#robotics | Logs for 2016-09-25

[00:27:46] <rue_house> ever tried to compile soemthing and been really surprised where there were no errors?
[00:28:14] <Jak_o_Shadows> yes
[00:28:53] <rue_house> well, I think I have this carved into a function
[00:33:48] <rue_house> aha, my code just miserably failed my test
[00:33:56] <rue_house> float angles[] = { 2, 41, 68, 122, 25, 42, 242, 135, 125 };
[00:34:02] <rue_house> Winning angles are:
[00:34:02] <rue_house> 0, 3, 7 @ 53.500000 average error
[00:34:02] <rue_house> Angles to use are: 2.000000, 122.000000, 135.000000
[00:34:05] <rue_house> WRONG
[00:34:24] <rue_house> answer is 0, 3, 6
[00:34:43] <rue_house> Testing 0,3,6, average error: 60.000000
[00:34:49] <rue_house> so, thre is a problem right there
[00:37:02] <rue_house> e1 = 0.000000 e2 = 120.000000 Testing 0,3,6, average error: 60.000000
[00:37:19] <rue_house> e1 = ABS(120 - angleCompare(angles[i], angles[j]));
[00:37:25] <rue_house> e2 = ABS(240 - angleCompare(angles[i], angles[k]));
[00:38:02] <rue_house> its looking for 2 - 122 = 120
[00:38:26] <rue_house> and 2-242 = 240
[00:38:43] <rue_house> oooh
[00:39:01] <rue_house> I dont get results over 180 from the compare fn
[00:39:06] <rue_house> oooooh...
[00:39:14] * rue_house goes to bathroom to think this over
[00:42:06] <Jak_o_Shadows> Yeah, there's a couple of annoying edge cases in there somewhere
[00:43:02] <rue_house> so I need the second angle to be the opposite 120 degrees of whatever the first is
[00:43:11] <rue_house> so I can account for either direction
[00:43:23] <rue_house> but I removed that in the way I calc'd it
[00:44:10] <rue_house> so I need to restore the sign
[00:44:17] <rue_house> t = ABS(this-that);
[00:44:17] <rue_house> if (t > 180) return 360 - t;
[00:44:17] <rue_house> else return t;
[00:51:49] <rue_house> e1 = 240.000000 e2 = 240.000000 Testing 0,3,6, average error: 240.000000
[00:51:53] <rue_house> hmm
[00:52:38] <rue_house> the rollover is hurting my head
[01:12:09] <theBear> that's about when the little one said, rollover rollover, something i forgot, someone falls on the floor and is a bit sad for a minute, <cr> <move cursor up by one>
[01:12:15] <theBear> ;] that should fix the hurt
[02:05:38] <rue_house> ok I'm sure I got it now
[02:06:01] <rue_house> http://paste.debian.net/839364/
[02:06:36] <rue_house> the trick is to not care about the sign of the smaller angle of the differnce untill last where you use it to throw off results where the angle is on the same side
[02:06:39] <rue_house> *ugh*
[02:07:57] <rue_house> now I'd love the animate a bot moving thru a field of beacons to see it switch the ones it uses
[02:11:49] <mrdata> mm... beacons
[02:11:58] <mrdata> almost as good as bacon
[02:12:56] <rue_house> why is it that all these really marvelous peices of code I write are so small?
[02:14:57] <theBear> beacons eh ? they like geraniums ?
[02:15:14] <theBear> ooh, bacon flowers, that's sounding better suddenyl
[02:16:03] <rue_house> well I seem to have written the code that can pick the best 3 beacons to use out of a list of angles to beacons around a robot
[02:16:15] <rue_house> its the closest to the three 120 degrees apart
[02:16:29] <rue_house> gives the must accuracy
[02:17:50] <rue_house> angles[] = { 2, 124, 68, 60, 25, 42, 238, 310 };
[02:17:55] <rue_house> getSet( &result, angles, 8);
[02:18:01] <rue_house> Winning angles are:
[02:18:01] <rue_house> 0, 1, 6 @ 6.000000 average error
[02:18:01] <rue_house> Angles to use are: 2.000000, 124.000000, 238.000000
[02:18:46] <rue_house> heh, the system would have to track back to what beacon IDs those are so it can lookup the positions
[02:18:57] <rue_house> oh I did, 0, 1, 6 in the list
[02:19:26] <rue_house> then I could lookup the xy positions and calc the robots position based on the 3 angles
[02:20:53] <rue_house> angles[] = { 0, 90, 180, 260 };
[02:20:58] <rue_house> 0, 1, 3 @ 50.000000 average error
[02:20:58] <rue_house> Angles to use are: 0.000000, 90.000000, 260.000000
[02:21:52] <babes> hey, does anyone here program robots in industry?
[02:22:09] <rue_house> it dosn't matter if the error is high, as long as its the closest for a 120 degree matched set
[02:22:23] <rue_house> babes, not here I dont think
[02:22:30] <rue_house> people who work at it dont play at it
[02:22:31] <rue_house> we all play
[02:22:35] <Jak_o_Shadows> rue, remind me in a couple of months time and I'll make some nice gifs for you
[02:22:53] <rue_house> or learn, some poor saps are paying universities to learn this stuff
[02:24:05] <rue_house> http://paste.debian.net/839396/
[02:24:15] <rue_house> that is a more complete paste
[02:24:53] <theBear> rif might work with robots made more for heavy work than aesthetics or cleaning rich peoples houses or anything like that, but he busy and not visiting much very recently
[02:25:10] <babes> theBear: thanks
[02:25:25] <babes> im interested in learning how cutting edge robots are programmed
[02:25:46] <babes> and i am thinking about going the robotics route with my cs major in college
[02:27:39] <theBear> you don't need him to tell you that stuff.... it's not an industry secret and he ain't the guy who gonna leak it to you specifically <grin>
[02:27:54] <theBear> maybe iexpand on what you mean by "how" in this case
[02:28:34] <Jak_o_Shadows> The toolchain generation is probably the most interesting part
[02:29:26] <babes> what i mean by that is i want to learn more about how the software works that lets boston dynamics robots walk and bound so well
[02:29:40] <Jak_o_Shadows> ahahahahahaa me.
