#robotics | Logs for 2016-10-10

[02:17:44] <rue_house> anonnumberanon, thats why you make a #defined delay thats inline nops
[02:19:10] <rue_house> add the passed value to the instruction pointer if you need it to be a bit cariable
[02:33:15] <anonnumberanon> care to link an online intro guide to this sort of coding?
[02:51:26] <anonnumberanon> rue_house,
[03:31:17] <rue_shop3> la la la its 1am..
[03:35:54] <deshipu> no it's not
[04:02:16] <anonnumberanon> science never sleeps
[04:06:28] <deshipu> NO SLEEP, MORE SCIENCE!
[13:33:17] <rue_shop3> "its as easy as flying, you just fall, and miss the ground."
[13:33:31] <deshipu> Douglas Adams
[13:33:53] <rue_shop3> I dont know if it is origionally
[13:34:42] <rue_shop3> my mind is thinking of projects faster than I can build them
[13:35:03] <rue_shop3> even with a 3 minute turn around time on some 3d printed parts
[13:35:16] <veverak> lol
[13:35:16] <deshipu> that's perfectly normal
[13:35:33] <deshipu> I would be concerned if it wasn't like that
[13:35:39] <veverak> that's why I ever thought about going for manager position
[13:35:45] <rue_shop3> maybe I just require a certian volume of projects in the queue
[13:35:50] <veverak> it sounds cool to have people do boring stuff on your projects
[13:35:52] <veverak> ;)
[13:36:06] <deshipu> rue_shop3: didn't you complain some time ago about no project being interesting?
[13:36:24] <rue_shop3> and did I say how many projects I had on the go?
[13:36:26] <deshipu> veverak: if you are a good manager, then it's their projects, though
[13:36:44] <rue_shop3> boss, leader, engineer
[13:36:45] <deshipu> rue_shop3: can't remember, I'm usually not paying attention
[13:37:26] <rue_shop3> https://pics.onsizzle.com/boss-leader-engineer-4d-via-1cak-com-3121147.png
[13:40:47] <veverak> deshipu: depends
[13:42:18] <deshipu> In order to master people
[13:42:19] <deshipu> One must speak as their servant;
[13:42:19] <deshipu> In order to lead people
[13:42:20] <deshipu> One must follow them.
[13:45:13] <deshipu> When the best rulers achieve their purpose
[13:45:14] <deshipu> Their subjects claim the achievement as their own.
[13:46:05] * veverak doesn't want to be the best
[13:46:13] <veverak> (in case of managment)
[13:47:42] <deshipu> All humans need three things: autonomy, relatedness and competence
[13:48:18] <deshipu> you would feel very bad knowing you are incompetent
[13:53:55] <rue_house> hmm, ass backwards
[13:54:11] <rue_house> make a complex stl, and then cut it apart for printing
[13:55:07] <veverak> deshipu: there is sweet spot "good enough", because not the best is not same as incopetent
[13:55:42] <rue_house> 2nd place is usually not fought over
[13:55:54] <veverak> ie. university prof can give part of the work which is boring for him (hi did it many times) to his student
[13:56:18] <veverak> for many students that can be usefull experience if done eight
[13:56:20] <rue_house> I lack motivated students currently
[13:56:22] <veverak> *right
[13:57:33] <veverak> ie, writing basic set of test codes that verifies api definition of code
[13:59:08] <deshipu> veverak: a good prof will delegate almost all work
[13:59:29] <deshipu> veverak: however, he won't claim the prizes from it
[13:59:52] <deshipu> other than necessary to continue keeping the position
[13:59:57] <veverak> from that point of view I am ok with it
[14:00:22] * veverak wants fame only as long as it is necesary to continue with projects
[14:00:52] <deshipu> fame gives you the feeling of competence and relatedness
[14:01:03] <deshipu> and also gives you some autonomy
[14:01:15] <rue_house> you just slip your email address into all the source code you work on
[14:01:17] <deshipu> so it's a very precious resource
[14:01:19] <rue_house> along with a few watermarks
[14:01:24] <veverak> :D
[14:01:55] <deshipu> rue_house: so that clueless people who can't understand the code keep e-mailing me questions? never!
