#robotics | Logs for 2016-10-21

[00:05:09] <SpeedEvil> If it was pets, I would suggest to get a new one from the shelter.
[01:27:13] <mrdata> shit
[01:27:38] <mrdata> thats tragic
[07:23:13] <veverak> I am happy with my scad skills http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1838993
[07:53:21] <Tom_L> would have been much easier in solidworks
[07:53:32] <Tom_L> looks good though
[07:55:30] <veverak> much easier?
[07:55:32] <veverak> how?
[07:55:34] <veverak> ;)
[07:55:39] <veverak> Tom_L: ~3-5 hours of work
[07:55:43] <veverak> was hard to track
[07:56:00] <Tom_L> i just don't like scad
[09:09:21] <rue_bed> yea they didn't need to invent a new langauge
[09:25:22] <rue_house> Tom_L, what are you trying to do?
[11:50:52] <veverak> nah
[11:50:59] <veverak> most of the time I start with properly round courners
[11:51:12] <veverak> than realize my printer is not perfect for this and switch to 60 degree slope
[11:51:18] <veverak> happens quite frequently
[13:21:30] <veverak> http://imgur.com/a/B7Loe
[13:21:32] <veverak> done() ;)
[20:07:42] <anonnumberanon> rue_house man there are three dishwashers here for trash i thought about you
[22:19:37] <rue_house> I still need 92 dishwasher valves
[22:20:06] <rue_house> oh 89, there was a fancy washing machine that has 3 of the right type
[22:38:32] <anonnumberanon> heh
[22:38:41] <anonnumberanon> and they don't sell them on Ebay?
[22:38:46] <anonnumberanon> ask China
[22:41:09] <rue_house> I need a total of like 250 valves, the project budget is $240
[22:41:17] <rue_house> no, the ones from china are too expensive
[22:42:56] <ace4016> 250 valves...what are you making?
[22:43:03] <rue_house> a 12' mecha
[22:43:12] <rue_house> you didn't hear yet?
[22:43:14] <rue_house> geez
[22:43:36] <ace4016> more specifically, what are you going to use the 250 valves for in the 12' mecha
[22:43:53] <rue_house> its pneumatic
[22:44:08] <rue_house> do you not know of my airmuscle servo work?
[22:44:39] <ace4016> ah, for the air muscles
[22:46:18] <anonnumberanon> "hey guys i want to make a 12' mech and spend 30 bucks on it who's with me?"
[22:46:30] <rue_house> dont be stupid, its $120
[22:46:39] <rue_house> er, sory $240
[22:46:42] <anonnumberanon> huge smiley inserted here
[22:46:44] <rue_house> $120 is for the control system
[22:47:06] <anonnumberanon> wait, you factor in control systems? i count those as free
[22:47:18] <rue_house> its a seperate unit
[22:47:26] <rue_house> its not a get-in-it mecha
[22:47:32] <rue_house> that would be stupid dangerous
[22:47:57] <anonnumberanon> good thing: the giant robot fight did not happen and that whole thing may even take quite a lot more months to start happening, so you didn't lose your chance of participating..
[22:48:30] <anonnumberanon> rue_house> you didn't hear yet?
[22:48:30] <anonnumberanon> <rue_house> geez
[22:48:39] <anonnumberanon> well it's not like you've posted a lot of updates
[22:48:41] <anonnumberanon> ...
[22:48:43] <anonnumberanon> get to it
[22:48:47] <anonnumberanon> im bored
[22:49:22] <Jak_o_Shadows> Are the valves all going to be mounted next to each other, or more distributed?
[22:49:23] <anonnumberanon> oh I owe you some trigonometry as well
[23:37:25] <rue_shop3> yea I know what they are up to
[23:37:42] <rue_shop3> one robot blows love bubbles, so I know where I'm putting my bets
[23:38:07] <anonnumberanon> well...the other throws BBs :( ..
[23:38:15] <anonnumberanon> they both suck equally imo
[23:38:19] <rue_shop3> :)
[23:38:23] <rue_shop3> I think its great
[23:38:40] <anonnumberanon> melee won't be allowed since it can easily kill the drivers if one of them falls over
[23:39:14] <rue_shop3> *boop*
[23:39:47] <rue_shop3> *sigh* if I'd made this plate out of steel I could just spot weld this other peice on
[23:40:10] <anonnumberanon> tbh before it becomes kinda safe for men to safe while being inside large robots that fight, large robot fights will be unmanned
[23:40:39] <anonnumberanon> which is just as good as far as geek excitement value those would be
[23:41:19] <anonnumberanon> humans inside robots fighting would only have value if the controls were so precise that winning the fight was almost uniquely due to the skills of the human
[23:41:57] <anonnumberanon> and to make that happen you need a control system that is very very organic and lets the robot behave as if it was the human's second skin
[23:43:12] <anonnumberanon> (which I'm working on on a way smaller scale)