#robotics | Logs for 2016-09-18

[00:12:14] <rue_shop3> yay, big motor driver works
[00:12:23] <rue_shop3> that said, its only one irfz44
[00:12:35] <rue_shop3> I'm wondering if I'll want to go to 60V
[00:12:39] <rue_shop3> meh
[00:14:54] <rue_shop3> hmm the limit of my hand as a brake seems to be about 8w
[00:16:03] <Jak_o_Shadows> Surely it's dependent on geometry
[00:16:26] <rue_shop3> too much heat builds up in my hand otherwise
[00:16:43] <rue_shop3> ok, enough testing, the 600Hz pwm is gonna drive me insane
[00:24:01] <anonnumberanon> lol
[00:27:50] <rue_shop3> well, its working and I cant even load it up enough to get the driver warm
[00:27:59] <rue_shop3> so I'll box it and retest
[00:28:07] <rue_shop3> the throttle I made is acting up tho
[00:28:15] <rue_shop3> I'll ahve to check that out
[00:55:18] <Jak_o_Shadows> Hmm. Tail for a cat http://hackaday.com/2016/09/13/the-bootup-guide-to-homebrew-two-stage-tentacle-mechanisms/
[00:57:42] <Jak_o_Shadows> Course, would have to figure out how much you actuall get out of moving a tail
[00:57:50] <Jak_o_Shadows> so I guess it'd have to move fairly fast
[01:07:11] <rue_shop3> I'v read the document on the P21010 ram a few times now, I just cant see it being worth all that trouble for a memory chip
[01:07:25] <rue_shop3> address multiplexing and refreshing
[01:07:42] <rue_shop3> even on an avr it would be trying to operate
[01:08:50] <rue_shop3> 8ms refresh
[01:09:05] <rue_shop3> 125 hz min
[01:09:49] <rue_shop3> to go thru 512 lines of memory
[01:10:15] <rue_shop3> 64Khz just to keep it remembering what you told it
[01:12:41] <rue_shop3> 0.6W / Mbit
[01:14:32] <rue_shop3> er I think
[01:21:26] <theBear> did someone say dynamic ram ? what is this, the 80s ?
[01:22:25] <theBear> sif you use non-self-maintaining memory for any reason with any single-chip micro as your only weapon ! pfft i say !
[01:23:29] <theBear> hmmm, i saw/discovered some kinda ram the other day that i never looked at up close before, as i recall i thought "mmmmm, that could be a kinda handy feature/quirk for some purposes" to myself.... unfortunately, i cannot remember any more detail than i just wrote to the left of *HERE*
[01:24:00] <theBear> but as i recall, i was almost as excited about the stuff as the day i first discovered dual-port "v-ram" some years back
[01:24:21] <theBear> which is STILL effing cool, in my mind, as far as concepts/little chips go
[01:25:45] <theBear> of course, like many modern things, it really woulda been infinitely more handy in the age before it existed, in the case of v-ram all those low power chips and low bw buses everywhere you look, such an easy time for just letting two chips go at some memory space however they see fit, and for them not having to share a common bus/interface to do it with <grin>
[01:27:43] <theBear> on a similar note, my p3 coppermine full+longtime server in the next room, and my soon to be server with the least-stupid p4 chip (power wise) ever made in it, both run infinitely better and more efficiently with recent programming and general os-approach innovations, not to mention all kinds of energy savings bits and pieces, both hard and soft that never worked nearly as well if at all when they were remotely current hw, than they ever did in a
[01:27:43] <theBear> time people other than me would use them
[01:30:03] <theBear> heck, even building a single something with the old gcc, compare current with optimizey stuff turned on, to maybe the classic old gcc2.95 that we all needed forever (maybe now even?) for some crap like old kernel headers or glibc or pfft, i digress.... compare that pair, and the results might perhaps surprise you, at least a tiny bit, if you never considered or looked into the subject outside of this very occasion i have just concocted, potentially
[01:30:03] <theBear> existing sometime after NOW !
[01:31:43] <rue_shop3> now thats a block of text
[01:31:49] <rue_shop3> what you up to ?