[14:02:28] <veverak> deshipu: btw: I was with my hackerspace on linuxdays in prague
[14:02:30] <rue_house> sometimes to catch a salmon you have to let go a lot of flounders
[14:02:34] <veverak> and it was awesome
[14:02:55] <veverak> it does feels good when people praises you for your work
[14:03:53] <z64555> deshipu: trick to that is to leave out the "If you have any questions or concerns" part
[14:04:22] <veverak> also got my hands on realsense camera
[14:04:30] <veverak> and that thing looks awesome
[14:04:44] <deshipu> z64555: that's implied by the stupidest of them
[14:05:35] <veverak> deshipu: so, I realized that my project is still not on hackaday :)
[14:05:52] <deshipu> veverak: nice, I didn't even have time to see the stuff when I was at the maker faire three weeks ago
[14:05:59] <deshipu> veverak: I had to watch my table all the time
[14:06:14] <deshipu> veverak: how could that happen?
[14:06:28] * veverak is slacker
[14:06:33] <deshipu> veverak: btw, there is a rpi contest right now you could enter
[14:06:42] <veverak> hmmm
[14:07:08] <deshipu> veverak: https://hackaday.io/contest/15532-enlightened-raspberry-pi-contest
[14:07:28] <veverak> on thursday, i will verify my algorithm design with doc at university
[14:07:37] <veverak> makes it publishable them
[14:07:42] <veverak> *then
[14:08:02] <z64555> deshipu: nah, not stupidest, desperate and/or social dependant
[14:08:39] <z64555> some people are incapable of rational thought by themselves, they have to grab bits of ideas from others and mash them into their own idea
[14:08:54] <deshipu> z64555: all people, I'd say
[14:09:44] <z64555> eh, I disagree. Originality still exists, its just difficult to see with all of the other re-hashes
[14:09:57] <deshipu> "originality" is a loaded term
[14:10:06] <deshipu> it's not a yes or no thing
[14:10:29] <deshipu> there is also the question of how conscious was the influence
[14:10:42] <deshipu> but I don't think it should matter
[14:10:50] <z64555> :)
[14:11:02] <deshipu> judging projects by perceived "originality" is in my opinion stupid
[14:11:17] <deshipu> you should be judging by usefulness, completeness and quality
[14:11:30] <veverak> deshipu: btw: would you mind reading the doc?
[14:11:48] <veverak> it's only around 2k words :))))
[14:11:49] <deshipu> veverak: not at all, but I can't promise anything time-wise
[14:11:55] <veverak> sure
[14:11:55] <z64555> unless its an art project. :P
[14:12:16] <deshipu> z64555: everything is an art project
[14:12:29] <deshipu> z64555: "arete" means quality
[14:13:55] <z64555> and there's also artificial, which means created
[14:14:03] <deshipu> actually it means "excellence"
[14:14:05] <deshipu> but you get the idea
[14:14:06] <z64555> not sure what I'm trying to argue with that, tho
[14:14:37] <deshipu> an artist is anybody striving for excellence
[14:14:58] <z64555> but anyway, I agree that a project should be judged by its usefulness, compelteness, and quality first. originality and aesthetics are bonus points
[14:15:22] <deshipu> aesthetics are part of quality, originality doesn't come into the equation anywhere
[14:15:42] <z64555> aesthetics are not necassarily part of quality
[14:16:01] <deshipu> why should I compromise and choose an inferior solution just because someone else already did it?
