#robotics | Logs for 2016-12-19

[00:06:56] <orlock> heh
[00:06:57] <orlock> https://www.aliexpress.com/item/DIY-Wood-Lathe-Mini-Lathe-Machine-Polisher-Table-Saw-for-polishing-Cutting/32517511971.html?spm=2114.01010208.3.371.fynbwy&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_5_10065_10068_10084_10083_10080_10082_10081_10060_10061_10062_10056_10055_10054_10059_10099_10078_10079_427_10073_10103_10102_10096_10052_10050_10051,searchweb201603_1&btsid=ffb327e1-6b7a-4801-864a-76af49aad472
[00:06:59] <orlock> cute
[00:07:08] <orlock> $30 lathe
[00:07:13] <orlock> "lathe"
[00:58:48] <Jak_o_Shadows> AND cutting disk thing
[01:00:01] <Jak_o_Shadows> If it weren't for shipping, I'd say it's good value, in terms of the parts you actually get
[01:00:14] <Jak_o_Shadows> (Not that I'm saying it'se useful)
[02:21:52] <AlienCat> Hello guys, I was searching for open source robots but I could not find any
[02:22:24] <AlienCat> are there no open source robot
[02:22:49] <AlienCat> with open source I mean I basically could build it by my own
[02:23:06] <Jak_o_Shadows> There's a ton of open source robots, but like, what are you calling a robot?
[02:24:58] <AlienCat> something with an artifcial intelligence that can walk around on its own, like a pet or something
[02:27:14] <Jak_o_Shadows> The artificial intelligence thing is the hard bit...
[02:27:43] <ib0t> it depends what is meant with artificial intelligence
[02:27:43] <Jak_o_Shadows> Like, you could make http://stubby.digitalcave.ca/stubby/
[02:27:46] <Jak_o_Shadows> true
[02:28:37] <ib0t> a robot that drives around a flat and dont hit obstacles with the help of a cheap distance sensor is for some people an intelligent robot
[02:30:11] <AlienCat> I have seen such things and thought it was cool
[02:31:22] <AlienCat> just woundering what open source projects existing today
[02:33:11] <AlienCat> some have make stuff with different "moods" and "preferences"
[02:34:06] <AlienCat> I even saw a video of one chasing a dog but I am pretty sure it is rigged
[02:37:55] <ib0t> it depends, take a toy car, make it controllable by a computer (for example rasperry pi) mount a webcam, use opencv for color blob detection and make your experiments in a room that has no dog colors
[02:38:37] <ib0t> it would be a very easy robot that can follow a dog but it does not work in every condition
[02:39:15] <rue_house> got the tree up with two minutes to spare
[02:40:48] <AlienCat> intressting
[02:41:33] <AlienCat> there are many ai projects
[02:42:25] <AlienCat> I guess the difficult part is to make the ai process the opencv info and make a movement decition
[02:42:51] <AlienCat> I do not think there are many such projects
[02:42:59] <AlienCat> not open source ones that it
[02:43:33] <rue_house> there are a lot of ai projects, because, when you ask people "what is the goal" nobody can come up with an answer
[02:43:43] <AlienCat> Why did I bail out the ai cource?
[02:46:30] <AlienCat> well it looks like I am pretty much on my own then
[02:46:46] <rue_house> doyou have a goal?
[02:47:32] <Jak_o_Shadows> Nice rue.
[02:48:00] <AlienCat> not something I can puit in one sentence
[02:48:21] <AlienCat> But I guess it would be something like
[02:48:47] <rue_house> well, one of the things you learn quick about coding is that it cant happen properly without a good design
[02:49:09] <AlienCat> A robotic pet who can make simple decitions and overcome obstacles
[02:49:29] <rue_house> ah
[02:49:37] <rue_house> ok
[02:49:54] <rue_house> so, now we need to know some parameters
[02:50:13] <rue_house> there are two in particular..
