#robotics | Logs for 2016-11-03

[00:04:02] <mrdata_> i keep reading that as gerbil
[00:04:40] <rue_house> squeek squeeek
[00:06:33] <mrdata_> http://giphy.com/gifs/FmNXeuoadNTpe
[00:07:09] <rue_house> that is a DANGEROUS game
[00:16:13] <rue_house> Tom_L, I suspect it barfed bcause of a absolute/relative positioning problem
[00:44:46] <rue_house> Tom_L, did you set up the box cutting job using 3d software or 2.5D?
[08:48:09] <JT-Shop> rue_house: I wrote an arc generator for LinuxCNC that may help you figure them out http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?Simple_LinuxCNC_G-Code_Generators#Arc_Generator
[09:19:00] <rue_house> JT-Shop, what did you use to lay out the gui?
[09:19:26] <rue_house> hand coded or a tkinter thing?
[10:47:46] <kasious> im grilling some sausages with sadam right now
[13:06:07] <Tom_L> rue_house, i used the 3d version on that
[13:06:52] <Tom_L> it wouldn't have mattered on that though
[14:22:54] <JT-Shop> rue_house: that is some old tkinter stuff
[14:23:18] <JT-Shop> ah well maybe not I redid them in GTK2
[14:23:54] <JT-Shop> but the ones on the wiki are still tkinter
[18:39:40] <rue_house> OK WHO DROPPED OFF A 2 TON ARBOUR PRESS!??
[18:43:27] <Tom_L> pics
[18:52:44] <Snert> I'd claim it. Except I'd have to fly down to pick it up.
[19:19:03] <rue_house> I swear, the stuff that just shows up here is amazing
[19:20:07] <rue_house> its got a cnc milled die in it for cutting out H's
[19:20:29] <rue_house> 2 of the 3 people I know who could have supplied this said they didn't
[19:20:47] <rue_house> 2 of the 2 people who might have found one and dropped it off said they didn't
[19:46:17] <z64555> rue_house: there isn't, like, any sort of documentation or proof of ownership?
[19:46:43] <z64555> I guess you might be able to track down the owner via serial number, probably a long shot though
[19:48:38] <rue_house> dude, I just wanna thank the person who gave it to me
[19:48:50] <rue_house> and I'm really curious as to who found it
[20:17:53] <rue_shop3> hahahah
[20:18:08] <rue_shop3> cambam cant work out where the inside and outside of lines are to do profile cuts
[20:19:06] <malcom2073_> I like cambam
[20:27:08] <rue_shop3> I have a profile and its mixing up the side of some of the lines it should be cutting on
[20:27:34] <rue_shop3> its funny, cause I am working on writing a cam processor and was wondering how to work out which side of a line to cut
[20:27:41] <rue_shop3> cambam cant
[20:32:40] <rue_shop3> I dont thnk I can tell bamcam its on the wrong side of this line
[20:35:01] <malcom2073_> Could just flip cutter compensation?
[20:35:25] <malcom2073_> That's what cutter comp does, chooses which side of the line to cut on (or with none, right on the line)
[20:36:00] <malcom2073_> Though I'm not sure what cambam calls it
[20:39:09] <rue_shop3> I cant seem to adjust that for one line
[20:39:30] <rue_shop3> for example I have a square, and its got 3/4 lines cut on the right side
[20:39:43] <rue_shop3> the other line its cutting on the wrong side
[20:41:15] <malcom2073_> It's been too long since I've used cambam
[20:42:13] <rue_shop3> well what are you using now?
[20:42:47] <rue_shop3> I could compensate my drawing for the tool offset and write a cam that would profile on the line
[20:43:31] <rue_shop3> such a simple thing, how frustrating
[20:50:41] <rue_shop3> cambam also dosn't properly compensate for the tool bit size
[20:50:56] <rue_shop3> when it does in inside L it overcuts both lines
[20:51:04] <rue_shop3> via each other
[20:51:34] <malcom2073_> That sounds like something is set wrong
[20:52:11] <rue_shop3> I'm blaming it on bad software
[20:52:52] <rue_shop3> so, I'm going to have to go back to writing my own
[21:24:50] <malcom2073_> You writing a cam? :-D
[21:25:17] <rue_shop3> there is no free linux cam
[21:25:48] <malcom2073_> Indeed, it makes me a bit sad
[21:25:55] <malcom2073_> I'd really like to go legit and use actual free tools
[21:26:37] <malcom2073_> Got a link? Or more conceptual/personal atm?
[21:44:29] <rue_shop3> right now I can read a dxf file
[21:44:41] <rue_shop3> I have a 2d library
[21:47:58] <rue_house> having gui problems tho
[21:48:20] <rue_house> cant get a command interface and a graphical window wrapped into the same thing