#robotics | Logs for 2016-12-18

[02:30:11] <rue_shop3> ... getting there
[02:30:45] <rue_shop3> armyofevilrobots, adding things to that double plated case is evil, esp cause the false front hasn't been used as being false :)
[02:32:16] <rue_shop3> added lights for knowing the power is ok, and used one of the holes for a 'driver fault'
[02:36:28] <rue_shop3> now that I know what to make, I'm really excited about the pendent parts I got from china arriving
[03:19:38] <rue_shop3> :) it seems to work!
[03:20:00] <rue_shop3> I'm gonna need to hurry up and get a machine built, this is fun!
[03:58:57] <rue_shop3> wow, that last hour just vaporized
[03:59:31] <rue_shop3> the pendant works, it does work, I cant jinx it now
[04:26:11] <rue_shop3> hmm 2am, and I might be out of things to do
[05:13:47] <rue_house> .
[05:29:26] <Anniepoo> .
[05:29:52] <Anniepoo> O.o
[05:39:24] <rue_house> hows robots Anniepoo ?
[05:40:40] <Anniepoo> slowed down by my being sick
[05:40:55] <Anniepoo> though actually I've gotten a little done
[05:40:59] <rue_house> stuck in bed, good time to do coding
[05:41:50] <Anniepoo> right now I'm struggling to get my virtualbox ubuntu to find my webcam
[05:42:32] <Anniepoo> so I can do some opencv work there, eventually to be moved to the raspberry pi 3 on the brumlowbot
[05:43:19] <Anniepoo> this week I also did a few python tutorials and installed opencv on aforementioned machine
[05:46:27] <rue_house> what eh opencv task?
[05:46:39] <Anniepoo> but am having annoying problem that the guest system doesn't see camera
[05:47:06] <rue_house> er, what are you gonna make opencv do tho?
[05:47:13] <Anniepoo> I have several tasks for it
[05:47:27] <rue_house> find yellow circles in my lawn in spring?
[05:47:44] <rue_house> so the rebot can rescue them and bring them back to base?
[05:47:48] <rue_house> robot..
[05:47:49] <Anniepoo> 1. use gamut detection to find colored markers, and then near them find QR codes
[05:48:05] <Anniepoo> this gives me a bearing to a known point.
[05:48:26] <Anniepoo> I'll scatter fiducials around with gamut blocks and QR codes
[05:48:35] <rue_house> http://www.ediblewildfood.com/images/dandelion-pictures/dandelion-flower.jpg
[05:48:49] <rue_house> find the yellow circles, recover them and bring them to base
[05:49:24] <rue_house> if your doing positioning, why not use openAR?
[05:49:37] <rue_house> it'll tell you the 3d position and orientation of a glyph
[05:49:58] <Anniepoo> I am building a social robot, so it's eye (it's a cyclops) so I want to find faces in the visual field
[05:50:10] <rue_house> ah
[05:50:11] <Anniepoo> Hmmm.. lemme google
[05:50:20] <rue_house> what about the yellow circiles in my lawn?
[05:50:25] <rue_house> high contrast
[05:54:11] <deshipu> Anniepoo: have you seen OpenMV?
[05:54:17] <Anniepoo> nope
[05:54:39] <deshipu> Anniepoo: it's a dev board with a camera and some built-in algorithms, including face detection
[05:54:43] <rue_house> MV!?
[05:55:52] <Anniepoo> I'd rather have something more extensible for this, it's essentially a research tool
[05:56:09] <Anniepoo> though it's certainly interesting
[05:57:16] <deshipu> I have one in my hexapod, but can't get motivation to actually program it
[05:57:29] * Anniepoo is here, demonstrating the vestibulo-ocular reflex on deshipu
[05:57:34] <deshipu> building them is fun, programming -- less so
[05:58:15] <Anniepoo> Oh, and before I got sick I ordered a bunch of bits and bobs to put my robot together, those have arrived,
[05:58:43] <Anniepoo> so when Im back at the shop I'll be able to finish the electronic assembly of the bot and start bringing pieces of it up.
