who has the bigger water cannon?
[11:54:41] <z64555> oh. that's what shibari is
[11:55:21] <z64555> nah, forget all of that complex nonsense and just go with a lasso and hog-tie
[11:56:04] <Anniepoo> morning all
[12:12:34] <z64555> blah, Wikipedia isn't specific on the kinds of knots suitable for hog-tieing
[12:18:53] <z64555> ugh, I'm just gonna stop searching for an answer to that
[12:36:31] <rue_house> random project
[12:36:33] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/wallclock/slide.htm
[12:38:15] <rue_house> I should have done the power cord recessed out the back at an angle down
[12:39:29] <rue_house> not scanned, no flicker!
[15:51:22] <ace4016> z64555, lol...found things you would rather not have?
[16:10:09] <z64555> It appears the recreational usage is more... popular... than the functional usage
[16:10:39] <z64555> I am not amused by this
[16:37:50] <rue_house> you can never unsee something.
[16:48:30] <deshipu> actually you can
[16:48:40] <deshipu> you can prevent your short term memory from commiting
[16:48:55] <deshipu> copious amounts of vodka have that effect
[16:49:02] <deshipu> but you only have 20 minutes to do it
[16:49:45] <rue_house> z64555, ^^ you heard him
[16:50:29] <rue_house> my linear slide arrived today :)))
[16:50:36] <rue_house> its cooooool
[16:53:10] <deshipu> SpeedEvil: those already exist
[16:53:13] <deshipu> SpeedEvil: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reaper-binder
[16:53:51] <rue_house> so do frogs, for now
[17:56:24] <z64555> I have problems with memory to begin with
[17:56:37] <z64555> so, unseeing something isn't too difficult to do
[17:57:01] <z64555> it'll just resurface in like, 20 years
[19:32:57] <SpeedEvil> https://youtu.be/WEGpq3qFPlc?t=178 - how to fix bulged batteries