#robotics | Logs for 2016-10-29

[00:02:42] <rue_shop3> unposted job positions
[00:03:15] <anonnumberanon> that seems far-fetched, no?
[00:03:46] <rue_shop3> nope
[00:03:56] <rue_shop3> 80% of job opportunities are not posted
[00:04:35] <anonnumberanon> but yeah trust me i know these things, they made robot arms that are good enough for the next 10 years and now they just want to spread wider with more industry offerings and there are no more jobs in actual robotics engineering
[10:13:34] <MisterX> anyone konw the minimum temperature a rasperry pi can withstand?
[10:13:45] <MisterX> in degrees celsius?
[10:14:11] <MisterX> -20 should be ok.. right?
[10:26:51] <Tom_L> check the part data sheets
[10:26:57] <Tom_L> that would give a good indication
[10:27:23] <Tom_L> some chips have extended temperature ranges
[12:36:05] <armyofevilrobots> @rue_shop3 : WHen are you around til today?
[13:08:18] <rue_bed> wow I slept in
[13:08:28] <armyofevilrobots> Win!
[13:08:34] <rue_bed> armyofevilrobots, :)
[13:09:05] * rue_bed squints, is it raining?
[13:09:41] <rue_bed> I'm probably gonna dissapear around 3:00 to sech for a bit
[13:10:02] <rue_bed> got some scrap metal calling
[13:10:03] <armyofevilrobots> It’s raining pretty good yeah.
[13:10:14] <armyofevilrobots> I’ll drop the CNC machine off before then then.
[13:10:24] <armyofevilrobots> I have to head into gibsons, so I can drop it on the way.
[13:10:33] <armyofevilrobots> I’ll go pack it up and ping you before I leave.
[13:10:36] <rue_bed> k, I'l be in my human costume in about an hour?
[13:11:13] <rue_bed> I might be able to accelerate that
[13:12:06] <rue_bed> armyofevilrobots, that would be awesome
[13:16:09] * rue_house calls init()
[13:18:33] <armyofevilrobots> @rue_bed @rue_house No rush. I am moving slow myself.
[13:29:01] <rue_house> ok, 40% booted
[13:29:12] * rue_house tries to read a clock
[13:29:19] <rue_house> 11, ok
[14:01:45] <armyofevilrobots> OK, all packed up.
[14:01:55] <armyofevilrobots> Should I head right over, or grab myself a coffee first?
[21:08:46] <rue_house> armyofevilrobots, iiinteresting
[21:09:00] <armyofevilrobots> ??
[21:09:18] <rue_house> not eh ideal setup for the motors, just checking everything out
[21:09:51] <rue_house> looks like the limit was the driver and power supply, if the motors were parallel wired and the power supply were like 20A, (6A drivers) it'd be happier
[21:10:04] <rue_house> I'm just gonna work on getting it going
[21:10:35] <rue_house> by the math, the speed limits sound low, 540 says step limit is 200k, the limit on the motors is 7k fullsteps
[21:10:45] <rue_house> both way over the cutting speed it looks
[21:11:07] <armyofevilrobots> Hmmm, my memory may be off on that.
[21:11:12] <rue_house> and really odd, one limit switch circuit!
[21:11:25] <armyofevilrobots> That’s not so odd, cut all motion at once.
[21:11:36] <rue_house> not used for homing?
[21:12:40] <rue_house> not sure what the software controlling it had been up to
[21:13:18] <rue_house> another oddity, the motors are rated for 3A, but driven at 2.2 with a 9A supply
[21:13:31] <rue_house> I'm wondering if its a chineese "9A"?
[21:13:41] <rue_house> did they get hot?
[21:16:29] <armyofevilrobots> Agh; sorry, I misread. You said limit, my brain trainsliterated to e-stop.
[21:16:36] <armyofevilrobots> Yes, only one limit switch, kinda weird.
[21:16:57] <armyofevilrobots> The supply only pushes 2.2? That I did not know.