[05:58:46] <deshipu> don't get sick, you will be healthier
[05:59:44] <deshipu> being sick is really bad for your health
[06:00:17] <Anniepoo> 8cD
[06:01:35] <Anniepoo> we sometimes have hoses and cords around the shop. I'm wondering how to navigate them
[06:02:10] <deshipu> line follower? :P
[06:02:32] <Anniepoo> i mean how to step over them
[06:04:19] <Anniepoo> alreaady cogitating on a bigger bot, wondering how to make it mobile without legs
[06:05:20] <deshipu> without legs?
[06:05:25] <deshipu> blasphemy!
[06:05:33] <deshipu> hmm, ceiling rails?
[06:06:08] <deshipu> a la Wheatley
[06:08:48] <Anniepoo> ooh, hmmm
[06:09:25] <Anniepoo> maybe have brachiation?
[06:10:08] <deshipu> beware of dropbots
[06:10:16] <Anniepoo> there's already lots of things to grab on our ceiling
[06:10:17] <deshipu> always wear a helmet
[06:10:58] <Anniepoo> we could even give it a 'doggie door' to get around the fire door
[06:11:58] <Anniepoo> whats Wheatley?
[06:14:04] <Anniepoo> 8cD My few attempts to play Portal always resulted in nausea
[06:15:34] <Anniepoo> Thanksgiving a year ago I'm at friend's house, they have a huge TV, I comment 'boy, bet you can get sick playing portal on that', so son switches to playing portal on it. And yup, after a few minutes I run out and lose my lunch
[06:16:05] <Anniepoo> 8cD but I love the Aperture Science song
[06:23:15] <deshipu> Anniepoo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wheatley_(Portal)
[06:23:32] <deshipu> Anniepoo: yeah, I can't play any FPS games either
[06:23:37] <deshipu> FPP
[06:26:55] <Anniepoo> 8cP
[06:27:10] <Anniepoo> this is what drives me crazy about computing
[06:27:36] <Anniepoo> stuff like getting the webcam to work in virtualbox
[06:36:22] <Anniepoo> and, as with all virtualbox issues, it involves mucking with the stupid virtualbox extensions
[06:56:40] <deshipu> no idea, I just use ovirt
[06:57:19] <deshipu> and qemu
[07:04:40] <Anniepoo> ok, this is stooopid
[07:04:59] <Anniepoo> there's 'linux additions', you install on the guest system
[07:05:44] <Anniepoo> and then there's this stooopid 'virtualbox extensions' thing hyou have to d/l and install into virtualbox manager (the thing where you pick a vm) -
[07:05:49] <Anniepoo> stooopid
[07:06:23] <deshipu> that's what you get with closed systems
[07:06:29] <Anniepoo> and you have to have this to use usb .20
[07:06:32] <Anniepoo> 2.0
[07:06:42] <deshipu> they need to put their binary blobs everywhere
[07:16:20] <Anniepoo> I'm baffled why they don't just ship this with the main install
[07:17:01] <deshipu> licenses?
[07:19:04] <Anniepoo> maybe
[07:24:14] <Anniepoo> XcP
[08:06:41] <Anniepoo> sheesh... after a few hours of wrestling with virtualbox, I have that issue straightened out, and ... the webcam has some other issue
[10:45:55] <armyofevilrobots> @rue_house that puff controller sounds awesome. Feel free to mod the case however.
[12:44:40] <rue_house> armyofevilrobots, if you want I can shoot you a copy of the puff thing, its just quick code on a tiny13
[12:48:05] <rue_bed> armyofevilrobots, when I was adding a power supply cap and the grbl board, I didn't really have to do much, there are already so many holes in that case, it just worked out :)
[12:49:50] <rue_bed> I threw a spindle relay back in, cause then when you hit the stop, the spindle stops too. I was going to do it just off the stop button, but I cant seem to locate spare contacts for it.
[12:50:19] <rue_bed> I'm hoping most of the goodies I'm adding will be of use to ya
[13:59:50] <rue_shop3> armyofevilrobots, winter wonderland
[14:22:10] <armyofevilrobots> no doubt. It’ll rain out soon enough, I’m sure.
[16:16:57] <rue_shop3> oh dear god, i *just* occured to me, to cut snowflakes out of old cd's
[16:17:24] * rue_shop3 finds some old microsoft cd's
[16:17:52] <rue_shop3> damn hole...
[16:21:37] <rue_shop3> oo, hole makes for easy mounting
[16:21:40] <rue_shop3> to table...
