#robotics | Logs for 2016-09-07

[00:55:41] <The_Jester> rotor heads are not just simple props
[00:56:47] <The_Jester> rotor heads prominatly feature variable pitch, where propellers are typically fixed pitch
[01:01:55] <The_Jester> And when yout talking about rotor heads it is in referance to helicopter style rotor heads which will also feature cyclic control which is not needed in a ducted fan configuration
[01:03:11] <rue_house> two are printed
[01:03:14] <rue_house> try them out
[01:12:36] <The_Jester> excellent, how do the servo holes look
[01:12:48] <rue_house> like holes
[01:13:15] <rue_house> didn't try a servo, going down for the night soon
[01:13:25] <The_Jester> I suppose the question is if the screw holes line up with the servos
[01:14:09] <The_Jester> Suppose i should link to the next parts
[01:14:14] <rue_house> right, gnight
[01:14:39] <rue_house> you really should knock some speed holes in those plates tho :)
[01:15:16] <rue_house> I'm going to bed
[01:16:22] <The_Jester> no speed holes cheap ass.
[01:16:47] <The_Jester> Goodnight, Thanks for stopping by today
[01:19:43] <rue_bed> I made it
[01:20:58] <rue_bed> didn't get much done today
[01:21:13] <rue_bed> made another half bridge driver board
[01:22:07] <rue_bed> I dont know why surface mount diodes have to be 3 pin sot s
[01:22:33] <rue_bed> may have to tweek the half bridge driver design
[01:25:04] <rue_bed> for measuring the current I have an amplifying peek detector
[01:25:11] <rue_bed> a resettable one
[01:25:19] <rue_bed> every two pwm cycles I'll reset it
[01:25:42] <rue_bed> I should be able to alternate reading and resetting
[01:25:55] <rue_bed> that leaves me with 300Hz current samples
[01:26:06] <rue_bed> which should be fine
[01:26:48] <rue_bed> I can use quad op-amps
[01:26:57] <rue_bed> I only need 8 channels, so thats just 2 chips
[01:32:42] <rue_bed> wow, back in the day, I wrote a flc player
[01:32:47] <rue_bed> __in assembler__
[01:34:56] <rue_bed> how to know its coded by me:
[01:35:08] <rue_bed> spot jsr cin
[01:35:14] <rue_bed> a label called spot
[01:35:26] <rue_bed> jmp spot ; jump... good boy.
[01:35:32] <rue_bed> and there is the punch line
[08:45:01] <z64555> and here I have the lame ol' logical labels
[08:45:13] <z64555> "var1" "var2"
[08:45:27] <z64555> "input"
[08:45:55] <z64555> "loop1"
[08:46:06] <z64555> "exit"
[08:46:28] <z64555> and right next to me is a guy who comes up with random names for everything
[08:46:49] <z64555> oh, no, not random. just whatever curse word he hasn't used yet
[09:01:24] <deshipu> better than greek letters
[09:01:50] <veverak> :D
[09:08:31] <rue_house> loop is a keyword, I always used loup
[09:09:12] <z64555> it wasn't on the chip I was working with, so. eh.
[09:14:33] <deshipu> rue_house: bah, that's because you use the wrong language to name your variables
[09:14:36] <deshipu> and labels
[09:14:47] <deshipu> rue_house: just call it "petla"
[09:15:27] <veverak> :D
[09:15:50] <deshipu> or la
[09:15:54] <deshipu> or la boucle
[19:25:15] <rue_shop4> I REMEMBERED
[19:25:23] <rue_shop4> to buy muriatic acid!
[19:33:53] <Snert_> dissolving bodys are we?
[19:34:14] <Snert_> you know there's better methods of coverup.
[19:34:46] <deshipu> eat them
[19:35:10] <Snert_> Hannibal Lecter thought so.
[19:37:56] <anonnumberanon> Snert, which are?
[19:39:10] <Snert_> Me no murderer so I'd have a tough time with that one.
[19:39:28] <Snert_> Somehow, Jimmy Hoffa never got found.
[19:40:01] <Snert_> Rue....were you in on that Hoffa thing?
[19:41:27] <mrdata> teeth and medical implants require a bit more work
[19:41:29] <rue_house> ?
[19:41:42] <anonnumberanon> i was waiting for someone to say it..
[19:41:57] <rue_house> pcb etchant
[19:42:43] <anonnumberanon> no problem that a strong grinder can't fix, wait are we saying we burn the body then need to dispose of the teeth? you'd need a good grinder..
[19:43:00] <anonnumberanon> do bones burn well?
[19:43:08] <mrdata> not that great
[19:43:12] <anonnumberanon> do teech melt in acid?
