#robotics | Logs for 2016-09-26

[00:49:36] <anonnumberanon> rue_houze you have competition looki here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QC-WeBItHk
[01:40:36] <rue_bed2> its wood
[01:40:47] <rue_bed2> its prolly about 2 million dollars
[01:41:08] <rue_bed2> and the video isn't complete enoiugh to know what they really did
[01:41:21] <rue_bed2> that said, its been doable for a LONG time
[01:41:55] <rue_bed2> I like the control suit ideas/designs
[01:42:55] <rue_bed2> it looks more like a kickstarter
[01:44:46] <rue_bed2> like most demo videos, I dont think if can do half of what they imply it can
[01:45:04] <rue_bed2> I need to work out a force feedback suit :/
[01:45:21] <rue_bed2> but I got the force feedback system completely flushed out
[01:45:23] <rue_bed2> :)
[11:40:51] <anonnumberanon> rue_bed2, yeah but you gotta give it to these 2 guys they have a video that works up the imagination pretty well, and in this era of cheap components and labor, it's all about vision
[11:41:14] <anonnumberanon> this could be the 3rd giant robot, that may one day fight the american and japanese ones
[12:14:10] <anonnumberanon> rue_bed2, I was wondering about that giant servo they are talking about.
[13:44:24] <anonnumberanon> LOL
[16:53:40] <blackbird1> Hi
[16:56:46] <blackbird1> I'am a newbie in robotics, I look for a "easy" soft for 3d modling and designing. I tried "blender", the problem with it is you have to build all pieces. Is there any soft that have models of pieces ready to use ?
[17:01:16] <anonnumberanon> blackbird1, HI how are you? Yes this is the right place for robotics!!! I do not understand your need though, you want some soft? What is a soft? In the future please use spell check before hitting the enter key.
[17:01:51] <ace4016> also, spell out the full words
[17:03:33] <ace4016> i'm not sure of any software widely available with a standard parts library when it comes to 3D modeling. some of them have some generic generators (like for fasteners and gears). you'll want to use a real CAD program though. blender is meant more so for artist from what i remember (not sure if they have tools geared towards more realistic mechanical modeling)
[17:06:39] <blackbird1> blender doesn't have a standard library for different gears.
[17:07:51] <blackbird1> i.e: in blender I have to design the whole motor.
[17:08:20] <ace4016> that's usually the case
[17:08:36] <ace4016> most parts libraries will only generically contain parts or part generators
[17:13:10] <blackbird1> thanks, so I have to search someone who can use blender or any other soft :/
[17:16:21] <SpeedEvil> Blender looks like a CAD package.
[17:16:26] <SpeedEvil> It really isn't
[17:22:51] <ace4016> yea, it's an art modeling package
[17:23:17] <ace4016> i don't know any free mechanical CAD packages, but you would be better of with those
[19:14:38] <rue_house> klibrecad
[19:14:44] <rue_house> er librecad
[19:14:59] <rue_house> 2d anyhow
[19:15:28] <Tom_L> rue_house
[19:15:42] <Tom_L> https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Full-Metal-Frame-3D-Printer-Professional-3d-Color-Printer-with-8GB-SD-Card-LCD-One-Roll/32705186296.html?spm=2114.13010608.0.55.lDwfgk
[19:16:17] <rue_house> $330cad
[19:16:31] <Tom_L> that looked cheap to me
[19:16:38] <Tom_L> for everything
[19:17:17] <rue_house> hmm I wonder if that z axis worsk right
[19:18:35] <rue_house> hah 40m filament, I dont think thats a kg
[19:18:54] <Tom_L> what do you want for free?
[19:18:57] <rue_house> I dont see any magic not-includeds tho
[19:19:03] <Tom_L> yeah
[19:19:46] <delinquentme> on a router ... like this one .. http://www.homedepot.com/p/DEWALT-1-25-HP-Compact-Router-with-Plunge-Base-and-Bag-DWP611PK/203054747
[19:20:13] <delinquentme> the chuck fits into what part ? ... whats the name of it
[19:20:28] <delinquentme> its a hollow screw that you torque the chuck into to hold the bit in place
[19:20:29] <Tom_L> the black screw in the middle
[19:20:41] <delinquentme> yeah what is that thing called
[19:20:46] <delinquentme> and can it be replaced easily?
[19:20:47] <Tom_L> collet
[19:21:11] <delinquentme> i think i snapped it by torquing the nut down too hard
[19:21:26] <rue_house> well, looks like its legit
[19:21:30] <rue_house> (the i3)
[19:21:41] <delinquentme> and all of our cuts are just a bit off now ... the lines arent as clean
[19:21:57] <rue_house> all the money is in the steppers and the frame metal, but, yup
[19:23:18] <Tom_L> yeah
[19:23:36] <Tom_L> delinquentme did you snap the threaded housing or the nut?
[19:23:51] <Tom_L> the threaded housing is probably part of the motor shaft
[19:23:59] <Tom_L> in which case you're screwed
[19:24:13] <rue_house> I spent $200 on my machine not including filamant, so thats a pretty good deal
[19:24:29] <Tom_L> JT-Shop just ordered one is why i was asking
[19:24:35] <orlock> my sumo bot is all ready to be assembled
[19:24:45] <Tom_L> you may get to help him tune it
[19:24:50] <orlock> i have 2 wires to solder and a pile of screws to put in
[19:25:00] <orlock> then i have to grind down the wheels a bit
[19:25:03] <rue_house> delinquentme, take a pic
[19:25:15] <rue_house> if its just the compression peice, its easy to replace
[19:25:23] <Tom_L> yeah
[19:25:26] <Tom_L> or the nut
[19:25:52] <Tom_L> the actual collet or nut can be replaced. the housing not so much
[19:27:12] <rue_house> has my internet been flapping?
[19:27:12] <delinquentme> this is the threaded part which goes into the router
[19:27:26] <rue_house> delinquentme, take a pic
[19:27:34] <rue_house> phone, camera
[19:27:34] <delinquentme> kk
[19:27:35] <orlock> damn pics
[19:27:38] <orlock> thats what i need to do
[19:28:43] <rue_house> oh yea, fire up boiler
[19:56:12] <delinquentme> yeah its cracked =/
[19:56:20] <delinquentme> phone doesnt pick it up well but ill try to capture
[20:02:19] <delinquentme> yeah here we go: http://imgur.com/a/Bg1Ld
[20:03:00] <delinquentme> its pretty feint ... but you can kinda see it ... would love to be able to replace those
[21:28:20] <delinquentme> Anyways! yeah. Is that collet ... or whatever this is: http://i.imgur.com/xTdLPsa.jpg .... replaceable?
[21:28:35] <delinquentme> I just spent $120 of not my money breaking it and i feel a bit bad
[21:43:29] <rue_house> yea, your screwed, you just need to snug it ya know, not tighten the snot out of it
[21:44:35] <rue_house> pretty sure that one is still part og the motor shaft
[21:49:42] <rue_house> list where is my list
[22:39:13] <rue_shop4> ok, the boiler was only down like 5L