#robotics | Logs for 2016-09-15
I think.... I'v been trying to mentally catalog thingiverse
that tentacle is creepy
worthwhile creepy though
throw a couple of schoolgirls in the mix
always helps
somebody please
compile my code
* veverak find out he avoids it entire day
go on
just do it
no, don't do it
use the procrastination to do all the other important stuff you need done first
wise thing to do
compile your code? what? I compile my code millions of times.
I compile code when I'm stuck writing code so I don't have to write more code.
z64555: I tend to write entire file in one go
usually 280 lines
starts procrastrinating the moment it should be compiled first
deshipu: I tried to use TCP in micropython to set RGB leds, it received 4*60 bytes long message to set all leds and show them
with TCP I was waiting for like 0.2s to receive the message inside the esp8266
with UDP I got 33FPS on showing the led with this system
but I can see when UDP gives bad data or losts something
any tips for some compromise?
I suppose this may be more effecient on different interpretr though :/
P.S: want around 30FPS to be able to set all lds
veverak, so paste your code if you want help on it
this works fine at around ~30 fps but you can see that UDp is not 100% reliable
ok, maybe turn off webrepl and AP point esp is making ...
vverak: TCP for stuff that cannot be filtered (digital messages) UDP for streams that can (analog values)
both protocols suck