#robotics | Logs for 2016-11-28

[01:17:26] <rue_bed> I'm catching it happening, in the last 5 mins, 48 mins went by
[01:17:36] <rue_bed> it should be 10:05
[01:19:40] <rue_bed> robotustra, ... you seriously, posted an image in base64 to the channel?
[01:19:44] <rue_bed> really?
[01:20:23] <Jak_o_Shadows> wait, robustra is still around
[01:25:59] <justan0theruser> ye, he was helping me for a while
[01:45:10] <rue_bed> slipping, bending sheering
[01:45:17] <rue_bed> ho hum
[01:48:50] <Jak_o_Shadows> I just realised I will need a deeper box for this joystick
[01:48:58] <Jak_o_Shadows> Whic is a tad annoying
[08:59:28] <rue_bed> 3d print an extension ring
[09:01:04] <z64555> what's being extended? just curious
[09:01:53] * z64555 googles it
[09:02:07] <z64555> I'm getting results for an outlet box with the backside removed
[09:03:23] * z64555 is teh nosey
[09:17:57] <rue_house> !thislog
[09:18:03] <rue_house> er, !zlog
[09:18:09] <rue_house> !zlog
[09:18:11] <rue_house> zlog
[09:18:24] <rue_house> I knew it was around there somewhere
[09:21:54] <z64555> neat
[09:22:15] <z64555> but yeah, an outlet box or extension ring would do just fine
[09:22:21] <z64555> there, I put my 2 cents in
[09:22:27] <z64555> you may now ignore it. :D
[14:31:16] <mbrumlow> I have updated the controls on my webbot -> http://pluto.brumtopia.com:8080/
[14:31:25] <mbrumlow> I still don't feel it is perfect yet.
[14:31:36] <mbrumlow> So any feed back would be welcomed.
[14:45:13] <deshipu> still no death ray? :)
[14:55:31] <mbrumlow> Nope :(
[14:55:46] <SpeedEvil> 4
[14:56:26] <mbrumlow> 5
[14:57:01] <mbrumlow> Next step is something bigger and learning how to properly control lipos
[14:57:36] <Anniepoo> I'm not getting video
[14:57:50] <Anniepoo> now I am
[14:57:54] <mbrumlow> hmm
[14:58:14] <mbrumlow> the wifi is low to the ground.
[14:58:21] <mbrumlow> some times by walls it drops a bit.
[14:58:58] <mbrumlow> Another guy at work is going to bring in a bigger AP and I am going to try and attach a omni directional antenna
[14:59:01] <mbrumlow> This is on a rpi3
[14:59:33] <Anniepoo> putting a mirror in the environment would be cool
[14:59:44] <Anniepoo> be fun to see 'myself'
[15:00:20] <mbrumlow> I keep forgetting to bring one.
[15:00:28] <Anniepoo> wave!
[15:00:48] <Anniepoo> see somebody, maybe not you
[15:01:02] <mbrumlow> here is what it looks like
[15:01:05] <mbrumlow> https://goo.gl/photos/AKRNoczB8vf6s7Tc7
[15:01:09] <mbrumlow> I am at my desk :P
[15:01:21] <Anniepoo> I see somebody with a desk
[15:01:31] <Anniepoo> wearing headset, typing
[15:02:06] <mbrumlow> So the big change I did over the break was made push and hold controls.
[15:02:10] <mbrumlow> (and touch if you are on a phone).
[15:02:37] <mbrumlow> But I have decided to change how the push and hold works and when I get a chance I am going to make a heap to handle key presses.
[15:03:07] <mbrumlow> that way I can do some timing and handle swiching from left forward right and backwards without having to hold them down at the same time to avoid the (stop) command.
[15:03:44] <mbrumlow> Also, server side will need to track up and down events so you can't send a down event and disconnect leave it moving.
[15:04:04] <mbrumlow> Is the video smooth for you guys?
[15:04:09] <mbrumlow> And feel responsive?
[15:04:09] <Anniepoo> yes, it's great
[15:04:15] <Anniepoo> feels responsive
[15:04:16] <mbrumlow> This is coming from amazon ec2
[15:04:21] <mbrumlow> (from my office)
[15:04:35] <mbrumlow> single feed from the office to the ec2 and then multiplexed out.
[15:05:03] <mbrumlow> If you double tap hold forward it will go fast for 3 seconds (with a 10 second cooldown)
[15:05:28] <Anniepoo> definitely hang up some brightly colored objects to help navigate
[15:05:35] <Anniepoo> I'm lost in a cubicle farm
[15:06:09] <mbrumlow> Next iteraion I hope to have sele correcting drif.
[15:06:24] <Anniepoo> also, putting the keystrokes on the page would help
[15:06:42] <mbrumlow> Yeah I think I am going to add a game mode so if you reach the QR code you can increase your time.
[15:06:49] <mbrumlow> Anniepoo: are you on a small screen?
[15:06:55] <Anniepoo> no
[15:07:21] <mbrumlow> How do you mean show the keystrokes ?