[16:24:26] <robopal> https://s29.postimg.org/r907cz84n/Teach_Yourself_Electricity_and_Electronics_6th.jpg
[16:25:11] <robopal> lol...
[16:26:46] <robopal> some cliches coming to mind: "judging a book by it's cover"
[16:48:52] <Snert> yea I'd have to see a sample chapter to see if it's really good
[17:29:35] <rue_shop3> interesting, if the serial line goes idle, grbl resets
[17:58:23] <rue_shop3> I have to figure out a christmas tree stand
[17:58:32] <rue_shop3> I usually use a bucket of rocks,
[17:58:42] <Tom_L> did you cut your tree yet?
[17:59:04] <rue_shop3> but I'v not been organized about putting the rocks away and there is like 4" of snow on the ground
[17:59:15] <rue_shop3> yea, we got one yesterday, which is good, couldn't go out today
[18:00:14] <rue_shop3> my cnc spooler program is working
[18:00:34] <rue_shop3> the pendant works
[18:00:54] <rue_shop3> turns out disconnecting and reconnecting to grbl resets the position to 0,0,0
[18:00:58] <Anniepoo> rue isn't serious, he's just spooling ;-)
[18:01:01] <rue_shop3> so, that kinda works
[18:01:06] <rue_shop3> :)
[18:01:41] <rue_shop3> I'm cutting a cd into a snowflake :)
[18:02:04] <Tom_L> it shouldn't reset to 0,0,0
[18:02:16] <rue_shop3> does
[18:02:28] <Tom_L> it should remember where home is
[18:02:40] <rue_shop3> I thought it was detecting the idle serial line, but I think its the dtr line
[18:02:52] <rue_shop3> the converter is on the arduino board
[18:04:01] <Tom_L> tell me what chroot does
[18:04:18] <Tom_L> or how to use it for that remote user login
[18:05:16] <Anniepoo> chroot runs a process with a fake root for the file system
[18:05:31] <Anniepoo> mostly this is done as a way of running an unsafe process
[18:05:53] <Tom_L> i just want a user to be able to log in and see only his directory from /home
[18:05:54] <Anniepoo> it sandboxes the process
[18:06:37] <orlock> Tom_L: you can try and do it via permissions, but your problem will be
[18:06:42] <orlock> they cant have access to only /home/
[18:06:49] <orlock> if they will want to run binaries
[18:07:07] <orlock> There's shell replacements that try and do what you want
[18:07:09] <Anniepoo> right
[18:07:20] <rue_shop3> hah, last time was a program bug, this time the workpeice clamp came loose
[18:07:47] <rue_shop3> Tom_L, it changes the root directory for the process
[18:08:05] <rue_shop3> aka / for a person is really /home/untrusteduserperson/
[18:08:08] <Tom_L> how does that affect the remote login though?
[18:08:11] <rue_shop3> so they cant get below it
[18:08:38] <orlock> But then if they want to do anything they will need binaries in the chrooted filesystem
[18:08:46] <Tom_L> set up a group for that?
[18:08:56] <orlock> Tom_L: Do they actually need shell acccess? or only file transfers
[18:09:05] <Tom_L> file transfers for now
[18:09:16] <orlock> Then it becomes much easier
[18:09:30] <Tom_L> i know that simplifies it..
[18:09:47] <orlock> They don't actually need full shell access and all the problems that come along with that, once you only deal with file transfrs it's easier
[18:15:13] <rue_shop3> just use a secure ftp server and set their shell to /bin/false
[18:24:23] <rue_shop3> yea, python programming is nicer if you do give in to using the oop stuff a bit
[18:49:31] <rue_shop3> "wonderfull job of pulling open your jacket, but what I think you failed to realize is that those weren't buttons, it was zipped up."
[18:57:36] <Tom_L> rue_shop3, where are the user config files stored?
[19:08:51] <rue_shop3> hahahaha and this TIME IT BROKE A BIT OFF ON A HOLDING WATHER
[19:08:52] <rue_shop3> DAMNIT
[19:09:17] <rue_shop3> Tom_L, I'll tell you how to disable shell access on a user account if you will listen?
[19:12:13] <Tom_L> i'm listening
[19:12:30] <rue_shop3> open a terminal
[19:12:31] <Tom_L> what about other user's directories in /home ?