[21:18:24] <rue_shop3> the driver is only set to 2.2A
[21:18:29] <armyofevilrobots> The default on the G540 is 3.5A/phase. If it’s pushing less than that then maybe there is something wrong with the PSU.
[21:18:29] <rue_shop3> for 3A motors
[21:18:46] <rue_shop3> via the current set resistor in the 9 pin
[21:18:48] <armyofevilrobots> They didn’t get very hot.
[21:18:59] <armyofevilrobots> Is there a resistor in there? I didn’t think I put one in.
[21:19:03] <rue_shop3> maybe they have room for a little more punch
[21:19:25] <rue_shop3> the 9 pin to the gecko has a current set resistor, 1A/k they have 2.2k in them
[21:19:32] <armyofevilrobots> Maybe put a 3k on there.
[21:19:34] <rue_shop3> (I only sampled one)
[21:20:01] <rue_shop3> but according to the motor charts, they do MUCH better if driven with parallel windings at 6A
[21:20:03] <armyofevilrobots> Yeah, that would give 2.2A. It’s 1A/resistorKohm.
[21:20:10] <rue_shop3> about double the toque
[21:20:36] <armyofevilrobots> I don’t think that those motors can be run parallel.
[21:20:46] <armyofevilrobots> sorry, s/motors/drivers/
[21:20:48] <rue_shop3> they are 8 wire motors
[21:21:08] <armyofevilrobots> Ah.
[21:21:10] <rue_shop3> they are wired series in the cable between the motor and the connector
[21:21:22] <armyofevilrobots> Shit, maybe my crap performance was due to bad motor winding. I just assumed they were mediocre motors.
[21:21:26] <rue_shop3> in a really stealthy wire packaing job
[21:22:08] <rue_shop3> :) 6A capable drivers and a 34(!)V, 20A supply would help it lots
[21:22:10] <armyofevilrobots> Feel free to swap out the motors to something that can take 3.5A if you have em.
[21:22:17] <armyofevilrobots> But you still have to drive unipolar iirc.
[21:22:27] <rue_shop3> they are bipolar motors
[21:22:35] <rue_shop3> 8 wire bipolar, 2 phase
[21:22:59] <rue_shop3> I'v never seen them split the winding of a stepper before
[21:23:11] <armyofevilrobots> Nowhut; ignore what I said.
[21:23:35] <armyofevilrobots> I haven’t looked at the G540 datasheet nor the motors for 3 years now. My memory is bad enough when I do something a week later , never mind 3 years.
[21:23:49] <rue_shop3> I'll work on getting it going, improvements can be diddled later
[21:24:17] <armyofevilrobots> I just opened the doc and apparently it drives bipolar. My memory sucks.
[21:25:07] <rue_shop3> according to the math, wired like they are, you would want a 105V stepper supply, slightly over the 50V max :)
[21:25:31] <rue_shop3> even then, parallel would give more torque and rpm
[21:25:50] <rue_shop3> the limit wired series is 7khz, and 10khz in parallel
[21:26:09] <rue_shop3> er, thats where the motor chart stops
[21:26:22] <rue_shop3> I dont know how much torque the machine needs
[21:27:19] <Tom_L> mine are split
[21:27:40] <Tom_L> hybrid
[21:27:45] <rue_shop3> huh
[21:27:46] <Tom_L> they can be wired either way
[21:27:53] <rue_shop3> I still never seen it
[21:27:59] <Tom_L> parallel is better iirc
[21:28:05] <rue_shop3> armyofevilrobots, ^^ meet tom, another sherline chap
[21:28:24] <rue_shop3> Tom_L, did you upgrade from or to a gecko drive?
[21:28:35] <Tom_L> to
[21:28:41] <Tom_L> much better performance
[21:28:54] <rue_shop3> this is a G540
[21:29:10] <Tom_L> yeah you can use that with linuxcnc but there's a trick to it
[21:29:20] <Tom_L> i don't recall what it is since i didn't use those
[21:29:28] <rue_shop3> I'm going down the road of a grbl just now
[21:30:04] <rue_shop3> but if it gives me grief then linuxcnc is my second target
[21:30:28] <rue_shop3> Tom_L, how many limit switch circuits do you have?
