#robotics | Logs for 2016-10-16

[00:49:14] <Wetmelon> o/
[00:54:14] * anonnumberanon catches it
[12:53:14] <anonnumberanon> hi how do i make a robot?
[13:13:18] <ace4016> time+money
[13:13:29] <rue_bed> you try
[13:13:40] <rue_bed> but you do need time
[13:36:41] <rue_house> http://320volt.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/battery-desulfator-schematic-desulfator-devresi.gif
[13:37:46] <rue_house> maybe that one
[13:38:23] <rue_house> http://www.otherpower.com/images/scimages/638/DESULFATOR_N.gif
[13:38:34] <rue_house> that one seems to be an overcomplication of the first one
[13:38:46] <rue_house> a 555 can drive a fet just fine
[14:21:03] <mumptai> why is it powered from the battery
[14:21:36] <mumptai> ?
[14:27:10] <z64555> ?
[14:27:13] <z64555> what is?
[14:31:13] <ace4016> rue's circuit
[14:32:22] <z64555> conveniance, I guess
[14:32:30] * z64555 reads up on desulfication
[14:34:58] <z64555> so it looks like a simple waveform generator
[14:35:20] <z64555> which generates the waveform in the same circuit as the battery
[14:40:14] <z64555> hm, the transformer there seems important. perhaps boosting the voltage a tiny bit during one half of the pulse generated from the 555
[14:41:29] <z64555> eh, not transformer, inductor
[17:17:17] <rue_shop2> zlog