#robotics | Logs for 2016-11-24

[04:42:01] <pokmo> is the speed (rpm) of a stepper dependent on the speed of the controller?
[05:44:06] <SpeedEvil> pokmo: controllers don't really have speeds as such
[05:44:18] <SpeedEvil> if you mean steps/second - of course
[05:44:40] <SpeedEvil> but other factors usually limit it - resonances, jitter if it's crap, current limit, ...
[05:44:45] <pokmo> SpeedEvil, but aren't steppers moved one step at a time?
[05:44:49] <SpeedEvil> plus - load variance and missed steps
[05:44:50] <SpeedEvil> yes
[05:45:04] <SpeedEvil> but even many steps/second is easy for the electronics
[05:45:10] <pokmo> so, if the controller has a higher frequency, then more steps per sec?
[05:45:15] <SpeedEvil> and it's not 'speed' as such that usually limits it.
[05:45:26] <SpeedEvil> If that is the limiting factor - it's usually not.
[05:45:32] <pokmo> right
[05:58:54] <malcom2073_> The speed of a stepper is usually limited by the voltage. The higher the voltage, the faster you can spin it before it loses torque
[22:53:05] <rue_house> led
[22:53:09] <rue_house> 1.4V
[22:53:15] <rue_house> 10mA
[22:53:19] <rue_house> 36V supply
[22:54:03] <rue_house> resistor: zippo:/files/programming/python/serialDiaglog# ohm -i .01 -v 34.6
[22:54:03] <rue_house> Wattage is: 0.346000
[22:54:04] <rue_house> Current is: 0.010000
[22:54:04] <rue_house> Voltage is: 34.599998
[22:54:04] <rue_house> Resistance is : 3460.000000
[22:55:24] <rue_house> 555, at 11% duty:
[22:56:19] <rue_house> poof, it can only handle 18V
[22:56:47] <rue_house> I wonder if a 3484 can take that
[22:57:51] <rue_house> hmm 34V
[23:40:03] <Snert> careful. You could open up a hole in the space/time continuum with such holy math.