[21:30:33] <rue_shop3> 1/axis?
[21:31:44] <Tom_L> 2 on X 1 on y 1 on z iirc
[21:31:51] <Tom_L> maybe 2 on y
[21:32:11] <rue_shop3> this has 2 on x, 2 on y, 1 on z
[21:32:19] <rue_shop3> all on the same circuit tho
[21:32:19] <Tom_L> that's fine
[21:32:39] <rue_shop3> I'll have to see if grbl can even understand that
[21:32:48] <Tom_L> http://www.geckodrive.com/g203v.html
[21:32:58] <Tom_L> that's the one i used
[21:33:04] <rue_shop3> oh yea
[21:33:08] <rue_shop3> thats what this neeeds
[21:33:10] <Tom_L> x 3
[21:33:17] <rue_shop3> wait, what did I get?
[21:33:20] <Tom_L> the 540 will work
[21:33:24] <Tom_L> ^^
[21:33:34] <rue_shop3> yea
[21:33:43] <Tom_L> but there's some voltage thing you need to do with it for it to work
[21:33:57] <Tom_L> i don't recall what it is but it's not a big deal
[21:34:16] <Tom_L> these drivers are built tough
[21:34:33] <Tom_L> up to 7A
[21:34:43] <Tom_L> 80v max
[21:34:49] <Tom_L> i'm using 48v
[21:34:49] <rue_shop3> https://www.aliexpress.com/item/TB6600-DC12-45V-Single-for-Axis-Two-Phase-Hybrid-Stepper-Motor-Driver-Controller-Top-Sale/32613502038.html
[21:34:56] <rue_shop3> I got some of those to make a machine
[21:34:59] <rue_shop3> 4.5A
[21:35:04] <rue_shop3> ...chineese amps...
[21:35:21] <Tom_L> the thing you will find is they run very hot when idle
[21:35:29] <Tom_L> no idle current shutdown on them
[21:36:04] <Tom_L> my steppers run rather cool
[21:36:09] <rue_shop3> iirc grbl has a motors off
[21:36:23] <Tom_L> so you'd hook that to the enable on the driver
[21:36:34] <Tom_L> mine are tied on
[21:38:11] <Tom_L> z will take more to run
[21:38:18] <Tom_L> i added a counterbalance to mine
[21:38:26] <Tom_L> since the motor hangs off the side
[21:42:27] <armyofevilrobots> @Tom_L @rue_shop3 : The docs say that as long as you put a current limiter resistor that it does chop rest current.
[21:42:51] <armyofevilrobots> Sorry, writing some code in the background so getting distracted :)
[21:43:13] <armyofevilrobots> ssl SubjectAlternateNames; good times.
[21:43:14] <rue_shop3> yup
[21:43:21] <Tom_L> mine have the current limit resistor as well but along with that they have idle current shutdown
[21:43:53] <Tom_L> iirc i limited them to 2.6-3A since i didn't really need to drive them harder
[21:44:09] <Tom_L> the steppers could go up to ~4A on mine iirc
[21:48:25] <rue_shop3> I have 3 printers here, shall I print the second part before I know if the first part is right and waste twice as much plastic at once?
[21:48:42] <Tom_L> doesn't sound like you
[21:49:15] <rue_shop3> talk about productive, I could mess up two peices at once while making another of kats pins
[21:49:28] <rue_shop3> do you think kat will use those pins if I finish making 8?
[21:49:31] <Tom_L> you should get those done
[21:49:40] <Tom_L> it will make her happy
[21:49:51] <Tom_L> i doubt my parts got used much
[21:50:03] <rue_shop3> I know, I didn't make it to the scrap metal pile today for more metal
[21:50:23] <rue_shop3> I'll try tommorow
[21:50:58] <Tom_L> i didn't have to draw it
[21:51:03] <Tom_L> but it made her feel better
[21:51:15] <rue_shop3> yea, its all I have to go by
[21:51:19] <rue_shop3> can I get a pdf?