[02:29:45] <Jak_o_Shadows> I read cutting as, as tool cutting edge.
[02:30:10] <babes> lol
[02:30:42] <babes> actually didnt MIT make their own cheetah robot?
[02:30:57] <babes> i bet they have lots of good documentation and explanations
[02:32:39] <rue_house> wow, I need to eat
[02:32:59] <Jak_o_Shadows> Not that i'd normally recommend piracy, but academic papers are fairly easily pirated
[02:33:51] <Snert> the most cutting edge would be military and I doubt there much docs about that.
[02:34:40] <rue_house> well, I should amalgimate that with the other code that calculates the robot position
[02:34:47] <theBear> Jak_o_Shadows, heh i saw cutting tool the first time thru too
[02:35:04] <babes> Jak_o_Shadows: can you recommend any papers? im not sure i could read any of them even if i had them.
[02:36:29] <babes> i dont need to pirate. i live on a university campus
[02:37:21] <theBear> most if not all the math/concepts involved in what been mentioned so far aren't secrets and are fairly basic conceptually... for example doing log/sin-esque accell/decell on heavy moving things like arms/legs on an industrial somnething is just common sense once you think it thru, but implementing/programming even that simple s-curve (methinks it's a s-curve just in a algo vs the back of your drafting
[02:37:21] <theBear> book from school) is (not much) trickier to actually do, and takes more time than knowing that you want/need to do it, and even how to achieve that math/conceptually
[02:37:27] <Jak_o_Shadows> That's what you think, then you hit the AIAA papers
[02:37:43] <Jak_o_Shadows> https://www.researchgate.net/publication/224617949_Efficient_computation_of_forward_kinematics_and_Jacobian_matrix_of_a_Stewart_platform-based_manipulator is a pretty simple start
[02:38:32] <theBear> note that if you likely to do a cs/robot kinda course later, you are likely to repeat the majority of these concepts/exercises in it, so probly think ahead before you do a whole year worth of learning and work immediately before signing up to repaeat the same for a bit of paper to prove it
[02:40:26] <babes> thats the thing about college -- its useless except for some things. but you need the piece of paper for a good job.
[02:40:28] <babes> bbl
[02:41:30] <Snert> that piece of paper pays off bigger much later down the road.
[02:41:41] <Snert> not so much at first.
[02:42:07] <rue_house> I really need to make a regular service schedule for my computers
[02:42:30] <rue_house> I dodn't think I'v even opened the closet that the router computer is in, in like, a year and a half
[02:42:47] <rue_house> it could be under 5" of dust for all I know
[02:43:42] <Jak_o_Shadows> She'll be right
[02:44:08] <rue_house> the peice of paper never pays itself off
[02:44:48] <rue_house> this hits you like a brick wall when your reduced to working at mcdonalds flipping burgers for stupid people and start thinking about it.
[02:44:58] <Jak_o_Shadows> Not everywhere has as stuffed up uni system as america. Monetary wise, they can pay themselves off in other countries. Sometimes.
[02:45:21] <rue_house> universities goals are to collect money, not educate people
[02:45:29] <Snert> think the long game.
[02:45:50] <Snert> 23 years later .... you'd be glad you did.
[02:45:53] <rue_house> and they can make themselvs look good by having lots of students pass with high grades
[02:46:29] <rue_house> so faking passes and scaling grades to make bell curves look good is desirable
[02:46:41] <Snert> no, 80K a year does.
[02:47:10] <rue_house> the only way to make money from a university is to a) work for it, or b) steal technology from it and start a spinoff company
[02:47:32] <Snert> get out, get into your field then specialize.
[02:47:44] <Snert> the 80k is 10-20 years later. or more.
[02:47:52] <rue_house> yup, get trained on the job
[02:48:14] <rue_house> have employers pay for your education, directly
[02:48:42] <Snert> you can start at a higher spot with the piece of paper.
[02:48:51] <rue_house> nope
[02:49:00] <Snert> yup.
[02:49:00] <rue_house> its who you know, not your certificates
[02:49:16] <rue_house> the rumor is put out there, but its not true
[02:49:51] <rue_house> everyone knows that people who have just graduated from school dont know anything, you want someone who knows what they are doing you get them with experience
[02:50:34] <Snert> hence, 80K 15 years down the road.
[02:50:39] <rue_house> "I took this in school, but have never actually done any of it yet" is a resume that'll be passed up
[02:50:58] <rue_house> now, BEING A STUDENT is really valuable
[02:51:38] <rue_house> you will get hired really quick IF YOU ARE A STUDENT, possibly permanently, becasue they feel pitty on you and at the same time feel they ahve no obligation to keep you
[02:51:48] <rue_house> and tax benifits
[02:52:07] <rue_house> THATS how you get the experience that gets you hired
[02:52:38] <rue_house> even if you only took 1 month at university and went on leave to a job for 15 years
[02:52:52] <rue_house> as long as your a student they will employ you
[02:53:30] <Snert> ya gotta think the long game is all.