[02:50:21] <rue_house> but its 12:30am and I cant think
[02:50:30] <rue_house> otherwise I'd love to help
[02:50:37] <AlienCat> okay laters then
[02:50:58] <AlienCat> Thanks for not telling me I am a fool
[02:51:20] <AlienCat> off for work now
[03:00:26] <rue_house> ?
[03:00:33] <rue_house> ai isn't foolish
[03:00:35] <rue_house> ..
[03:00:40] <rue_house> nor is making friends...
[10:58:22] <AlienCat> I am back
[11:00:00] <AlienCat> I was talking about AI robots on the morning, I was woundering what open source alternatives there is
[11:00:45] <AlienCat> I see many so called "ai robot" toys that have different moods and stuff
[11:01:24] <AlienCat> Just woundering if anyone made any open source stuff of those
[11:44:08] <z64555> no likely, but you can simulate "moods" by using a fuzzy logic controller, or the more complex nueral net
[11:44:26] <z64555> Given a set of inputs, the mood is a combination of various opposing maps
[11:45:06] <z64555> sad, happy, despondent, excited, innervated, energized
[11:45:11] <z64555> for example
[11:47:56] <z64555> I'm unaware of any open source projects that do this, but I would imagine the Japanese have one or two published somewhere
[11:50:24] <z64555> You're making a "social robot," one that emulates human (or pet) behavior in order to better interact with its users
[11:51:59] <z64555> You're also making a robot that can move around its work area, in this case most likely a home environment (generally flat floors. carpet, tile, linolium, stairs, furniture and random junk to avoid, and pet messes)
[11:52:50] <z64555> Both are usually considered independent projects, as they both have a substantial amount of work to do, AlienCat
[11:58:32] <AlienCat> and none have done that work?
[11:58:47] <AlienCat> too bad
[11:59:33] <AlienCat> looks it will never been done then
[12:00:53] <z64555> Why do you assume that none have "done that work"
[12:03:15] <z64555> The second project has been done, many, many times before with varying levels of success and detail
[12:04:40] <z64555> In fact, you can probably make a room traversal robot with less than 100 lines of code, hardly anything to justify packaging it into a library
[12:05:20] <AlienCat> good that I only need to focus on the first part :D
[12:05:31] <z64555> which is another thing, robotics is not limited to just one programming language
[12:05:48] <AlienCat> huh?
[12:06:23] <z64555> Robots can be programmed with C, C++, F, python, java, haskell
[12:06:38] <z64555> any conceivable language, even FORTRAN and cobol
[12:07:24] <z64555> Lisp was used in AI experments, because it was one of the few self-modifiable languages
[12:07:50] <z64555> That field of experimentation is known as "machine learning"
[12:08:03] <AlienCat> I heard about it
[12:08:52] <AlienCat> flying is not very effective right? it need to be light then
[12:09:04] <z64555> oh hohohoh...
[12:09:08] <z64555> stay on the ground
[12:10:08] <z64555> man did not learn to fly. He learned to crawl, then walk, then run, then how to build and control a flying machine
[12:11:59] <SpeedEvil> Flying is easy.
[12:12:06] <SpeedEvil> It's the landings that are tricky
[12:13:43] * AlienCat nods
[12:13:50] <z64555> and not seriously hurting anybody in the process :D
[12:24:58] <AlienCat> kind of sad the moods part havent developed so far yet
[12:59:40] <z64555> There could be a few under proprietary licenses
[13:00:11] <z64555> There could be a few gathering dust on a college professor's shelf
[13:01:19] <Snert_> a landing is just a controlled crash with minimal damage.
[13:01:37] <Snert_> after all, your plane tires lost some rubber.
[13:12:06] <AlienCat> there are already made some good ai stuff, the difficult is to make it to the robot
[18:20:53] <rue_bed> personality is the mapping between.....
[18:20:56] <rue_bed> arg
[18:22:58] <Jak_o_Shadows> Hi