[21:51:28] <Tom_L> umm
[21:51:31] <Tom_L> yeah probably
[21:51:33] <rue_shop3> cant quite print that with the blue background
[21:52:01] <Tom_L> lemme fire up the other pc and i'll get you one
[21:52:07] <rue_shop3> tahnks
[21:52:20] <rue_shop3> i'm worried I cant get the image back if my broser crashes
[21:52:26] <rue_shop3> which ... well it IS firefox
[21:55:42] <rue_shop3> if I could reduce what I'm doing at this moment to just 3 simotanious directions I'd be much better off
[22:04:01] <Tom_L> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/temp/shaft2_drawing.jpg
[22:04:08] <Tom_L> is that more readable?
[22:04:14] <Tom_L> it's metric as well
[22:04:31] <rue_shop3> sure
[22:05:04] <rue_shop3> damnit, I just started doing 2 more things
[22:05:14] <Tom_L> you still need a pdf?
[22:05:51] <rue_shop3> i you would, then I can print clean
[22:06:31] <Tom_L> is that big enough to see?
[22:06:36] <rue_shop3> anyone have the whole set of do-it-yourself encyclopedias?
[22:06:39] <Tom_L> i was trying to figure out how to scale it up a bit
[22:06:45] <rue_shop3> I need a copy of the router table plans
[22:07:33] <armyofevilrobots> https://www.finelineautomation.com/products/complete-2-x3-router-kit ?
[22:07:34] <armyofevilrobots> :D
[22:07:49] <armyofevilrobots> Note the free 3d plans with full BOM at the bottom.
[22:07:57] <Tom_L> metric is ok right?
[22:10:38] <rue_shop3> yea that helps, the lathe is metric
[22:10:53] <rue_shop3> oo
[22:11:01] <rue_shop3> no table router, not table ..router...
[22:11:23] <rue_shop3> http://www.toolsnob.com/pictures/ryobi_router_table.jpg
[22:19:18] <rue_shop3> I'm getting worried when the computers cant keep up with me and they aren't even running at 100%
[22:20:07] <rue_shop3> something must be 00%
[22:24:26] <Tom_L> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/temp/shaft2.pdf
[22:24:34] <Tom_L> is the print large enough to read?
[22:24:40] <Tom_L> i can scale it up if not
[22:25:15] <Tom_L> never done much with the drawing part of catia yet
[22:25:43] <rue_shop3> see how it prints
[22:25:55] <rue_shop3> I write in a font smaller than most people can read
[22:26:06] <rue_shop3> thats fine
[22:26:14] <rue_shop3> much larger than a 1206 resistor
[22:26:52] <Tom_L> it's easy to scale up i've just never done it
[22:29:32] <Tom_L> try that one
[22:29:34] <Tom_L> refresh
[22:32:16] <rue_shop3> nice
[22:42:13] <Tom_L> better?
[22:46:31] <rue_house> is haloween on the 31st?
[22:46:39] <rue_house> casue I dont have a pumpkin yet
[22:48:02] <rue_house> armyofevilrobots, "it came loose" was the machine fixed down origionally?
[22:48:13] <rue_house> havn't got a thread ont hat yet
[22:48:25] <armyofevilrobots> I can’t remember if the machine was tied down.
[22:48:33] <rue_house> k
[22:48:41] <armyofevilrobots> It was put in that box to keep kids hands out when doing a demo at maker faire.
[22:48:45] <rue_house> the water catch didn't work, so no harm losing it?
[22:48:53] * rue_house nods
[22:49:20] <armyofevilrobots> No harm. Rip it out and stick it on a chunk of plywood or something if needed.
[22:49:50] <rue_house> I'll see if I can work out a flood system, it looks like you were doing wax, for metal lube?
[23:26:03] <armyofevilrobots> Nope. I was using tooling wax for make some epoxy moulds, iirc.
[23:35:47] <rue_shop3> ooooo
[23:50:49] <rue_shop3> Mad scientist edicate, question 4: At what time of night is nolonger acceptable to use a tablesaw ?
[23:50:52] <rue_shop3> I'm stumped