#robotics | Logs for 2016-12-06

[00:00:21] <justanotheruser> eh..
[00:01:56] <anniepoo_> I'd like users of my bot to be able to interact with people in the environment
[00:02:21] <justanotheruser> anniepoo_: attach a squirt gun
[00:02:50] <anniepoo_> yes, well, that's the obvious one, but I don't want to provide one more way to be aggressive.
[00:03:06] <anniepoo_> so no nerf guns or squirt guns
[00:03:31] <justanotheruser> text display?
[00:03:40] <anniepoo_> I'm thinking maybe load a dispenser with tootsie rolls.
[00:03:54] <anniepoo_> speaker and mic for communicating.
[00:04:42] <anniepoo_> if you drive the bot to a dispenser you get n tootsie rolls you can later drop in front of someone
[00:04:42] <justanotheruser> kill all humans
[00:05:04] <anniepoo_> bubbles?
[00:05:25] <rue_shop1> midpoint, give out peanuts
[00:05:27] <justanotheruser> actual firearm
[00:06:03] <anniepoo_> peanuts is a good idea
[00:06:44] <justanotheruser> yeah, if you wanna kill someone
[00:06:49] <anniepoo_> though it's got to be dropped on the floor, so wrapped candy
[00:06:52] <rue_shop1> its 50/50
[00:07:00] <rue_shop1> some will enjoy, some will die
[00:08:49] <anniepoo_> motor and buffer? You could get your shoes shined
[00:09:07] <anniepoo_> (not that anybody wears those kind of shoes any more)
[00:10:01] <anniepoo_> expressive eyes?
[00:11:13] <rue_house> $!00 bills?
[00:11:20] <rue_house> or even $100
[00:11:32] <anniepoo_> hmm... quarters?
[00:11:49] <rue_house> "Please pay, to the robot, the amount of $100. Thankyou and have a nice day."
[00:12:05] <rue_house> $100 bill
[00:12:53] <rue_house> anniepoo_, where did you source the parts for that robot?
[00:13:09] <anniepoo_> amazon
[00:13:22] <rue_house> was it a kit?
[00:13:33] <anniepoo_> the mechanism was
[00:13:35] <anniepoo_> yes
[00:13:37] <anniepoo_> hang on
[00:13:52] <anniepoo_> osepp.com tank kit
[00:14:03] <anniepoo_> Ooh - nerf balls!
[00:14:23] <rue_house> someone neuter nerfs?
[00:14:46] <rue_house> 9V pack eh?
[00:14:50] <rue_house> hmmm
[00:14:57] <rue_house> you gonna use rechargable for it?
[00:15:02] <anniepoo_> 8cD i could put a nerf ball grabbing claw on it
[00:15:16] * rue_house winces
[00:15:27] <anniepoo_> Yes, I'm using a rechargable.
[00:15:33] <rue_house> NiMh?
[00:15:44] <rue_house> do the motors have encoders?
[00:15:45] <anniepoo_> putting a jamming gripper would allow a lot of things to be grasped
[00:16:05] <anniepoo_> no
[00:16:20] <anniepoo_> it's going to be a webbot.
[00:16:21] <rue_house> there is a pcb and the shaft comes out the back?
[00:16:25] <anniepoo_> yes
[00:16:30] <rue_house> esp8266?
[00:17:08] <rue_house> ah, you can slide nuts into that rail?
[00:17:28] <anniepoo_> yes
[00:17:34] <rue_house> do you have an ultrasonic ranger for it?
[00:17:55] <rue_house> pi?
[00:18:05] <anniepoo_> pi 3
[00:18:07] <rue_house> ah
[00:18:13] <rue_house> knockoff or genuine?
[00:18:14] <anniepoo_> no, but might add one
[00:18:24] <anniepoo_> genuine
[00:18:30] <rue_house> hmm, pi have a camera?