[02:53:34] <rue_house> as soon as you graduate, your schooling is useless
[02:56:12] <rue_house> your going to spend between $50000 and $200000 on schooling and come out of it in debt
[02:56:18] <rue_house> take some time
[02:56:28] <rue_house> GO to the companies you think you want to work for
[02:56:38] <rue_house> TALK to the people who do the jobs your thinking about
[02:56:51] <rue_house> ASK what their educational background is
[02:57:14] <rue_house> ASK what their experience background was when they started working for the company
[02:58:13] <rue_house> even if it costs your $4000, you could save 10's of thousands of dollars, nonally in educational and living fees, but the ~100% interest the bank will make off your student loan
[02:58:39] <rue_house> (yea, you might have paid up to $400000 by the time your paid off)
[02:59:07] <Jak_o_Shadows> rue, other countries have much much much cheaper education.
[02:59:24] <Jak_o_Shadows> Like, $50,000 is pretty much an upper limit.
[02:59:42] <rue_house> I know you like renting a home and leasing a car, but you might have the chance to own things with an extra $100000
[02:59:57] <Jak_o_Shadows> (in australia). Also, that 50k is in an interest free (but indexed to inflation of course) loan
[03:00:03] <rue_house> your thining tuition, or tuition + living expences?
[03:00:38] <Jak_o_Shadows> That's tuition. But moving interstate/across teh country isn't so much a thing in australia
[03:01:11] <rue_house> I got my student loan paid off by the time they asked for the first payment, not becasue of the schooling, but the programming experience I already had
[03:01:40] <rue_house> I surveyed the software companies in my local area
[03:01:43] <Jak_o_Shadows> For an interest free loan, paying it back early is literally one of the worst things you can do. So that's another difference.
[03:01:48] <rue_house> to see if it was the kinda job I wanted
[03:02:06] <rue_house> one of them was searchnig for people
[03:02:42] <rue_house> I wonder if I made more money then than I do now....
[03:02:50] <rue_house> hmm
[03:03:11] <rue_house> I hav a cholesterol problem, if I went back to programming, I'd prolly die of heart attack
[03:03:22] <rue_house> (FFFF*(&^&^$^&)
[03:03:58] <rue_house> Jak_o_Shadows, hey, you ever done bluetooth programming under linux?
[03:04:19] <Jak_o_Shadows> Once, some years ago.
[03:04:28] <rue_house> I have two bluetooth headsets
[03:04:41] <rue_house> how hard do you think it would be to write an audio hub?
[03:04:48] <rue_house> walkie-talkie
[03:04:55] <Jak_o_Shadows> What, relay from one to another?
[03:04:55] <rue_house> (granted, short range)
[03:05:00] <rue_house> yea,
[03:05:08] <rue_house> cross the audio streams :)
[03:05:20] <Jak_o_Shadows> TBH, it sounds like less of a bluetooth problem than a linux audio problem.
[03:05:29] <Jak_o_Shadows> Also, I have no idea, I just stuck to serial
[03:05:34] <rue_house> hmm
[03:07:58] <theBear> woah, rue ranting ? unprecedented
[03:08:27] <rue_shop4> heh
[03:09:00] <rue_shop4> it just bothers me how much money universities get for making people think they are going to get a high paying job
[03:09:48] <rue_shop4> I know a lot of university graduates that are little more than broom pushers
[03:10:52] <theBear> rue_house, it's written, just install a bluez version err, say >5.0 for the newer a2dp/audio approach, get a v4 or higher (maybe under 5 y.old) version of pulseaudio, find whatever cmdline/gui you might want on top for pin code display/entry during pairing, err, that's ti... module-loopback-something is maybe the right one to take an input/capture source and pipe it straight to an output, for example
[03:10:52] <theBear> perhaps a copy/split virtual output that in turn feeds all headphones, or perhaps X in one out the other headset, whatever, and you can have that stuff done automatically to varying degrees of what you likely want... ummmmm, done
[03:11:29] <rue_shop4> I'd like to make it multiway
[03:11:42] <rue_shop4> everyone else hears what someone says
[03:14:55] <rue_shop4> damn its only 1am and I'm like, falling asleep or soemthing
[03:15:09] <rue_shop4> suppose I got some code written today
[03:18:41] <mrdata> is it good code?
[03:19:52] <theBear> rue_shop4, fairy nuff... tho in that case i was more saying either EVERY-way or everywayEXCEPTyour own ears
[03:34:06] <rue_house> calc -9+3
[03:34:06] <rue_house> Unable to perform calculation, -9+3 -->> 42
[03:34:25] <rue_house> my command line calcs state machine dosn't start in the right place or someting
[03:35:41] <theBear> the umm, it doesn't know primary school math i say :)
[03:36:00] <rue_house> its versed in hithikers guide math
[03:36:07] <rue_house> hitchhikers
[03:36:28] <rue_house> zippo:/files/programming/c# calc 0-9+3
[03:36:28] <rue_house> 0-9+3 -->> -6
[03:36:45] <rue_house> it just cant comprehend the sign on the start of an equation
[03:38:30] <rue_house> states_t state = ERR;
[03:38:30] <rue_house> eqNode_t * iter;
[03:38:30] <rue_house>
[03:38:30] <rue_house> while( *e ) {
[03:38:30] <rue_house> // seperate components
[03:38:30] <rue_house> getClassChunk( &e, &chunk, &state);
[03:38:32] <rue_house> if (state != WHITE) eqLL_Append(this, state, chunk, NULL);
[03:38:34] <rue_house> free(chunk);
[03:38:38] <rue_house> hmm
[03:39:18] <rue_house> switch(*state) {
[03:39:18] <rue_house> case CONST: while(is_constc(**end)) (*end)++; break;
[03:39:30] <rue_house> just guessing that + and - aren't part of const
[03:40:39] <rue_house> #define str_constc "0123456789ABCDEF.xb"
[03:41:29] <rue_house> Isuppose I could start it with sign, and if it fails, it would just move on
[03:43:09] <rue_house> oops, maybe I shouldn't turn up the sub at 1am
[03:54:51] <theBear> wow, that's impressively hard on the eye.... reminds me in a couple tiny spots of a few brainfuck commands or so even, and you know what that wrong-baud-setting grade no room for characters or even many digits, we need it all for punctuation !
