#robotics | Logs for 2016-09-28

[00:11:30] <rue_house> hahah some of these results are totally out to lunch
[18:56:25] <ace4016> it seems to work. what's the problem?
[18:57:29] <rue_house> anonnumberanon, ##c poops all over everything, if you have a problem, never go there, go to #programming
[18:58:05] <rue_house> the people in ##c are jerks who never answer a question because they dont know anything, and they are bitter against life
[18:59:57] <rue_house> ok main looks ok,
[19:00:02] * rue_house falls asleep
[19:00:38] <rue_house> you code has a lot of landmies
[19:01:18] <mrdata> rue_house, i know c
[19:01:24] <mrdata> do you have a question about it?
[19:01:31] <rue_house> hmm, gap = 4/2; gap > 0; gap /= 2
[19:01:41] <rue_house> 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1?
[19:01:50] <mrdata> what data type is gap?
[19:01:54] <rue_house> int
[19:03:02] <mrdata> and the list of numbers means what?
[19:03:39] <mrdata> or do you mean to write, gap = 4/2; while( gap > 0) gap /= 2;
[19:04:05] <mrdata> you'll get 2, then 1, then 0
[19:05:29] <mrdata> rue_house, ^^
[19:06:08] <mrdata> the expression gap > 0; will compile but wont do anything
[19:06:33] <mrdata> you need if(gap>0){ ... } or while(gap>0){ .. }
[19:06:52] <mrdata> probably
[19:11:39] <rue_house> <anonnumberanon> rue_house, hi can you check my code and tell me if you see anything bad? ##C is pooping all over it for some reason.. https://ideone.com/QxHPXC
[19:11:54] <rue_house> I dont thin the loop ends
[19:12:03] <rue_house> because I think the 0.5 is rounded to 1
[19:12:47] <ace4016> rue_house, 1/2 is 0 for integer math
[19:13:17] <ace4016> it always rounds down
[19:15:03] <theBear> lods wpi;dm
[19:15:06] <theBear> lol
[19:15:42] <theBear> c'mon rue, that's like the whole name of it pretty much says that is the one things tha makes it stand out :)
[19:19:20] <mrdata> rue_house, no in C the int ttpe does not round
[19:19:22] <mrdata> type
[19:19:28] <mrdata> it truncates
[19:21:08] <mrdata> if someone gave you a C compiler that rounds on division, you should scream bloody murder
[19:26:56] <ace4016> lol
[19:55:25] <theBear> huh ? don't all languages tend to have div and mod operator/command/named things so you got both rounded division and leftover seperate, cos it'd be way less practical if you asked for a div and got back an accurate veyr likely non-round/int number back
[19:57:45] <malcom2073> theBear: casting/float a double to an integer truncates, regardless of the operation beforehand
[19:58:21] <malcom2073> Most language standard libraries have a ceiling() though
[19:58:37] <malcom2073> or round()
[19:59:18] <mrdata> simple way to round is floor( var + 0.5 )
[19:59:47] <mrdata> but we arent rounding, here
[20:03:08] <malcom2073> Indeed, we're truncating
[20:05:20] <anonnumberanon> lol rue_house well with all their bitching ##c didnt have anything against my sorting
[20:06:24] <anonnumberanon> ill use this program but just replace the array of ints by array of atructs of position plus bit mask for the pin address associated with the position/pwm
[20:07:02] <theBear> mmmmk... iseldom had much need or use for such effective and powerful ways of storing/moving around variables :)
[20:32:01] <orlock> rgh
[20:32:07] <orlock> 3/4 of my edge detectors are not working
[20:37:29] <ace4016> but 1/4 of it is! progress
[20:42:04] <orlock> ace4016: Event is in 45 minuts
[20:42:27] <ace4016> 15 minutes per quarter!
[20:42:30] <ace4016> chop chop
[21:26:06] <theBear> did i hear perhaps a diddy mau ? maybe a 'STAT ! DOCTOR WE'RE LOSING HIM !' or just an old mum style choppy chop ? well, the quickness with which i mgith bave done this, had i not been disttracted, would haev made it feel almost relbvemat\
[21:28:08] <theBear> ooh, i mean done THIS -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zy9WJgOrUUA&feature=youtu.be&t=182
[21:36:45] <rue_house> anonnumberanon, I'm sure they just didn't get to it befroe you left
[21:37:03] <rue_house> anonnumberanon, hu? whats the code for?
[21:41:16] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/images/badfield.png
[21:41:52] <rue_house> I think two of the randomly scattered beacon angles were right on each other, but this was NOT a pass as to the best beacons to use
[21:42:21] <rue_house> there should be a red, green, blue triangle between the 3 beacons to use
[21:43:35] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/images/goodfield.png
[21:43:42] <rue_house> this is one it did fine on
[21:44:47] <rue_house> the crosshair represents the robot, the circles are placed at eh same distance around it to just represent the angles of random beacons for positioning the robot
[21:45:06] <rue_house> the idea is to choose the best 3 to use for position triangulation
[21:45:18] <rue_house> which would be the ones closest to 120 degrees apart
[21:59:43] <theBear> is the robot at least a bit grumpy in this scenario ? cos if not, an angry bunnywabbit is probably not the most suitable body-double/standin, i feel
[22:01:23] <rue_house> wow fire makes a mess of steel
[22:10:45] <theBear> sure, if by steel you mean carboney black crap, it does make a fine mess consisting mostly of that stuff ... you'd probly need i dunno, a bauxite mine contaminated with a little trace magnesium and a freak occurrence, like an oxy torch set to a HOT flame being put there to free a hand up momentarily, and the mine catching fire, well, the crazy fire of the metals in tehre catching alight, AND there being an undiscovered/utilized iron deposit, you
[22:10:46] <theBear> know, of umm, iron-saturated soil or err, steel bars in traditional quartz convenience-pacakging-big-rocks err, you know, how iron normal is when it isn't gone to a big place with a giant solder pot and a I beam extruder on hand, i suppose i can see how that situation would no doubt make a big ol' mess of steel and blackface powder alll over, i mean, it's gonna happen sooner or later no matter how many canaries or plant-gum-painted over shoes with
[22:10:46] <theBear> em... it is, inerritable
[23:42:21] <orlock> Won my first event, lost second event
[23:42:32] <orlock> Didnt injure anybody