#robotics | Logs for 2016-10-23

[02:08:59] <rue_shop3> it was on a flat surface
[02:11:57] <rue_shop3> almost midnight, supper would be a good idea
[02:34:53] <rue_shop3> mechanically, it needs two more zero switches and its done
[02:35:00] <rue_shop3> then I have to route wires for a while
[02:38:35] <Jak_o_Shadows1> what part is this?
[02:38:43] <rue_house> 3d printer
[11:16:01] <rue_bed> I have a new idea for cable chain
[11:31:49] <SpeedEvil> Is it to tie up politicians so they don't make trouble?
[11:33:17] <rue_bed> gee, you would think I'm inventing cable chain
[11:50:32] <theBear> for all i know you are.... you invented enough to tell me what it is yet ?
[11:52:59] <theBear> also this is a nice picture of my flat, groundfloor window/left http://www.news.com.au/national/western-australia/perth-man-charged-with-murder-of-73yearold-yokine-man/news-story/3af017df7bf977de1195e4895fcd6f7c that one says i 33, but it got less wrong details than the other ... i just got back of a hatchet to the face :-O so being theBear i walked to the ambliance and outta the hospimable, got a video on the frontdoor cam of that bit, might share i
[11:53:00] <theBear> discreetly in a few days... i think probly some kinda mistrial reasons to avoid making it really public before the trial finished
[11:53:52] <theBear> i gonna go see if i can drive with some of my curb-side peripheral missing, i need a treat that goes in my mouth
[11:55:18] <Tom_L> hatchet to the face?
[11:55:20] <theBear> best i can workout by this stage it was the same axe that had just ended my neighbors head, so i guess i done ok
[11:55:25] <theBear> the blunt side yeah
[11:55:34] <theBear> don't try it, hurts quite a bit
[11:55:50] <Tom_L> what was his beef?
[11:56:01] <Tom_L> or was it self inflicted
[11:56:05] <theBear> ex wife/new bf
[11:56:25] <theBear> i got involved cos i forget i crippled and i bigger than the screaming lady
[11:56:58] <Tom_L> be an innocent bystander from now on mkay?
[11:57:07] <theBear> she always been nice, says hello and stuff... been seeing her a lot last few months
[11:59:28] <theBear> meh probly... theBear ain't one for desiring attention or accolade, but he never like shouting and noise... not sure i can learn not to wanna stop it promptly... traditionally in usually slightly less worrying situations, i'm invovled and things are over before anyone else gets involved... i never seen the sense in noise when yer angry, regardless ofthe reason, actions speak louder and all that :)
[12:00:04] <Tom_L> aka axe to the head?
[12:08:10] <theBear> theBear doesn't use weapons traditionally.... tho he is considering keeping one big chunk of wood by the front door in case he's foolish enough to investigate screams again
[12:17:37] <rue_house> geez,
[12:19:13] <rue_house> theBear, how do you get hurt so much?
[12:19:25] <theBear> yeah yeah, i know, i got a gift for it in your mind
[12:19:36] <theBear> i guess action just loves me
[12:20:36] <theBear> anyway, i gonna go to the shop before the sun comes up, cos i can't keep not going forever :)
[12:21:02] <rue_house> well, good work bear
[12:21:03] <theBear> ncie facade on the "new" flat tho eh ?
[12:21:06] <rue_house> your a hero!
[12:21:27] <theBear> close, i'm a theBear, good try tho <wink>
[12:21:31] <theBear> cya soon buddy
[12:22:23] <rue_house> and I know which bear
[12:34:18] <Tom_L> all sorts of havvock this weekend!
[15:31:33] <anonnumberanon> theBear and this is when a tazer shows off its value
[15:31:44] <anonnumberanon> nice action man congrats
[15:32:10] <anonnumberanon> its a bit sad your neighbor girl wont have a bf anymore
[15:32:14] <theBear> action man, dana nah naaah something
[15:32:44] <anonnumberanon> i would have done the same thing but only if armed i guess
[15:32:56] <theBear> meh, if the way i beat tazers is anything to go by, people in that kinda mood barely slow down with just 1 or 2 hittin em
[15:33:20] <anonnumberanon> but half of life raised in texas and all, im used to packing heat and knowing when to use it properly
[15:33:24] <theBear> yeah, i didn't really expect what i found when i looked out the front door
[15:33:53] <anonnumberanon> did u get hurt, really hurt
[15:34:00] <theBear> i ain't even kept a log near the door a long time, until recently i was more dangerous than most people and most logs... not ninjas, but ya know, most normal peopel :)
[15:34:13] * anonnumberanon deepscans theBear's brain cage
[15:34:51] <theBear> this time ? i dunno, we see if my mouth starts openining soon, maybe if the side of my head goes a bit less round and i start feeling the end of my nose again
[15:35:24] <anonnumberanon> too bad he was a hobo uda been able to get good allowance from it
[15:35:35] <theBear> doc who seemed to know the score squeezed my head and pretty sure if i didn't scream that i ain't cracked
[15:36:22] <anonnumberanon> did u talk smack about his electronics equipement at least?
[15:36:45] <theBear> the doctor ? he didn't need any, he was that good
[15:36:57] <anonnumberanon> hah!
[15:37:35] <theBear> i gave my pair of escourt majro heavy crimes detective buddies a bit of shit as the hours passed waiting to be forensiced lightly with a cotton bud not smoking and not getting much relief from a fri night city er
[15:38:11] <theBear> they were pretty tolerant, i mean, i charmed them earlier in the evening, but if there one thing i don't cope with it's more than about 4 hours without smoking the tobacco
[15:45:14] <anonnumberanon> which resulted in a god-tier cigarette at the end of all of it i presume...
[15:46:06] <anonnumberanon> damn when you showed up he was dead? thats crazy that 70 + year old are atill this vivacious
[15:48:21] <theBear> by the time i got outside, my door cam video said it was only about 2 mins from start of shouting to him coming down after a quick err, axe-murder
[15:49:58] <anonnumberanon> you should get a book deal
[16:06:10] <theBear> don't i need a book for that to be true ?
[16:15:14] <anonnumberanon> think about it
[16:15:36] <anonnumberanon> ghost writer, editor; all you need is a story
[18:17:07] <bindigoat> New space technology & robotics forum
[18:17:09] <bindigoat> http://space-technology.freeforums.net/thread/1/welcome-new-forum
[20:42:07] <z64555> I keep a little league bat by bed for... some reason
[20:42:20] <z64555> probably just left it there cause I couldn't find a better spot
[20:42:33] <z64555> but we did have some trouble with dogs a few years back