[15:07:26] <mbrumlow> Like a help thing?
[15:07:28] <Anniepoo> I'd say the video area is 800 high
[15:07:54] <Anniepoo> yes, just a list of them, I didn't figure out there were keystrokes for a while, didn't know about the double tap hold, etc.
[15:07:55] <mbrumlow> should be 640x480
[15:08:05] <Anniepoo> It's just expanded
[15:08:08] <mbrumlow> yeah, I need to write some documentation.
[15:08:10] <Anniepoo> is that you in front of me?
[15:08:19] <mbrumlow> Nope.
[15:08:24] <mbrumlow> I am back at my desk :p
[15:08:49] <Anniepoo> well, just one line on the page (arrow keys to move, dbl tap hold to run)
[15:09:27] <Anniepoo> where's your desk in relationship to the guy who just walked through the hall?
[15:09:39] <mbrumlow> you can use the keyboard arrow keys too ( so long as you have not selected the text input and have text in the box).
[15:09:47] <Anniepoo> (has a beard, sorta 'bear' guy)
[15:09:47] <mbrumlow> back the other way
[15:10:18] <mbrumlow> on the right (last cube etry way on the right before hitting a door).
[15:14:00] <Anniepoo> altered my environment - knocked down the wet floor sign outside the breakroom
[15:14:07] <Anniepoo> haven't found your cube
[15:14:20] <mbrumlow> left
[15:14:25] <mbrumlow> and back the other way
[15:14:28] <mbrumlow> I am in a green shirt
[15:14:56] <mbrumlow> continue to the door
[15:15:09] <mbrumlow> wifi boknked
[15:15:18] <mbrumlow> give it a second.
[15:15:19] <Anniepoo> lost video
[15:15:39] <Anniepoo> I should start making lenses for robotics
[15:15:56] <mbrumlow> there I am
[15:16:06] <Anniepoo> far out!
[15:16:16] <mbrumlow> the other bot is off line right now
[15:17:03] <Anniepoo> So, this I assume is a university?
[15:17:09] <mbrumlow> I also need to put a flashlight on this thing.
[15:17:09] <Anniepoo> this is research?
[15:17:11] <mbrumlow> Nope.
[15:17:18] <mbrumlow> This is just me messing around at work.
[15:17:23] <Anniepoo> ah, very cool
[15:17:36] <Anniepoo> good to have a messing-around tolerant workspace
[15:17:59] <mbrumlow> Yeah, not sure entirely how much they like it :p I know the sales team hated it.
[15:18:01] <Anniepoo> 8cD we wrote it into our company charter
[15:18:10] <mbrumlow> lol
[15:18:19] <mbrumlow> 20% time?
[15:19:14] <mbrumlow> End goal is to learn enough of the robitics side of things to have a self romaing robot with a web interface that streams back all sorts of info.
[15:20:51] <Anniepoo> no, not yet, sadly, but we let employees use the machinery (we have a lot of industrial tools) to make stuff
[15:21:20] <mbrumlow> Such as current perception of building layout, what it sees compared to that (real time showing changes), battery info. Some facial stuff along with finding pope and delivering items.
[15:22:05] <Anniepoo> cool - a pope finding robot would be fun
[15:22:17] <Anniepoo> clanking around Vatican City
[15:22:54] <Anniepoo> looking for the pope to give a ham sandwich to
[15:24:12] <mbrumlow> Oh yeah secondary project is a traveling robot. I want to send to cities to explore. I want it to be able to find power outlets to charge on its own. Sort of like that hitchhiking robot, but more autonomous.
[15:24:51] <Anniepoo> that's a major project, yeah
[15:25:45] <mbrumlow> I figure I could test it out by first sending it to universities.
[15:27:08] <Anniepoo> yes, but even getting the bot to deliver stuff around your building is a pretty hefty proposition
[15:27:35] <Anniepoo> what company are you working at?
[15:27:53] <Anniepoo> (if your comfy saying)
[15:28:09] <Anniepoo> video dropped
[15:29:04] <Anniepoo> your drive mechanism's working pretty good on this
[15:32:25] <mbrumlow> r1soft.com
[15:32:34] <mbrumlow> well
[15:32:37] <mbrumlow> actually continuum.net
[15:33:29] <Anniepoo> nice!
[15:34:00] <Anniepoo> hmm... and fwiw my employer is lookign for something like this
[15:36:23] <mbrumlow> Most (and soon all) the code is on my github. Under MIT
[15:36:49] <Anniepoo> I meant your employer - but cool - tempted to set one of these up here
[15:37:20] <mbrumlow> You mean my employer is looking for something like this?
[15:38:46] <Anniepoo> i meant 'myt employer (Simularity) has a sort of chaotic home brew infrastructure that is something we should just source out, continuum.net might work for that'
[15:38:52] <mbrumlow> One day (when I get the time) I was going to do a build instructions and a videos so more people can get into it.
[15:39:03] <Anniepoo> what's the hardware?