[01:33:28] <rue_shop3> I just found a reel of smt diodes, I been held up on a project waiting for more to arrive from aliexpress
[01:33:30] <rue_shop3> this is cool
[01:35:19] <theBear> catchin' up on chores, nothing chore-ey, just ya know, sweeping/vacuuming up the 1/4 of a futon worth of foam chunks floating around the house, take the starting to REALLY smell bad bags of dead food and packaging and bottles and such up the carpark to the big bin (literally could not be further from MY flat door, fortunately i'm hard to annoy and ain't precious about rotting trash where i prepare and eat food :] ) maybe getting the mail for the
[01:35:19] <theBear> first time since newyears eve afternoon, it's in my mailbox out the front <grin> put the airconditioner back in the bottom of the most inaccessible cupboard/wardrobe i got for a few more months, so i can access the back door, that kinda thing :)
[01:40:34] <theBear> "this is cool" you say ? .... you remind me of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88qDSdirIn4&feature=youtu.be&t=2070 relevant moment around 20 seconds in
[01:40:56] <theBear> don't worry, it ain't about the music, i don't advocate anything i like, i learned that lesson many years ago :)
[01:42:09] <rue_shop3> odd, youtube is broken
[01:42:52] <theBear> mmmm, that's common here, but by here i mean only between my loungeroom and err, places that i don't refer to as being mine :)
[01:44:53] <rue_shop3> oh, google decided that I have to use 64bit
[01:46:07] * rue_shop3 plays along
[01:46:28] <theBear> of all the places they coulda taken and used that handful of quoted lines from southpark, i feel that music is one of the funniest possible choices ("it says this dvd just sold more copies than any dvd ever made" "they just released pt3 on the internet, 80million opening weekend !" "THIS .... is cool !" gold)
[01:46:36] <theBear> 64bit ? it's a webpage ffs !
[01:46:46] <theBear> ooh related rant from very recent minutes...
[01:46:58] <theBear> seriously google and/or adobe ? in this age of browsers with all the useful menus and crap hidden by default, you REALLY thought it was a smart move to borrow the most common and well known menu shortcut (filemenu == alt-f EVERYWHERE, even in stupid os's) that people maybe use to reappear the menus if they aren't short-bus material and maybe need to click something you can't do in a rightclick menu sooner or later, and not only make it fullscreen a
[01:46:58] <theBear> youtube player, but grabs the keypress so nothing else can use it !~
[01:47:12] <rue_shop3> package architecture (amd64) does not match system (i386)
[01:47:34] <theBear> that's me quoting me, but i'm cooler than flyback, so i said this instead of pasting copies of my name cascading deeper and deeper as i spread my news <grin>
[01:47:37] <rue_shop3> oh now youtube loads
[01:47:45] <theBear> you know html5 exists now right ?
[01:48:06] <theBear> doesn't solve what you just said, but sidesteps it very nicely, assuming yer ffox is a bit more recent than yer cpu arch <grin>
[01:48:07] <Jak_o_Shadows> I haven't installed flash or adobe reader for years
[01:48:11] <rue_shop3> but it will not load your link
[01:48:12] <rue_shop3> wtf
[01:48:15] <Jak_o_Shadows> even java nowadays
[01:48:23] <rue_shop3> this is the second time chrome cant load a direct youtube link
[01:49:34] <rue_shop3> WTF
[01:49:36] <rue_shop3> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gggmxysNlU
[01:49:59] <rue_shop3> have you ever been on youtube AND SEEN YOUR OWN WORKBENCH in a video you didn't record or post?
[01:50:16] <Jak_o_Shadows> nup
[01:50:21] <Jak_o_Shadows> kinda creepy
[01:50:24] <rue_shop3> WELL THATS MY WORKBENCH
[01:50:38] <rue_shop3> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEKQEqSN7B8
[01:50:40] <rue_shop3> THAT IS TOO
[01:50:42] <theBear> Jak_o_Shadows, good fer you !
[01:51:17] <theBear> Jak_o_Shadows, remember to maintain the rage, don't discount your self-respect just to deal with other businesses or make your customers or friends happy ! eff em all i say
[01:51:43] <Jak_o_Shadows> is it possibly a video that's on your web server?
