#robotics | Logs for 2016-10-13

[00:52:25] <z64555> currently wondering how a short length of copper wire happened to be on my bed
[01:01:17] <SpeedEvil> doing it wrong
[01:05:12] <mrdata> z64555, left there by a robot who is trying to seduce you?
[01:10:52] <SpeedEvil> (in that lengths of copper wire in bed should not surprise you)
[01:13:35] <anonnumberanon> z64555, it's a sign
[01:43:47] <mrdata> a sign, yeah like a bouquet of cut flowers
[06:11:02] <Vega> Hi guys, I''m IT girl, but didn't have electronics in the uni
[06:11:02] <Vega> want to build a robot, don't know where to start
[06:11:02] <Vega> I saw some things about raspberry pi and arduino
[06:11:02] <Vega> which hardware you recommend ?
[06:11:03] <veverak> arduino -> low level C programming, usually can control hw directly
[06:11:04] <veverak> rpi -> can do high level programming, but not best for direct control of hardware
[06:15:54] <Jak_o_Shadows> Both is very useful.
[06:29:34] <Vega> Cool, I was already inclined to arduino, it is more afordable as well ...
[06:30:32] <Vega> So I know nothing about roboitcs, and I'm not trying to became specialist in the field ...
[06:30:53] <Vega> just whant to try it as a new hobbie
[06:31:10] <veverak> arduino is definetly good start
[06:31:22] <Vega> any docs and tutorial places ?
[06:31:39] <veverak> a lot, not sure anybody has anything "favourite"
[06:31:44] <veverak> just try to google something
[06:32:18] <Jak_o_Shadows> What are you interested in? it's a HUGE field
[06:33:26] <Vega> I don't even know ! a nice little car maybe with rc
[06:33:34] <Vega> =P
[06:33:51] <Jak_o_Shadows> If you can, ebay is a great source.
[06:35:20] <veverak> afaik tamiya makes soem sort of kit for small "tank like" robot
[06:37:09] * veverak always wanted to try http://www.robotshop.com/blog/en/dfrobotshop-rover-or-arduino-on-tracks-3708
[06:37:14] <veverak> but never got space for it
[06:38:20] <veverak> http://www.robotshop.com/en/dfrobotshop-rover-tracked-robot-basic-kit.html
[06:39:58] <Vega> OMG I'm so doing this
[06:40:06] <Vega> =D
[06:40:47] <Vega> I'll check some cheaper options on ebay
[10:35:12] <anonnumberanon> Vega yeah as long as you stick around in this channel you'll get something done :)
[10:37:35] <anonnumberanon> You should maybe start with something that drives. You can move on with things with legs later ifbthat is your fancy. Wehave solutions for doing RC, motors. Get a basic driving platform and also an RC kit(remote control plus receiver) and we'll help you program it if you get stuck.
[10:41:26] * anonnumberanon thinks a simple kit with a motor driving PCB ran from PWMs from an arduino and an RC receiver.
[10:42:09] <anonnumberanon> You can get a motor driver board for at least 2 motos so your robot can turn.
[10:42:37] <anonnumberanon> Orlock may have tips about little driving sumo bots.
[11:45:50] <veverak> :))))))
[14:07:01] <Tom_L> yeah we git r dun here
[21:32:20] <gmct> Hey, I was looking to build a Rubik's cube solving robot and I'm going to need to design stuff to be attached to the stepper motors to go into notches on the cubes center caps. I have access to a 3d printer but I was wondering what the best software to use would be.
[21:32:36] <gmct> I have access to Sketchup Pro and any free software.
[21:52:47] <anonnumberanon> What printer do you have, doesn't that important to pick the software to work with it?
[21:56:11] <gmct> Not sure of the exact model.
[21:56:56] <gmct> But I'm messing around with a few pieces of software and I have no idea how I'm going to design the feet now.
[21:57:14] <gmct> Maybe I can just find someone who's already done it and beg for their feet design.
[21:59:08] <anonnumberanon> you can ask them to print it for you too and kill two birds with one stone
[21:59:44] <gmct> I mean I don't think they're local.
[21:59:55] <gmct> Just someone on reddit.
[22:02:11] <gmct> I feel like I have significantly less of an idea of what I'm doing than I think I do, but I can fake my way through it.
[22:02:48] <anonnumberanon> Don't talk about it, do it.
[22:02:51] <anonnumberanon> :3
[22:03:17] <anonnumberanon> Only experience I have doing 3D models is with Blender. I won't be useful..
[22:03:23] <gmct> Ah.
[22:03:31] <gmct> Well I'm talking more about the robot itself.
[22:04:05] <anonnumberanon> Replicate an existing design then.
[22:05:36] <gmct> Yeah that's what I'm going for.
[22:05:48] <gmct> It's just that these people don't share too much about their designs.
[22:05:59] <gmct> Except for the dumb designs that take like 10 minutes to solve.
[22:57:31] <z64555> Doesn't that rubiks cube solver work with pistons?
[22:58:36] <z64555> could also possibly get a faster response with a traditional VSM, at the cost of precision, perhaps
[22:59:03] <rue_house> I thogutht hey were built with lego