[15:39:29] <mbrumlow> I have two running, on using RPI3 and the other on Intel Edison. (I think I like the RPI3 better, Intel has been slow to update their linux distro).
[15:39:54] <mbrumlow> The part I work for is backing up linux and windows systems.
[15:40:00] <mbrumlow> We make point in time snapshots of them.
[15:40:07] <mbrumlow> From there we can move the changes to the cloud
[15:40:20] <mbrumlow> and then spin a up a virtualized version of your system.
[15:40:33] <Anniepoo> nice
[15:40:35] <mbrumlow> (should your system get smashed by a robot).
[15:41:28] <Anniepoo> yah, we're a remote company, the 'server room' is the CEO's basement room, also used by the family dog
[15:41:37] <mbrumlow> I write the kernel driver for Linux and design much of the workings of the cloud system.
[15:41:48] <Anniepoo> 8cD
[15:41:56] * Anniepoo is suitably impressed
[15:42:34] <Anniepoo> anyway, 3 mins
[15:43:08] <mbrumlow> :D
[15:43:59] <mbrumlow> What do you guys do?
[15:44:12] <mbrumlow> Robot related?
[15:45:44] <Anniepoo> sorta -
[15:46:00] <Anniepoo> working on a startup, have a 30hr/week day job with Simularity
[15:46:15] <Anniepoo> Simularity does predictive analytics in Prolog
[15:46:26] <Anniepoo> the startup is manufacturing as a service
[15:47:15] <Anniepoo> basically making industrial machining equipment available on the web
[15:53:26] <Anniepoo> This is fun.
[15:53:45] <Anniepoo> can I get you to give me a parts list?
[15:54:34] <Anniepoo> I'd dup your bot, and then we'd both benefit from any improvements the other made
[15:55:34] <mbrumlow> yeah.
[15:55:44] <mbrumlow> I don't have them written down.
[15:55:51] <mbrumlow> I will update the github page.
[15:55:55] <Anniepoo> cool!
[15:56:39] <mbrumlow> The new one (the one you are driving) I took 2 of this one kit to build out this system. I just wanted the raw parts.
[15:57:14] <Anniepoo> whats the kit?
[15:57:34] <Anniepoo> I assume this is the RPI one
[15:58:20] <mbrumlow> yeah.
[15:58:36] <mbrumlow> The RPI native camera takes less power than the USB stuff I was using.
[15:59:10] <mbrumlow> When nobody is logged in I can power it down to save enve more power (also shutdownt he encoder that takes about 90% of one core).
[15:59:31] <mbrumlow> I wanted to do that with the edison, but the USB system borks out and I can't re attach the USB camera.
[16:01:48] <Anniepoo> 5 mins, work stuff
[16:04:39] <Riviera> I am about to order http://www.apress.com/de/book/9781484213605 as a christmas present. (David Cook: Robot Building for Beginners, 3rd ed., by Apress)
[16:05:27] <Riviera> Is that okay, would there be a better book / introduction / etc.? :)
[16:11:14] <mbrumlow> Riviera: sorry I don't know :(
[16:12:43] <Riviera> heh okay :)
[16:31:21] <robopal> I have read earlier editions
[16:31:58] <robopal> Riviera, listen, are you into complete DIY robot, completely scratch built or do you like to combine ready made modules?
[16:32:17] <robopal> electronics, mechanical chasis, software...
[16:45:47] <robopal> Riviera, hi
[16:46:03] <robopal> I lost connection, I don't know if you saw anything of what I wrote?
[16:47:13] <ace4016> .
[16:50:29] <SpeedEvil> http://hackaday.com/2016/11/28/tiniest-game-boy-hides-in-your-pocket/ :)
[16:51:30] <robopal> that IS tiny!
[17:37:53] <Riviera> robopal: no sorry, was away for a while
[17:38:07] <robopal> οκ
[17:38:11] <robopal> ok
[17:38:23] <Riviera> хехе
[17:39:12] <Riviera> robopal: I don't really know, potentially both (regarding your question about combining or from scratch), for starters surely combinding modules.
[17:39:38] <robopal> then you are better off with a book on arduino
[17:39:56] <robopal> this book from cook covers very basic stuff
[17:40:05] <robopal> you can find them online now anyway
[17:40:16] <robopal> do you know anything about electronics or not?
[17:40:42] <Riviera> robopal: it's not for me, but intended as a present for a total beginner
[17:40:59] <robopal> cooks book is good for a, lets say a 12-14y kid, to get him started
[17:41:05] <robopal> aa ok then
[17:42:00] <Riviera> robopal: that sound good enough actually, thanks :)
[17:42:07] <robopal> but still, if the plan is to get them an aruidno board and a few shields, then better is to get an arduino book
[17:42:23] <Riviera> robopal: would you have a recommendation?
[17:43:12] <robopal> no but there is even a kit with a book I believe from adafruit...