[00:18:45] <anniepoo_> yes, I bought a camera for it
[00:19:21] <anniepoo_> ranger, Dead reckoning encoders, etc are mostly for autonomous bot, not web bot
[00:19:40] <rue_house> hmm
[00:19:41] <anniepoo_> but I'm going to keep tinkering with it, will add some limited autonomy
[00:19:58] <rue_house> I'd like to make one with you, but its too pricey a project, even if I diy most of it
[00:20:23] <anniepoo_> yes, it's a pricey chassis
[00:20:36] <rue_house> thats easy to make, the pi is over $30 usd
[00:21:09] <anniepoo_> but that's what attracted me. It's a beefy chassis. I was impressed with the motion of mbrumlow's bot
[00:21:41] <anniepoo_> my biz partner came through , looked at it, and was suprised they could make it for $100
[00:24:55] <anniepoo_> it's good value. Comes with two decently beefy motors, metal drive wheels, rubber segmented tracks
[00:25:38] <anniepoo_> and a servo to drive the sensor head
[00:26:52] <Mindstorm8191> the money aspect is the reason I haven't dived into building robotics stuff yet
[00:27:04] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap2/p1080530.jpg <-- I built the new reprap for under $50
[00:27:19] <rue_house> yea, motors are crazy expensive online
[00:27:56] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap2/slide.htm
[00:28:04] <anniepoo_> you could definitely DIY everything on this.
[00:29:10] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap2/p1070113.jpg
[00:29:22] <rue_house> see the track just behind the printer }:]
[00:30:10] <anniepoo_> I like these tracks
[00:30:32] <anniepoo_> they're out of some 70 durometer or so rubber
[00:30:55] <anniepoo_> they have small teeth that engage the drive wheels, and large centering pins
[00:30:59] <anniepoo_> they're segmented
[00:31:17] <rue_house> they look like timing belt pullies
[00:31:27] <anniepoo_> no, they're purpose made
[00:31:44] <anniepoo_> it's an aluminum extrusion, sawed off
[00:32:17] <rue_house> cool
[00:32:22] <anniepoo_> and finished - no machine marks on the face
[00:32:44] <anniepoo_> reasonably tough anodizing job
[00:33:21] <anniepoo_> only part that's at all cheezy is a few places are assembled with plastic rivets that don't look that secure
[00:33:46] <anniepoo_> but most hardware is chrome plated metric cap screws
[00:34:56] <anniepoo_> motors are 45:1 9V gearmotors with a rear shaft and pcb, they have a connector on them
[00:35:13] <anniepoo_> (small white connector, somebody on here told me what that's named, I've forgotten)
[00:35:47] <anniepoo_> JST connector
[00:36:18] <anniepoo_> similar to one on many LiPo batteries
[00:40:36] <rue_house> gngiht
[01:01:10] <mrdata> deshipu, yes all of those things vary on any planet; but the second is now standardized by metrology to mean "the duration of 9 192 631 770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium 133 atom".
[01:03:03] <mrdata> (in the SI system)
[01:05:42] <mrdata> which itself of course depends on your reference frame due to relativity
[01:08:43] <mrdata> you mentioned it in reference to "space exploration and colonization projects"; so, it's complicated, but under control
[02:06:37] <deshipu> mrdata: I still wouldn't want to implement it
[03:20:53] <mrdata> lol ok
[05:59:49] <SpeedEvil> https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjq-LSLu9_QAhWlLcAKHfZADG4QFggiMAE&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww-robotics.jpl.nasa.gov%2Fpublications%2FMatthew_Heverly%2FHeverly_2010_AMS_Tri-ATHLETE.pdf
[05:59:51] <SpeedEvil> On design of expensive robot vehicles.
[06:00:22] <SpeedEvil> 10000Nm servos.