[04:00:33] <rue_house> my code is vertially compressed
[04:00:56] <rue_house> functions are to be no mroe than 1 screen height at a readable font size
[04:01:03] <theBear> heh and your spelling horizoally copessd :)
[04:01:13] <rue_house> its 1:30am!
[04:01:50] <rue_house> hmm, acording to the electric company, my house consumes about twice what my neighbours do
[04:08:11] <theBear> heh, i don't care at all for those seasonal/local average things in the modern power bills, not at all :)
[04:08:43] <rue_house> I'v got 1kw of solar comming to put on the hosue
[04:08:49] <rue_house> offset the power bill a bit
[04:09:07] <rue_house> wont get a full deal out of it, bad area with trees and a bad angle
[04:09:16] <rue_house> but, power offsetting
[04:09:37] <veverak> how long it takes for them to pay themselfs?
[04:09:56] <rue_house> about 7 years right now iirc
[04:10:07] <rue_house> I'm going to build a new house in 3 tho
[04:10:20] <rue_house> its been 3 years for about 7 years now
[04:10:26] <rue_house> its still 3 yeras
[04:10:37] <theBear> i pretty sure i got my usage down quite a bit over the last year or two of gently working it down more and more.... i know i didn't check my mailbox between this week and last year, and that it seems it been emptied by someone (frustrated postman maybe ? don't much care really) in the last few weeks if not days, and i ain't had a call or threats or disconnected, which means the 40 or 50/fortnight i
[04:10:37] <theBear> auto-pay towards that is at least covering things, heck,i may have a big credit lined up taht i could ask for a cheque or acct refund from
[04:11:27] <rue_house> that reminds me, I'v not recieved a bill from my email provider in like, 3 years
[04:11:47] <rue_house> I meant to phone the dns admin in the whois data
[04:12:46] <theBear> heh new tv ad here recently, i think the line is "If you don't save $1500 off your electric bills in the first calendar year of having your new solar system from us, we'll pay the whole year for you !" or something quite similar.... i'm thinking i do waht, $160x12 give or take , that'd pay for most of the solar system, maybe all with a couple grants and assists for the disabled and pensioney, can't go
[04:12:46] <theBear> wrong :)
[04:15:51] <theBear> lol, 3 years is good... i read somewhere recentyl oh, when i tried to login to admin thing and delete the ip from a very much former backup auth. ns i had, that some new registrar bought/took over the guys i had my rememberit registrated for years, and i feeling like it's gotta be over 2 years since i paid anything to keep it going.... so i guess now i gotta make them gimme a login, and check/up2date
[04:15:51] <theBear> my bill, with the bonus that the company name/tax-rego listed against it to qualify for a .com.au is no longer registered/active and is looked up online in seconds by anyone from the number alone which you can whois from public info/records/services, at least i listed as the tech-contact and probly last bill-cardname, but pfft, all sounds too hard
[04:16:19] <rue_house> Joke of the Week
[04:16:19] <rue_house> Blondes and Windows
[04:16:19] <rue_house> Last year I replaced all the windows in my house with those expensive double-pane energy-efficient kind.
[04:16:19] <rue_house> Yesterday, I got a call from the contractor who installed them. He was complaining that the windows had been installed a whole year ago, and I hadn't paid for them yet.
[04:16:19] <rue_house> Now just because I'm blonde doesn't mean that I am automatically stupid. So I told him just exactly what his fast-talking sales guy had told ME last year..namely, that in just ONE YEAR these windows would pay for themselves!
[04:16:22] <rue_house> Helllooooo'! ! (I told him). 'It's been a year'!
[04:16:26] <rue_house> There was only silence at the other end of the line, so I finally just hung up. He hasn't called back, probably too embarrassed about forgetting the guarantee they made me.
[04:16:29] <rue_house> Bet he won't underestimate my intelligence again.
[04:17:13] <theBear> lol
[04:17:41] <theBear> yeah, i like that... didn't even need the last few lines once the penny hit the floor
[04:19:26] <rue_bed2> wonder if I can code myself to sleep tonight
[04:27:26] <theBear> heh, never heard it called THAT before buddy <wink, grin>
[04:36:23] <rue_bed2> most of the code I can think of that I'm wating on either needs hardware or is just copy/paste
[04:36:57] <rue_bed2> maybe I can find some cartoons to go to sleep to
[04:37:05] <rue_bed2> something mindless
[04:37:10] <Jak_o_Shadows> Make a UI
[04:37:13] <Jak_o_Shadows> for soemthng
[04:37:15] <Jak_o_Shadows> It's dull work
[04:37:46] <rue_bed2> x coding is still a conundram to me
[04:38:26] <Jak_o_Shadows> Oh geez, i was going to say use a higher level thing
[04:39:29] <rue_bed2> no, all C
[04:47:39] <Jak_o_Shadows> C
[04:51:31] <theBear> ahh yes, X dollars by the end of the year, very good indeed....
[04:56:01] <Jak_o_Shadows> No idea why'd you use C for UI
[07:11:20] <anonnumberanon> For a very fast, very powerful, very expressive and modular UI...
[11:29:21] <iztech> hi guys i am looking for a good source for lip batteries 3.7v something like this would work http://www.all-battery.com/3.7V500mAhLIPORechargeableBattery-34063.aspx?utm_source=GoogleShopping&utm_medium=GDF&gdffi=fb520bc42d4e46cbab702234d35f7d38&gdfms=94A03DB57E0A425989FFAFB4D274A382&gclid=CMDf1Onxqs8CFZJlfgod8B0MKg
[11:29:36] <iztech> i need get about 100 of them so i need better prices.