[17:43:23] <robopal> you can check it out
[17:43:59] <Riviera> robopal: alright, that's what i will do :)
[18:09:47] <Anniepoo> @mbrumlow - soon as ya get me a list of components, I'll order
[19:43:59] <branjb> anyone used a psoc in any projects? I'm intrigued by them
[20:10:51] <justanotheruser> yo
[20:13:01] <mbrumlow> yo
[20:15:57] <Jak_o_Shadows> sup
[21:02:18] <justanotheruser> what do you guys think of this design for a robot arm shoulder? http://imgur.com/a/WmEjF
[21:02:44] <justanotheruser> I'm hung up, is welding a flange to the axle really the best way to mount the arm?
[21:02:51] <justanotheruser> woops wrong link
[21:03:05] <justanotheruser> http://imgur.com/a/HScxw
[21:03:22] <justanotheruser> s/agle/axle/
[21:04:48] <Anniepoo> looking
[21:05:19] <Anniepoo> well, the motor needs some gearing
[21:05:29] <Anniepoo> ok, lets start, how big is the load?
[21:05:37] <Anniepoo> and how long is the arm?
[21:05:58] <justanotheruser> the arm should handle 80 lb-ft of torque
[21:06:06] <justanotheruser> ~3.5ft all the way extended
[21:06:23] <justanotheruser> the motor has a planetary gear
[21:06:40] <Anniepoo> how big is the axle?
[21:06:45] <justanotheruser> unspecified
[21:07:29] <Anniepoo> well, welding a flange to an axle sounds OK. Be aware that welding will distort the metal
[21:07:37] <justanotheruser> https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Nema34-Planetary-Reduction-Ratio-1-16-planet-gearbox-86mm-motor-speed-reducer-high-accuracy-type-6/32763245555.html
[21:07:40] <justanotheruser> https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Nema34-Planetary-Reduction-Ratio-1-16-planet-gearbox-86mm-motor-speed-reducer-high-accuracy-type-6/32763245555.html
[21:07:48] <justanotheruser> servo stepper and the planetary gearbox
[21:07:56] <justanotheruser> what do you recommend over welding to the axle?
[21:08:08] <Anniepoo> how about drill and pin?
[21:08:16] <justanotheruser> someone warned me that would weaken the axle
[21:08:23] <Anniepoo> it will
[21:08:41] <justanotheruser> how badly would welding distort the axle?
[21:08:56] <Anniepoo> it can be quite a bit
[21:09:25] <justanotheruser> hmm
[21:09:29] <Anniepoo> your drawing shows two bearings. They have to be collinear within the bearing clearance for the shaft to turn
[21:10:04] <Anniepoo> I suggest the pin because this doesn't look heavily enough loaded to worry about it
[21:10:30] <justanotheruser> 80 lb-ft isn't too much stress?
[21:10:38] <justanotheruser> ok
[21:10:47] <Anniepoo> that's an 80 lb weight on the end of a 1 ft arm
[21:10:51] <justanotheruser> sure
[21:11:13] <justanotheruser> so drill a hole, have a bolt go through it on both sides, mount some framing to the hole?
[21:11:24] <justanotheruser> to both sides of the bolt with a nut on the other side?
[21:11:28] <Anniepoo> if it were heavily loaded, I'd use a woodruff key, but you'll need a milling machine for that
[21:11:54] <Anniepoo> drill 'main' hole for arm to slip over axle
[21:11:57] <justanotheruser> that may be possible
[21:12:03] <justanotheruser> though I'd need a way to mount with the key
[21:12:20] <Anniepoo> slip in axle, drill slightly undersized hole at right angles
[21:12:23] <justanotheruser> I need to drill two holes right?
[21:12:37] <Anniepoo> ream using a taper pin reamer
[21:12:45] <Anniepoo> tap in a taper pin
[21:13:03] <justanotheruser> you lost me
[21:13:13] <Anniepoo> that's how to assemble with a taper pin
[21:13:24] <Anniepoo> hang on, lemme find a collaborative whiteboard
[21:13:39] <justanotheruser> I don't have flash
[21:13:52] <justanotheruser> but if you can find an html5 one that is appreciated
[21:14:08] <Anniepoo> google docs work?
[21:14:22] <justanotheruser> what do you want to do? Draw on the same surface?