[11:03:27] <anniepoo_> 6480:1 gear ratio
[11:03:29] <anniepoo_> 8cD
[11:03:43] <anniepoo_> 8cD uses a CAN bus
[11:05:49] <deshipu> a CANCAN bus
[11:07:19] <deshipu> http://www.eastlondonadvertiser.co.uk/polopoly_fs/1.1663263.1350681813!/image/2974888450.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_630/2974888450.jpg
[13:54:04] <z64555> try not to use a CAN bus if you cancan
[15:23:49] <anniepoo_> @mbrumlow you around?
[18:42:09] <justanotheruser> the machine shop didn't answer
[18:42:53] <justanotheruser> how much would you expect a job like this to cost, like $25?
[18:43:34] <SpeedEvil> A job like what?
[18:43:51] <justanotheruser> please read the scrollback from 30 hours ago
[18:44:02] <justanotheruser> jk, cutting a keyslot into a planetary gear
[18:45:14] <SpeedEvil> you mean the inner gear?
[18:46:52] <justanotheruser> to use a technical term, the planetary gears butt
[18:48:56] <SpeedEvil> I'd tend to want to do it DIY - I don't know the situation though - you can make keyways with quite modest equipment
[18:50:21] <justanotheruser> don't want to risk the backlash
[18:51:43] <SpeedEvil> There are various ways that can avoid that - roll pin and proper diameter hole, for example
[18:52:15] <justanotheruser> not sure what you mean
[18:52:18] <justanotheruser> put the roll pin around the key?
[18:52:26] <SpeedEvil> No, use the roll pin as a key
[18:52:35] <justanotheruser> key is already welded on
[18:53:02] <SpeedEvil> Welded onto the shaft?
[18:53:10] <justanotheruser> si
[18:53:10] <Tom_L> mmm bad idea
[18:53:17] <Tom_L> what if it shears
[18:53:42] <justanotheruser> the shaft has an indentation
[18:53:59] <SpeedEvil> what are teh dimensions
[18:54:02] <SpeedEvil> do you have a pic
[18:54:16] <justanotheruser> https://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/CNC-NEMA-34-Closed-Loop-motor-12NM-6A-2-phase-Hybrid-nema-34-motor-driver-DC/342739_32749989633.html
[18:55:11] <Tom_L> i doubt it's welded on the shaft
[18:55:13] <SpeedEvil> That key looks loose
[18:55:33] <justanotheruser> maybe its' just adhesived
[18:55:40] <Tom_L> more likely
[18:55:45] <SpeedEvil> If you're patient, you can achieve a very good fit with a file.
[18:55:57] <SpeedEvil> (set of)
[18:56:12] <justanotheruser> how patient
[18:56:25] <justanotheruser> I think I just want to get it done with the shop, I'll probably fuck it up
[18:58:04] <SpeedEvil> you cut the slot mostly with a file, that is of a smaller width, then you gradually widen it on the entry end, while trying the fit. you gradually widen it out
[19:00:08] <anniepoo_> machine shops generally don't want to do small jobs. You might have to look around, or find a hobbyist machinist
[19:00:18] <anniepoo_> I'd do it, but we don't have a broach
[19:01:18] <SpeedEvil> a broach is the best solution for this, yes.
[19:18:10] <justanotheruser> if the hole is already attached to the planetary gear, can I just file it with it already in there?
[19:25:20] <SpeedEvil> It's impossible to say without diagram or pictures
[19:33:50] <justanotheruser> SpeedEvil: http://imgur.com/a/OsrvL
[19:33:52] <justanotheruser> NSFW
[19:44:35] <SpeedEvil> If the shaft is the proper diameter, ignore the key
[19:44:43] <SpeedEvil> simply clamp the fitting down on it
[19:45:16] <justanotheruser> sounds like it could slip
[19:45:40] <SpeedEvil> Not if it's the proper diameter, and you torque the bolts to the correct amount
[19:46:20] <justanotheruser> torque the bolts?
[19:46:52] <SpeedEvil> That fitting is designed to clamp down on the shaft
[19:47:21] <Snert> I've filed a flat spot on a motor shaft. May not work in this case but never know.