[19:12:40] <Tom_L> i have a terminal open
[19:12:44] <rue_shop3> cd /etc
[19:12:57] <Tom_L> k
[19:13:08] <rue_shop3> vi passwd
[19:13:18] <rue_shop3> scroll down to the username you want to disable shell on
[19:14:05] <Tom_L> k
[19:14:28] <rue_shop3> arrow over to the end of the line, it'll stop 1 character short
[19:14:57] <Tom_L> well it didn't but ok..
[19:15:03] <Tom_L> end of line...
[19:15:13] <rue_shop3> you using a different editor?
[19:15:22] <Tom_L>  /bin/bash
[19:15:26] <Tom_L> yes
[19:15:31] <rue_shop3> change it to /bin/false
[19:15:38] <Tom_L> ok
[19:15:49] <Tom_L> that's it?
[19:15:53] <rue_shop3> done, that user now cant get shell access with ssh
[19:15:59] <rue_shop3> or from a terminal
[19:16:28] <Tom_L> do i need to restart anything?
[19:16:34] <rue_shop3> no
[19:17:09] <Tom_L> won't let me in now
[19:17:22] <rue_shop3> is it your account you disabled?
[19:17:33] <Tom_L> wait a sec..
[19:17:49] <rue_shop3> arg, I NEED MORE TIME
[19:17:53] <Tom_L> yes
[19:18:06] <rue_shop3> and more $3 1mm milling bits
[19:18:14] <rue_shop3> then you cannot login to that computer anymore
[19:18:15] <Tom_L> i can get in with root
[19:18:17] <rue_shop3> yea
[19:18:32] <rue_shop3> if you disabled your account that way, you cannot have a terminal
[19:18:37] <Tom_L> but i want to connect to the user directory
[19:18:50] <Tom_L> ok good to know but not what i needed
[19:18:55] <rue_shop3> too bad, you can sftp in, but you cannot have a shell
[19:20:17] <Tom_L> what good is that?
[19:21:21] <rue_shop3> thats what I rememebr you asking for
[19:21:42] <Tom_L> i also see a sshd line at the end says: /usr/sbin/nologin
[19:21:44] <Tom_L> what's that?
[19:22:05] <Tom_L> no i was asking for limited access to their home directory
[19:24:51] <rue_shop3> k, then you need to google how to chroot a user
[19:25:07] <Tom_L> i did
[19:25:07] <rue_shop3> but you shouldn't let untrusted people on your machine in the first place
[19:25:09] <rue_shop3> ;)
[19:25:23] <Tom_L> well it's not that i don't trust him
[19:25:52] <Tom_L> it's sorta like your shared server access for your files
[19:26:00] <Tom_L> that's basically what i'm after
[19:26:11] <Tom_L> your web stuff
[19:27:01] <rue_shop3> I'm gonna set this up AGAIN
[19:27:13] <rue_shop3> HOPEFULLLY it wont bork it this time
[19:27:22] <rue_shop3> I'm running out of scrap cd's
[19:27:27] <Tom_L> heh
[19:29:00] <rue_shop3> my program is doing ok tho
[19:29:47] <rue_shop3> the first run there was a bug in my program that was sending commands too fast, and borked the cut by skipping lines
[19:29:56] <rue_shop3> the second time the clamp came loose
[19:30:06] <rue_shop3> the third time I hit a metal clamp washer
[19:30:33] <Tom_L> you're learning about all the mistakes not to make
[19:30:58] <rue_shop3> I'm glad I dont ahve to make money with this
[19:31:05] <rue_shop3> I'd be tearing myself apart
[19:37:07] <rue_shop3> if it finishes one, it's gonna look great
[19:38:02] <Tom_L> pics
[19:38:41] <rue_shop3> snowfake cnc cut from cd
[19:38:50] <rue_shop3> it'll take another 2 hours for the next try
[19:39:03] <rue_shop3> in the meantime, I have to finish building a christmas tree stand
[19:40:17] <Tom_L> rue_shop3, you realize i'm just trying to learn more about linux right?