[21:14:47] <Anniepoo> yah
[21:14:56] <Anniepoo> well, just draw something you can see
[21:15:27] <justanotheruser> hows this
[21:15:29] <justanotheruser> https://app.ziteboard.com/
[21:15:31] <justanotheruser> woops
[21:15:49] <justanotheruser> https://app.ziteboard.com/?shared=gKkUzFjiueKukcaM9fq
[21:16:48] <justanotheruser> let me know when you come, I'm not sure this works
[21:18:58] <Anniepoo> yah, that looks awkward
[21:19:15] <justanotheruser> use this https://awwapp.com/b/ugyclrl7b/
[21:19:29] <justanotheruser> very clean
[21:22:28] <Anniepoo> ok, so, you make a hole in the arm for the axle
[21:22:56] <Anniepoo> this needs to fit reasonably snug, but you can probably just drill it
[21:23:21] <Anniepoo> then you drill a slightly undersized hole through both axle and arm, crossways
[21:23:27] <Anniepoo> and insert a taper pin
[21:24:40] <Anniepoo> http://www.mscdirect.com/product/details/67553123
[21:24:50] <Anniepoo> something like that, in appropriate size
[21:24:58] <Anniepoo> (1/8 or something)
[21:25:11] <justanotheruser> mhm
[21:25:53] <Anniepoo> hmm... ok, taper pin reamers are expensive
[21:25:57] <Anniepoo> so use a roll pin
[21:25:58] <justanotheruser> so have a main hole with a bolt and two small holes with taper pins
[21:26:18] <justanotheruser> small holes with roll pins
[21:26:21] <justanotheruser> not sure the difference
[21:26:37] <Anniepoo> no, you only drill one hole for taper pin
[21:26:42] <Anniepoo> http://www.mscdirect.com/product/details/06039408
[21:26:46] <Anniepoo> That's a roll pin
[21:27:03] <Anniepoo> I'm saving you $30 or so for a specialized tool by suggesting a rollpin
[21:27:22] <justanotheruser> because the roll pins can fit more easily?
[21:27:23] <Anniepoo> (local hardware store sells them in qty 1)
[21:27:31] <Anniepoo> the roll pin, you just drill a hole
[21:27:37] <justanotheruser> I see
[21:27:50] <Anniepoo> all the way through the axle and into the arm for another 1/2" or so
[21:28:12] <Jak_o_Shadows> Dunno what hardware store you have mate
[21:28:12] <justanotheruser> ok so one hole for bolt one hole for roll pin
[21:28:22] <Anniepoo> the hole shjould be just undersized for the roll pin
[21:29:00] <justanotheruser> don't you think I should mount on both sides of the axle?
[21:29:08] <Anniepoo> you have to drive the roll pin in. I suggest a bit of aluminum scrap
[21:29:17] <justanotheruser> don't have any scrap
[21:29:29] <Anniepoo> the roll pin only prevents the arm from rotating on the axle
[21:29:33] <justanotheruser> right
[21:29:34] <Anniepoo> so only one is needed
[21:29:36] <justanotheruser> if I
[21:30:00] <justanotheruser> If I have it mounted on both sides then it can handle more torque, no?
[21:30:05] <Anniepoo> the other axes of geometry are pinned by the hole in the arm
[21:30:17] <Anniepoo> well, but now you have two holes in your axle
[21:30:31] <justanotheruser> I could just go all the way through and fill it
[21:30:52] <justanotheruser> like this: =====[o
[21:30:59] <Anniepoo> you can go all the way through if you want
[21:31:27] <justanotheruser> I think that would give the arm more support
[21:31:30] <justanotheruser> I imagine it would slip otherwise
[21:31:47] <Anniepoo> remember that for this to fail it must shear this metal pin
[21:31:56] <justanotheruser> right, but it is 80lbs
[21:32:28] <justanotheruser> 80 lb-ft
[21:32:43] <justanotheruser> what is the best way to drill such a hole?
[21:32:47] <Anniepoo> the shear strength of high carbon steel like a roll pin is about 80,000 Lb/in^2
[21:32:55] <Anniepoo> whats the arm made of?
[21:33:05] <Anniepoo> and what's the axle made of?
[21:33:21] <justanotheruser> drill press?
[21:33:27] <Anniepoo> if you have one, yes
[21:33:31] <justanotheruser> t-slotted aluminium
[21:33:42] <Anniepoo> ok, so, one pin's a great plenty
[21:33:51] <justanotheruser> why is one plenty?
[21:33:54] <Anniepoo> drill press is fine
[21:34:06] <justanotheruser> problem is I have to travel to get to the drill press
[21:34:13] <Anniepoo> cause after a few years of calculating when things fail you get to where you don't have to
[21:34:18] <justanotheruser> though it may be much easier than just using the drill
[21:34:25] <justanotheruser> the drill press is like 5 miles away
[21:34:25] <Anniepoo> have a hand electric drill?
[21:34:34] <justanotheruser> I might buy one :p
[21:34:39] <Anniepoo> get a block of wood
[21:35:03] <Anniepoo> drill a hole through it with the bit you'll be using
[21:35:23] <Anniepoo> put the bit in the hole, not chucked in drill, and hold a square against it
[21:35:52] <Anniepoo> if you got it reasonably straight, check it's straight in other axis
[21:36:02] <justanotheruser> I think the drill press will be much better :p
[21:36:03] <Anniepoo> if not, make another attempt
[21:36:26] <Anniepoo> when you have a straight hole, put wood block on arm and use to guide taper pin hole
[21:36:57] <justanotheruser> so two holes, one for the bolt one for the pin
[21:37:09] <Anniepoo> bolt?
[21:37:16] <Anniepoo> what bolt?