[19:47:35] <SpeedEvil> There are probably four bolts inside it probably allen bolts - that clamp the two halves of the fitting onto the shaft
[19:47:50] <SpeedEvil> you access the bolts from the holes drilled in the outside
[19:47:54] <justanotheruser> there are 2 bolts
[19:48:41] <justanotheruser> so the friction between the two will be able to handle many lb-ft of torque?
[19:49:02] <SpeedEvil> That is connecting to the motor isn't it?
[19:49:08] <SpeedEvil> your motor can only do 12Nm
[19:49:47] <justanotheruser> which is 9lb-ft
[19:49:48] <SpeedEvil> that is only 6lbFt
[19:50:08] <justanotheruser> no
[19:50:12] <SpeedEvil> the bolts should be able to clamp the shaft with a few hundred pounds of force
[19:50:29] <justanotheruser> https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=12+newton-meters+to+lb-feet
[19:50:32] <justanotheruser> ok gotchya
[19:50:45] <SpeedEvil> add the appropriate loctite, and that will take lots more than 6lb/ft (even dry)
[19:50:56] <justanotheruser> 9lbft
[19:51:01] <justanotheruser> lb/ft? huh?
[19:51:30] <SpeedEvil> I am mostly asleep.
[19:51:40] <justanotheruser> what if this is just a dream
[19:52:18] <justanotheruser> how do I get the key off the motor
[19:52:20] <justanotheruser> shaft
[19:52:26] * SpeedEvil hopes to wake up and be 9 again.
[19:52:33] <SpeedEvil> Do you have the motor?
[19:52:39] <justanotheruser> yes
[19:52:52] <justanotheruser> I'll blow some compressed air on it
[19:52:55] <SpeedEvil> I would tap it lightly with a small hammer.
[19:52:56] <justanotheruser> see what that does
[19:53:13] <SpeedEvil> first inspect it closely to see if it's fixed in
[19:53:27] <justanotheruser> what do you mean
[19:53:52] <justanotheruser> I used my hammer to remove it
[19:54:03] <justanotheruser> but I used the back of the hammer cuz it was slid on
[20:15:15] <justanotheruser> ok installed
[21:11:28] <justanotheruser> how tight do the bolts need to be?
[21:11:35] <justanotheruser> I tightened them until it was incredibly difficult to turn them
[21:12:30] <orlock> incredibly difficult can mean different things
[21:12:35] <orlock> all depends on leverage
[21:13:34] <justanotheruser> I am a 190lb man with an average build
[21:13:38] <justanotheruser> convert that to torque
[21:14:24] <orlock> How long is your breaker bar?
[21:15:04] <justanotheruser> my screw driver?
[21:15:30] <orlock> you are putting in bolts with a screwdriver?
[21:15:45] <justanotheruser> the bolts were already there
[21:15:54] <justanotheruser> I am tightening them
[21:16:54] <orlock> i'm just wondering what's on the wire going from the handset into the mount
[21:17:51] <orlock> Got a torque wrench?
[21:18:20] <justanotheruser> not sure how that would work, the screws are tough to get to
[21:18:31] <orlock> screws or bolts?
[21:18:39] <justanotheruser> bolts
[21:19:04] <justanotheruser> you know what I'm talking about right? The bolts to tighten the planetary gearbox
[21:22:54] <orlock> Nope
[21:29:30] <justanotheruser> oh, well that is wht I'm talking about
[22:37:13] <justanotheruser> /join #biology
[22:37:17] <justanotheruser> woops
[22:48:23] <z64555> why would I join biology. I am biology
[22:49:43] <z64555> justanotheruser: Torque is one of those things that takes training to be able to guesstimate
[22:50:29] <z64555> Ratchets and some wrenches are easy to convert pound-force into foot-pounds because they're 6 inches long
[22:50:51] <z64555> or otherwise a multiple/divisor of 12
[23:22:07] <rue_shop> bad thing in a motor driver, no input signal causes a dead short of the power rails
[23:22:13] <rue_shop> hah