#robotics | Logs for 2016-09-20

[00:04:00] <rue_shop3> how many instructions/clock on the msp430?
[01:10:08] <rue_house> http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:394634
[01:10:14] <rue_house> damn, a hypercube of monkeys
[01:11:31] <rue_house> http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:9728
[01:11:46] <rue_house> hahaha I think more people have reported making that hypercube that any other object I'v seen yet
[01:12:01] <robopal> what 3d printer can print that?
[01:12:24] <robopal> with fill material I guess?
[01:13:46] <robopal> ah there is a photo of one made with description
[01:14:20] <robopal> needs to paint it because it looks like shit :D
[02:11:03] <rue_bed> no, you can bridge pretty good with a well dialed in printer
[02:16:40] <deshipu> anonnumberanon: esp8266
[02:56:56] <anonnumberanon> ah okay!
[04:56:30] <z64[droid]> rue_house somewhere in the 100's of KHz, I think
[07:00:40] <z64555> ugh, I wonder if I'll have to waste a notepad on studying the board's features and library
[07:01:50] <z64555> hm. I still have to make a test pedestal and something to tie in the mains to the quad somehow
[08:12:59] <veverak> deshipu: http://build-its-inprogress.blogspot.cz/search/label/HobbyKing%20Cheetah
[11:58:26] <deshipu> I use servoblaster
[11:58:46] <deshipu> on the rpi
[16:33:37] <deshipu> no idea, I have it ignored
[16:33:42] <z64[droid]> there we go, had to fin the settings for it
[16:33:55] * z64[droid] continues to study the doc
[16:34:12] <z64[droid]> Timer block has a RTC mode, too.
[16:35:11] <z64[droid]> mentions something about a 32KH crystal and a freq divider to get a 1Hz signal to the counter
[16:37:00] <z64[droid]> ...and can trigger a uDMA sequence
[16:37:47] <z64[droid]> GPS support, perhaps?