[21:37:29] <Anniepoo> oh, that's your axle
[21:37:31] <Anniepoo> yes,
[21:37:33] <justanotheruser> no
[21:37:38] <justanotheruser> the bolt used to secure the framing to the axle
[21:37:42] <justanotheruser> the bolt will go through the framing
[21:37:59] <Anniepoo> (btw, you can't weld aluminum to a steel axle)
[21:38:06] <justanotheruser> right
[21:38:20] <Anniepoo> well, you don't really need the bolt
[21:38:28] <orlock> can't?
[21:38:34] <orlock> Sounds like a challenge!
[21:38:45] <orlock> Jb Weld is still Welding, right?
[21:38:47] <justanotheruser> how do I secure it without a bolt?
[21:38:58] <Anniepoo> no, JB Weld is NOT welding.
[21:39:05] <orlock> :)
[21:39:14] <Anniepoo> drill a hole in the aluminum arm, same diameter as axle
[21:39:23] <Anniepoo> stick axle in, install roll pin
[21:39:44] <Anniepoo> prior to roll pin, axle can rotate and slip on arm
[21:39:50] <Anniepoo> after, can do neither
[21:40:36] <justanotheruser> ohhhhhhhhhhh
[21:40:41] <justanotheruser> that makes much more sense
[21:40:54] <justanotheruser> good idea
[21:43:39] <Anniepoo> 8cD
[21:44:19] <justanotheruser> I was thinking you were saying drill two parallel holes in the framing then two in the axle then mount it on top lol
[21:44:29] <Anniepoo> no
[21:45:07] <justanotheruser> yeah, I know you don't mean that
[21:45:12] <justanotheruser> but you can understand why I said drill both sides
[21:45:25] <justanotheruser> since that mounting method would be really weak
[21:46:12] <Anniepoo> my method should be strong enough that the arm might fail first
[21:46:29] <justanotheruser> mhm
[21:46:47] <justanotheruser> I wonder how strong the pin will be
[21:47:04] <Anniepoo> actually, rollpins are used in heavier applications as 'fuses' because they fail at such known, repeatable torques
[21:48:13] <Anniepoo> http://engineersedge.com/roll_pin.htm
[21:48:51] <justanotheruser> https://www.mcmaster.com/#roll-pins/=158su0m
[21:50:13] <justanotheruser> hmm, quantity is 500 lol
[21:50:20] <justanotheruser> probably should just get them from the store
[21:50:30] <justanotheruser> oh wait the package is like $10
[21:52:15] <Anniepoo> ok, lets see - 80 ft lbs, 1600 lbs shear at 1/16" radius, too near 1850, use a 3/16 rollpin
[21:52:45] <Jak_o_Shadows> Bloody imperial units. I have no reasoning with them.
[21:53:00] <Jak_o_Shadows> If you give me metric, I can roughly work things out, but imperial - blargh.
[21:53:14] <Anniepoo> 4150 lbs should be plenty safe
[21:53:18] <justanotheruser> Jak_o_Shadows: http://luke.dashjr.org/tmp/pics/sisucks.svg
[21:53:31] <Jak_o_Shadows> I fully admit that it's lack of experience.
[21:53:47] <justanotheruser> imperial units of volume > si units
[21:54:06] <orlock> Unless it's something, you know, important
[21:54:10] * Anniepoo is here with a scale reading stones per fortnight
[21:54:29] <Jak_o_Shadows> justanotheruser, but of mass? Imperial is flat out crazy and confusing. Force != mass, unless you're using imperial units, where you can SOMETIMES get away with it
[21:54:55] <justanotheruser> did you know sugar and the sterling use the same unit at the CME?
[21:55:01] <justanotheruser> They're both traded in dollars per pound
[21:55:45] <Anniepoo> biologists use 'bluejay emetic units'
[21:56:09] <Anniepoo> the amount of a toxin in a berry required to make a bluejay throw up is 1 BEU
[21:56:25] <justanotheruser> so its a measure of mass?
[21:56:36] <orlock> What if you are not working with bluejay's?
[21:57:02] <justanotheruser> orlock: what if you're not working with water, does celcius not matter?
[21:57:03] <orlock> Anniepoo: as far as i know, we use metric here
[21:57:39] <Anniepoo> if you're working with another species you have some conversion factor, I guess
[21:58:22] <orlock> we specialise in dosages of microfluidics and stuff
[21:58:38] <orlock> got whole specialised pumps and stuff
[21:58:44] <orlock> <-- just a janitor
[21:59:56] <Anniepoo> hey orlock, if yall need stuff made, don't forget us http://theelginworks.com
[21:59:58] <Anniepoo> 8cD
[22:00:21] <orlock> Anniepoo: Wrong country.. and we have a full machine shop and factory floor here
[22:00:37] <orlock> :)
[22:00:43] <Anniepoo> yah, I know, we've discussed...