[01:51:50] <theBear> rue_shop3, lol, technically-ish a couple times since my last job, tho at the times i saw it, it was not my bench <grin>
[01:52:04] <theBear> Jak_o_Shadows, i'm pretty sure me and rue know how it happened, we're just bemused
[01:52:44] <Jak_o_Shadows> ah,k
[01:53:49] <rue_house> hah, well its good to know he got videos of it
[01:55:27] <rue_house> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6dTJ5SEfQE
[01:55:37] <rue_house> see the red bracked on the left? he cast that here
[01:56:04] <theBear> thanks to policy of google getting more not-useful every time you use it recent years, i can't find them at the moment, but my fairly aspergerey, noticably slightly autistic (according to v4 or 5 of the medical masterlist that just came out in the last few years, assbergers don't exist now,) but generally awesome boss/workshop-mate made a few very entertaining and still technical based little videos, for example showing how a BIG speaker driver on a
[01:56:05] <theBear> bench (no box) interacts with a BIG variac on 240v mains, with barely enough technical to make it worthwhile and interesting, and not generally piss me off like most videos i see these days
[01:57:08] <theBear> not to mention he's a big somewhat rounded on the sides, shiny shaved head wild eyed opiniated foul-mouthed kinda guy, like me if i was older and fatter and less hairy on the top end of me :)
[02:02:21] <rue_house> damn its only 11:35pm and I'm exhausted
[02:02:36] <rue_house> and the only thing I much got done today was getting a motor driver going
[02:05:51] <theBear> pfft, i was exhausted first thing ! you're slow maaaaaan
[02:06:02] <theBear> of course, i WAS several hours in the future already by then
[02:06:06] <theBear> damn i'm good <wink>
[02:06:26] <theBear> no, not the future from now, the future in canada
[02:08:13] <rue_shop3> I hate it when I cant keep my eyes open
[02:08:59] <rue_shop3> apparently the 0.1uF smt caps aren't here yet either
[02:11:11] <theBear> meh, i'm fairly indifferent to the state, most times it could happen
[02:11:16] <theBear> hmm, are they here ?
[02:13:25] <theBear> dammit ! about 80mins ago i meant to say "you call those tails ?!?!?!?! THESE are tails, maaaaaan" and then also have http://testing.fucking.rememberit.com.au/pics/random%20pics%20of%20stuff/IMAG0007.jpg appear near to that, all aimed roughly at jak-o
[02:13:42] <theBear> but i guess i ain't got that comic timing now, so i probly won't bother with all that
[02:14:13] <theBear> and yeah, they ARE sexy, and i DO make the best ones in the southern hemisphere !
[02:25:42] <Jak_o_Shadows> aha
[02:25:46] <Jak_o_Shadows> What are they exactly?
[02:28:16] <theBear> "weiland" mains multicore set.... weiland are the big chunky latchey cast case connectors, traditionally here yer use little or that-sized ones for 4 or 6 independant (3conductor each) mains leads worth of errr, mains leads ( http://testing.fucking.rememberit.com.au/pics/random%20pics%20of%20stuff/IMAG0008.jpg is the middle bit too) , stick one of them fat single cables inthe middle, bing bang bong, off yer go :)
[02:29:49] <theBear> only pplace i ever seen/heard of em being used is for stage lighting and similar lighting deals (well, until recently... don't really need 10-15kW of mains available up a pole or tree fer yer modern led lighting, not like maybe 1kW per-fixture/lightbulb that you used to have a couple trucks full of for yer average small rock+roll stage :-)
[02:32:57] <theBear> if yer not done that kinda stuff, olden days you would have a desk/control surface usually with a whole lotta fader/sliders in it, maybe some buttons, maybe a little old lcd screen in the 90s and 2000s, that would talk via old analog 0-10vdc or newer digital single-bus methods to a 32 or 40kW 12 or very rarely 15 channel dimmer rack (electronically controlled household lighting dimmers, but with 10 or 15a worth of mains triacs instead of a teeny
[02:32:57] <theBear> weeny not-heatsinked one like your loungeroom has in the wall) which would of course sit right by the neearest 3phase socket/giant-extendey-lead, and in turn be wired from usually "standard wall socket" holes on the side of itself, to a bunch of metal tubey things with lamp bases and lamps and maybe coloured hitemp cellophane over the end of em
[02:37:44] <Jak_o_Shadows> ah, okies
[08:32:53] <z64555> ok, Eigen is now complacent, now to figure out how to use the actual hardware