[11:41:19] <ace4016> aliexpress/alibaba?
[11:56:34] <gmct> Hey
[11:57:33] <gmct> I'm looking to build a robot that can solve a rubik's cube (ideally in less than 10 seconds) and I have the general idea of how I'm going to do it, but I was looking for some help with the parts list.
[11:57:45] <gmct> And any cables and stuff I may have forgotten about.
[11:58:00] <rue_bed2> youtube lego rubix
[11:58:10] <gmct> *rubik's
[11:58:12] <gmct> Sorry
[11:58:18] <rue_bed2> just youtube it
[11:58:20] <gmct> Force of habit lol
[11:59:16] <gmct> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixTddQQ2Hs4
[11:59:22] <gmct> I was thinking more this design.
[12:00:28] <gmct> I'm doing it with a club at my school so we will have access to a 3D printers and have funds in the amount of 200 dollars, but will likely be able to get a bit more from administration.
[12:01:40] <gmct> Current parts list is 6 nema17 stepper motors, 1 rumba board, 2 5 packs of drv8825 drivers, and 4 webcams of unknown make.
[12:02:04] <gmct> Still haven't decided on the webcams yet
[12:02:56] <gmct> I'm curious if there are any cables I'll need to buy separately that wouldn't be included with the parts.
[12:03:05] <gmct> Like power cable for the rumba or something.
[12:30:14] <veverak> anonnumberanon: looks like my friend on math faculty will help me with covariance amtrixes
[12:30:17] <veverak> meantime
[12:31:01] <anonnumberanon> nice veverak
[12:31:08] <veverak> deshipu: tested the idea that leg order of quadruped is determined by the leg most behind
[12:31:16] <veverak> and!
[12:31:17] <anonnumberanon> I'm looking at how to make a cavariance matrix it's on my todo list.
[12:31:48] <veverak> I made mechanics that changes slightly how far each leg goes, so after some time
[12:31:55] <veverak> the leg order changes to predefined "desired one"
[12:32:03] <veverak> (so far only for the case of "one leg at the time")
[12:33:04] <veverak> so no matter from what position you start, you should always endup with what you like
[12:34:07] <anonnumberanon> gmct, yeah you'll need something like this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/65Pcs-Male-to-Male-Solderless-Flexible-Breadboard-Jumper-Cable-Wires-For-Arduino-/252107574004?hash=item3ab2c84af4:g:JBUAAOSwv0tVAV2q
[12:36:06] <deshipu> veverak: so basically you just always move the leg that is the farthest back?
[12:36:21] <anonnumberanon> gmct, and a power supply like in that youtube video. i have one it's great
[12:37:26] <veverak> deshipu: yep
[12:37:54] <veverak> and use "distance" ho far it moves, to change the order
[12:38:06] <veverak> *how
[12:38:36] <rue_house> ok, its 10:00 on sunday I'm gonna have to race to get anything done
[12:38:47] <rue_house> if I just knew where to race to
[12:38:53] <veverak> :D
[12:39:24] <gmct> What is the power supply?
[12:39:30] <gmct> LIke what brand/model?
[12:40:29] <rue_house> ah they modified the cube
[12:40:34] <anonnumberanon> the bad thing about the project in that video is that they don't have a program to scramble the cube randomly, that tells me they didn't write the software because it would be trivial to add it to the software they would have to solve the cube
[12:41:01] <veverak> deshipu: more or less soemthing like if leg is behind desired position in order, make +5% on distance, if it's on desired position, no change in distance, if leg is after desired distance, make +5% on distance
[12:41:10] <veverak> all legs share same basic distance
[12:41:53] <gmct> Well there are plenty of scramblers.
[12:42:09] <gmct> I would probably manually scramble according to a random state scrambler.
[12:42:11] <anonnumberanon> something like kthis gmct https://www.amazon.com/MEAN-WELL-RS-150-12-Supply-Single/dp/B00DECSE8G/ref=sr_1_9?ie=UTF8&qid=1474823610&sr=8-9&keywords=150w+power+supply
[12:42:38] <gmct> That wouldn't be overkill for powering 6 nema17s?
[12:42:58] <anonnumberanon> at $30 nothing is overkill
[12:43:10] <gmct> Alright just making sure since it looks kinda beefy.
[12:43:36] <gmct> Also, anywhere on amazon I could get those jumper cables?
[12:43:45] <gmct> This way I don't have to wait for china shipping.
[12:43:57] <anonnumberanon> yeah good thinking
[12:44:42] <rue_house> why dont you just use cat5 wire
[12:44:53] <rue_house> you can cut and strip it to any length you like
[12:45:04] <rue_house> or yea, you can have a chineese kid do it for you
[12:45:23] <rue_house> }:]
[12:45:49] <deshipu> veverak: not sure what you mean by "+5% on distance"
[12:46:02] <rue_house> a peice of 20 guage cat3 50pr is ideal
[12:47:57] <anonnumberanon> gmct, for that you go to amazon, find the stuff you need, put it in the cart, go to proceed to check out and before clicking "order", check what the delivery date is, if it is about a month from now that means it comes from china, so remove that item from your cart and get one which has a shipping of like maximum a week, usually it should be 2 or 3 days
[12:48:22] <rue_house> "in stock" usually means its not direct from china
[12:48:46] <rue_house> they will always say it'll take 20 days, even when it'll only take 3
[12:49:14] <anonnumberanon> this thing here says "in stock" but the shipping date is by october 20th: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00ARTWJ44/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A25CE0R7NUAYCW
[12:49:28] <rue_house> they will always say it'll take 20 days, even when it'll only take 3
[12:49:32] <anonnumberanon> no not always most of the stuff i order is less than a week
[12:49:45] <anonnumberanon> usually 2 or 3 days
[12:49:50] <rue_house> latley they seem to have started doing this
[12:50:00] <rue_house> even tho it only takes 3 days
[12:50:02] <anonnumberanon> the stuff that says 30 days usually does come in in 30 days, but sometimes i get surprises
[12:50:16] <rue_house> never experienced it
[12:50:37] <rue_house> but I'v had some stuff arrive from chian in a week on aliexpress, which amazes me
[12:50:41] <rue_house> average 22 days
[12:51:06] <rue_house> +- chinese newyears and G20 summits
[12:51:24] <gmct> So is it available from US sellers/
[12:51:25] <gmct> ?
