#robotics | Logs for 2016-11-16

[00:08:47] <rue_shop3> ?
[00:08:58] <rue_shop3> its a white gear
[00:09:09] <rue_shop3> matter a fact, most of the gears are 'POM'
[00:31:00] <peeps[lappy]> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polyoxymethylene
[00:31:13] * orlock cracks it
[00:31:22] <orlock> fucking flaky ESP bullshite
[00:31:27] <peeps[lappy]> rue_bed, what's the question?
[00:31:33] <peeps[lappy]> rue_shop3,
[00:31:55] <peeps[lappy]> man, so many rues
[00:32:11] <branjb> a simulator for my robot: http://tinyurl.com/zyer4n4
[00:34:45] <peeps[lappy]> branjb, i don't have authorization :(
[00:35:10] <branjb> aw
[00:35:19] <branjb> hang on
[00:36:34] <branjb> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2y3cME3YAVqS25UZXdSU2JZcnc
[00:36:44] <branjb> boo, still processing
[00:38:54] <branjb> ok, processed
[00:39:43] <peeps[lappy]> well, that was underwhelming
[00:40:13] <branjb> lol
[00:40:25] <peeps[lappy]> what kind of robot is it
[00:40:27] <branjb> i'm still proud of it
[00:40:30] <branjb> differential drive
[00:43:16] <peeps[lappy]> ah i see
[00:45:02] <branjb> i was having a lot of trouble implementing a good navigation algorithm, that was my first success
[00:48:48] <rue_bed> the question is 6*7
[00:50:15] <orlock> branjb: i think there's a fly on your screen
[00:50:42] <branjb> I don't see it
[13:53:01] <blib> anyone here?
[13:53:40] <robotustra> here
[13:53:59] <deshipu> where?
[13:54:03] <blib> :)
[13:54:11] <blib> http://www.vexrobotics.com/vexpro/all/versaplanetary.html - anyone has bought this combination here?
[13:55:01] <robotustra> I build my own
[13:55:39] <robotustra> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POSKD3lSD8E
[14:01:17] <blib> robotustra: planetary gear motor?
[14:01:28] <robotustra> no
[14:01:35] <robotustra> cycloidal drive
[14:01:45] <robotustra> 3 gears inside
[14:02:38] <blib> interesting
[14:02:47] <blib> I need to put 30lb of weight on it
[14:03:21] <robotustra> http://i.imgur.com/akaebS5.jpg
[14:03:34] <robotustra> http://i.imgur.com/GbzoJjB.jpg
[14:03:49] <robotustra> easy
[14:03:56] <blib> nice
[14:04:14] <robotustra> 15 kg is not a load
[14:04:15] <blib> the 3d piece will not take weight, right?
[14:04:24] <blib> the white part is PLA?
[14:04:30] <robotustra> yes
[14:04:43] <robotustra> it's strong enough for 15 kg
[14:04:53] <blib> PLA - 15KG?
[14:04:55] <robotustra> or you can mill it from Al
[14:05:05] <blib> mine bends in the sun without weight...!
[14:05:14] <robotustra> bad PLA
[14:05:26] <robotustra> but Al is better agree
[14:06:47] <robotustra> the thickness of this gearbox can be 2 times less if to use metal gears
[14:06:47] <blib> robotustra: how do you cut those shapes with AL ? cnc?
[14:06:55] <robotustra> yes
[14:19:59] <blib> is there a 24mm to 12mm hex adapter
[14:20:10] <blib> or 1/2" adapter -metal
[14:30:21] <Snert_> dang. That vexpro stuff looks great.
[14:32:50] <Snert_> not seeing any specs on backlash though.
[14:33:32] <blib> Am trying to figure out how much load it will take
[14:35:46] <Snert_> if you accidentally bought a too weak motor, would it be a complete waste?
[14:35:57] <Snert_> it wouldn't for me.
[14:36:04] <veverak> if you buy weak motor
[14:36:13] <veverak> it means you have to build ALSO smaller robot
[14:36:36] <Snert_> I would re-use it in a different joint or something.
[14:37:47] <robotustra> to use motor in the robot joint is not a brilliant idea
[14:39:08] <Snert_> y not?
[14:40:12] <robotustra> no
[14:40:34] <robotustra> I'm trying to remove motors from joints
[14:40:46] <Snert_> ok. I'll do it.
[14:41:04] <Snert_> it may not be a joint that carries alot of weight.
[14:41:16] <robotustra> motor in the joint == complex joint
[14:41:31] <robotustra> complex and heavy
[14:42:12] <Snert_> those are disadvantages 4sure.
[14:44:27] <robotustra> Snert_: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87h5Bwy6rUg
[14:50:21] <Snert_> fun and lots to think about. Not really my use case but moving mass is always good to keep in mind.
[14:51:28] <robotustra> remember about momentum
[14:51:43] <robotustra> m*R^2
[14:52:02] <robotustra> if it's a rod - multiply by 1/12
[14:52:22] <robotustra> if it's a mass on the end of rod - multiply by 1
[15:06:43] <Snert_> makes sense. Keep it as light as possible.
[15:07:14] <Snert_> paint stir sticks (wood) looks good for a prototype maybe.
[15:07:30] <Snert_> followed by CF.
[15:09:49] <Snert_> maybe even popsicle sticks
[15:10:37] <deshipu> I like foamed pvc
[15:14:01] <Snert_> that looks like prettygood stuff
[15:27:43] <deshipu> you can cut it with a knife
[15:53:27] <gmct> Hey guys, I just soldered some headers onto my rumba board for the stepper motors and there's some light PCB burns.
[15:53:37] <gmct> Did I fuck up my board?
[15:53:51] <gmct> The board still works but I can't test with motors at the moment.
[15:59:11] <robopal> discoloration from the heat of the solder iron you mean?
[15:59:24] <robopal> soldering*
[15:59:32] <gmct> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/95625180205813760/248556287175032832/IMG_20161116_161320.jpg
[16:00:16] <robopal> you need to add more solder
[16:00:55] <robopal> see like on the left column, solder must wet the pad around the pin
[16:02:02] <robopal> and dont worry that slight discoloration is OK...
[16:35:03] <delinquentme> hi all. Im wondering what a 'plunge rate' is ... just to verify its the speed at which the router or whatever the drill drops in the z-axis right?
[16:38:57] <deshipu> I think it's related to daleks somehow
[16:39:28] <Tom_L> we just told you in #linuxcnc
[16:40:23] <Tom_L> typically 1/2 or 1/3 regular feedrate
[16:40:37] <Tom_L> ramp is similar
[16:40:48] <Tom_L> but at an angle to the work
[16:41:06] <Tom_L> just make sure you have a center cutting endmill
[18:38:03] <z64555> oh, gmct already left
[18:39:21] <z64555> robopal: looks like he didn't keep his tip clean
[18:39:43] <z64555> and didn't heat up the pins long enough
[18:40:52] <robopal> yes