#robotics | Logs for 2016-09-08

[00:18:43] <rue_house> you put a dc brake on it, like another motor, but with a torque guage, like a stick and a fish scale
[00:19:05] <rue_house> you dial up the brake and measure the force on the scale, then calc the torque
[00:43:18] <The_Jester> greets to all
[01:28:11] <orlock> So, has it aired yet? NO SPOILERS1
[01:38:41] <The_Jester> whats that?
[01:57:40] <z64555> the US robot vs. the Jap robot
[13:57:00] <veverak> I need golden duck
[13:57:02] <veverak> or something
[13:57:09] <veverak> something to ask how to solve coding problems
[13:57:20] <deshipu> rubber duck
[13:57:56] <deshipu> golden duck is from that polish legend, where you got a pot of gold and had to spend it all during one night, but couldn't spend any of it on others, or it would all disappear
[13:58:13] <veverak> I see
[13:58:27] <veverak> this time was new
[13:58:37] <veverak> I usually figure out my problem after I ask on proper IRC channel
[13:58:44] <veverak> this time I figured it out before I pressed "send"
[21:52:20] <rue_shop4> I'm rusty, K is potassium?
[21:54:06] <mrdata-> yes