[19:43:26] <rue_shop3> no
[19:43:39] <rue_shop3> I'm really caught up in trying to catch up with my life
[19:43:46] <Tom_L> i know you are
[19:43:53] <rue_shop3> I have to finish the tree stand, and then come up with a livingroom to put it in
[19:44:01] <Tom_L> you started that about 2 yrs ago
[19:44:03] <rue_shop3> the livingroom is the hard part
[19:44:42] <rue_shop3> ugh, I just changed my mind on how I want to make the stand too
[19:44:52] <rue_shop3> wait, I changed it again
[19:45:36] * z64555 waits another minute for the next mind change
[19:51:17] <rue_shop3> metal is cut, commited I am
[19:51:22] * rue_shop3 warms his hands back up
[19:53:24] <rue_shop3> the cd hit the back of the machine
[19:53:38] <rue_shop3> I think this job is too big
[19:53:57] <rue_shop3> yup, the machine isn't big enough
[19:56:09] <Jak_o_Shadows> What is this projet?
[19:56:20] <rue_shop3> <rue_shop3> snowfake cnc cut from cd
[19:56:33] <Jak_o_Shadows> neato
[19:56:38] <rue_shop3> if I can do it
[19:56:41] <rue_shop3> I'm on cd #5
[19:56:48] <rue_shop3> fail, fail , fail, fail.
[19:59:43] <Tom_L> hang broken snowflakes on your tree
[20:13:15] <rue_shop3> I'm locked on, now,
[20:13:26] <rue_shop3> nothing can stop me from insisting to get this working
[20:57:59] <rue_shop3> ok if I print wedges and feet for the stand and I'm good
[21:17:30] <rue_shop3> yup, this time the job shifted
[21:20:41] <rue_shop3> I didn't think this would be impossasble
[21:26:04] <Jak_o_Shadows> Ok. So my OBD2->DB15 cable is the weirdest thing. The pins on one end do not line up in a neat way to the other end
[22:00:08] <rue_shop3> its called mapping :)
[22:00:22] <orlock> hmm damn
[22:00:32] <orlock> just found out the MD here used to be a mech engineer
[22:00:40] <orlock> worked on some mines my father was involved with
[22:01:16] <orlock> MD = boss of a ~250 person R+D+ manufacturing facility
[22:02:07] <rue_shop3> hm
[22:02:41] <rue_shop3> k, so I got one printer doing one treestand foot, another doing 2, and the other doing a set of 3 wedges
[22:04:07] <rue_shop3> I need more printers, there should be one sitting idle
[22:11:18] <orlock> So you have 3 working printers now?
[22:12:08] <rue_shop3> I have 2, a buddy hasn't taken his home
[22:13:26] <rue_shop3> I have all the parts for one in a box, but I wanted to let someone else make thatone up
[22:16:21] <orlock> ALl prusa style?
[22:52:48] <rue_shop3> all i2
[22:52:58] <rue_shop3> well, my 2nd one is kinda an i2.5
[22:53:07] <rue_shop3> I just went custom on almost everything
[22:53:18] <orlock> triangles!
[22:53:21] <orlock> less wobbles :)
[23:24:04] <rue_shop3> part of the redesign was to make it the size you get when you cut a standard threaded rod in half, instead of having a useless peice left over
[23:24:12] <rue_shop3> so its a bit bigger
[23:24:26] <rue_shop3> I tipped the carrige up like the i3
[23:24:40] <rue_shop3> and did it as a bowden
[23:24:51] <rue_shop3> its got a 3 screw leveling system
[23:24:59] <rue_shop3> 4 screws is just stupid
[23:25:19] <orlock> so the horizontal rods for the left/right print head movement are stacked instead of side by side?
[23:25:28] <rue_shop3> yes
[23:25:36] <rue_shop3> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap2/p1080565.jpg
[23:25:45] <rue_shop3> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap2/p1080530.jpg
[23:25:49] <orlock> i think that the i2 way is better in some ways?
[23:26:03] <orlock> maybe with a bowden it's not as noticable
[23:26:07] <rue_shop3> oh and I 2:1 the X and Y
[23:26:26] <rue_shop3> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap2/p1080523.jpg
[23:26:35] <rue_shop3> and the X belt dosn't pull on the Z sliders
[23:26:56] * Anniepoo is here, wearing an X belt and Z suspenders
[23:27:13] <rue_shop3> are those... Y boots?
[23:27:23] <rue_shop3> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap2/p1080521.jpg
[23:27:33] <rue_shop3> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap2/
[23:27:40] <rue_shop3> yannow, the directory is open
[23:31:05] <rue_shop3> I need to work out how to fit a christmastree in my livingroom