[19:43:25] <mrdata> but Sulfuric acid turns the bones into gypsum
[19:43:26] <anonnumberanon> in that case all you need is a small bottle of acid for the cleanup
[19:44:47] <mrdata> i'm not sure about the teeth
[19:45:31] <anonnumberanon> you could ask insane pot smokers to give you tricks for massive grinders
[19:45:56] <mrdata> then if there's any gold fillings, you would fish those out and melt them down
[19:46:30] <anonnumberanon> wait couldn't you just dump all the ashes with the hard stuff into your forge?
[19:46:43] <anonnumberanon> remove steps
[19:49:21] <rue_house> https://web.archive.org/web/20060822061531/http://members.optusnet.com.au/~eseychell/PCB/etching_CuCl/index.html
[19:49:25] <rue_house> thats what I was looking for
[19:58:23] <anonnumberanon> so, you've been at this for days, any satisfying results
[19:58:25] <anonnumberanon> ?
[19:58:42] <anonnumberanon> me I'm just doing car problem troubleshooting these past few days
[19:59:28] <anonnumberanon> gonna check a sensor output's voltage range while at load to see if it needs replacing, if not then I will be very depressed, and excited at the same time
[19:59:37] <anonnumberanon> I can't describe that feeling very well.
[19:59:41] <anonnumberanon> /emo
[19:59:43] <anonnumberanon> /blog
[20:00:11] <rue_house> I used my old etchant to do the boards I needed
[20:00:23] <rue_house> I'm just gathering materials to make the new etchant
[20:00:34] <rue_house> have not mixed or tested anything yet
[20:00:40] <rue_house> I dont expect problems
[20:34:47] <anonnumberanon> What has faster data transmission, a usb to uart to microcontroller, or a microcontroller with integrated USB facilities?
[20:44:01] <rue_house> niether
[20:44:11] <rue_house> the limit is the recieve rate of the microcontroller
[20:44:49] <rue_house> unless you take the case of a spherical cow
[20:46:12] <SpeedEvil> anonnumberanon: as above
[20:46:26] <SpeedEvil> anonnumberanon: there exist 'high speed' USB3 microcontrollers that can do gigabits/s
[20:46:59] <SpeedEvil> err
[20:47:03] <SpeedEvil> superspeed, not high speed
[20:47:16] <rue_house> but the microcontroller cant
[20:47:26] <rue_house> the microcontroller prolyl cant even keep up with 115200 baud
[20:47:45] <anonnumberanon> why wouldn't it?
[20:48:01] <rue_house> 8 bit avr at up to 20Mhz?
[20:48:30] <anonnumberanon> I'm reading the 32u4 section about USB applications and stuff
[20:48:53] <anonnumberanon> crystals, I don't think they should be the standard 16 mgh, iv seen 24, sometimes 48 mghz
[20:49:38] <SpeedEvil> rue_house: what?
[20:49:54] <SpeedEvil> rue_house: the microcontroller has onboard usb3 and SATA units (as an example)
[20:50:02] <SpeedEvil> it is designed as a disk drive.
[20:50:12] <SpeedEvil> there are many other units
[20:50:33] <SpeedEvil> USB2, and capable of doing full USB2 bandwidth to a parallel bus is pretty common - cypress has one, for example
[20:52:44] <anonnumberanon> meh it says it needs a crystal on ly for full speed (USB1), can't be arsed to find what speed crystals they want you to hook up
[20:53:16] <anonnumberanon> lower speed can be done without external crystal, 1.5megabits per second
[20:55:48] <codepython777> does anyone know what exactly this is: https://www.amainhobbies.com/hobbywing-ezrun-max5-v3-1-5-scale-waterproof-brushless-esc-200a-38s-hwa3010400/p453309 - and why it is so expensive?
[20:57:29] <rue_shop4> then its not a mega32
[20:58:52] <SpeedEvil> codepython777: It's a waterproof brushless motor driver that can drive a 6kW motor
[21:02:23] <codepython777> SpeedEvil: Thanks
[21:02:39] <SpeedEvil> So in about two and a half pounds, you can have motor + driver = 6kW. http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__80904__Multistar_High_Capacity_4S_20000mAh_Multi_Rotor_Lipo_Pack_UK_Warehouse_.html Add two of these, and you can do it for 12 minutes at full power for about 8 pounds
[21:03:10] <X-Scale> damn...amazing dance with that harm from Kuka robotics on Rio2016 special olympics opening ceremony...I'm impressed
[21:03:43] <codepython777> SpeedEvil: which motor? :)
[21:04:15] <SpeedEvil> https://www.amainhobbies.com/castle-creations-2028-1-5-scale-brushless-motor-800kv-cse060-0054-00/p384850
[21:11:20] <codepython777> SpeedEvil: I am talking about this at #electronics
[22:07:24] <codepython777> SpeedEvil: how does one calculate a torque from one of these types of motors? (the one you linked)