[22:00:56] <Anniepoo> 8cD it's instinctive
[22:01:07] <orlock> one of the othe rguys let me know there was some interesting stuff in the bins
[22:01:19] <orlock> i ended up with ~10kg of Nema23's
[22:01:24] <Anniepoo> ooh
[22:01:34] <orlock> all Portscape branded as well
[22:01:53] <orlock> the last few i had before that were Danaher Motion/Pacific Scientific
[22:02:44] <orlock> i should go for a wander and see if theres anything new
[22:02:47] <orlock> stretch my eyes
[22:03:28] <Anniepoo> justa, did you figure in dynamic load in that 80 ft-lb?
[22:06:49] <rue_shop3> I think justanotheruser is gonna bend or sheer something in the way its designed
[22:08:19] <justanotheruser> rue_shop3: suggestions?
[22:08:28] <justanotheruser> maybe I need multiple pins?
[22:08:45] <justanotheruser> the more pins, the more the weight is distributed
[22:09:33] <Anniepoo> actually, one pin will load first
[22:09:34] <Anniepoo> 8cD
[22:10:02] <Anniepoo> relax, use a 3/16 pin
[22:16:08] <justanotheruser> I just got my chinese motor in the mail
[22:16:27] <Anniepoo> the bigger issue is, how did you estimate the torgue?
[22:16:37] <Anniepoo> cause i bet this is the static load
[22:18:09] <justanotheruser> you bet what is a static load?
[22:18:27] <justanotheruser> I added the force from gravity and the force from acceleration
[22:19:37] <Anniepoo> ok, and you've thought about things like the force when the robot bangs into an obstacle
[22:20:35] <justanotheruser> no not really
[22:21:00] <justanotheruser> I assumed that I wouldn't hit it with 100 ft-lbs
[22:21:14] <justanotheruser> I don't know how to calculate torque from a sudden collision like that :P
[22:21:36] <justanotheruser> I mean I could model it by assuming all cows are spherical...
[22:24:09] <Anniepoo> yes, about all you can do is make some wild guess
[22:28:41] <Anniepoo> which is why this stuff is often done more by 'looks about right'
[22:32:21] <mbrumlow> so the cleaning lady keeps attacking my robot at hte office.
[22:32:25] <mbrumlow> she keeps poking at it with a duster
[22:32:44] <Anniepoo> lol
[22:33:09] <Anniepoo> ok, lets use some social robotics to fix this
[22:33:40] <z64555> hey hey, it's not a wild guess, it's precision guesstimation!
[22:34:05] <ace4016> make the robot say "ow"
[22:34:11] <Anniepoo> is she poking at it because she's annoyed, honestly afraid, thinks it's cool, ???
[22:34:56] <mbrumlow> I think it was a bit in wonderment.
[22:35:02] <mbrumlow> she is leaving it alone now.
[22:35:15] <mbrumlow> but at first she just was standing still looking at it from afar.
[22:35:32] <mbrumlow> Oh good idea ace4016
[22:35:42] <mbrumlow> I am adding a robot.
[22:35:44] <mbrumlow> I mean
[22:35:46] <mbrumlow> a speaker.
[22:35:50] <mbrumlow> and to the chat proto
[22:35:58] <mbrumlow> "some text"
[22:36:02] <Anniepoo> well, yes, I'd use ace's method - make it play a canned 'I'm hurt' animation and sound
[22:36:11] <mbrumlow> err /say "some text" and the robot will say it.
[22:36:23] <mbrumlow> ace4016: http://pluto.brumtopia.com:8080/ if you want to see
[22:36:32] <Anniepoo> you could just watch the video stream a few times, try different strategies
[22:36:59] <Anniepoo> you could also be cute
[22:37:24] <ace4016> i remember this one mbrumlow
[22:37:30] <Anniepoo> follow her!
[22:39:15] <justanotheruser> mbrumlow: that is really cool
[22:39:21] <mbrumlow> thanks
[22:39:29] <mbrumlow> :)
[22:40:47] <Anniepoo> m, you can prevent fighting for controls by having 'unclaimed' state and 'claimed' state, whoever 'claims' the robot keeps it up to nn seconds after they last send a command
[22:41:46] <Anniepoo> definitely you can improve the level of interaction with people by dressing the robot up to be cute
[22:43:32] <justanotheruser> mbrumlow: is this software you wrote?
[22:43:38] <justanotheruser> Is there a way I can buy a bot like this for my home?
[22:43:44] <Anniepoo> if you post that parts list, and I build one, I'll make a couple 'cute' bodies for them
[22:44:11] <orlock> URL oesnt work here
[22:45:06] <DagoRed> .info
[22:45:06] <makepi> DagoRed: No title found
[22:45:11] <DagoRed> .shrink
[22:45:11] <makepi> DagoRed: http://j.mp/2fvQo0w
[22:45:33] <mbrumlow> Anniepoo: yeah I want to give time slots that can be extened if you reach a QR code or something.
[22:45:51] <DagoRed> that is really cool!
[22:45:53] <mbrumlow> justanotheruser: yeah, I wrote the software , you can buy the parts and build it :p
[22:45:58] <DagoRed> Where is this?
[22:45:58] <mbrumlow> I have not posted the parts yet.