[08:33:01] * z64555 rummages for the datasheet
[08:33:24] <z64555> hm
[08:33:33] <z64555> I have a feeling this is a couch sitting, though
[08:33:38] * z64555 rummages for his tablet
[09:38:21] <z64555> well that was short lived
[09:38:47] <z64555> read exactly one page before I got distracted by checking facebook, then upset at the couch that had a bunch of junk mail on it
[09:39:00] <z64555> then sorting/trashing said junk mail to clear the couch
[09:39:17] <z64555> and finally being passivel-aggressively forced back into my room
[10:16:58] <anonnumberanon> lol
[11:08:39] * z64555 sips coffee, then returns to reading from his tablet
[11:49:19] * rue_shop3 RTPs some tea
[11:51:40] <z64555> well thats... kind of a wierd way of adjusting PWM duty
[11:51:59] <z64555> doc I'm reading says it's possible to adjust the period of a PWM signal while in operation
[11:52:19] <z64555> doesn't mention how the duty cycle can be adjusted, however
[11:52:25] <z64555> it might be implied
[11:53:02] <rue_shop3> if the on time is fixed the duty will change with period
[11:53:32] <rue_shop3> lots of power supply pwm controllers use a fixed off time and do the same thing
[11:54:51] <z64555> hm, didn't know that
[11:56:37] <rue_shop3> the on time is usually terminated by a current, time or voltage limit
[12:12:02] <z64555> well, I need the PWM for servo control. hopefully the duty register, whichever it is, can be altered during operation and not require reseting the GPIO timers after each cycle
[12:12:15] * z64555 hunts for docs on the driverlibs
[12:22:51] <z64555> lunch!
[12:52:56] <mrdata> z64555, changing the pulse width is the ordinary way to adjust pwm
[12:53:06] <mrdata> what is generating your pulses?
[12:57:47] <rue_shop3> geez, I grabbed a 1.5" binder to make a book of all the datasheets I commonly use and I'v just about filled it already
[13:15:11] <mrdata> "A typical servo motor expects to be updated every 20 ms with a pulse between 1 ms and 2 ms, or in other words, between a 5 and 10% duty cycle on a 50 Hz waveform. With a 1.5 ms pulse, the servo motor will be at the natural 90 degree position. With a 1 ms pulse, the servo will be at the 0 degree position, and with a 2 ms pulse, the servo will be at 180 degrees." -- https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/pulse-width-modulation
[13:16:39] <theBear> rue_shop3, 1.5" eh ? must be cute little teeny weeny datasheets you gotta store <grin> not surprised it filled so quick tho
[13:37:54] <z64555> mrdata. pulsewidth != period
[13:38:16] <z64555> the period of a signal is the time between pulses, and is the inverse of the frequency
[13:39:16] <z64555> as rue_shop stated before, adjusting the period of a PWM timer also affects the effective duty cycle (read, on-time of the pulse)
[13:40:23] <z64555> servos, however, expect a constant frequency PWM signal. so adjusting the period is out of the question
[13:41:23] <z64555> the chip I'm working with is a TI Stellaris LM4F120 chip, who uses a GPIO timer to generate PWM signals
[13:42:46] <z64555> and as I've stated in the channel before, the documentation mentions that the register responsible for the signal's period may be changed during operation, but fails to mention if the register responsible for the duty cycle can be changed during operation.
[13:44:45] <z64555> which basically means I'll have to dig out the old 10MHz oscilloscope that's collecting dust in my closet, and run a test program to verify my assumption
[16:51:41] * z64555 is much dissapoint
[19:06:37] <z64555> argh.
[19:06:45] <z64555> I'll have to make my own boosterpack board then.
[20:49:41] <wildmage> hey
[21:31:42] <anonnumberanon> z64555, p 685 in this it talks about the PWM mode, also: "The
[21:31:43] <anonnumberanon> PWM period can be adjusted at any time by writing the
[21:31:43] <anonnumberanon> GPTMTnILR
[21:31:43] <anonnumberanon> register, and the change takes
[21:31:44] <anonnumberanon> effect at the next cycle after the write." I'm just not sure if that is the correct datasheet.
[21:31:49] <anonnumberanon> http://www.mouser.com/ds/2/405/lm4f120h5qr-124014.pdf
[23:53:52] <z64555> nah, that's the correct one. It doesn't have a dedicated PWM module, and uses a GP timer
[23:55:03] <z64555> I'll need to look into it a bit more. I'm not sure if I can power down the CPU safely without fucking up the timer module