#robotics | Logs for 2016-12-13

[03:03:02] <rue_house> http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1964013
[03:03:04] <rue_house> oh yea
[03:03:08] * rue_house does a dance
[03:03:18] <rue_house> I'm the first one to put up a proper cnc pendant case!
[03:03:20] <rue_house> yeaaaaa
[03:03:36] <Anniepoo__> cool
[03:23:02] <deshipu> thingiverse? that's that makerbot thing, right?
[03:23:24] <deshipu> the ones who pissed all over their open source community?
[03:24:31] <rue_bed> yup
[03:24:53] <rue_bed> I'm the first person to post twist ties too
[08:38:09] <gmct> Hey
[09:26:56] <rue_house> Tom_L,
[09:27:04] <rue_house> http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1964013 <-- eh?
[09:27:49] <deshipu> how pendantic
[09:28:45] <rue_house> worked out how I'm gonna do the software
[09:29:16] <rue_house> I recon it'll be 12V, but havn't decided on rs232/485/TTL
[09:29:17] <theBear> heh, what an oxymoronic thing to say <wink>
[09:39:43] <rue_house> wow, thingsverse' scad render' sucks
[10:33:27] <pokmo> to increase the acceleration of a turn by a servo, would it be a good idea to add another servo so that one servo turns another? each servo would then need to make just half the turn
[10:33:36] <pokmo> so the acceleration would increase, right?
[10:33:57] <SpeedEvil> 'no' - for most probably useful cases.
[10:34:16] <SpeedEvil> It's probably going to work out cheaper to get a faster servo
[10:34:21] <SpeedEvil> and better.
[10:35:15] <deshipu> pokmo: it's actually a common trick for the biped robots for those tournaments
[10:35:19] <deshipu> pokmo: it works
[10:35:39] <pokmo> deshipu, oh? hmm how don't they get faster servos like SpeedEvil suggested?
[10:35:50] <SpeedEvil> At some point you run out of cheap faster servos.
[10:35:57] <deshipu> pokmo: if you look at some of the fights on youtube, you will see that many have double servos in their knees
[10:36:36] <deshipu> I guess it's also convenient for them to use the same servos in the whole robot, this way they need to bring fewer spares with them
[10:36:36] <SpeedEvil> Plus - naively - you also get twice the power out of two
[10:36:50] <pokmo> right. let me look..
[10:36:58] <deshipu> SpeedEvil: not like that, either 2x speed or 2x power
[10:37:04] <SpeedEvil> watts
[10:37:10] <deshipu> SpeedEvil: it's like parallel vs. series of batteries
[10:37:19] <SpeedEvil> I do not mean force, but power.
[10:37:25] <SpeedEvil> force * distance
[10:37:37] <SpeedEvil> force doesn't increase if you put them in series like that.
[10:37:42] <pokmo> deshipu, do you mean this? http://www.thanksbuyer.com/image/cache/data/sku-31507-3-600x600.jpg
[10:38:05] <deshipu> that one doesn't have double knees
[10:39:43] <pokmo> deshipu, aren't those 2 servos on each leg the knee?
[10:39:47] <SpeedEvil> No.
[10:39:53] <SpeedEvil> hip, knee, ankle
[10:40:23] <pokmo> oh right
[10:40:44] <SpeedEvil> http://letsmakerobots.com/files/userpics/u4078/Frits3.jpg
[10:42:00] <pokmo> hmm
[10:43:25] <pokmo> thanks
[10:45:13] <deshipu> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52bteH4TED0 <-- the silver-and-gold one here has double knees
[10:48:58] <pokmo> deshipu, thanks