[22:46:03] <Anniepoo> no, better game design to 'offer' task, than to 'force' task
[22:46:04] <mbrumlow> Houston, TX
[22:46:33] <mbrumlow> The other one that is charging has a nerf gun attachment.
[22:47:12] <Anniepoo> hmm.... being able to give a small gift would be a fun thing to have robot do
[22:47:29] <justanotheruser> lol the janitor saw us
[22:47:29] <mbrumlow> justanotheruser: I have not posted all the code for the rpi3 one
[22:47:45] <justanotheruser> mbrumlow: do you have a pic of the robot we're driving?
[22:47:46] <mbrumlow> I have a few more things to clean up.
[22:48:02] <mbrumlow> But I did post the i2c code for go , and the motorhat controller in go.
[22:48:05] <mbrumlow> yeah
[22:48:20] <Anniepoo> yes, some colored posters on the walls, a mirror tile on the floor
[22:48:40] <mbrumlow> https://goo.gl/photos/KCkLtxaqgb7p3iEb6
[22:48:40] <Anniepoo> if you can read the battery level that'd be a good first use
[22:48:47] <mbrumlow> I need to get a mirror
[22:49:01] <mbrumlow> the battery will (should) last about 24 hours.
[22:49:04] <Anniepoo> human assisted robotics - have a message that tells the user the robot's low on batt and
[22:49:18] <Anniepoo> then some signs pointing way to charger
[22:49:20] <Anniepoo> 8cD
[22:49:25] <mbrumlow> yeah, I am working on a larger one that will handle all the lipo charging.
[22:50:28] <justanotheruser> this makes your super boring looking office exciting :p
[22:50:44] <mbrumlow> Its more fun when people are there.
[22:50:53] <mbrumlow> I will have the other one on tomarrow morning.
[22:51:05] <mbrumlow> I have not had time to make the software work with 2 bots at the same time (very well)
[22:51:09] <Anniepoo> lol, then we can chase each other
[22:51:15] <mbrumlow> I had two servers up with the other bot and people were battleing them.
[22:51:21] <orlock> There used to be a site like this
[22:51:28] <z64555> set up a race track around the office!
[22:51:36] <orlock> run by BP
[22:51:45] <Anniepoo> post the parts!!!!
[22:52:01] <orlock> they had a little worksite/town model set up with 4 or so little cars that you could drive around
[22:52:02] <Anniepoo> soon as you do, I'm going to send an order
[22:52:17] <orlock> but people just kept on working to get them stuck, or escape
[22:52:23] <justanotheruser> you should let us go left and forwards at the same time
[22:53:12] <orlock> http://www.mismo.co.nz/Files/portfolio/9/918a4229-c704-45d8-a52a-aa5e4f9941ed.jpg
[22:53:16] <Anniepoo> a nerf ball would be another good thing to have
[22:53:18] <orlock> theres somebodys screengrabs from it heh
[22:54:14] <justanotheruser> Yeah, first thing I tried was escaping
[22:54:23] <justanotheruser> its in human nature :D
[22:56:16] <mbrumlow> https://gist.github.com/anonymous/1d1a4cc7a671de455caec880e8ab0aa7 <- most of the parts
[22:56:34] <z64555> orlock: they just want to play the part of Johnny 5
[22:57:06] <mbrumlow> there is a basketball somewhere.
[22:57:20] <justanotheruser> thats decent quality for an $8 camera
[22:59:13] <mbrumlow> hmm
[22:59:49] <mbrumlow> its back on line
[23:00:03] <mbrumlow> wifi gets bad over there.
[23:00:10] <mbrumlow> Another guy at work is bringin a better AP
[23:02:24] <orlock> mbrumlow: URL?
[23:02:40] <mbrumlow> http://pluto.brumtopia.com:8080/
[23:04:05] <orlock> Yeha, no workey here
[23:04:12] <mbrumlow> what are you seeing?
[23:04:16] <orlock> Nothing
[23:04:31] <mbrumlow> mind if I ask where you are at? (what part of world)
[23:04:48] <mbrumlow> do you support html5 canvas and websockets?
[23:04:55] <mbrumlow> what browser?
[23:05:08] <orlock> nah networking issue
[23:05:18] <orlock> might even be ttl exceeded
[23:05:43] <orlock> traceroute show sit gets to 250ms latency at hop 21 ,
[23:05:45] <mbrumlow> its being served from a ec2
[23:05:58] <mbrumlow> in the center of the us (i think)
[23:06:06] <orlock> ah that ip's an amazon one, ttl should be ok then
[23:06:23] <Anniepoo> @mbrumlow, suggest you check that gist in as docs
[23:15:51] <mbrumlow> I will onces I get the control code (for this bot) up on github.
[23:15:57] <mbrumlow> darbot is actually the other one
[23:16:09] <mbrumlow> I want to make the robot tell the service the link to its code
[23:17:29] <Anniepoo> with all the interest currently in this bot, I'd encourage getting the code, schematics, etc up on github quickly, you might have something going here
[23:32:51] <mbrumlow> brb
[23:40:05] <mbrumlow> back :)