[12:51:36] <rue_house> only the ones that already bought it from china
[12:51:57] <rue_house> if I weren't in canada, I could cache products
[12:52:11] <rue_house> but it takes as long to ship from canada as from china
[12:52:21] <rue_house> and costs about 400x more
[12:52:28] <gmct> https://www.amazon.com/LampVPath-Jumper-Solderless-Flexible-Breadboard/dp/B017GA3VVQ/ref=sr_1_2?s=hi&ie=UTF8&qid=1474824228&sr=1-2&keywords=male%2Bto%2Bmale%2Bsolderless%2Bflexible%2Bbreadboard%2Bjumper%2Bcable%2Bwires%2Bfor%2Barduino&th=1
[12:52:30] <gmct> This?
[12:53:13] <rue_house> haha $7 for THAT!
[12:53:15] <anonnumberanon> gmct, this is your homework
[12:53:31] <rue_house> you really cant use solid cat5 eh?
[12:53:32] <gmct> Not homework.
[12:53:43] <gmct> I'm now head of the tech club at my school.
[12:53:47] <rue_house> is it cause you cant cut the wire or you cant strip it?
[12:53:54] <rue_house> :/
[12:53:54] <anonnumberanon> gmct, "Want it Tuesday, Sept. 27? Add it to a qualifying order within 12 hrs 34 mins and choose Two-Day Shipping at checkout."
[12:53:59] <gmct> We haven't accomplished anything the past 3 years and I figured I'd change that.
[12:54:05] <anonnumberanon> so yeah, it's definitely in a warehouse in the US
[12:54:06] <gmct> I know, just making sure it's the right stuff.
[12:54:10] <anonnumberanon> so get it
[12:54:18] <gmct> Alright I'll add it to the list.
[12:54:25] <anonnumberanon> you can pay a few dollars more and have it right now or really cheap and have it in a month
[12:54:29] <rue_house> talk to the electrician, ask for a 4' peice of solid cat5e wire
[12:54:39] <anonnumberanon> yeah you'll need long wires as well
[12:54:46] <rue_house> that'll give you 32' of jumper wire
[12:54:52] <anonnumberanon> these are very handy but also quite short
[12:55:09] <gmct> Cat 5e would do the same job?
[12:55:09] <rue_house> nobody ever listens to me
[12:55:34] <rue_house> yea, it works fine, needs to be solid, a strnaded patch cable is useless
[12:55:40] <rue_house> well, almost useless
[12:55:43] <gmct> If there's a cheaper option I'm all ears.
[12:55:46] <anonnumberanon> gmct, by "this is your homework" I meant, this was something for YOU to do, knowing how to order properly lol
[12:55:52] <rue_house> its avialable by tommorow evening
[12:56:03] <rue_house> and its free
[12:56:20] <gmct> Lol just making sure I'm not going to end up buying the wrong stuff.
[12:56:20] <rue_house> ANY electrician can give you up to about 20' of cat5e free cause its scrap
[12:56:32] <gmct> That's gonna need soldering I'm guessing.
[12:56:36] <gmct> The cat5e
[12:56:40] <anonnumberanon> fuck lol
[12:56:42] <rue_house> matter a fact, and peices less than about 60' are usually tossed
[12:56:46] <anonnumberanon> are you already scared of soldering
[12:56:47] <anonnumberanon> ?
[12:56:56] <anonnumberanon> by the way yeah, order a soldering iron
[12:56:58] <anonnumberanon> and solder
[12:56:59] <gmct> No, I think I have a soldering iron lying around.
[12:57:01] <rue_house> if you cant garuntee your wire is long enough, the wire is not worth the time to try
[12:57:16] <rue_house> at $80/hr you use a new roll and make sure you get there the first time
[12:57:26] <anonnumberanon> what's cat5 e wire m8 you got me interested
[12:57:39] <rue_house> its network cable
[12:57:48] <anonnumberanon> ethernet cable?
[12:57:49] <gmct> Last time I tried soldering it was an LED in my mouse and neither LED was working with the mouse afterwards.
[12:57:50] <rue_house> seriosly?
[12:57:52] <rue_house> yea
[12:57:55] <gmct> Could it be a crappy soldering iron?
[12:57:58] * rue_house beats his head against the table
[12:58:02] <gmct> Or just a bad soldering job?
[12:58:35] <rue_house> do you know an electrician you can contact?
[12:58:47] <rue_house> if its a school, there should be a union guy who is prolly always around
[12:58:53] <anonnumberanon> brb gotta go update my resume
[12:58:53] <gmct> I could probably find one.
[12:59:04] <gmct> What do you think about the soldering iron?
[12:59:14] <rue_house> what soldering iron?
[12:59:24] <rue_house> you prolly bridged someting, practise
[12:59:36] <gmct> Alright.
[12:59:54] <gmct> I feel like this'll probably be easier to solder since it's not going to be working with such confined circuit boards.