[14:16:10] <deshipu> z64555: they are necessarily
[14:16:12] <z64555> you could have an ugly somafabitch hammer, for instance. but it is quite durable and good at its job
[14:16:31] <deshipu> z64555: sorry, I should have written Quality, not quality
[14:16:37] <z64555> lol
[14:16:54] <deshipu> z64555: a high quality hammer will also look nice
[14:17:13] <deshipu> z64555: and will be pleasant to use
[14:17:27] <z64555> likewise, you could have a very shiny hammer made out of aluminum or copper
[14:17:41] <z64555> but not very durable nor that useful
[14:18:02] <deshipu> I'm not saying aesthetics *is* quality, I'm saying it's part of it
[14:18:15] <deshipu> to have high quality, you need high scores in all parts, not just one
[14:18:24] <z64555> *in all parts that matter
[14:18:34] <deshipu> all parts matter
[14:18:43] <deshipu> as long as it's a human that is going to use it
[14:18:53] <rue_house> HEY THATS RACIST
[14:19:15] <deshipu> there is a fascinating research paper published, where they made prototypes of ATM machines for banks in Israel
[14:19:25] <deshipu> and tested the usability of sofware
[14:19:30] <deshipu> software
[14:20:16] <deshipu> they had two prototypes, one was very prototype-looking, made of wood, with wires on the outside, etc., and the other, that looked finished, with plastic covers and so on
[14:20:27] <deshipu> mechanically and electrically they were the same
[14:20:47] <deshipu> people scored much higher on all usability tasks when they tried them on the "finished" one
[14:21:35] <z64555> because they trusted it more than the wood facade
[14:21:35] <deshipu> further research suggests, that with the ugly one, they just assumed it must be broken and didn't try as hard, whereas with the nice one, they assumed the fault is on their side, and tried harder
[14:21:49] <z64555> yup
[14:21:55] <deshipu> so looks matters
[14:22:04] <deshipu> in a very tangible sense
[14:22:34] <z64555> to the general public perhaps, but not to the specialist who knows what part is the business end
[14:22:48] <deshipu> also to the specialist, but differently
[14:23:00] <deshipu> also, different aesthetics
[14:23:13] <z64555> hm
[14:23:35] <deshipu> a specialist might consider a pretty shiny hammer as "unmanly" and "gay", and not trust it as much, for instance
[14:25:26] <z64555> eh, not too sure about that statement. I honestly don't care about the overall appearance of a hammer. As long as it has a good weight, solid handle, and a clear striking surface, I could care less if there was pink ponies were sparkles on it.
[14:25:43] <z64555> Granted, I might use it in public that often, but I'd still use it
[14:25:58] <z64555> *might not use it
[14:29:08] <z64555> speaking of which, I never "got" why the pink apocalypse aisles existed in the toy stores
[14:29:11] <deshipu> you think you don't care
[14:29:22] <deshipu> but we pick up affordances from looks subconsciously
[14:29:37] <z64555> oh I do care. just not much
[14:30:06] <deshipu> well, then a properly looking hammer would have higher quality for you than a pink sparkly one
[14:30:25] <deshipu> all other being equal
[14:32:04] <z64555> with all other parts being equal in quality relevant to its job, yes, I'd chose the properly looking hammer...
[14:32:27] <z64555> Unless the reason why the pink sparkly hammer looks that way is because my daughter decorated it
[14:32:58] <z64555> (I don't have a daughter, just hypothetically speaking)
[14:36:02] <deshipu> so human relationships and feelings affect quality
[14:40:44] <z64555> yup
[15:14:53] <cnnx> is it possible to find mars rover plans that had solar panels instead of RTGs on them for their plans to build replica in my backyard?
[15:21:33] <deshipu> cnnx: ask NASA
[15:54:26] <SpeedEvil> cnnx: spirit and opportunity
[16:04:36] <cnnx> where can i buy a nice solid rocker bogie chassis
[16:04:40] <cnnx> dont see any good ones
[16:17:45] <anonnumberanon> Ask someone to build one for you. I don't think you can buy such things.
[16:22:54] <Snert> The Earth Rover ... duplicate of mars rover. great idea.
[16:23:45] <Snert> Those wheel axles and 2 arms wheel rockers are unique - have to make that yourself
[16:24:14] <Snert> Rover Terra
[16:24:29] <anonnumberanon> Or get someone to do it for them cause they don't seem to want to do a lot of this themselves.
[17:22:48] <veverak> after a few months of non-printing
[17:22:49] <veverak> http://imgur.com/a/BEE6q
[17:22:54] <veverak> or
[17:22:56] <veverak> http://squirrel.veverak.org/dslr/_MG_0956.JPG
[17:23:00] <veverak> (view from bottom)
[17:23:08] <veverak> I've got still broken overhangs, my fan is unusable
[20:23:41] <rue_house> "I am a robotics and automation technician, and I recognize paper as a form of technology that is just as valid as an ipad, but much less prone to failure"
[20:24:14] <rue_house> veverak, a) print with support, b) design it without an overhang
[20:24:32] <rue_house> why didn't you print it like its sitting on the desk now!?
[20:32:05] <Tom_itx> that looks fugly
[20:32:46] <Tom_itx> what causes it to separate near the top?
[21:29:45] <rue_house> tahts the bottom
[21:29:53] <rue_house> its upside down from how he printed it
[21:30:05] <rue_house> he tried to overhang that whole part of the print
[21:30:31] <rue_house> thats why the inside of the ledge in the hole looks so bad too
[22:31:53] <Tom_itx> oh