[13:00:09] <rue_house> make sure the tip is clean
[13:00:17] <gmct> Alright.
[13:00:17] <gmct> Alright.
[13:00:20] <rue_house> black crusties do not conduct heat
[13:00:49] <rue_house> if the tip is loose, that dont conduct heat either :)
[13:01:39] <rue_house> its from china, its not glue, its gloooo
[13:01:47] <gmct> So all I should need is the webcams, stepper motors, drivers, rumba board, pi, and some cat5e and some soldering materials along with the power supply?
[13:02:02] <rue_house> rumba baord?
[13:02:24] <rue_house> I dont know what the roomba board is for
[13:02:31] <gmct> It's an arduino based board designed to be able to run 6 stepper motors.
[13:02:32] <rue_house> rumba != roobma?
[13:02:37] <rue_house> haha
[13:02:45] <rue_house> but... why cant the pi do that?
[13:02:59] <rue_house> 2 or 3 wires for each stepper
[13:03:08] <rue_house> depending if you want powerdown or not
[13:03:09] <gmct> Connected to what?
[13:03:30] <rue_house> for that matter, 2 per stepper, with a common extra if you want powerdown
[13:03:37] <rue_house> the pi has io dosn't it?
[13:04:13] <rue_house> you know, its probably going to be easier for you to use the arduino based one
[13:04:25] <gmct> Yeah
[13:04:41] <rue_house> I wouldn't, but I'm a guy who makes my own soldering station.
[13:04:57] <gmct> I figure this way the pi only has to run a program to get the cube state and run it through kociemba then just send a char array to the arduino.
[13:05:17] <gmct> Actually wait chars wouldn't work.
[13:05:32] <gmct> If it has to do R2 or something.
[13:05:41] <gmct> Strings it is
[13:06:33] <rue_house> ah I know, i want to go to the scrapper
[13:07:05] <rue_house> drop off the old batteries, the can of scrap metal, and pick up any washing machine valves I can find
[13:07:16] <gmct> Any recomendations on webcams that are cheap and work well with Linux?
[13:07:29] <rue_house> no idea
[13:07:29] <gmct> And ideally have reasonably accurate colors.
[13:07:33] <gmct> Alright.
[13:09:11] <gmct> I was about to ask if the wires in a cat5e cable were individually shielded and then I realized I'm an idiot.
[13:09:20] <gmct> Probably wouldn't work too well if they weren't lol.
[13:13:03] <rue_house> and I thought nobody did it cause they were too snobby...
[13:13:35] <gmct> What do you mean?
[13:14:05] <rue_house> I thought everone knew about cat5
[13:14:18] <gmct> Are the wires different colors in there?
[13:14:27] <rue_house> but were too lazy and thought it was toodo-it-yourself to do
[13:14:28] <rue_house> yea
[13:14:45] <rue_house> white/blue white/orange white/green and white/brown
[13:14:50] <gmct> Alright. And those are the only wires I need to connect stuff?
[13:15:02] <rue_house> if you get a peice of 25 pair cat3, you get even more colour combinations
[13:15:35] <rue_house> an electrician might be able to get you a piece, but its not as commonly used
[13:16:21] <gmct> As long as it works I'm not too picky.
[13:17:18] <rue_house> if you want stranded cable, that flexes better, for going farther, cut up a network cord
[13:18:04] <rue_house> the cords are made of stranded cable that flexes better, the cat5e I was talkign about earlier is better for breadboards
[13:20:09] <rue_house> wow, I shoudl start buying things from aliexpress and selling them on amazon
[13:20:29] <rue_house> I see no less than 2x markup
[13:34:03] <gmct> Noice
[13:34:29] <veverak> deshipu: simply, each leg moves by 'x', or by x*(1+-0.05) based on if it's order in timing is behind or after desired position
[13:34:33] <veverak> 'x' is same for all legs
[13:34:40] <veverak> at one point, all legs are moving by 'x' forward
[13:43:02] <gmct> Also, it doesn't seem like too difficult of a task to have the robot able to do roughly 3 turns per second does it?
[13:43:34] <gmct> 180 degree turns count as one turn if that matters.
[14:20:01] <anonnumberanon> I will have questions about PCB layout tomorrow.
[14:21:19] <robopal> you are not scaring anyone
[14:21:32] <robopal> :P
[14:34:40] <Tom_itx> you spread the copper over a nice durable substrate leaving gaps inbetween where you want them
[14:40:25] <SpeedEvil> Have a look at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxzgwJ8tSE0
[14:40:28] <SpeedEvil> err - not that
[14:40:39] <SpeedEvil> http://www.maximintegrated.com/en/app-notes/index.mvp/id/5450
[14:45:57] <veverak> damn it
[14:46:02] <veverak> the more I design the algorithm
[14:46:16] <veverak> the more I realize how much debugging info it will need to analyze it
[15:04:45] <anonnumberanon> veverak, why?
[15:06:50] <anonnumberanon> iztech, http://www.buddyrc.com/glacier-25c-600mah-1s.html
[15:08:18] <anonnumberanon> surveying right now, I want to add pcb layout on my resume without bullshitting, so I decided i will draw and order a pcb that is just like the robot control that i made on a breadboard
[15:08:29] <anonnumberanon> I'm looking at Eagle CAD. Yay, nay?
[15:08:56] <anonnumberanon> I'll then order the pcb and (bigger project) order the compnents and maybe cook it.
[15:09:12] <anonnumberanon> damn it really is a big project that i cannot do within a week
[15:09:23] <anonnumberanon> means i have to turn the oven i bought into a pcb oven
[15:09:31] <anonnumberanon> gonna cost like $150
[15:09:51] <anonnumberanon> but yeah, the software part should be enough so i'll just do that for now
[15:09:55] <veverak> anonnumberanon: it get's complicated
[15:10:07] <anonnumberanon> make my pcb oven once i start working and getting money
[15:10:19] <anonnumberanon> pcb layout in general or eagle cad veverak?
[15:10:39] <anonnumberanon> oh you're talking about your algo
[15:10:39] <anonnumberanon> ..
[15:12:17] <anonnumberanon> any of you users in the industry who could tell me which software sounds legit in a job interview?
[15:31:55] <veverak> no, my script :)
[15:32:10] <veverak> genius
[15:32:31] <veverak> {(-1, 1): 32.18103277133366, (1, -1): 32.231032771178064, (1, 1): 32.28103277102245, (-1, -1): 32.33103277086685}
[15:32:33] <veverak> {(-1, 1): 32.181032771100256, (1, -1): 32.23103277110026, (1, 1): 32.28103277110026, (-1, -1): 32.33103277110026}
[15:32:49] <veverak> top line is position of legs, bottom line is desired position
[15:33:50] <veverak> so, after few steps from "random" leg position, it synced itself into leg positions in specific order, that makes sure that my algo picks legs to move up in order I want
[15:33:53] <veverak> nah nah nah
[15:34:25] <veverak> and algo is still only "move with the leg that is last"
[15:35:21] <veverak> so it should be able to get into that desired leg order from any position you give it
[15:40:01] <anonnumberanon> veverak, are you trying to talk to me about code?
[15:40:04] <anonnumberanon> :3
[15:40:26] * veverak is just bloating how good he is about something most of people propably won't understand
[15:40:39] * veverak is still working on "how to explain it so anybody can understand it"
[15:41:16] <rue_shop4> my hexapod is based on a rotary update to 'preferred positions'
[15:41:21] <anonnumberanon> Being able to explain complex things is a real mark of intelligence :)
[15:41:41] <rue_shop4> with a bit of anticipation of where its going to buy more time till the next update
[15:42:10] <rue_shop4> being able to create educational problems is a mark of really knowing what your doing
[15:42:38] <anonnumberanon> nah, not so much that
[15:42:59] <veverak> rue_shop4: got something like "preffered positions"
[15:43:02] <anonnumberanon> just pulling your leg
[15:54:21] <veverak> rue_shop4: for me preffered position, is anything on the line that is on the ground and got offset against the path for robot body
[15:55:00] <rue_shop4> sounds about like the right approach
[15:56:07] <veverak> rue_shop4: http://i.imgur.com/wNkGqyg.png
[15:56:15] <veverak> arrows: poses of the robot body
[15:56:21] <veverak> blue lines: paths for legs
[15:56:34] <veverak> (this is: go forward and twist by 180 while doing that)
[16:22:13] <veverak> anyway
[16:22:21] <anonnumberanon> so there is a pcb layout and schematics for a given circuit, do you make both files with different softwares or PCB softwares usually can make both? im looking at Eagle Cad, Kikad, heard about easy eda but not sure if it runs on linux
[16:22:42] <veverak> note: leg synrhonization worked after difference between positions wasn't more than 30%
[16:22:48] <veverak> with up to 100% it didn't worked
[16:23:48] <veverak> (% from leg step)
[16:24:00] <veverak> hmm, 60% is usable maximum it seems
[16:32:30] <veverak> anyway, idea is that this way I can stabilize the leg movement effeciently
[16:32:54] <veverak> after all "deviations" from ideal way of working are small enough -> switch from one leg at a time to two
[16:37:18] <veverak> good thing is that if the robot moves and unexpected things start to happen, it should be always able to react somehow
[17:38:51] <rue_house> veverak, hold on... found it...
[17:41:31] <rue_house> https://youtu.be/VeTe41rQD04
[17:42:12] <rue_house> sorry about eht resolution, rendered back in 2001
[17:43:02] <veverak> lol
[17:43:04] <veverak> it looks cool :D
[17:43:23] <rue_house> there was more work to do, I needed to build a hardware platform
[17:58:51] <veverak> nah
[17:58:54] <veverak> rewritten it a bit
[17:59:01] <veverak> now it's synced after first full cycle
[17:59:04] <veverak> \o/
[17:59:09] <veverak> and less magic
[18:17:00] <rue_house> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cY5PHE4x_g
[18:17:01] <rue_house> hahaha
[21:48:52] <iztech> thanks anonnumberanon for the link for lipo
[21:49:33] <anonnumberanon> iztech, you should probably call them if you want a 100, they might have 15 or 20 I would guess if I was running that website.
[21:51:26] <iztech> yeah, sometimes its easier to buy it in the States.
[21:53:13] <iztech> I have to purchase motors, servos etc. - those I usuallyget in China, Hong Kong or Thailand.
[22:35:21] <rue_house> china dosn't perform well as a battery source
[22:36:58] <ace4016> japan does, but they'll be pricier
[22:47:41] <anonnumberanon> iztech, cool, what model of servos?
[22:47:50] <rue_house> SG90
[22:47:51] <anonnumberanon> I like the very torquy ones.
[22:48:08] <anonnumberanon> sg is for tiny applications
[22:48:56] <rue_shop4> ugh, two burritos is half a burrito too much
[22:49:18] <anonnumberanon> you should eat three burritos then, in two meals
[23:48:55] <rue_house> a) I canthave two meals now, I'm full
[23:49:15] <rue_house> b) it sorta implies being able to close 2 ends of a burrito so that you can cut it in half,
[23:49:24] <rue_house> I'm only good at closing 0.1 ends of a burrito
[23:49:32] <rue_house> so I'v just adjusted the way I eat them
[23:49:57] <rue_house> (I start at both ends, and the middle, and work my way out)